Last Man Standing Chapter 2

Feb 04, 2010 22:54

 Title:  Last Man Standing
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji challenges his other four band mates to test their 'prowess' in a contest.  A lot of money is at stake and all five men are determined to win...just as long as no one EVER finds out...

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  This story is based on a 10k bet Benji lost to Joel a few months ago.  They both tweeted about it but never said what it was I got to wondering...*snickers*

Chapter 1 Money Shots )

Chapter 2 Dirty Dream

'Come on fuckers, it’s 4am and by my royal decree, it’s time for a real bed in a real hotel,” Paul growled, not really wanting to get up himself.

Dean yawned and sat up. “My head is killing me.”

“Yeah, and my wallet is killing me,” Benji muttered under his breath, still sore about losing the two bets a few hours ago. He hadn’t slept at all. Thoughts of Joel and what had happened kept racing through his mind. Benji was glad he was almost in his room. He needed some serious alone time…with both of his heads. His dick seemed to have a mind of its own and Benji had stayed semi-hard ever since the game. Ruefully, Benji tried to make sure his navy pajama pants and shirt hid his dick so he wouldn’t be embarrassed. His package was overly sensitive and in desperate need of some more attention. As he was adjusting his tender balls, Paul’s gravelly voice startled him, causing Benji to involuntarily squeeze his family jewels a little too tightly.

“Get up, Billy,” Paul barked, causing Billy to jump. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to fully rouse the boy from sleep because in less than three seconds, Billy was snoring…again.

Benji moaned in pain. “Paul, I think you just fucking emasculated me, dickhead. Besides it’s too damned early for you to be yelling like that!”

“Oh but he’s the King,” Dean joked, his voice equally grouchy. “His ’majesty’ can do whatever he wants to do!”

“And don’t you forget it , fuck-face,” Paul smirked, shoving Dean as he went to get his suitcase.

Benji rolled his eyes as Paul glanced up at the top bunk where Billy was still snoring.

“Okay, that’s it,” Paul grimaced.

After the ‘contest’, Paul had quite literally emptied his stomach of the last 5 drinks he had consumed thanks to Billy‘s used wash cloth. Feeling sick, wanting sleep, and being in an all round pissy mood, Paul decided to make sure Billy in particular, got out of bed with style. He figured he owed the cocky little blue eyed freak. Grabbing Billy by his jeans, Paul unceremoniously yanked him out of his bunk on to the unforgiving floor.

Benji and Dean watched Billy hit the ground hard. The racket didn’t even faze Joel. He just slept on like a baby with its pacifier.

“Watt duh futch?” Billy asked rising up.

Paul flicked his ear. “We are at the hotel, court jester, and it’s time to go to our rooms.”

“Ow!” Billy yelped as he became more awake, grabbing his ear. “That fucking hurt!”

“Well it wasn’t supposed to tickle, Wilma,” Paul retorted, again grabbing Billy by his jeans, this time hauling him to his unsteady feet. “Now go get my bag, cause you, me, and Deano are sharing a room.”

“No way!” Deano groaned.

“Yes, way,” Paul grumped. “They are overbooked and we only get two rooms.”

Benji’s eyes widened as he realized that meant him and Joel would be sharing a room. This was not good. Tuning out the bickering between the other three, Benji looked over at his twin’s bunk. Joel was becoming restless and Benji could swear he heard his brother softly moan.

“Earth to Benji,” Paul snapped, as Benji finally looked up at him. “Here’s your room key. We are going on up. You are on the top floor, we are one down from you guys.”

“Uh, yeah,” Benji cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from his baby brother. “Thanks.”

“No problemo,” Paul saluted him and he walked out the door behind his two temporary room-mates.

Sliding down to the floor, Benji rested his head against the side of his bunk. For several minutes after their band mates had left, Benji just sat in the quiet bus and watched Joel sleep. Knowing that he really should wake his brother up, he just couldn’t seem to bring himself to destroy the serene look on Joel’s face. To Benji, he looked like a cherub, pink cheeked with gorgeous long lashes lying softly against his milky white skin. Joel’s lower lip was protruding slightly as he and flopped on to his stomach, leaving his face towards Benji. His pink tongue swiped his lips as he moaned audibly.

The sight of that tongue reminded Benji of Joel’s earlier words.

“Would you like me to kiss it?”

What the hell?  Benji thought, disconcerted by the sudden image in his mind of his brother’s mouth attached to his hot, throbbing…

“Baby…” Joel mumbled as his eyes began moving rapidly underneath his eyelids. It was obvious Joel was dreaming.

Shaking his head, Benji hastily purged himself of his other thoughts and tried not to laugh as Joel moaned ‘baby’ again. This time, Joel had started grinding his hips into the bed. Benji raised his eyebrows in amusement, reaching down to touch Joel’s shoulder.

“Time to wake up Joely,” Benji said gently, laughter in his voice. Joel kept right on grinding and moaning. Exasperated, Benji shook his shoulder again with a lot more force. “Joel, get up.”

In a blur of movement, Joel haphazardly flipped around to his back again, and blindly managed to latch on to Benji’s wrist. For a second his head raised up slightly and his body bowed inward, making Joel gasp like he was in pain. His t-shirt had become twisted halfway up his chest and Benji watched as Joel’s nicely toned abs contracted and released, letting Joel finally lay back down.

“Oh Baby,” Joel groaned loudly, his closed eyes still racing in REM sleep. “Need you so bad.”

An uncomfortable laugh accidentally spilled from Benji’s lips as he tried to free his hand from Joel’s firm grip.

“NO!” Joel yelled, his eyes opening as he stared unfocused into Benji’s eyes. “Need you. Need help.”

Benji swallowed hard as he searched his brother’s eyes, before realizing Joel was indeed still asleep. “It’s okay Joel. You just need to wake up.”

Closing his eyes again, Joel squirmed uncomfortably as he started to whine. “Please, help me…hurts…hurts so bad…”

“What hurts Joel?” Benji asked his brow furrowing with concern.

Instead of answering him, Joel placed Benji’s trapped hand directly on his pulsating prick. Joel sighed deeply and gently thrust his pajama clad hips into Benji’s palm.

“Oh shit,” Benji whispered and tried to take his hand away but Joel held on to him with unflinching resolve. “Joel, please fucking wake up.”

“Harder…need more…” Joel rasped and pressed Benji’s hand into his steel hard cock, leaving Benji with no choice but to cup him. “Yes! Help me…”

Grimacing, Benji did his best not to think about anything. It was clear that Joel was going to do this deed and it was probably the wisest course of action, at this point, to just help him get it done. The irony of it all did not miss Benji, though. Here his baby brother was, most likely dreaming about his longtime girlfriend, the love of his life, and yet he was using the hand of his bisexual twin to aide him, unwillingly, in his soon to be ‘wet dream’. It would never cease to amaze Benji the things he would do for Joel.

Sighing, Benji began moving his well-restrained hand. Joel bucked up as his face contorted in pleasure and his abs spasmed in ripples. Benji listened as Joel started to pant and strangled cries continuously ripped from his throat. Within moments, Joel grew harder and his thrusts increased. Sweat trickled down his face as he brought his free hand up and put it on top of Benji’s. Pressing so hard Benji was certain it hurt, he watched as Joel suddenly pulled the waistband of his cotton black pants out, and slipped Benji’s hand inside.

“Ohhhh,” The cry sounded long and deep but Benji was shocked when he realized he was the one who had expelled it. Joel was hot and so fucking hard in Benji’s palm. It was overwhelming and terrifying at the same moment, but Benji knew he didn’t want to stop. The only thing he was truly concerned about was what Joel would think once he woke up and realized what had happened. Deciding it didn’t matter at the moment, Benji grasp his brother’s precum soaked erection and jerked up roughly.

“Baby!” Joel gasped bowing in again as his eyes vibrated under his lids. Joel let his hands slip down his hips, clawing at his sheets, and his knees drew up so that his feet were flat against his bunk’s mattress. That extra traction began to do wonders for Joel in the thrusting department. His hips were bucking up off the bed now and Joel’s unintelligible mewls were echoing throughout the bus.

Benji had never heard his twin make sweeter music than the wild, untamed melody ripping from his throat right now.

Precum poured out of Joel’s dick, signaling the beginning of the end. Benji quickly pulled Joel’s pajama bottoms down past his hips. Looking at his twin’s throbbing, wet cock , Benji unconsciously matched his own hips to Joel’s frantic thrusts. The muscles in Benji’s thighs tensed and he clinched his pelvic floor muscles harder and harder while he fucked the air on his knees beside his dreaming brother. Years of practice and training, coupled with the fact he was more turned on at the moment than he had been in years, pushed Benji toward a release of his own.

Benji continued his rough handling of his brother’s cock, swiping the head with his fingers so he could use Joel’s own natural lube as he stroked him. Sliding his free hand between Joel’s legs, Benji rolled his balls in his palm. Flushing with heat, Joel’s red face broadcast his impending ecstasy. The muscles in Joel’s abs contracted hard and fast, causing Benji’s body to do the same. Giving his testicles a last squeeze, Benji let his fingers wander to Joel’s perineum. Massaging the hard muscles there, sent Joel into a frenzy. His cock stiffened even more in Benji’s slick hand.

“Baby…fuck…I love you!” Joel screamed and bucked his hips up higher than ever before.

“Make…us…cum…Joely,” Benji whispered stilted, his voice aching for them both.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, Joel began shooting his cum. White hot ropes exploded out of his bulbous crown raining down on to his chest, Benji’s hand, and even to the bunk above him. The raging bliss was strong enough to penetrate Joel’s consciousness as wave after wave of orgasmic nirvana crashed throughout his mind, body, and soul.

Seeing his twin in all of his glory was more than Benji could take and his own orgasm took hold of him. Lights dazzled his eyes as his ears sang with the sound of Joel’s voice. Every muscle he had in his thighs, ass, and abs contracted so hard, Benji wasn’t even aware his body was capable of such a feat. Heavy spurts of cum shot repeatedly out of Benji into his pants as he came without once touching himself.  His muscle strength was capable of not only causing an occassional hands free orgasm but it also extended his orgasm's length and intensity.  Benji's own hot cries mixed with Joel's as his face became a mask of pure pleasure. Benji rode it out to the very end. Without a doubt it was one of the best and hardest orgasms he had ever had in his life.

Benji gasped for air as his body slumped against Joel’s bunk. His hands let go of Joel’s dick and slid to his thigh. The movements cause Joel to straighten his legs out and his right hand lightly covered Benji’s left one on his leg. Opening his eyes, Benji glanced first at Joel’s hand and then at Joel’s face to see if he was okay.

Breathing heavy, Joel stared back into Benji’s eyes confused and fully awake!

Author notes:

So has the dream ended or shall we see how deep the rabbit hole goes?  Let me know ;)

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