5.02 Good God, Y'All, part 1/3

Sep 28, 2009 21:11

The Far Side of Sympathy For The Devil

caps for 502 by rawr_caps

Bobby in a two-wheeler is just plain depressing... *sigh* BUT! I think we can still count on Bobby to go where no man on two wheels has gone before, because by next week I'm expecting this thing to have a supercharger, after-market Ford 9-inch ('cuz hi Ford, it's the apocalypse) rear end - maybe with the posi - and forced induction. No chrome rims, though; Bobby spends it where it counts.

Or, you know, JensenDean could just give him a back rub. I hear Arnica oil is relaxing... actually, this blocking is interesting because it reminds me of Dream a Little Dream of Me where interestingly it was all hallucinations and nobody really dreamed at all when Dean was watching over Bobby from the first last time he charged into a hunt and met with a rather unexpectedly powerful adversary that even Bobby wasn't prepared for. Which is unheard of. Which makes me wonder just WHAT amulet exactly that he sold to Bela that he didn't think was all that important and it was protecting him in some unknown way or working as a mental clarifier or... what was I saying?

*refills coffee cup*

So while Sam broods at this latest travesty that he and Dean have accidentallyed, Dean goes over to radiology to get Glamour Shots of his breathing apparatus... you know, where he gets the air for words. *shifty eyes*

[7:21:44 PM] Tahiri: Is that connected to his clavicle?
[7:21:47 PM] Lid: Boo you whore.
[7:21:56 PM] Tahiri: Well, is it?
[7:22:05 PM] Lid: ...maybe. The clavicle is where their tattoo is and ACTUALLY, the Enochian magick does require the use of the pentagram in some cases.
[7:23:10 PM] Tahiri: but then why - ?
[7:25:15 PM] Lid: *crickets*

Dear Show,
I don't know what I love the most:
1) that the film actually has the correct airdate of the episode on it (24-09-2009), or
2) that Dean used "Oz Osbourne" as his name, or
3) that three of the four Enochian seals of the watchtowers (equating to the five elements if you adhere to the Golden Dawn's interpretation) are on his sterum, or
4) that Sam says "holy crap" when he holds it up... or
5) that in Enochian Vision Magick, there is a Wicked Angel for every Good Angel invokable by the Elemental Table and that these symbols don't actually hide you from angels at all... (that would be a lot of lube really good god angel condom prep job. ... huh.)


Sam: "Mine's got really sharp claws."

Dean: "Speak of the devil."

Dear Dean,
So, Cas, I mean Castiel, is a very disciplined angel and calls ahead to make sure that his order is ready for pick-up? You could say that. But if we want to get into guilt by association here, we need more paper.

*presses pause* *blinks*

Okay, y'all. I know I'm all about looking at metas and finding patterns and seeing if the patterns mean anything, like the recurring bridges in the backgrounds and the colors and all that jazz, but this one seemed a little... I dunno. Weird. Coincidence, probably. But, weird.

*hands* Huh HEH. (Dean's insides)

*points* Huh huh HEH. (Chuck's, uh... inside)

Yeah, IDK. Moving on.

Dear Mr. Phil Scriggia SirShow,
Please, please, please if it's posteritized, please put in the gag reel THIS WHOLE DAY, like how Jared kept spanking Misha's ass every time he walked through the door. I would love you very much forever and ever.

Kenneth Branagh voice: We few. We happy few. We Band of BrothersThree Stooges.

Aw, CasCas don't have his mojo no more. He can trapeze through hammerspace with the greatest of ease, but he can't play Dr. Horrible. But... wait a minute. If God brought him back like he thinks that He did, then wouldn't Castiel have more ganja? Is being cut off from Heaven different from being cut off from God? Well, color me confused in the face.

Room 113? Gee, I hope Bobby's not superstitious because THAT'S JUST WRONG, Bunnie Darko.

Dear Bobby,
You've sacrificed so much for these boys and it's all over your face right here that you thought this was just gonna be a temporary kinda thing and you'd rather tip-toe through the tulips with a pink tutu right now than put up with this angel shenanigans... like, how he can't fix your legs 'cause he's got more important things to do... uh huh like WHAT?!
There's so much of that shock in your face that people get when they hear words like "terminal" or "permanent" or "inoperable" and it just makes me want to sit here with you and try to make it better, but all I can do is make little blessing birds out of gift ribbon like I did when my grandfather was in the hospital and just keep hoping and why am I talking about this right now?
*hugs Bobby*
P.S. John Winchester wants his robe back.

Castiel: "Dean, I gotta find God. I heard He's on a tortilla covered in strawberry pancake syrup in New Mexico."

Castiel: "I need to use your frequent flier miles."

Dear Sam,
You know how you're always looking for that Great Problem Solver in the Sky? You know the one - the kind that fixes everything and makes everything rainbows and puppies - the Deus Ex Machina? You know what that means in Latin? ... Don't you feel kinda silly now looking for magic guns and knives and potions and stuff when the real God Machine was just waiting for you to ask the right question? And doesn't it suck how the one guy you'd love to put in his place when it comes to trust in your brother's heart right now kinda had the pre-existing condition that led him to think of it first? 
P.S. I bet you can find him first. *nods*
P.P.S. You know how Castiel tried to tell you that Lucifer can't be killed? You might wanna remember that one.

Castiel: "I needz it from youse. It's the One Ring, precious. Twenty... twenty rings for regular n00bs, ah, ah, ah. Three for teh Matrix, seven for dems prophets in bathrobes and such, nine for huntern00bs, and one for peanut butter. ... Teh One Ring, it burns us when there's God, SRSLY!!!!11!!"

Dean: "SRSLY?! God doesn't make his own PANCAKES ANYMOAR?! WHAT HAVE WE BECOME?" *eyeroll*

Gandalf: "Idjits."

Dear Sam,
The way to get the Deus Ex Machina is by using a little neck trinket that was in front of you the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME that Dean was headed to the great fiery hezbollah in the sky? SUCKS TO BE YOU.
P.S. I kinda take back what I said about you looking for a magical loophole - I guess you were predestined to think that way since it was supposed to be you who figured this out in the first place. It really does SUCK TO BE YOU.
P.P.S. Don't be too hard on yourself. It wouldn't have saved him, you know, and you didn't destroy the world all by yourself. Cut it out.
-Lid, who is watery-eyeballed.

Did anyone see Bobby's eyes go HOLY JEEBUS and cut to Dean for half a second when he says to Castiel, "An amulet? What kind?" IT WAS LIKE HE ALREADY KNEW.

Dear Dean,
I loved you for saying, "NO CAN HAS." Okay, you didn't say it quite like that, but for a split second I saw more loyalty to your brother than to this angel guy and my heart skipped a beat. 
P.S. Did you know that Sam had to look away when you finally gave it to him?
P.P.S. BAH. If you have it and you were DESTINED to have it, then why can't YOU use it? Why didn't you think of that? You know what that gets you?

Dean: "Don't. LOSE. IT. Sam got this out of a vending machine. It cost a QUARTER at the All-N-One. It's the only jewelry I own that doesn't turn my skin green."


Isn't texting more reliable than voice? Couldn't  Mr. XRufus just, I don't know, Twitter his coordinates to Bobby with the message "OMGWTFBBQ! HALP!"? Oh, I guess not, since we all broke Twitter the week before, and also he has a satelittle phone and it STILL cuts out. Smells like Operation Peanut Butter to me.

Those dang Fords - always bringin' on da'Poxalypse.

Bobby: "Did you say DOUBLE sausage?"

And so, our intrepid heroes take the job of saving someone's ass, which they haven't done in a while, and drive their badass car, which is not a Ford, to the edge of town.


Dear Ivan&Co,
This is some of the coolest CGI I've seen lately on the show. Daaaaaang. I'mma fall off. Cool!

It's the only road in or out and the bridge is toast.
*sings the toast song*
Yeah, that doesn't ring any bells AT ALL.

Also, I really really REALLY want to know how the boys crossed the river without being dripping wet while walking down Main Street. Did they use zip lines? I feel cheated.

LOL for real... Grand Marshall and Rodeo Queen. Is it just me, or are really bright, festive colors like carnivals just an invitation for people to get killed and, more specifically, eaten? This is starting to feel even more like that time where a whole town was abandoned and everyone just disappeared.

Yay, toast.

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind / There was something so pleasant about that place. / Even your emotions had an echo / In so much space / And when you're out there / Without care / Yeah, I was out of touch / But it wasn't because I didn't know enough / I just knew too much / Does that make me crazy?

All the cars on the show recently have been awesome. I've noticed since around 4.16 that we're getting a lot of derelict and wrecked automobiles and it's really adding to the feeling of destitution for me because there's just nothing sadder than a trashed car when you're attached to your own cars like they're part of your family. Call me a wuss, but it's like seeing kicked puppies everywhere, even if some of them ARE Fords.

*pokes* Um, guys. Guys. I know that seeing a car on top of a baby stroller is grounds for forgetting a lot of things, but... remember how your dad was a former Marine and how your training surely included the wisdom to always guard your flank? TURN AROUND.

Ellen: "Are you classified as human?"
Dean: "Negative, I am a meat popsicle."

This confused me in retrospect. Firstly, Bobby didn't tell her that Dean was back, so yes, of course, she would have the same reaction to Dean looking like nothing had ever happened to him. On the other hand though, if she's fighting a town full of demons that don't react to holy water, this means that not all demons react to holy water, right? Especially when they're really powerful. And hey, comon, this is Dean we're talking about - then what are you giving him a bath for?

On the other other hand, who cares? I think she just likes seeing Dean all wet in the face, I mean, don't you?

Also? The look on Sam's face like he's glad that Ellen didn't splash HIM because he has not run that test lately - JUST KILLED ME.

It's so good to see you. I mean, considering this probably means that fit is really hitting the shan around here if you're here, too, but it still stands.

Also, you're not supposed to step on your salt lines. You might scuff them.

They look so beleaguered here, like hunting is really the LAST thing on their minds right now... but what else are they gonna do? Oh, boys.

He just totally got manhandledhugged!!! *smirk*

He just totally got manhandledhugged!!! ... ... *smirk*

Dear Ellen,
My props for the hug-shmacking. I owed him at least two from last week.
Ta babe,

Ellen: "What, are you allergic to giving me peace of mind?!" *looks pointedly at Sam*
Sam: eep.

This whole sequence makes me glee. I think I watched it about 10 times. It's like that voice mail actually happened.

Also, I love how much they do with this scene even though Dean has practically no lines and Sam has none at all. When I wrote it down and looked at it on paper, it gave me a whole new appreciation. In fact, it made me think about how little Sam actually said for the first few hours they were there, how he's gone from seeing himself as the superior hunter to barely lifting his eyes from the floor. ... In fact, "God EMF" was the last not-purposefully-mundane thing Sam has said... and I can still hear it like a gerbil running on a hamster-wheel in his brains.


Ellen: "So, this is it? End times?"
Sam and Dean: *shift uncomfortably*
Sam: "Seems like it."

It's so simple but it says so much about Ellen. She's asking such a loaded question. If someone told her, would she change her predilection toward accepting help from them? Turns out that we - The Watchers - don't truly understand what she knows or what she's simply accepting, but the fact of the matter is that she's giving them a lot of hope with the gesture: to just "keep keepin' on".

Either way - it's nine words - she hears the answer and she nods and looks aside like she's storing that fact in hammerspace to deal with later. It's soooo like Ellen, when she's heard bad news before, to blithely pick up and move forward hopefully anyway with so many questions waiting in the wings ... yay for character continuity!

Also, it stages the WHOLE NEXT CHAPTER of this episode by setting that expectation: that people are not always who or what they seem and help can come from unexpected places.

Dear Sera Gamble,
I want to have your babies.
-Lid, who wants to have your babies now

This Army guy on the left was everywhere all the time and for a while, I thought he was the bad news bear.

Then I looked for any pretty black guys that might fit the Uriel profile and I didn't see any, but I saw an old guy and a young guy and a well-to-do guy and a woman who might be black but I'm not sure and ... what the HELL, people! Lord of the Flies this ain't.

And then for a second, I thought it was the guy in the glasses because he looked a collar-step above the working class in that room and he was wearing his wedding ring on his right hand, but then I remembered that's where Dean wears his ring, too, and I'm just gonna shut up now.

Dear Dean,
Yeah, I absolutely want to see Baby Bump carrying a rifle. She'll probably be one of the more dangerous ones you've got.
-Lid, who prefers handguns

Dean still feels like the one in charge, but Sam is the one taking the lead all of a sudden when the idea of demons comes up. I don't blame him for thinking twice about Sam going out there. However, the sign for Pancake Breakfast is probably reminiscent of the Mystery Spot for Sam and the only thing he's thinking about is not if Dean could do it, but whether Dean would come back at all.

And mostly, Sam just wants to kill him some friggin demons. FOR GREAT JUSTICE.

Which it appears that he'll be able to do, because here come two right now looking for the guys who braved to wander the streets in open daylight and not because they are hungry hungry hippos for some powdered sugar donuts. But, if I were them and if I were a demon (because I might be - I mean, the guy on the right looks like my brother-in-law) I would send a hell of a lot more than two dudes after Sam Winchester, powers or not.

Dear Fandom,
It's okay, just tell me that I need to quit lapping the sauce, but Sam's eyes are glowing yellow here at the sight of these guys and the prospect of killing them. I don't know whether to squeal with delight or hide under the couch... probably both.
-Lid, who is secretly gleeful

Part Two

dean!, batshanging, episode picspam review, damsels are hawt, bobby!, cnk 80q3, because it's wrong, review, sera gamble i want to have your babies, on the other other hand

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