Welcome to Tinsel Town! 2.03

Jun 04, 2009 10:44

Aww yeah baby. Not only did Celie take it, but she loved it.

Celie is a bit confused, though. She wants J to be cured...but doesn't want J to be cured. She also wants J to get a scholarship but ohhh gotta blog online about my garden! And oh my GOD SHELLS!!!

The house needed some remodelling, and I just realised that this picture is taken too far away. Oops.

But there are now two bedrooms in the bottom left of the picture (Celie's and J's), a vampire bedroom up the back, and K's in between.The bathroom was moved and the kitchen expanded.

The other bathroom was moved upstairs, too. And they got a greenhouse, which will make it easier for whichever generation it is that needs to dig in the dirt a lot.

J: ARGH! My step-father is Smustling...in public!

J: So, this being undead shtick is pretty neat. Apart from the frying if I step outside. But oh wow sparkly food!

J: Mum? Are you listening to me?
Celie: *is bored senseless*

He's baaaaaaaaaack.

And they're swimming together!!!!

And he's still swimming :/

I prefer you green :/

Look, ma! No reflections!

J: My batty senses tell me that I'm about to be scared by a real dead!

J: Holy shit I was right!

She got the icon BEFORE Callias turned up. Weirdo.

And Elwood is not only still swimming, but he brought the water inside with him.

It doesn't stop him from scaring J in his speedos, though. But that outfit would scare anyone.

J: Screw you guys, I'm going homeout.

And nothing bad happens.

Except she thinks it's a good idea to jump on the couch in those heels.

*headdesk* I did NOT MEAN to plant Cowplants. I grabbed the wrong dirt, duh.

K: Yo, wat up, ant?


Ohshit. She grew up. Oops. I was paying attention, I swear. BUT WTF. WTF?? YOU grew up well too??

I fail at this :(

And again with the bright pyjamas??

She's purty. And she also craves those things she's been lacking.

And she's immediately drawn into the clan. Only Vasyl hasn't been turned.

That's what we like to see.

And then it's straight back to the ants.


J: I am going to suck your bloodkiss your pillow!

WTF autonomous tucking in of the step parent, whom you aren't even friends with?

J: Shit, don't ask me. I'm a confused vampire half alien teenager who has a very unsatisfying home life.

K: Shit, man, that bubble juice is good shit. Shit. *giggle* I said shit.

Mwahahaha equal playing ground, I greet you enthusiastically.

You know, it's much more effective to tell each other off if you're LOOKING at each other. And I don't remember why J is in her formal dress.

BLEH fights are fun.

OH this is why. Because Count Val likes formal wear.

J: BABY! You came! Come give me some sugar.

J: And by sugar, I mean "do me in the tent", okay?
Count Val: *is too entranced by the formal dress to do anything but follow along*

Sofia: If I can't get it on, no one can get it on!

That didn't really deter them, though.

K: Where did I go?? Am I still pretty?

Sofia started walking again, so I went to fix that up, and noticed this. The "What's going on in here?" made me laugh. Nosy bitch!

I freaking love how they can slide down the bannisters like this.

There's nothing quite like bowling after you get your cherry popped by a vampire, is there? Oh, having your sister sneak into the tent where your cherry popping vamp is still chillin'? Yeah, that's cool.

But nothing happened other than a boring conversation about eye charts.

Autonomous gossiping??? Girls, you're letting me down!

K isn't completely deprived, though, and I did NOT mean for him to like her moves. Any other sim would have said it was too soon for suggestive flirting, but no, not Cleve.

Oh, shizzam.

So now you like her moooooves?

Do you see what I did there? Do ya? Do ya, punk?

Oh, you were just teasing, I get it.

Oh man, this is great. She gets rejected for flirting, her first kiss gets a knock back, failures galore!

K: How can you not want to get with this?

Count Val: I am in love with your sister. You? You make me gag. See? I am gagging.

He's also addicted to the bike.

Oh yeah, that's hot. Vasyl got a promotion, if you couldn't tell. And he just maxed creativity.

As well as gaining the hobby plate in music and dance! We're halfway there!

K: How can he not love me?? Why doesn't anyone love me??

K: I wish I could fly!! I'd fly away from here!

You can fly, you're a vampire. You can turn into a bat, remember? But she doesn't, so she settles for destroying her sandcastle.

J: He didn't want to go steady with me?? What's wrong with him??

He wanted to propose, that's what!

Well, maybe he didn't. But I wanted him to.

K: Damn you bitch, now you're getting married too?? IT. IS. ON!
Vasyl: *snore*

And K wins! J has more body points, so colour me surprised! But I'm not surprised that Vasyl slept through the whole thing.


Oh, you smart thing. Sunbathing during the day in the middle of winter? Just coz it's snowing, doesn't mean the sun can't get you.

See? It burns. IT BURNS.

And then in the mere seconds between Val became a pile of ash and when Death arrived, the snow bucketed down.

Celie: What a waste of good food!

Hahah oh burn. I really only moved Val in because J had a fear of him dying, so I didn't prevent him from doing anything stupid.

But he was also clone of Count Jerry Mellon from my House of Trouser legacy, from looks to personality points, so I couldn't keep him, anyway.

I FOUND EDWARD CULLEN. EL OH EL. This is what he's wearing in winter these days.

Neither of them had any wants relating to homework at all, so it was the perfect time to catch up.

J: Mmm. Bitch fight.

Vasyl has a clear favourite, due to that whole biological relationship.

But this time, J wins!

K: Do you still love me, daddy?


K: Fine! *head toss*

K: I shall torment my ants, then! Mwahahahah!

It's definitely these two against the world.

Really? I mean, REALLY??

J: I totally slept with the maid.
K: You didn't sleep with the maid, you slept with a vampire. He didn't clean anything!
J: Oh, he cleaned me up, good and proper.
K: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
J: I have no idea.

Celie: So, Leonid, when are you going to get one or both of my girls knocked up?
Leonid: I charge extra for that, Miss Celie.
J and K: Muuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!

K: I should get to have the baby, but only so that J can't.
J: But I wanted it so that you couldn't! Muuum this isn't fair!
Celie: Yeah, I'm so not getting involved.

Baby cow plants!

Girl, you are DUMB.

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welcome to tinsel town

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