Cry Little Sister Chapter 9

Apr 16, 2010 23:26

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:  Moderate S/M, D/s, and ruined orgasm.  Thanks to all readers and reviewers, much appreciated ;)

Chap 1 Cry Little Sister   
Chap 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   
Chap 3 A Last Fire Will Rise   
Chap 4 Behind Those Eyes    
Chap 5 Black House    
Chap 6 Will Rock  
Chap 7 Blind Boys  
Chapter 8 Don't Lie

Chapter 9 - Immortal

Are you a virgin, Benji?” Joel asked nervously, as he lay down on their joined sleeping bags. “I mean I know you are with guys…I’m talking about girls.”
“I’ve done a few things with girls,” Benji shrugged, sitting the lube beside their pillows. “Touching, making out, and a couple of blow jobs. But I haven’t ever gone all the way, no.”

Joel nodded and bit his lower lip, wanting to say more but unable to do so. How could he tell Benji he wanted to be his first and only? It wasn’t rational or reasonable. They were young; too young to commit to monogamy…weren’t they? Then there was the sticky legal aspect of their relationship that would never allow them to be open about it. On top of that, he was the only one that was really full-blown gay. Benji liked girls and probably always would. Joel’s stomach tightened at the thought of his twin ‘liking’ a girl more than him. Every cell in his body raged at the un-known girl of the future that would take his beloved twin away from him. Fighting the volatile emotion down, he attempted to compromise about it. It was better to know the truth going into this, wasn’t it? No, he would not be able to keep Benji as his and his alone forever. However, he would be Benji’s first, no one could ever take that from him. Joel’s will hardened and a new determination welled up in place of the horrible jealousy. He knew what he had to do. A slow smile graced his lips.

So what if he would never be ‘the only one’ for Benji?

He would just have to make damn sure he was the best one…the best fucking one…ever.

Benji watched the emotions play across his brother’s face. Something had upset him that was easy enough to see. He had learned a long time ago, to let Joel solve it internally. His brother wasn’t like him. He needed his space in his own head and having a twin did endanger that sometimes. Benji did his best to respect that about his baby brother. It hurt him because he would have much rather solved Joel’s problem with him but he understood just the same.

As a smile slowly spread across Joel’s face, Benji breathed a sigh of relief. Whatever the inner conflict was, he knew his twin had now made up his mind. Glancing down into Joel’s eyes, Benji was taken aback at the fire in them. His hazel irises had turned dark as midnight and determination gleamed in them. A shiver went down Benji’s spine as he began to anticipate what Joel might have in store for him. It was definitely sexual, that was a given. Moreover, from the way Joel’s tongue just darted out and licked his lower lip, Benji was sure of one thing. It was going to be one helluva night.

“So,” Joel said softly as Benji lay down beside him and leaned his head up on his hand. “How do you want to do this?”

“How?” Benji repeated, a bit confused. “You mean like…uh…what position or…what?”

“Well, that,” Joel swallowed hard, his face reddening a bit. “And do you want to, you know, keep doing it the way have been or do you want something else?”

Benji thought about that for a second, then said, “It depends on whether or not you liked what we did. I mean if you want us to do something different or change it in any way, I’m open to it as well.”

“I liked what we did,” Joel admitted, blushing even more. “It felt really good and really right, like you were supposed to have control over me or something. I don’t want to change anything. I even liked the pain too.”

Benji drew a shaky breath and smiled. “Yeah, I liked all of it too. God, it made me so hard ruining your cum for you. Makes me want to do it again.”

Joel took the not so subtle hint. “Go ahead and do it some more then. Just don’t do it while were actually…having sex…okay? I’d like that one to be good for us both since it’s our first time and all.”

“Oh, of course,” Benji nodded in agreement. “I hope you know I wouldn’t do that to you on your first time getting laid, Joely.”

Joel smirked. “I dunno, Benj. You were gonna do it to my first ever blow job.”

“You’ve never been sucked?” Benji said, sitting half way up in surprise.

“No,” Joel answered a bit shyly. “The only thing I’ve ever done is kiss…until you.”

“Hold up,” Benji sat up right in disbelief. “You’ve never done anything other than kiss?”

Joel shook his head again and started to feel a bit apprehensive, unsure why his twin was making such a big deal out of it.

“And that means you’ve never given anybody head…at all?”

“Only you, Benji,” Joel said, afraid his inexperience was displeasing his twin.

“Damn, Joel,” Benji raised his eyebrows. “You must be a fucking natural at it then, because you are truly amazing with your tongue and mouth.”

The compliment caught Joel off guard. “Y-you liked it?”

“No,” Benji said, momentarily sobering Joel’s ecstatic face. “I fucking loved it! You were a whole hell of a lot better than any girl who has tried to suck me off. I never actually came for any of them because they just didn’t do it right.”

Benji’s admission not only made Joel feel better, it also gave him a tiny glimmer of hope. If he could out-do girls when it came to giving head, maybe, just maybe, he could beat them at full-blown fucking too.

Benji let his eyes travel over his brother’s reclined body, stopping between his legs. Joel was still semi-hard. It pleased him that his twin was a virgin and he wished desperately he could do more than just be Joel’s first time. He wouldn’t mind being his one and only, but Benji knew that he was hoping for too much. Joel was young, mega hot, and they both had a lot of life yet to live. There wasn’t a chance he would be ready to settle for his older twin brother. But Benji really wished he would. Still, he had Joel right now, and he was going to make his mark on his brother’s love map as distinctive and unforgettable as he possibly could.

“Okay last question, Joely,” Benji chewed on his bottom lip, his voice a bit husky. “How do you want me to ruin your next orgasm before we fuck?”

Benji’s words went straight to Joel’s groin and his dick started rising in earnest. “As long as I get to cum later when we do it, I don’t care how you ruin this one. It’s up to you. Just dominate the fuck out of me…please!”

“Your wish is my command,” Benji chuckled at his brother’s eagerness. Leaning over he pinched Joel’s right nipple hard enough to make him gasp. The breathy sound of pain made Benji throb. “Joely?”

“Yeah…I mean…yes sir?”

“Why is it,” Benji murmured, pinching his other nipple twice as hard, making Joel actually cry out. “When I hurt you, you get even more turned on?”

“I don’t know, sir, but it just feels so fucking good,” Joel whimpered as he felt Benji fingertips on his newly re-erected cock. “The pain and the loss of control over my body, makes everything better somehow, deep inside me.”

Benji nodded, tracing Joel’s reddened cock head with his index finger. “That’s how it is for me when I get to hurt you. I feel like the most powerful person in the whole fucking world, like nothing can stop me. Watching you suffer yet get off, makes my dick harder than it’s ever been. The rush is unreal. It’s addictive.”

“I know…sir,” Joel whispered. Looking deeply into his older brother’s eyes, he realized he wanted to see them blaze like they had done earlier. He knew exactly how to make that happen. “Um, sir?”

“Yes, Joel?”

“Can I change my mind and still choose how you ruin this orgasm?”

Benji thought about it. “I will allow you to still choose it, but you will have to be punished for wasting my time by not telling me what you wanted in the first place, when I asked.”

“That’s fair, sir,” Joel agreed, his breath choppy in anticipation. “Would you like to discipline me first or hear what I would like you to do?”

“We will go ahead and get your punishment out of the way,” Benji licked his lips, his cock pulsed wildly as the head began to moisten. “The pain will help you think more clearly and remind you not to do it again.”

Joel gulped. “Yes, sir.” He looked down between Benji’s legs and was amazed to see pearly drops of precum starting to leak from the tip. Knowing that he had his twin so hard and hot, made Joel want the pain more.

“Wrap your left hand around the head of your cock,” Benji instructed. “Now bend your knees and spread your legs.”

Opening his legs as far as he could he watched as his twin moved up on his own knees beside him and slid his own left hand down between Joel’s legs to cup his tender scrotum.

“I want you to twist your wrist like you are trying to open a coke bottle,” Benji demonstrated with his right hand in the air. “But only do it on the head of your dick and no matter what, do not stop doing it until I tell you to, understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Joel panted.

“Start moving your hand now, and don’t quit until I say stop,” Benji commanded and Joel instantly obeyed.

For several moments, Benji gently fondled Joel’s balls. The pleasurable sensation of his twin’s hand and his own, lulled Joel into a false sense of security. With his feet braced against the ground, in no time, Joel was thrusting lightly against their hands.

“Feel good, Joely?”

“Fuck, yes, sir,” Joel moaned, closing his eyes.

“This is discipline, baby,” Benji said just above a whisper. “It’s not supposed to feel good.”

Before Joel’s mind could fully process that comment, Benji clenched his fist painfully tight around Joel’s testicles.

“AHHHH!” Joel screamed, his hips now desperately trying to jerk his fragile balls out of Benji’s hand instead of humping the air in ecstasy.

“Don’t stop stroking the head of your cock Joel,” Benji warned. “I want you to stay as hard as you can during this. If you quit, I swear I will rack you up so bad you will still be puking on Monday when we go to school.”

Opening his eyes, tears flooded his cheeks as he watched helplessly as Benji continued to grip his scrotum without mercy or pause. Joel struggled to do as his twin had ordered. His cock was already softening from the pain.

“What’s the matter, Joel,” Benji rasped, his own dick now bouncing hard against his tummy as he watched Joel‘s dick deflate in spite of his brother‘s best efforts to keep it up. “Can’t make your cock stay hard for me?”

Joel sobbed and somehow sped up his shaking hand on his cock head, trying to maintain his fading erection.

Sweat trickled down the back of Benji’s neck as he started moving his own hips back and forth in mid-air. Tensing his thighs and ass, his aching, thoroughly precum soaked cock spasmed hard as he continued reveling in his brother’s agony. He knew he would have to stop soon. Not because Joel couldn’t take any more…but because he couldn’t. If he kept this up much longer, he would cum all over his baby brother’s chest, without even having to touch his cock once. Easing up just a tiny bit on his grip, Benji reluctantly began to slowly release his brother’s balls.

Through his gut wrenching pain, Joel turned his head meaning to look up at his brother. Instead, his tear-blurred eyes fell to his twin’s thrusting dick. It was obvious that Benji was dangerously close to orgasming and he could feel his twin starting to let go of his tortured scrotum. Seeing the state of his brother‘s cock, something once again triggered in Joel’s brain. His body was flooded, suddenly, with endorphins like before, only this time, it was much stronger. They did not completely take away or mask the pain he was in, but he felt so fucking good, he really didn’t care.

“Don’t…stop…keep…squeezing me,” Joel begged in stilted sobs. “I’m…so…bad…need…this…sir…”

Benji glanced down at Joel’s face and was shocked to see the ecstasy in his eyes. His eyes darted back to his brother’s cock and he realized Joel was getting hard again. Remembering how the pain had changed on Joel earlier, Benji inhaled sharply, his eyes finding Joel‘s once more. “It’s happening for you again isn’t it?”

“Yes!” Joel sobbed out, his body shaking badly. “Squeeze…hard…cum…on…me…”

A strangled cry tore from Benji’s throat as his own brain released what felt like liquid fire through his veins. “Joel!” Benji thrust hard into the open air.

Bucking upward with his hips, Joel felt his twin’s hand regaining its vice like grip. However, this time, the pain was so mingled with the endorphins, Joel’s brain registered mind-numbing pleasure instead of excruciating agony. He continued moving his hips, matching Benji’s rhythm. His stomach tensed as his rigid prick arched up. The head of his dick had swelled out nicely again in his palm and was coated with precum, making for nice slick movements against it. Joel knew he was almost past the point of no return.

“Benji!” Joel yelped. “I’m…close!”

“When you start…shooting your cum,” Benji heaved out, his breathing very erratic. “Let go…of your cock…ruin it…for me, baby.”

“Tell…me…when,” Joel sobbed out in unadulterated bliss.

Riding the air, tensing his abdomen, ass, and thighs, Benji felt his orgasm closing in. With the last shred of control he had left, Benji held on to the thread that separated him from the mortal world and the immortal oblivion his body was about to explode in to at any moment.

“Now, Joely…cum NOW!” Benji commanded, nearly shouting. He reached down and painfully twisted Joel‘s left nipple as he did.

Joel’s mouth gaped and he gave one final twist on his cock head. Letting go, he continued thrusting his hips as Benji held on to his abused sac. Contracting his muscles, Joel began shooting his cum as best he could. The first spurt barely made it to his belly button. Sobbing through another weak orgasm, Joel felt the burn in his chest where Benji pinched him and the ache in his balls as they tried to cum. Deep within Joel, his body triggered a much different orgasmic sensation than he had ever felt before. He could feel pleasure up his spine and even in his ass. The intense feelings weren’t the same as a true, full orgasm, but he wouldn’t have missed a chance to feel them for anything. Especially, since Benji had caused it.

“It’s so…weak but,” Joel cried, his tears drenching his face. Clutching at the sleeping bag, his cum dribbled out of his still spasming cock, oozing down on to Benji‘s clasping hand. “Hurts…so…good.”

Benji kept thrusting into the air, his eyes shifting back and forth from Joel’s face to his cock. Unable to resist anymore, he let go of Joel’s nipple and scrotum. Rubbing his own balls, he grabbed his dick with his right hand and after thumbing the head on the second thrust, shot his load all over Joel’s chest. Unintelligible screams resounded over and again as the liquid fire burned his dick and balls, making him cum so hard it hurt.

Looking down into Joel’s eyes as they both continued to thrust, Benji could see his feelings mirrored perfectly and in an opposing fashion, there in his twin’s dark orbs. Together, they had transcended what it meant to be alive, for just a moment. This was so much more than just a physical release or an expression of desire or care. They had both seared the other’s soul with a surreal sense of ecstasy. As their gaze held, the twins savored it all, knowing that, for just a moment, they had tasted what it must be like to be immortal.

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