5.15 episode review, part 1

Mar 28, 2010 00:50

Episode reviews by tahirire and blacklid are located here, at my master list.

5.15 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid


This episode was aired out of order and was supposed to take place BEFORE My Bloody Valentine. For the sake of canon compliant continuity, blacklid and I have decided to review them in the order they were originally intended to air.
Because they make SO MUCH MORE SENSE that way.

Caps this week by ina_ami.

The Far Side of My Bloody Valentine


I don't usually include caps of the previouslies, but I wanted to nod to the fact that they TRIED, really hard, to segue from MBV to this episode. It DOES work, but something tells me 16 will be a much better follow up. Oh well. When I re-watch them, they will go back the way they were supposed to be.

Anyway, the segue - They used clips of all the ah-ha moments so far from S5 that lead us to believe Dean is dead inside. It's a nice opener to a zombie ep, out of order or no.

Of course, at this point, we've already been told that, but I'd venture to say that if they hadn't added the MBV clips in here, it would have been a nice clue that that particular reveal was coming up soon.

*sniffle* Ellen and Jo. *sniffle*

Interesting that they flashed all the way back to the FIRST time we looked at Dean and went 'Oh hai, he looks dead inside,' which was the very end of 4.20, The Rapture, just before Sam's first trip into the panic room, and then changes to ...

Just after the start of Sam's second trip. Guh.

Of course they also make it clear that this episode has SOMETHING to do with a horseman. Because Show is so, so subtle.

*pets Show*


(At long last, I FINALLY get to start a review by saying ... )

It was a daaaark and stormy night ....

I love the classic feel of the zombie coming up out of the grave, but I found myself wondering if those were good Oreos, LOL.


Oh. Now, this is just. So special. I would have something to say by way of narrative, but Show did it for me SO WELL.
I would like to add, however, that I missed all the amazing narrative the first time b/c I was too busy telling Vikki that we totally watched the Great Wildebeast migration video in college for our mammal culture class, and it was awful.

We called it 666 Ways to Kill a Wildebeast. Anyway. Enjoy.

"The wildebeast lounges, lazy and self content. It is Oblivious to the fierce predator that stalks it from the shadows"

"The wildebeasts are on edge. Every movement could be the sound of an potential attack."

"At first the animal reacts with confusion..."

"The wildebeast returns warily to it's watering hole."

"When closing in for the kill, it attacks swiftly..."

As Tallahassee would say ... Thank God for Rednecks.

That's right, boys and girls, buckle up. This week's review? Is sponsored by Zombieland.

Bobby's home town! I've read plenty of fic about it, but we finally get to MEET PEOPLE HERE.
Turns out they're all pretty much idgits. Figures.

Digger? LOL. Dean is right, you know. You can't give yourself your own nickname. It's against the rules. Not the Zombieland rules, but you know - The Rules.

Mine is Glitch, like in the Matrix. Don't ask.

Hush, Sam.
*brushes back his hair*

I kept this cap because the photo on the wall of the two fat dudes makes me lol.


Poor fat bastards.

I like Sheriff Mills.
(For those of you who did not watch Harper's Island, Jim Beaver's character was named Sheriff Mills.)
*pauses for a moment to miss Chloe and Cal*


The fact that he picks up right away makes it clear he was ducking their calls. Rude.



Oh, Bobby, yer PWND face is PRICELESS.


At first I thought she must REALLY think Bobby is harmless to let two of his 'friends' walk when they were just PRETENDING TO BE FEDS, but later on it became clear that she was just hoping they would go away so no one would ever find out about her son. Even still, everything she says about Bobby kind of stings.


Bobby's house!!

The whole panic room thing has sort of ruined me off of Bobby's house in general, b/c now it induces an immediate OMGDNW kind of reaction, but when I see THIS view of it? I'm right back in season 1/ early season 2, and it feels safe.

Bobby is not wearing a hat. That should be our FIRST clue that something is up.

Dean : "What's that smell?"
Me : "Ohgodzombies, groooooss."
Dean : "Did you CLEAN?"
Me : *dies*

Sam is just so bewildered this whole episode, I kind of love it a lot a lot.
I mean, here Bobby is shooting down Sam's uber-famous researching skills without batting an eyelash, and Sam is like, "BUT BUT. I KNOW there was a zombie!! I KNOW!!"
*puppy face*

What's that you say, Bobby? You can't con a con man? You DO remember, in fact I think it was your last intensely personal episode experience, that nobody plays a player better than Sam, right?


Time to head for ... *duh duuh daaaah* ...


Back in 13 when I called attention to the fact that Dean has clearly adopted a trust-no-one attitude, I had no idea that would be extended so soon to Bobby. On the one hand, it makes me sad that Dean even stops to question Bobby. At the same time, it makes me headdesk that Sam doesn't. Even with all he's been through, Sam is still intrinsically trusting as a person. It's one of the reasons why I love him, but I also want to smack him, just a little bit. And then hug him. And then make him cookies.

Then it makes me annoyed that Dean has to keep not trusting because people keep LYING TO HIM.
Grrr, arg. Make it go away.

Pay attention to road signs, boys.

Sam : "Well, if that's not a clue, I don't know what is."
Dean : "I feel like I should be wearing sunglasses."


Just look at them, working together.
Shutup. Manning the flashlight is totally important.

They clearly know what is perhaps the most important rule.

Especially if you frequently hunt with your brother.

image Click to view

My first thought was that this guy reminded me of Jack, from Metamorphosis. Which ... yeah. Because of the whole lookit-I'm-a-monster-but-I'm-still-just-a-dude thing. Well, and the Eating Other People thing.

"So yer dead, then."
"And you wanna go to jail."
"Haven't you ever seen Double Jeopardy!?"

I love that Dean wants to shoot the zombie right IN SOMEONE'S FRONT YARD. It's like, negative points, because it's already dead, but whatever. I love even MORE that Sam is all "Deeeeeeeeeean ........, he's a SOCCER DAD," like he's totally lost that part of him from s3 and s4 that was all kill first and mebbe care later if he has five minutes free time in the afternoon, but also it occurs to me that it's also possibly because right now if it's not hurting anyone and it's not a demon then he'd just as soon leave it.

Oh, Sam.

This is random, but I always get chills any time anything gives me even the SLIGHTEST Stepford vibe. Here I was all, "THEY'RE ALL IN ON IT, RUUUUUUUUUUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY."

Zombie : "I'm a taxpayer!"
Me : "BUT WHY."

Dear Zombie,

Love, Show.


Jus in Bello flashbacks!!

Dear Bobby,

At this point I am knowing that I shall end up feeling rather intensely for you in the somewhat immediate future, but for now can I just say, thanks for bothering to show up, you LYING. LIARFACE.

Who lies.



Although I DO love how matter of fact he is about it. Yep, I lied, sue me. Nope, I'm not sorry. Thanks for playing, try again next week, lol. Bobby, for all his crusty edges, is still rather awesome.

I love it when Sam pushes Bobby's chair. It makes Sam look gigantic. Shutup.

Dear Boys,

Yeah. We don't get it either.

Yours in mutual confusion, Everyone.

Part two is coming soon. Until then ...

Part Two.

it ate my brain, meta, bobby!, because its wrong, thinky-thoughts, picspam, episode review

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