5.05 Episode Review

Oct 11, 2009 17:16

Episode reviews by tahirire and blacklid: 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 |

Supernatural 5.05 - Fallen Idols



We open in classic Show style - Meeting a random person or group of people who will be dead by the time the Title Card of Awesome appears. Hello, hapless victim!!

Waitaminute - haven't we killed you off before? *blinkblink*

Glen! HI GLEN! Good thing Glen 2.0 died before the Title Card - I'm pretty sure he would have been one of Zachariah's 'fringier' spies. CAREFUL, DEAN!

Now, I know this isn't the 'real' car, and I'm not really a Porsche fan - but hot damn this car is gorgeous.

It's so cute, these two best friends coming together to gloat share their curse good fortune together. He even waited to start the car until the Other Guy got there. N'awwwwwWWWWwww.


Not since whatshisface ate razorblades at Halloween have I actually gone,
In other words - well done, Show.

Remember when we couldn't get an aired shot of Dean's brain going splat on the wall in season 1? Or when Network complained about suicidal Teddy fluff being 'too disturbing'?

Dear Network,
Um ... I don't get it. 

P.S. - That's hot.


Is it just me, or does it feel like FOREVER since we opened Show with Gore followed closely by Boys Driving in The Car down a Long and Lonesome Road?

At the end of, well - The End - blacklid and I discussed with some length the fact that Dean seemed to be accepting Sam back on more equal terms, but that Sam Didn't Get It. So, in this scene, I was feeling like that was a correct assumption, and I was proud of Dean not only for insisting on a slow-down ...

But also for recognizing that Sam still Didn't Get It (probably due to the 'End of discussion!') and continuing  to clarify until Sam DID get it. Training wheels for both of them. For them as a team. Fresh start. For both of them.

Sam's final 'Okay,' left me feeling like even though they'd been back together for 3 weeks already and things were still strained, maybe this was going to work after all.


Apparently 3 weeks is more than enough time to get Sam new fake IDs. I kind of want to read the fic where Dean suggests a case and Sam goes, 'Uhh .... I kinda don't have, uh - .'

*throws plot bunnies all over the place*

They seem to slip easily back into their routine; I can't help but think Dean must be SO glad he doesn't have FBI!Cas as backup anymore, for one thing - but that quickly becomes part of their deeper problem.

Oh, and - uh - Sam is really pretty in this episode. Apparently we have reached that point in the season where they back off and start letting Jared do Sam's hair himself. Why does it always take them 3 episodes?

I kinda gotta love the Sheriff - he's so sure. Poor guy, he just has no clue. *pets*


This guy is REALLY on the wrong side of the fence. Poor guy, just because the Sheriff has no idea what's going on, HE did it?  Poor guy. *pets*

But it's okay, because his story makes Dean go all fanboy over a car. Which I approve of. Deeply.

And it makes Sam make the 'please shut up before you say something stupid, I'm trying to listen to This Guy.' face.


Oh, Show. That is NOT how you clean blood off of a car!


I love it when Dean knows names and dates and things on famous haunted objects ... but it makes me a little bzuhh over his later skepticism re: famous ghosts.

Dear Dean,

You took out BLOODY  MARY. And the HOOKMAN. Remember that?
I know I do - I almost peed myself!

Confusedly yours,

"Hey Sam. Run to the trunk and get our blood cleaner."

"Awwww maaaaan ..."

I really have nothing to say about this except LOL THEIR  FACES.

I know this is supposed to be terror, but it reminds me of the Magic Fingers.

If Sam is thinking what I'm thinking, he's wondering why Dean hasn't just CALLED  OUT  THE  NUMBER. Hmm, but that would take teamwork, now wouldn't it ...

*Jeopardy Theme Plays*

Then, having done The Hard and Dangerous Stuff (in spite of the fact that Sam volunteered to do it), Dean proceeds to step number two of Hunting With Your Little Brother - make him do all the research.

Careful, Dean.
There's that rut again.
Routine is nice and all, but I was starting to have 4.1 flashbacks, of the 'the smarter brother's back in town' variety.

Looks like I'm not the only one having the flashbacks, either.


Dean sinks even MORE into his old habits as the case goes on.
 Including hanging out at the bar with Casey the hot bartender chick.

I miss Casey. Anyone else?

On the one hand, I'm really happy that Dean seems to be ... you know ... ALIVE again.
On the other hand ...

Sam deserves to live a little, too. And sure - he wouldn't want to - but that's not the point, is it?

You know how when your mom asks if you are doing something and you lie, not because it's wrong, but because you just know she wouldn't like it ?  Yeah.

And then she catches you? Yeah.

And then you feel like a tool? Uh ... yeah.

Although I do like Dean saying 'World's smallest violin, dude.'
Just because I totally say that. All the time. In stereo.



More hapless victims! More GORE!


I go, "Oh, look! The Proclamation!"

And my husband goes, "That's not the first blood shed over it, either."



And here we have supposed FBI agents in not-matching suits. Dean looks so nice in dark blue, though - and Sam looks so nice in black ... I guess the Sheriff thinks it must be okay. Y'know, 'cos they're so pretty.


If Sam wasn't my hero before, he sure is now. NO ONE remembers freshman Spanish!

"My name is C3PO, human cyborg relations ..."

I do love, love, love the return of their little coded shared glances. As with so many details of their relationship, there are things you just don't realize are gone until they come back. You just know something is WRONG.

Our guys are SO talented, you guys.


Something Wicked, right? Right?

'Cept now it's called the Nite Owl. Approved.

Dean haz laptop!

..... ouch, Show.

So. How long were they apart for?  Anyone done the math?  Lucifer rose on September 10th, they split up after 5.02, they've already been back together for 3 weeks at least... do you think Dean went and got a laptop first thing, just like Sam burned his IDs?

Both suggest that even though neither of them said it, they were both expecting to never reunite. Sad.

On the other hand, they have the same desktop wallpaper!

And Dean is helping research! Group therapy sessions activities are important.

Totally gratuitous teamwork!boys spam in 5,4,3,2,1....

*happy sigh*


I would just like to go on record now and say that wax museums = CREEPY. I've seen that Twilight Zone one too many times. The old one, not that new crap that passes for TZ nowadays. Anyway - creepy.


The Fonz, seasons 2-4. LOLZ.

This guy is the poster boy for being optimistic in the face of a recession.

Dean is intrigued by the phrase, 'sexting', I  can tell.

Sam likes him. I bet he says okie dokie.


I love how this never gets old. But also I noticed how covert he's being - s1, s2, hell, even in Mystery Spot, he would just stand there in plain sight and pack the trunk, onlookers be damned.
Can't afford to take chances now?  Lost some confidance?  Hm.

Hey Dean -

You know when you get caught saying something you're already ashamed of before you're even done saying it?

And there is nothing to do except be a defensive asshole when confronted with said thing that you said?

And you really, really hurt someone's feelings?

... yeah.



Dear Dean,
You making a joke, even with a funny face AND a funny voice, is not making it go away.

P.S. - Sam doesn't think so, either.

Dear Sam,



Something about the deep growly way Sam goes, "DEAN!" here makes strange things happen to my brain.  
Just my brain. Swear.

Watching Sam fight Ghandi is kind of like watching Yoda fight whatshisname in one of those Star Wars Movies I Do Not Speak Of.

Geez Dean, short-term memory much? GLASSES!!!

SHOW. WHYYY. Enough is enough already!

Breathe, Sam.

While it IS funny that Sam got attacked by Ghandi - it's that same routine all over again. Almost formulaic, really.

1) Defeat the Bad Thing
2) Mock your little brother

Step 3 is usually a fight. *sigh*

On to part 2.

episode review

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