Last Man Standing Chapter 5

Feb 21, 2010 20:42

Title:  Last Man Standing
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji challenges his other four band mates to test their 'prowess' in a contest.  A lot of money is at stake and all five men are determined to win...just as long as no one EVER finds out...

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  This story is based on a 10k bet Benji lost to Joel a few months ago.  They both tweeted about it but never said what it was I got to wondering...*snickers*

Chapter 1 Money Shots    Chapter 2 Dirty Dream    Chapter 3 Anything    Chapter 4 Anxiety

Chapter 5 - Shattered

“Oh, oh Joel,” Benji gasped, his hand flying up and down his hard cock as he sat on the edge of the king size bed. The guys had all gone down to the suite below after the show but he had decided to come back to his room. He had spent the entire concert half-hard because of Joel kissing his neck. Benji knew it was wrong and he knew he shouldn’t be jacking off to his brother. But his dick had never been so hard, and wanting his twin had never felt so right.

Sweat poured down his body as he stroked his impossibly stiff dick. Sucking on his bottom lip, he let his desire for his baby brother tear through his veins. Unleashing the forbidden lust was a tremendous rush. His overactive sexuality fueled his creative mind to make devious fantasies of the two of them he had never dared allow before. Images of Joel flashed before his eyes, causing his hips to buck up off the bed. Using his free hand, he tweaked his nipples, crying out Joel’s name again from the immense pleasure. Precum flowed from the tip of his cock tempting Benji’s taste buds. Squeezing his dick to get more out, he swirled his index finger at the slit until it was saturated and brought it to his mouth.

“Mmmm,” Benji moaned slipping the finger out of his mouth. “Tastes so good. Fuck, I wonder if you taste like me, Joely.”

That thought, spoken aloud, was enough to throw Benji into the dark, sexual abyss of bliss that he had longed for since cumming last night with Joel. Crying out, Benji slammed his hips into his palm as his cock started to spurt and spray all over his legs, chest, and hand. Benji pumped his prick until it was too sensitive to touch. Slowly, he ran his hands over his body, thinking of his illegal fantasies. As the moments passed, instead of coming down, Benji began to rise upward, again. His frenzied cravings for Joel, driving him to slip his fingers over his spent dick as it twitched with the first signs of desire renewed.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Thanks for letting me talk to them, Mom,” Joel sighed. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye.”

Joel sat in the bus outside of the hotel, missing his family. He tried not to be angry that his girlfriend had not informed him she was taking their kids to his Mom’s but it wasn’t working. She hadn’t given him the courtesy of even a text message! Joel wouldn’t have known they were there had his brother Josh not called and asked why he didn’t tell him the kids were in DC so he could go and see them. She had dumped them off on at his Mom’s 4 days ago and no one knew where she went. It was all so fucked up.

His Mother had asked him how she was but he really couldn’t say. The last time they had actually spoken was 2 weeks ago. That didn’t mean Joel didn’t call, text, and email her - he did that every night and day. She just didn’t bother to respond. Ever. In the last few months, if he did manage to catch her on the phone, the conversation was brief and stilted at best. She’d been like this now for almost a year since their last album had come out. Joel tried to tell himself that she was busy with her life and ‘job’, but deep in his heart, he knew they were heading in separate directions in their lives. It just felt like she wasn’t his anymore. He even wondered in his darkest thoughts if maybe she was cheating on him.

Sighing, Joel ran his fingers through his hair and wondered how much more he could stand. He knew that things were falling apart and very soon it was going to be displayed all over every fucking tabloid in the grocery store. All the guys, Benji included, thought he led the charmed life, just like the rest of the world supposed. Great kids, gorgeous socialite-partner, and a happily-ever-after the entire universe envied. None of it was true…well, except for his kids. They were the bright spots in his life. Everything else had faded to black.

“The world really is black,” Joel said out loud, the irony of his own song, hitting him full force.

Putting his phone into his pocket, he got up and made his way out of the bus towards the hotel. Pulling up the hood to his sweatshirt, he kept his head down in hopes no one would recognize him. It wasn’t that Joel didn’t like meeting their fans. He just didn’t feel like being a ‘rock star’ tonight. As he turned the corner into the side door of the hotel, luck was with him. There wasn’t a soul in sight and he slipped into the elevator in relative silence.

Half-way to the top, the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Great, Joel thought. Now I get to have company. Just what I need.

“Hey,” Billy said startled when the doors opened to reveal Joel.

“Oh hey,” Joel responded half-heartedly, glancing at the not one but three ice buckets in Billy’s hands.

“We needed more ice,” Billy grinned, noticing Joel’s look.

“Obviously,” Joel tried not to smile.
Billy studied his friend for a moment. “So why are you out and about? I would have thought you would be camming with the kids or sleeping.”

“I needed to talk to, Mom and reception was shitty in the room,” Joel offered, not looking Billy in the eye. “Kids are doing great though and sleep is definitely where I am heading.”

Billy nodded but didn’t take his eyes off of Joel. “How’s the little woman?”

“Good,” Joel said in a clipped tone. “She’s…good.”

“So France is agreeing with her, huh?”

Joel whipped his head around to stare at Billy. “France?”

“Yeah, you know, Paris, France?” Billy said, glancing down at the ice and then back at Joel. “I tell you, Joel, you are one trusting guy. I don’t think I could do the same.”

“What do you mean?” Joel asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Well, I couldn‘t let my lady love hang out with the playboy set,” Billy shook his head, shifting the ice buckets in his hands. “We all know what goes on there and even Paul was talking about how strong your relationship must be while we were watching her tonight.”

“You…saw her? When?”

“She was just on Celebrity Travel partying with Juan Peridot at the night club L’amore,” Billy answered, looking at Joel and seeing his shocked look.

Turning his head toward the elevator doors, Joel’s eyes glazed over.   Juan Peridot was one of the biggest players in the field.  He  was  tall, dark and handsome, not to mention filthy fucking rich. Joel knew his girlfriend had dated Juan for a while before they met.  Closing his eyes briefly, Joel fought with the new knowledge that his ‘angel’ was with one helluva ‘devil’. Juan was known for his sexual exploits.  It would be folly to say that the two of them were at that club just to dance and chat.   Pain ripped through Joel’s heart as he did  his  best  to  accept the truth he had feared and that was now undeniable: his girlfriend was cheating on him.

“You didn’t know,” Billy observed quietly and Joel just shrugged. “Shit, Joel, I’m sorry.”

The elevator bell rang and the doors opened on Billy’s floor.

“Listen, are you alright, man?” Billy asked concerned. “I didn’t mean to give you bad news.”

“I’ll…be okay,” Joel offered, trying to smile but failing. “Just…well, I’d appreciate it if you… Paul, and Dean, would give me a chance to sort this out in private.”

“Of course,” Billy said, his voice filled with empathy. “You know we won’t talk.”

“Thanks,” Joel nodded, lead settling in the pit of his stomach.

“Don’t mention it,” Billy said, exiting the elevator. “If you need anything…”

“I’ll let you know,” Joel finished for him, and this time managed a small smile. “See you in the morning.”

“Peace,” Billy said as the elevator door closed between them.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Benji stepped out of the shower cursing a mile a minute. “I fucking hate phones.”

He had found himself in need of bathing after his earlier escapades. Just as he rinsed the soap from his hair, his damned phone started up. The first two times it had rung, he had ignored it, but fearing it might be important, he finally decided to try an answer it. Reaching for a towel and finding none, he gave up trying to dry off and hurried over to grab his cell just in time. “Hello?”


“Um, hey.” Why the hell was Joel’s girlfriend calling him? “Are you okay? Are the kids alright?”

“Oh yeah, sure, everything is fine. Listen, Benji,” She said, noise and laughter in the background. “I need you to give Joel a message for me.”

“Okay,” Benji said, still confused but concentrating so hard on the phone, he was oblivious to the door opening and closing.

“Let him know it’s…hang on Juan I’ve got to do this first…” She giggled. “You still there, Benji?”

“Juan?” Benji asked dumbly. “Who the fuck is Juan?”

She sighed. “Juan is my business not yours. Look, just tell Joel it’s not going to work out. We had a good run, but it‘s over.”

Benji’s mouth fell open. “Is this some kind of sick joke? You are the fucking love of Joel‘s life!”

“No, I am not. I’m breaking it off with Joel,” She stated again, with a note of finality in her voice. “I’ll have my lawyer contact his to workout visitation and the money issues.”

“You have got to be shitting me,” Benji half-yelled, panic and anger rising in him at the thought that this might really be true. “Visitation? Joel’s kids are his fucking life and you know it!”

“Calm down,” She said with a touch of sarcasm. “I’m not going to take them away from him. I just think it would be better for us both if we have it done in a legal manner so that it will be based on formality and less on our emotional whims.”

“You are unbelievable,” Benji scoffed.  “First of all, you should have had the fucking decency to tell Joel this to his face.  You owe it to him. Second, if you had to do this by the phone, you should have at least called him, not me. Third, and this is the fucking worst, how classy of you to have your next fuck-toy there and present while you break up with your long time boyfriend through his fucking brother!”

“Benji, cut the melodrama,” She said exasperated. “You know how emo Joel gets. He would have lost it. It’s better that he hear it from you. Joel always takes bad news best when you break it to him.”

“God,” Benji gritted through his teeth and tried switching tactics. “Think of your kids; don’t do this to them. Don’t do this to Joel!”

“Tell him my lawyer will be in touch with his in the morning,” She repeated and ignored Benji’s plea. “That’s really all I have to say and anything Joel needs to say, he can do so through our attorneys. Au revoir, Benji.”

“Wait-” But she had already hung up the phone. Yelling in pure frustration and pain, Benji threw his phone against the wall, shattering it into several pieces. “FUCK!”

Running his hands over his face, Benji realized he was crying. Turning his head, looking for tissues, his startled eyes met his brother’s devastated face.

“Benji,” Joel said in strangled whisper, swaying on his feet. “Was that…her?”

“Yes,” Benji answered his voice aching with the pain Joel was feeling. “She…you…it’s over. I’m so fucking sorry, Joel.”

Benji stared into his baby brother’s eyes and helplessly watched as Joel’s heart shattered.

Author notes:

Awwww, I know it was sad :(  It will get better, I promise.  At this point in the story, I'd love to hear your thoughts about the characters and the plot.  Like it?  Hate it?  Love it?  Needs improvement?  Let me know :D
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