Cry Little Sister Chapter 4

Feb 17, 2010 21:24

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:  Thank you for the reviews, the reads, and the feedback!

Chapter 1 Cry Little Sister    Chapter 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   Chapter 3 A Last Fire Will Rise

Chapter 4 - Behind Those Eyes

“Mortal Kombat totally sucked,” Benji snorted in derision. “I don’t know why we even went. This just proves video games should never be made into fucking movies. There was no plot and it didn’t even look real, Joel.”

“Hey, what do you expect from a dollar theater?” Joel shot back, grinning as they walked down the sidewalk. “You want great effects and a great plot, go pay 10 bucks at the Cinema 24 and see ‘Se7en’.”

“I wish,” Benji grimaced. “On second thought I don’t: that’s too much damned money. We could wait until it comes out and buy the video for 5 dollars less than two tickets would cost us!”

“True,” Joel nodded, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “So, what do we do with the rest of our Saturday?”

Instantly, Benji found himself at war again within his mind. Ever since they had gotten up that morning, Benji had purposely run full steam ahead into ‘plans’ for the day. He didn’t want to chance Joel talking about his ‘crush’, so he tried to keep them both as busy as possible. Likewise, Benji was trying to avoid another intimate encounter with his brother. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do it. On the contrary, he would have enjoyed nothing more than lying on their sleeping bags all day long and seeing how hard they could each make the other cum. However, that would also be very wrong on several levels: religiously, morally, ethically, not to mention, legally. It just wasn’t worth it in the long run for a day of forbidden bliss…was it?

He’d kept telling himself all of that, failing miserably to convince his dick that he was right. In his mind, Benji knew the truth but deep inside, he felt differently. His twin had kindled a fire inside of him that Benji could not seem to extinguish, much less control. The war raged on and he tried desperately to hold on to his faith as well as his sanity. Joel was off limits. Hopefully, some day, he would believe it.

God, someday couldn’t come soon enough.

“Uh, Benj?”

“Oh shit, sorry Joely,” Benji blinked. “I zoned out.”

“Don’t you always?” Joel retorted, raising his eyebrow.

“Shuddup,” Benji shoved him playfully.

Joel snickered and pushed his shoulder back at him. “I have an idea.”

Swallowing hard, Benji raise his eyebrows in question at his brother.

“We could go back to The Cave…and read,” Joel smiled mischievously.

“Uh,” Benji stalled. His mind raced frantically for an acceptable alternative to offer. Images of last night kept popping up and sidetracking him. Before he was able to clear the way, his body began to respond to the heated memories.

“I think you like my idea,” Joel smirked, looking pointedly at Benji’s newly formed tent.

“Fuck,” Benji hissed, his eyes darting around to make sure no one saw.

“Over there,” Joel guided his brother. “We can cut through this vacant lot and no one will see us.”

Caught between noble intentions and deviant desires, Benji watched mutely as the latter of the two finally won out. His feet followed Joel willingly. With each step, the reasons he should not do this, faded away and were replaced by a blazing need. At the end of the lot, Joel climbed up over the 4 foot stone fence and held his hand out to Benji to help him do the same. It was much more difficult for him then Joel, due to the lack of room caused by his bulked up package. Wincing, he finally landed on the other side in the grass with his pants bunched up around his crotch.

“Thanks,” Benji muttered, adjusting his black pants. He grimaced seeing that his ‘problem’ was even worse. “I hate hormones.”

Joel laughed softly and led the way through the trees. He loved the fact Benji was turned on. Part of him hoped that the reason for it was himself but Joel tried not to get his hopes up to high. When they had awakened this morning, he immediately saw that Benji was a little freaked out by what they had done. Joel tried not to take it personally, but it had hurt. He had to remind himself that this was his brother and as much as he had taken it in another way, his twin had wanted to help him get over the belt incident through role-play. All Benji had done last night was to act like Joel’s crush, never realizing he was the said object of desire. The irony of that did not miss Joel.

So, Joel had let Benji have his way. He hadn’t mentioned any of it until suggesting they go ‘read’ a few moments ago. Honestly, Joel had thought Benji would turn him down and was delightfully surprised when he agreed. Stomping through the brush, he silently sought ideas that would hopefully keep Benji with him at The Cave for the rest of the day and night.

“Yes! Almost there,” Benji yelped as he stumbled into Joel on accident. “Oops! Sorry.”

Gasping, Joel felt his body react from the feeling of his twin momentarily pressed up against his backside. “I-it’s o-kay.”

Still stunned by both the pain and the electric sensations, Joel missed a step and tumbled to the ground, his left thigh dragging over a sharp rock. “Shit, fuck, shit!”

“Hey, you okay?”

“I think I cut my leg,” Joel said through clenched teeth, grabbing his brother’s proffered hand and struggling to stand up.

Benji glanced behind Joel’s left leg. “Damn, you’re bleeding.”

“Great,” Joel groaned. “Just what I need: a ruined pair of jeans and another beating.”

“Joel it looks like it’s bleeding kind of bad,” Benji said concerned, putting his arm around his twin’s waist. “C’mon, were only a few yards from The Cave and first aid.”

“First aid?” Joel asked hobbling forward, leaning heavily on Benji.

“Yeah,” Benji puffed, shouldering as much of his twin’s weight as he could. “I brought the extra first aid kit.”


“Cause I know you.”

Joel half moaned and half chuckled. “I hate it when you are right.”

“I am your big brother,” Benji smirked. “I’m supposed to always be right. Now lean against me while I open the door.”

Moving carefully, Benji helped Joel inside the shed and over to their blankets. “I’ll grab the kit and you strip off your jeans. Hold on to the back of the chair so we don‘t get any blood on the sleeping bags.”

Joel grunted as he kicked off his shoes and jeans, grabbing on to the chair.

Reaching for the kit, Benji turned around to help Joel and almost dropped it. “Holy shit!”

“What? What’s the matter?”

Benji couldn’t say anything for a bit; he could only stare in horror. The gash on Joel’s leg from the rock wasn’t nearly as bad as the rest of Joel’s injuries. Some were downright disturbing. This was the first time since their ‘discipline’ yesterday that Benji could see his twin’s body fully from the back. There were huge welts and bruises snaking out of his boxers. It did not take a rocket scientist to see Joel had gotten beat much worse than Benji himself had. And that was just the ones he could see.

“Joel,” Benji said in a controlled voice. “What did Dad beat you with?”

“The belt,” Joel said rolling his eyes. “It’s okay, Benj. How’s my leg look?”

The marks on Joel were square at the end instead of round. “He hit you with the buckle.”

“Yeah he did,” Joel huffed exasperated. “So what? Now tell me about my fucking leg.”

Forcing his eyes back to the gash, Benji inspected it closer. “It needs to be cleaned. Can you stand there while I do it?”

Joel rolled his eyes. “Of course I can. I’m not dying or anything.”

Fumbling with the white kit, Benji took out a couple packets of antiseptic wipes. His hands trembled as he reached to cleanse the wound on his brother’s leg. Joel didn’t make a sound and barely moved when the stinging cloth touched the cut. Benji felt his stomach turn as he thought about how badly their Father had hurt his baby brother. Hell, the cut on his leg looked like a paper cut in comparison to those angry welts.

“It’s not deep,” Benji murmured, putting antibiotic cream on it.

Joel grunted in response as Benji bandaged the scratch. “Done, Benj?”

Benji didn’t move or speak.

“Benj?” Joel craned his neck to look down at his brother, meeting his eyes.

Slowly, Benji stood, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He gently ran his hand over the angry bruised welt that slithered around Joel’s lower spine above his boxers. Joel turned his head back away from his twin and inhaled sharply. “It’s fine, Benji, don’t worry about it.”

“I want to see,” Benji stated, never removing his fingers from Joel’s body.

“No, you don’t,” Joel said weakly, his hands gripping the chair hard.

Dropping his hand to the waist band of his twin’s boxers, Benji paused. “Let me, please.”

Shame and pain flooded Joel but he nodded.

Ever so lightly, Benji worked Joel’s gray boxers down his hips. It was all Benji could do to concentrate on the task instead of staring. He knew it would be an even worse shock to see the damage done, so Benji did his best to complete the process of unclothing his brother first. Helping him step out of his underwear, Benji stood up and gazed at his brother’s horribly ravaged backside.

Moments flew past as Joel stood tense waiting. When he couldn‘t stand the silence any longer, he half turned his body toward his twin. Joel‘s chest tightened at Benji‘s tears and he felt an overwhelming need to comfort and soothe him. “I really am okay.”

Benji gazed into his twins dark golden brown eyes. Joel was the one that was hurt and here he was trying to make Benji feel better. That was one of the many things swirling all at once in Joel’s captivating orbs. His baby twin was so confused, angry, bitter; but there was also compassion, genuine concern for his older brother, as well as the love of a sibling. There was something else there too. A want that was greater than a need. A yearning that was so deep and so strong, it eclipsed everything else Benji saw inside him. The windows of Joel’s soul remained veiled and his brother couldn’t tell what this yearning was, to his frustration. Instinctively, he knew that if his baby brother did not possess what his very soul required, and soon, Joel would die. Oh how he wanted to fulfill his twin’s desire! Benji would give years off of his life to know what Joel wanted, behind those eyes, those glorious eyes.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Joel whispered, but his eyes told the truth.

“No,” Benji’s voice hitched, staring at that un-named need. “It’s worse.”

Author notes:

A/N2:  Thank you for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated.

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