5.13 episode review, part 1

Feb 09, 2010 22:34

Episode reviews by tahirire and blacklid are located here, at my master list.

5.13 - The Song Remains The Same.
(Fair warning - I talk A LOT in this review. A LOT.)

Caps this week by ina_ami.

The Road So Far


I like how when these promo pictures came out nobody knew what episode they were for, lol. Nope, it's not Valentine's day - it's just an average night in Dean's head, PSYCH! Ah-hahaha.

I love these little glimpses into Dean's subconscious.

*soapbox warning*

Anyone who insists on taking this scene as proof that Dean is a skeevy misogynistic jackass may not want to read my recap of this scene. Fair warning.

5.11 was the biggest look In There we've seen yet, and I can't help but compare the two insights together. In 5.11, we see that not only does Dean deeply desire to be honest with himself about certain issues, but that the person he conjures to TALK TO about these things is an incredibly strong, intelligent, confidant WOMAN who is just as much of a badass as he is!
I found that totally consistent with his historical 'type'. (ie: Cassie, Jamie, Lisa.)

So, IMO, just because Dean is having a stripper dream doesn't make him ... whatever people are saying he is. It makes him a GUY. Not only does it make him a guy, but holy smokes, he's OBSERVING THE SIX FOOT RULE. How much of a gentleman do you have to be to observe the six foot rule IN YOUR OWN DREAM!?!? What more do you people WANT!?


*deep breath*

I said you people again, didn't I? I wish I knew how to quit that.

*disclaimer: My flist is not generally included in my youpeopleing of fandom*

Ok, soapbox moment over.

I, for one, LOVE this shot of Anna popping up behind the two girls. For one thing, I have been extremely jealous of her hair ever since the first time I saw her. For another thing, this is very Dark Phoenix-ish, which I Like. Maybe those two things are related, maybe. Probably.

Not only is Anna's presence in Dean's dream unexpected, but it brings up something that has been nagging me since 5.03.

Dear Show,

Um. *scratches head* WHEN are you going to admit Lucifer has been talking to Sam at night?
It'd make great drama, and there's no reason, canonically speaking, that you can't. I'm just sayin'.

Impatiently yours,


PS - Also also, and this might just be me, but, WANT MOAR POWERS SAM NAO. Kthx. ;) 
PPS - And if any old angel can come talk to anyone in their sleep, why hasn't Michael tried to talk to Dean BEFORE?
(more on that later)

I feel really bad for Anna. I have a little bit of a varied history with liking her or not - mainly I could never decide if I DID or not - but I think I always landed on yes, I did, and she doesn't deserve what she's been through, and honestly, if you were her, you'd probably decide to do the same thing, heck, even SAM thought it was a good idea.

*holds back a wibble*

I like that even though they have a history and Dean is clearly horrified at her news of where she's been and what's been done to her, he's still skeptical. It's a sad hallmark of just how little Dean trusts anyone these days, but also you have to remember that Dean's done the whole torture-by-the-enemies routine, and if anyone knows you don't just walk off the rack because you TRY to, it's him.

Also, I can't help but feel bad for her that probably where she went wrong here was insulting Castiel first thing, because Dean obviously DOES think he's trustworthy - but as of the last time Anna saw him, he really WASN'T - he had just sprung Sam and he was setting Dean up to deal with the consequences - so if I was Anna I'd think the exact same things. She doesn't know what all has happened since then to make him worthy of Dean's trust.


I would pay money to see that boy sleep under the covers. In pajamas. Soundly. For more than an hour. It's been so long.

Dean - you're breakin' my heart, kid.


I also love how much Dean apparently DOES trust Castiel, because obviously Cas HAS earned it at this point and even though he still has things he isn't telling them, which irks me a tad, I think we can assume safely by now that he's going to stay one of the good guys.

Anyway, now I'm picturing Dean sitting up in bed, whipping out his cell phone with one hand and snapping at Sam to wake him up with the other hand and launching into a full explanation of what just happened to both of them at the same time, only to get cut off halfway through his dissertation by Cas showing up like a foot in front of his face.


There is SOMETHING on the wall on the right side of these caps that looks like the angel warding sigil stuff, but it's all faded off and it's driving me CRAZY. thoughts?

(You see it, right? It's not just me, right??)

I kind of squeed at Castiel's little grand entrance here. I'm assuming it took quite a bit of power, and I'm not sure if he's working off of a reserve or what, but clearly it was important for the coming confrontation that Anna think him just as powerful as he was when she saw him last. But also it gave me 4.1 flashbacks, and that can never been a bad thing. :)

I like that despite Dean's obvious skepticism, he still wants to help Anna and sides with her, but that they both trust Cas enough to let him take the lead on this one even though they really did actually want to come themselves. Which is awesome, because look! Having a third person around to watch your back DOES keep you from doing stupid things sometimes! :D

Oh, Cas. You're getting old, buddy.

But you learned how to tie your tie! That's something!

I enjoyed the exchange they had about escaping prison Upstairs, because like Dean, if there is anyone who knows you don't just walk out of prison, it's Cas.

Personally, I think Anna really did THINK she escaped, similar to how Sam 'escaped' the panic room. My own theory is that Michael engineered the circumstances of her 'escape' once he was sure she would lead the boys back to a time when he'd FINALLY have an opportunity to talk to Dean.

Oh THERE it is. I've been wondering. Good to know he hasn't lost it.

Now let's see the amulet, mmmkai?

I do have to admit the first thing that popped into my head when Anna pulled out her knife was, 'Tsk, you call that a knife?'

image Click to view

Sam is the only vessel that matters, WHAT.
Castiel still can't find God, WHAT? Anna wants to scatter Sam across the Universe, WAT!!!

Obviously that girl is misinformed. Obviously she forgot how to read Cas's shifty eyes.

Obviously she forgot about DEAN.

She reminds me of, well, of Cas. "If you want. To stop. The Devil. THIS IS HOW."

But the answer is still no.

"Because Sam is my friend."



"Anna we've been through much together - but you come near Sam Winchester, and I'll kill you."



Dear Show,

ICWYDT. And I like it.

Truly Impressed,



Not sure why I always feel the need to include caps of Procedural Things. Meh.

So LOVE the Glenn Close exchange. And also Dean's continued perpetual!offendedness re: poor dead rabbits.

But when Sam asks if Anna has a point and makes his little earnest face and Cas has to check with Dean first before he decides how to answer it's like GAH SHOW. WHY YOU GOT TO KILL ME SO MUCH.

Also, Sam? Yellow is for your eyes only. Kthx.

Cas really took a few for the team this episode, huh?

One of the things that killed me about this episode overall is how quickly the boys are willing to accept their own deaths or erasures if it means it will save people, but they are so quick to jump to save their parents. We can hardly blame them, but the truth of the matter is, whether Mary walked into that nursery or not, Azazel still would have come for Sam. Maybe the logic there is that at least if Mary had lived, they could have maintained the illusion of being a normal family for longer - experienced more life - before Sam mysteriously vanished one day for no reason only to turn up dead in Cold Oak South Dakota with no one being the wiser as to why.

Random - I love Dean turning to Sam and going, 'Bend your knees.' /Random


*hums 'Back in TiiiIIiiIIIIime*

I think yer angel is defective, guys. I'm just sayin'. Maybe check his warranty.

I love how amused Dean is by the 70s even though he's totally worried about his little nerdy dude. I love even MORE how Sam says, 'I mean, the mustaches ALONE!', because it's EXACTLY how Gary said 'I mean, the bread ALONE!' last week during
That Episode Where Everyone Was All Up In Dean's Face For Not Noticing Sam Wasn't Sam Sooner.

AND, also, now I want to read the A/U where SamnDean kill Anna but stay in the 70's to watch over their younger selves, buy stock in Microsoft and get really really rich and can actually be Batman.


This is not Their House. What city are they in? Anyone? Bueller? Logic dictates that it would be Lawrence, but OMG WHY WOULD THEY STAY THERE, SHOW. WHY. Plus they took a little road trip to get to the old Campbell house, so ... maybe not Lawrence? Idk.

Then, otoh, Dean was born in Lawrence, right? Also John worked at the garage ... meh. It's probably Lawrence somewhere.

*throws hands*

Anyway, they know it's the right house because HI, IMPALA!! HI!!!

I love how Sam is just going to walk in and SAVE EVERYBODY and doesn't stop to think of a cover story right away, and I love how scared Dean is that his mom might take one look at him and kick his BUTT. Poor Dean, it's hard to go without your standard movie examples to explain things to people, isn't it?


I like the little glimpses we get of them just being them. You expect them to be ... I don't know, different from the John and Mary we remember from Sam and Dean's memories, but they really aren't. They really ARE like how Sam and Dean imagine them, when they think about what they must have been like. I'm not sure, but I think that makes it hurt WORSE.


Mary is just as Awesome as they always thought she was ... and John is still the same insecure, stubborn dude he grew to be later. Just ... toned down a lot.

Before you all lynch me, hear me out.

One minute, we have him telling Mary that work was ... greeeaat.... and the next we see him begging the garage manager for a part-time job. Not sure why they threw that in there, except maybe to reinforce that John always felt very strongly that he should be the one to provide for and protect his family, and that he'd do anything to keep them safe, including lie to them if need be. Sound familiar?

More on that later.

You know that knock on the door that you never want? This is the face you make when you open it.
This girl is awesome.

So, when Sam looked at Mary for the first time, did you guys hear that noise? 
Because that was my heart. Shattering. Into a billion irretrievable pieces.

EVERYONE is so stalled on what to say - I was impressed with Dean, poor guy.
Usually Sam is the quick talker.

Dean's been through this once, not that it's easier or less jarring for him, but at least he knows a LITTLE of what to expect. He practically has to elbow Sam in the ribs to get him to answer John. I've never seen Sam so flustered.


Dear Jared,

You killed me. I know I've said that before, but this time ... ngh.

Yours from beyond the grave,


There's just SO MUCH EMOTION there.
Everything between them, everything he never got to say, the last words he ever DID say, not knowing where he is now and if he's okay, wondering what he knew about all this destiny stuff, wishing he could have known how to relate like he does now before it was too late ... just, this is me, in a puddle on the floor.

No really. I think this is when I started crying, and I didn't stop the rest of the episode.
So, by the time it was over, there was a significant puddle.

~*there are no words*~

I just can't get over how he can't stop staring at her and how he can't help it he has to tell her how amazing she is and HE'S NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE, PEOPLE, HE DOESN'T REMEMBER HER AND HIS WHOLE LIFE SHE'S BEEN THE CENTRAL FORCE BEHIND EVERYTHING HIS FAMILY EVER STOOD FOR AND

I can't blame Mary for being a little weirded out, although if you look fast, initially she does smile at him.


♥Oh Dean.♥

So apparently John thinks Mary's dad died of a heart attack. Interesting.
I know that you can tell a traumatized person just about whatever they want to believe that will make sense, but John WAS a Marine, and he'd seen action ... somehow, I just really wonder how they pulled that one off. Plus, how'd they explain her MOM?

*throws in explainers*


Dear John,

Why so sneaky?

Curiously yours,


OH - I forgot to say earlier that the first commercial break, the first thing that came on said, 'Supernatural is sponsored by Dear John', and I LOL'ed.

Anna talking with the dude's voice totally weirds me out. I have cognitive dissonance.

I love how even though Mary has been out of it for a while, and she's sworn it off, she's still a hunter. It's in her blood, and not just literally. She reminds me of Sam in the Pilot - picking right up with the 'what have you got' and the 'let me hear that again'. Kind of like ridin' a bike, huh?

Point is, demon, angel, whatever - not actually hunting doesn't keep you from being a victim if there are things after you.
Living in denial gets you nowhere. THAT is why John raised his kids as hunters.
Because he knew something wanted his kids, and he had to.

Or at least that's one of the main reasons. It's the one he told himself the most.

She believes them because she's been there before.

Wow, I talked a lot. Imma talk MORE the next two parts.
Y'all should eat something.

Part two

meta, thinky-thoughts, fear the wrath of the eta, picspam, epic show pwns everything, episode review, samndean own my soul

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