Welcome to Tinsel Town, 3.04

Mar 22, 2010 10:16

Argh! The hammock ate his hair!! Or I accidentally deleted it when I was trying to clean up hairs I didn't use. Oops.

J: Aww, hey honey. You're a poet and you didn't know it - and your feet show it!
Alex: Huh? What's wrong with my feet?
J: Nothing! It was just a - never mind.
Alex: *wibble*

She brought this guy home from work...and yes, the tree is still on fire. I'm waiting to see how long it burns for.

He's not a vampire any more, so I guess his hair doesn't need to be so windswept.

Gossiping about your dead mother means you get free stuff!

One computer, even! Damn, we should do this more often.

Life continues nicely, with Alex building yet another sandcastle...

The clown tends to the garden...

Dim gets even more adorable...

And Elwood scares the piss out of Edward, nicely fulfilling one of his fears for me. Thank you!

Millie: Uh, no, I'm not Bella...but I can get you a raise!
Edward: Oh, that's nice too.

Millie, why did you call Edward to give yourself a raise?

Ah, Elwood, you're on a roll tonight.

That's one way to water the garden.

Edward: My face! My pretty face! Yup, it's still pretty.

Stereo: Don't blame it on the sunshine...don't blame it on the moonlight...don't blame it on the good times...blame it on the boogie...
Edward: *boogie boogie boogie*


Dim: This is!

image Click to view

Just for simsforaranya

Alex: Me? Boogie? Oh no, no no no no.

Alex: No, I don't boogie. Can you just drop it?

I guess I might have accidentally deleted his hair too? It's either that, or that hat is actually a virus that's infecting my neighbourhood.

Dim: Mummy mummy the fridge is on fire!

J: No it's not. There there. Such an imagination.

J's Bladder: *explode*
Dim: Mummy needs a nappy!

Yet another fear fulfilled. I like these ones!

Nanny Lisa likes to shake it.

Nanny Lisa likes to get stuck in this position for hours. Her head moved occasionally, but she was otherwise frozen for about three hours.


Even noicer.

And yes, I meant noice. It's like nice, but more Australian.


Aww. Alex always runs to greet his parents when they come home.

Uh, Lisa? You're not paid to do that.

This is Parker Des, who works with Edward. An see - the hat is taking over! ARGH.

Edward: I don't know what looks more ridiculous - that hat or your beard! Are you trying to be a French bellboy or what?

Parker: Please. This is fashion. Look it up some time.

Edward: Fashion?! Fashion! I spent nearly 100 years as a vampire, buddy, I know ALL about fashion. I defined fashion. I started trends! People wanted to be me.
Parker: LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. No one who dresses like you do could ever have been a fashion icon! NO NO NO.

Edward: Ugh, I just can't believe you think that hat is fashionable. Kids these days.

And then he asked Parker on a date, and he said no. YES. That was the point of them arguing in the first place. His fears are so much easier to fulfil that J's...usually.

This one is piss easy, of course. Pun intended.

But they needed a night out, so off to Halloween Town they went. Edward was keen to win a dance contest, and terrified of losing one...so of course I sent them out to get that fear going.

I would blame the boogie, actually. It was pretty shocking.

And J won! WOO! Take that, Edward!

And he did. Oh, he did. YEAH. That's for lauriethemuppet's enjoyment.

Please notice just how much J cares about her husband's descent into madness.

J: Wut? A girl's gotta get her drink on!

Maybe that had something to do with them not sitting together.

Oh, do you see who I see?

HI K! Looking fine!

Yeah, Thorn, real nice. Get chatting to K and then swoon over her sister. Nice.

They stood around watching her eat. It was kind of creepy.

K: Edward, so good to see you again. Have you come to your senses and dumped my loser of a sister yet? And...no offence, but you both need to shave. Badly.

William: Oh dear oh dear oh dear. This is not the tour I signed up for.
Edward: GRR.

William: I can't believe I signed up for the cheap package! When will I learn?

J and K don't just fight, they fight through the FLOOR. They still don't like each other.

But J won, woo! Not that the guy in yellow is happy about that.


But they weren't just fighting for the fun of it, oh no.

William: Grr! Grr! Oh this feels good.

William: Thanks for that! You've made my night! I can't wait to tell the guys in my fantasy football team about this!

Edward's bladder: *kablooey*


Waiter: Don't worry, I see this all the time. *moppity mop*

K: Edward! Save me! I LOVE YOU EDWARD!
J: Back off bitch, he's mine!

The Therapist even makes restaurant calls.

Take that, K!

K: These guys are whack, man.

LOL at her face not going wolf.

But a quick tweak and makeover makes it all good. She's no longer a vamp, but this is more fun I think.

Edward: Are you sure this is what that sex book said to do?
J: YES! Now you put your right hand on red, left hand on yellow, and spin.
Edward: Uh, that's Twister.
J: Shit. I guess we're not meant to go up the Rainbow Trail either?
Edward: Oh, that we can do.

He then decided to use the energiser - autonomously! I'd sent him to have a bath and to get something to eat, but he decided this was more important. I've never had a sim use this autonomously before!

Especially when they were so in the red, after hitting rock bottom twice in one night!

Edward: Uhoh.

J: *washywashywashes*
Edward: *fries*

Edward: *oof* that didn't feel right.

BUT HE DIDN'T DIE. His needs were all bottomed out, except for environment, but he didn't die. He did, however, find time to check up on his favourite sporting team's latest scores, though.

J: I tried to help him, but it's like talking to a wall, I swear! He just doesn't listen. *worryworry*

It's just after one in the morning - that's a perfect time for a swim, isn't it?

J wouldn't care, she's too busy getting high after almost losing her husband.

Her husband who missed the bed.

Edward: Damn it! So close!

OMG THAT PAINTING IS SO CUTE! I just realised there was a kid's painting option to the AnoeskaB easel set (booty link). LOVE IT.


Old habits die hard, and not even a very near to death experience can make him stop drinking. If anything, it made him drink more!

Dim: No daddy, you smell of cheap liquor.

This whole bathing sequence was funny, because he was washing up there at normal height, while she was wriggling around down in the floor.

Dim: What is wrong with this green crayon? My horse is brown, when it was clearly meant to be green. Maybe if it I bite the end off it will work better.

Still a toddler and her creativity points are half filled!

Oh this will be good.

BURN. I made him go to work the day after almost dying, and they fired him.

Edward: But *sob* it was *sob* my dream *sob* job.

He couldn't even make it out of the garage.

Dim: *looks around*

Dim: Yup, he's busy. They're all busy.

(autonomously cleaning, too)

Dim: Do you know what time it is?
Audience: TOOL TIME!
Dim: ...NO.


Into appropriately coloured clothing, too! OH YES.

And the first thing she does is chase Alex down to remove her rival for heir.

Alex: But I'm cute! You can't take it away from me!

Dim: But I'm cuter! Just look at me!

Alex: Uh oh! Alert! Alert! Dad's about to poop! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE! Before the smell gets us!

They're just both so adorable.

And then - VACATION TIME! I have been waiting for this for so long. And yes, the tree is still burning. J wanted an island vacation, but she's not getting one of those.

Huge lulz at how Edward carries his bag.

The shuttle may not have seatbelts in the back, but it does have other safety features...like sticking the kids through the seats.

Next up - the Tinsels hit the mountains!

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welcome to tinsel town

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