Welcome to Tinsel Town! 2.00

May 03, 2009 11:07

Yay! Tinsels! I normally start the next gen once they hit adulthood, but since Celie started young, and she's almost an adult, we're now onto 2.0.

The game decides to be weird, and sends a school bus to pick Celie up AFTER 1pm. Um, check your timetable, okay?

J isn't completely neglected - Callias even plays with her autonomously!

Celie: You will be mine! *impales him*
Vasyl: Mmphh mpphh!!

Celie: Marry me...or else.
Vasyl: OMGSHINY! Are you like, my girlfriend now?

Like you had a choice, hmm?

These two are still almost sickeningly sweet with each other.

And she's evil. EVIL I TELL YOU. But that could be because it's her wedding day.

LOL at Meta Happypants. Nice dress, but today isn't YOUR wedding day, okay? This may be the closest you get to it...but it's not your turn! I'm surprised that she and Melisanda turned up, as Celie is only friends with Justy.

Even Bentley is there...poor Seraphine didn't even get a mention on the invite list! And yes, Dorian just had to come along. He likes his students far too much for my liking.

See? He was working on Melisanda throughout her school years too, but it seems like she reciprocates.

Holy shit, guys. The things your party guests get up to!

Wedding time!!

What? You wouldn't want to get married on the beach in ankle deep snow?

It's a good thing they don't mind.

Nice! Though how he managed to have that much money soon became clear...he has a job in the criminal path. Hah!

Though he's still a kid at heart. *headdesk*

Vasyl: I got her knocked up so she said we had to get married!

Oh no you don't, boy!


No furniture can stop the Smustle!

Meta shuns everyone else, and hides away inside to play the violin for the first time.

Though I don't think that's the best way to try to get tips.

Way to be the guests of honour, guys!

J: Change me or feel my wrath, grandfather.

Not outside!! She's nekkid! It's cold!

Um...okay. Sure, let's hit yes.

Please note, that this is DORIAN saying this, the guy she just fell in love with.

Oh, nice. Sullivan Vijayaker.

Dorian: What?? How can you let him flirt with you after I set you up! It was a test! A TEST!


...say what now? You LIKED that?

Melisanda, they did serve food, you know. No need to eat the uninvited guests.

And somewhere along the way, they ran off on their honeymoon.

J: I've got to get out of here! Emotional growth...stunting...intelligence...failing...

J: I am so going to be kicking some lauriethemuppetbutt when I'm older.

Meta: Oh my god, that couch! It's hideous! I can't stand it. Who decorated this house??

She then proceeded to get stuck there. I'm guessing it was the residue of the tip jar, but she could not get out of that wide open space.

Maybe her dress was too big.

Meta: WTF? There's nothing wrong with my dress!

Holy shit guys. They did it before the ceremony - as soon as he moved in, in fact - DURING the ceremony, and as soon as they came home from their honeymoon. And I'm assuming they did it like rabbits there, too. They're behaving just like how you expect horny teenagers to act. All the freaking time.

They weren't the only ones celebrating, though. This house is full of horn dogs!

What's that? You're enjoying your morning sickness because it allows you to bond with your unborn child??

Yeah, you're clearly enjoying the need to puke far too much.

That's one way to impress your father-in-law who likes peen.

Gentle Rosenberg is not so gentle!

This is probably a pregnancy-inteen thing, but EL. OH. EL. Watching her walk down the stairs is just funny.

A couple who tans together, stays together.

Looking good, Vasyl. Looking good.

Oh wow. J actually gets put in the crib!

Vasyl: Married life isn't all it's cracked up to be! All this shagging and tanning...I'm worn out! And I still have to do my homework!

Sometime during the night - in which she shared a bed with her father - she popped.

And made the yard glow!

And made this lovely item.

She ate out of the dog bowl before, and obviously took some for later.


Since I can only fulfil J's fears, Celie started cooking a tv dinner, and then promptly "forgot" about it.


I was quite impressed with how Celie kept trying to put it out. I kept telling her to call the firemen, because she was the only adult home, but nooooo. She had to be miss smarty pants and do it herself.

Nanny Lisa: Aww hells no, this ain't in my contract.

This is the nanny who will bathe twice a day while working, yet when she's actually reeking and needing a bath, she doesn't do it??

We'll buy one. We'll be nice.

Fuck being nice!

Awww yay. Someone likes her!

Just in time, too.

(like that wasn't totally expected)

Oh, you're so pretty.

And shizzam! Number two is getting closer!

She definitely takes after her mother - her first act was to climb the wall. Possibly trying to find a way out.

You can stop when the sun goes down.

Bubbles won't kill you!

J: Oh great, so NOW you tell me that.

Callias: Hey, what's that funny tingling in my pants??

Callias: Hot damn, I'm still looking good.


Welcome to J's favourite activity - tantrum throwing. She's really good at it.

HI SOFIA!!! First ghost sighting. Huzzah! Hah, I guess she's still hungry.

And she LOVES to haunt the bowling alley.

Victim number 1: Callias.

J: Maybe if I clean up they'll love me.

Oh and you autonomously clean!

Um...are you plotting things, Vasyl?? Should I be worried?

Victim number 2: Celie.

Celie: Mwahahahaha! My sister thinks she can scare me? She's dead! I, I hold the power of the dark in my hands! Mwahahahaha!

Victim number 3: Celie. Please note how excited Vasyl is.

She's still unhappy :(

Though her wants are easier to ignore, because they're ALL about the dogs. So as long as she stays away from the dogs, no problems there!

Um...watching an old man on the toilet really isn't that interesting, guys.

o_O Vasyl is autonomously playing with her!

This makes me love him more!

That's one way to get your daughter and husband into private school.

Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd say.

Dorian!!!! Stop trying to solicit your students!

And you didn't even have to put out.

Aww Shug got old.

Do you realise how cliche this is??

Another girl, K! Man, that's some interesting genetics. She's got Elwood's skin, Vasyl's eyes, and blonde from both parents. I don't normally note the genetics like this, but I just find K interesting.

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welcome to tinsel town

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