Last Man Standing Chapter 3

Feb 07, 2010 21:33

Title:  Last Man Standing
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji challenges his other four band mates to test their 'prowess' in a contest.  A lot of money is at stake and all five men are determined to win...just as long as no one EVER finds out...

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  This story is based on a 10k bet Benji lost to Joel a few months ago.  They both tweeted about it but never said what it was I got to wondering...*snickers*

Chapter 1 Money Shots ) (  Chapter 2 Dirty Dream )

Chapter 3  Anything

“What did you do?” Joel said after several long minutes, in a low voice, staring fearfully at his brother.

“Joel, I-”

“What the fuck did you do?!” Joel screamed, raising his cum splattered hand to his face. The pungent smell of his own release taunted Joel, telling the torrid tale better than any explanation Benji could give. Wanting further confirmation of what he now feared was true, he grabbed Benji’s right hand and slowly brought it to his face. Joel swallowed hard, catching the same scent, his scent, on his brother’s hand. He gripped Benji’s wrist like a vice to communicate his inner pain, physically to him. Tears welled up in Joel’s eyes as he fully realized the truth: his own twin brother, the one person he trusted more than any other soul on the fucking planet, had taken advantage of him! The depraved dickhead had stroked him off while he slept!

Benji watched Joel’s rising panic, mutely. He had known Joel wouldn’t take this well, but he had no idea it would be this bad. The rapid rise and fall of his baby brother’s chest, told him how distraught Joel truly was at their predicament. Tears trickled down Joel’s still-red cheeks, searing Benji’s soul with their confirmation of his twin‘s agony. Joel put his left arm over his eyes and sobbed.

“Oh god!” Joel choked out through his tears. “I’m your brother, Benj…your FUCKING BROTHER!”

“I know,” Benji whispered, dying a little more inside each time Joel’s body was racked with another gut wrenching sob. “Please let me explain…it’s not what you think…”

Incredulously, Joel lowered his saline soaked arm from his face. “Not what I think? Let you explain? What the hell could you possibly say that would make this better?”

Benji winced at the razor-edge in Joel’s voice. “I swear to you, it wasn‘t on purpose. It was an accident.”

“Your hand just ‘accidentally’ pulled my pants down and without meaning to and palmed my prick until I exploded all over us both?” Joel sneered, tears dripping off his chin as he used his free hand to yank up his pajamas in spite of the mess. Tightening his grip on Benji’s left hand with his right, Joel shoved the sperm covered hand into his twin’s face. “Look at your hand big brother! See how fucking hard you made me cum? Wasn’t that your ‘purpose’? Aren’t you proud of yourself helping me cheat…oh god I cheated…” Joel’s sob broke his tirade for a moment as that fact suddenly penetrated his brain. He had cheated on the mother of his children, the woman he loved!

“Joel you didn’t cheat,” Benji began but Joel cut him off, tackling him. The twins slammed full force into the bus floor, rocking the vehicle moderately with their combined weight.

“I love her!” Joel shouted, doing his best to pin Benji to the floor. “I want to marry her! I have children with her, motherfucker! And now she is going to leave me when she finds out I fucking cheated with my own twin!”

“You did not cheat!” Benji yelled back, pushing as hard as he could against Joel’s hands that were locked around his wrists. “It was a damned accident, I swear!”

“QUIT SAYING THAT!” Joel screamed and finally forced his brother’s hands to the floor. “YOU FUCKING MOLESTED ME IN MY SLEEP!”

Benji’s back arched up and in a flash he flipped Joel hard, completely reversing their positions before yelling, “I DIDN’T DO IT! YOU FUCKING PUT MY HAND ON YOUR DICK AND WOULDN’T LET ME GO!”

Joel stopped struggling and stared in disbelief at his older sibling. All of his life, he’d had…problems…when he slept; it was no secret to those who knew him best. Joel would sleep talk, having full conversations with people and his eyes open like he was awake, never remembering a single word the next day. Sometimes, he would sleep walk but thankfully that had been extremely rare. But the worse thing, at the moment, was that Joel knew Benji was telling the truth: Joel knew he was definitely capable of ‘sleep-sex‘. There had been a couple times the women of his life had told him about the mind blowing sex they’d had the night before with him…and Joel didn’t remember a damn thing. Well, almost nothing: he actually remembered most of his orgasms. He’d wake just as it was happening and think that it had been initiated by the woman beside him only to find out it was the other way around the next day. Closing his eyes, Joel knew that had happened tonight, because he had awakened just as he began to cum.

More tears slid down his soaked face as he came to grips with the fact he really had cheated…and he had been the one who started it.

Benji watched for a few seconds as Joel closed his eyes and cried silently. “Joel, look at me.”

Joel shook his head, refusing to open his eyes.

“Please,” Benji said softly, letting go of his brother’s wrists and holding himself up on his palms.

Slowly, Joel opened his devastated eyes and looked at Benji.

“It’s okay,” Benji soothed, setting his own tumultuous feelings aside. “It’s going to be alright, I promise.” The most important thing in the world to him right now was to somehow make this right for Joel. God, he hoped that he actually could do that.

“But Benji, I…”

“No, just listen,” Benji shook his head. “I went to wake you up…and you were dreaming.”

Joel cut his eyes to the side as a new worry came to mind. He remembered the dream. The whole thing came back to him in a flash and he blushed.

Benji chuckled. “Yeah, it was a sex dream.”

“H-how do you know that?” Joel stuttered in surprise.

“Well for starters,” Benji answered, still amused. “You were humping the bed, but you made it even plainer when you were moaning and talking.”

All the color drained from Joel’s face. “What did I say?”

“It was ‘baby’ this and ‘baby’ that,” Benji rolled his eyes. “I don’t remember everything you said exactly, but trust me, you were having a good time.”

Joel thought about that for a moment, then studied his twin’s face to ensure he wasn’t keeping anything from him. Satisfied and very relieved that was all he had said, he asked, “But how did I…you…we do…what we did?”

Benji sighed. “I tried a second time to wake you, but you threw yourself on your back and grabbed my wrist. You weren’t awake but you wouldn’t let go either. The next thing I knew, you had my hand in your pants and…”


Swallowing, Benji could feel himself blushing. “And you were begging me to…help you. You kept saying it hurt and I didn‘t want you to hurt so I helped you out, involuntarily, at first. By the time you did let go of my hand, it would have been cruel to stop.” Rolling off of Joel to lie beside him, so he wouldn’t have to look in his eyes, Benji added, “So, I finished helping you and you woke up.” Silently, Benji prayed Joel hadn’t woke up until after he had cum as well.

“That’s it?” Joel asked quietly, turning his head to look at Benji.

“Pretty much,” Benji answered, his eyes darting to Joel’s as he offered him a small smile. “As you can see, it was an accident. It’s no big deal. It’s nothing, really.” The smile stayed fixed on his face as he attempted to make his last few words sound sincere. It would never do for Joel to know that for Benji, this was a ‘something’, a big something.

Joel nodded and looked up at the ceiling of the bus. He wondered why Benji hadn’t told him the rest. Could it be his twin was embarrassed? That was uncharacteristic for Benji. Of course, he usually told the truth too, especially to Joel, but he had not. He knew Benji had cum hard after him because he had watched him do it. That memory caused his stomach to tie up in weird knots for some reason. Pushing the memory away, suddenly Joel realized his chest kind of hurt too. It should be obvious that the reason it hurt was what he had inadvertently done, but another reason was glaringly apparent to him. Joel hadn’t liked the fact Benji felt what had happened between them was ‘nothing’. Gritting his teeth, he felt frustrated when he could not make sense of that reaction.

“Are you still mad…at me?” Benji asked haltingly.

“No,” Joel sighed. “I’m mad at myself.”

“Joel, you couldn’t help it…”

“I know,” Joel interrupted him, sighing again. “And…I’m sorry…for everything.”

Looking away, Benji whispered, “Me too.”

After a prolonged awkward silence, Benji said, “I don’t think you should tell her.”

“Why not?”

“Because,” Benji reasoned. “It wasn’t like it was me you were really doing in your dreams, and we didn’t do any of it on purpose.”

Joel closed his eyes tight, his face beet red, but he nodded his head.

“I swear I’ll never tell, Joel,” Benji said seriously. “Mainly, ‘cause there isn’t anything to tell.”

Tears stung the back of Joel’s eye-lids. He had the best brother in the world. It made him feel terrible, accusing Benji of molesting him. Part of him wished he could take the words back because he knew they had caused Benji pain. Joel knew without a doubt that Benji would keep his word and never tell a soul. Unfortunately, he also knew that Benji wasn’t entirely correct in his reasoning about the dream, but it  was something for him to bear alone.

“I’ll think about it,” Joel whispered.

“Sleep on it,” Benji advised. “Speaking of which, we need to get to our room.”

Joel’s head snapped around to Benji. “Our room?”

“Um yeah,” Benji said, worried. “They were overbooked and we only got two rooms. The guys are sharing…and you and I are sharing.” Joel sat up quickly and Benji followed suit. “Is that okay, Joel?”

“Uh sure,” Joel said, rising quickly to his feet and looking for something to clean his hand off with. “I’ll get my stuff.”

Benji watched as Joel tossed the dish towel to him then practically raced to get his things. Evidently, Joel was feeling highly uneasy about sharing a room with him. It saddened him to see that this was going to be a very uncomfortable night for them. Climbing to his feet, Benji started to get his things as well, all the while trying to figure out how to put Joel at ease.

“Ready?” Joel inquired standing at the door of the bus, looking out.

“Yeah,” Benji said, with a heavy heart. “Let’s go.”

Moving toward the door, Benji looked up surprised when Joel didn’t go on out. “What’s wrong?”

Joel chewed on his bottom lip for a second. He had been thinking while he was rushing around. Benji didn’t ask for any of this and he needed to make sure there wouldn’t be anymore tension between them. This incident wasn’t worth their bond. Looking Benji in the eye, he said, “I really do forgive you…and though I’m upset about it, I am not upset any longer with you.”

“I’ll forgive you if you forgive me for not managing to get you awake in the first place,” Benji offered, hiding his pain and matching Joel’s sincerity.

“Deal,” Joel smiled, looking at the two bags in his hands and back to Benji. “Aw hell.”

“What?” Benji said, his brow furrowing when Joel put his things down. Before he could look back up, Joel engulfed in a hug with both arms. Shocked, Benji felt tears sting his eyes; Joel really had forgiven him. As Joel started to pull away, Benji dropped his own luggage and pulled him back, returning the hug and the forgiveness. Joel smiled even bigger, tightening his arms around him, and laid his head on Benji’s shoulder. Not long after, Benji did the same to his twin.

“I love you, Benj,” Joel murmured with a happy sigh on his twin‘s shoulder. He felt for the first time since everything had happened that it really would be okay; that Benji would do what he promised and somehow make it okay.

“I love you too, Joely,” Benji whispered, a tear slipping down his face and falling on Joel‘s shoulder. It didn’t matter what he thought or felt. The only thing that was important was that Joel would be alright. He would make it right for him even if it meant Benji would have to hurt…like he hurt right now.

Anything, for Joel.


Author notes:

I decided if it's going to be a chapter fic, then it's gotta have a touch of drama (cause I'm a dramedy queen: a little bit comedy and little bit drama) and some good old fashioned angst.  Let me know what you think.
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