5.04 The End, part 1/2

Oct 05, 2009 01:52

Episode reviews by tahirire and blacklid: 501 | 502 | 503

The Far Side of Free To Be You and Me


Hello, Beautiful. I still miss your pretty spotlights. *pines*

Dear Dean,
At least I am not alone. These doomsday prophet tracts have been flooding my doorway all of a sudden, too. It's like they have radar. I feel ya.
P.S. Did you know that GOD is LOVE?

Dean is touched by an angel on a cell phone. Also, blue is following him around. At least he's wearing green so he doesn't completely blend into the wall. So, that makes prophets, angels, and the color blue. I have a feeling this might be a long list.

Castiel is almost out of minutes and just when we thought all hope was lost, the color purple shows up.
The Supernatural color wheel has coughed up a giant furball of PURPLE?!

Deans says he's in Room 113.... in the Century Hotel.
Is that like the 1113 that was on Sam's clock in his room when Jess showed up? Or the 113 of Bobby's hospital room?
GEEZ, LOUISE. So, that makes prophets, angels, the color blue and the number 113. I'm feeling a vague sense of panic.

Castiel is perplexed by the color purple since he's never seen it before Dean needing to sleep. Can't he just - I dunno - WARP SLEEP? That would be handy, because...
Area and state regulations do not allow the Companion Cube to remain here, alone and companionless.
The phone rings again in the middle of the night. Castiel is a needy companion cube sometimes, but it isn't Cas and Dean can't just say "no" and hang up. It's Sam... and suddenly Dean needs a beer.

Dear Dean,
Prophets, angels, the color blue, the number 113, and Sam. I thought it was memories of Hell that was driving you to drink. Clearly, I was wrong and it's actually Sam. My bad.
P.S. Any chance you're being followed by some Kleenex?

Is this darkness around Sam representing how completely he broke down with fear for himself?
Has he finally figured out that saving himself is the only way to save the world? He has... right?
*crosses fingers*

Whereas Dean was facing us when he talked to Cas, now his body language is that of someone who has shut down: he has turned away and uses whatever objects he can find to obstruct himself from our view. It said so much about how Dean was feeling that I knew ahead of time what Dean's answer was going to be. It was like having a knife twisted in my gut having to wait, knowing that Sam couldn't see it.

Even after Lindsey gave him the Key to Redemption, purple!Sam is still hopeful that he can earn it.
Oh, SAM. *shakes head*

Dean: "I had other people to worry about."
--Good God Y'all

Dear Dean,
You know that fear you've been struggling with - about how you and Sam are a danger to each other - and you most certainly have been lately? That isn't because of who you are - how you're destined to be oil and fire. It has to do with how you've been lying to each other. Just now? Sam was being honest with you for the first time in a long time. He's trying to call an end to that war of attrition between you. Doesn't that count for something?
P.S. I'm too tired to even delegate a shmacking.

So watch my chest heave as this last breath leaves me / I am trying to be what you're dying to see / ... So let this gun bind us / Lets hide by this lust and once we are just dust / He'll know that he loved us / LET IT ALL BURN / I will burn first ... / and here at the end at the end of the hurt all the pain ain't the same when it's your turn to burn / We're the heart for the heartless, the thoughts for the thoughtless, the means for the end, we're the gods of the deadless! / Let it all burn ... Just let me burn

John: "You walked away, Sam. You walked away!"
Sam: "You were the one who said 'Don't come back,' Dad. You're the one who closed that door, not me! You were just pissed off you couldn't control me anymore!"
--Dead Man's Blood

Hello, you beautiful disaster, you. Now you blend into the wall pretty well.

Bobby: Something big is going down. End of the world big.
Dean: Well, then let it end!
Bobby: You don't mean that.
Dean: You don't think so?
--All Hell Breaks Loose

HOLY CRAP. Also, hi, Route 666, I totally did not see you coming after all those "113"s have been showing up lately.

Dear Dean,

ALL HAIL KING... oh wait.

This is fantastic. I would be overwhelmed to work on a set like that. There's kicked puppies everywhere. Is that the piano they crushed him with last year? Is it a ZOMBIE PIANO?

I really love this camera movement. I have no idea what it's called or anything, but I saw it here and again at the end when Zachariah appeared, and I really liked the symmetry of it.
Also, the view isn't bad.

Dearest Dean,
The fact of the matter is that any little girl who is playing with broken glass instead of cuddling that teddy bear in a fetal position is going to be very unstable and most likely a bad news bear. It makes me incredibly sad that you don't know that, but also I love you for trying to help her just because she's a little kid.
-Lid, who's heart-brokeded

I'm sorry. I just gotta do it. *inserts video*

image Click to view

Dean wiggles through a fence. *rewinds*

Dean wiggles through a fence. ... *rewinds again*
... whaaat?

Dean jacks a car and heads to Bobby's, because if there's one guy who'll have stuck it out, it would be him. And who knows, he might not even be in a wheelchair in this world. Then, Zachariah shows up and scares Dean and I don't wanna look at HIS smug face anymore. *deletes smug angel* Ugh, if only it was that easy.

Hey guess what, Dean? You are solely responsible for every bad thing that's ever happened to anyone ever. It's all because you chose not to do the one thing you have "no choice" but to do! Don't you love inescapable logic fail?

Oh, no. Bobby......My imagination is coming up with all sorts of horrible scenarios.

Dean uses clues from his dad's journal in its hiding place inside Bobby's mantle and heads to the camp.

Where he sees this:

John: "Hey Dean, why don't you touch up your car. I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were gonna ruin it."
--Dead Man's Blood

Which, for some reason, reminds me a LOT of THIS:

Oh Baby Sam Dean MY HEART
Am I saying that Dean ruined Sam? No. Not really. Not entirely. Not all by himself. But uh... yes. Sam was always Dean's number one priority and there's two things wrong with that. It made Sam an underling and it made Dean unimportant. Look at all the dysfunction that has arisen from the mindsets these two have perpetuated in each other.

And THEN I started seeing double and I wondered if it was because I just saw The Impala looking like a kicked puppy. Prophets, angels, the color blue, the number 113, Sam, your dad's legacy... and yourself. Neat trick.

The first thing Dean 2.0 did was handle Dean based on how Dean looked. Everything 2.0 does and says is because of what Dean still has, is still wearing, is still thinking. Dean 2.0 already knows he's doomed. He's lost everything that mattered to him... he's passed the point of no return. Things that used to matter: Bobby, the Impala, his dad, the few friends he has gained... he no longer cares about any of it because he's lost the one thing that held it all together: Sam.

Paradoxically, this Dean is gone because he sacrificed everything.

The soft focus early on really helps to distinguish between them at first and I'm glad that they didn't continue it the entire time and allowed this Dean to "age" on camera rather swiftly the more he learned. /geeky observation

Dean has a BOOMSTICK! Dean still has his watch! Dean still has--- uh... he still... hm.

Seeing two Deans on each side of the screen was pretty expected, but then I saw that they appeared to be dressed almost exactly the same and things got more interesting.

Holy thigh master, Batman. He's Army. Is he Army? National Guard? Special Ed Forces? Rebel without a Clue Cause?

Dean talking about liking wearing girl's underwear WHILST handcuffed WHILST under guard WHILST making duck lips... THIS WOULD ONLY HAPPEN DURING AN APOCALYPSE.

Dean being Dean being Dean, breaks out of the cuff (seriously, what Dean only cuffs himself with one cuff?) with a hangnail, a floor tack and about five nanoseconds, but it's actually been hours and Dean 2.0 is on his way back already.

I laughed and then I frowned that the only kind of "connection" Dean has been able to make or convince anyone of in this world... is this kind.

Good luck convincing this guy.

While it has been a faithful companion, your Companion Cube cannot accompany you through the rest of the test. If it could talk - and the Enrichment Center takes this opportunity to remind you that it cannot - it would tell you to go on without it, because it would rather die in a fire than become a burden to you.

Cas has lost his faith in the Dean of the future, it seems. If Cas has lost that, it stands to reason that Dean can't help but imagine Sam wasn't far behind him.

Part Two

thinky thoughts, episode picspam review, cnk 80q3, john!, 113, meta, review, teh awesum, yep i'm dead

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