Cry Little Sister Chapter 3

Feb 16, 2010 01:36

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes: I have always loved this song from The Lost Boys and I just got inspired by it. It seems to fit the twins quite well. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 1 Cry Little Sister    Chapter 2 Thou Shall Not Fall

Chapter 3 - A Last Fire Will Rise

“I fucking hate him, Benji,” Joel whispered lying on his back under the sleeping bag. “Sometimes I wish…I wish he would die.”
Benji didn’t reply as he turned up the battery powered lamp light, because he didn’t need to do so. Joel already knew he agreed. Lying on his left side, his arm under his head, he marveled at how calm his twin had been when stating his feelings about their Dad. It wasn’t that way with him. He could never have told Joel something like that and remained so cool about it. The reason he couldn’t do it was simple: this involved Joel.

Joel was his gift and woe be to the person that hurt him.

“Why did he beat you so bad, Joel?” Benji asked, his voice laced with anger.

Joel laughed. “Why? Because I am a sick fuck, Benj.”

“Is that what he told you?”

“Yeah,” Joel said bitterly. “He said it right after I came all over him and Mom’s damned sheets.”

“Shit,” Benji mumbled.

“I couldn’t stop it,” Joel went on. “I hadn’t gotten off in a couple of days and, god, I needed to so bad when you brought that Playboy home, even if it was naked girls.”

“Like I said,” Benji replied a bit sadly. “Porn is porn.”

Shaking his head, Joel continued, “Yeah, well, after Dad beat you, my dick had gone soft. I really wasn’t turned on at all. Hell, I was dreading being next.”

“Understandable,” Benji agreed, sensing Joel needed him to do so.

“Anyway,” Joel cleared his throat. “He threw me in his room like a thousand times before, only this time he shoved that damn magazine in my face. I realized it was turning me on so I started fighting it but then the bastard starts berating me for being young and hard all the time. It’s disgusting, I know, but staring at the pictures and being humiliated for it…”

“So what did you do?” Benji coaxed, knowing this was very difficult for Joel.

“You know the drill, Benj,” Joel said, his bitter voice filled with unshed tears. “He had me pull my pants and boxers down to my knees and then lay across the bed. The first time he hit me with the belt, I bucked my hips and the friction against the sheets felt too good. After the third whack on my backside, for some reason it didn’t hurt like it had. I was still screaming but it was more pleasure than pain. The next thing I knew, I came all over their sheets. He jerked me to my feet, done with his original ‘discipline’ but when he saw what I had done, he started all over again. Only this time, the last three cracks of the belt he aimed right between my legs before he stopped. It hurt so fucking bad I wanted to die and I almost passed out.”

“Joel,” Benji whispered, feeling his twin’s agony.

“But you know what’s really fucked up about it all?” Joel laughed, making it sound more like pain than mirth.


“Just thinking about it is getting me…”

Benji watched Joel put his hands over his face as his words just trailed off. It wasn’t difficult for him to figure out what Joel was going to say. Glancing down at the cover over his twin’s lower half, Benji confirmed his suspicions. He could relate to Joel’s confusion over his screwed up excitement. Moving closer to him, Benji touched his arm.

“Quit freaking out about it, Joel,” Benji stated calmly.

“Benji, you don’t understand, I’m-”

“-hard. Yes, I do have eyes, little brother,” Benji finished Joel’s sentence with a smirk.

Joel kept his hands over his flushed face. “Do you think I’m disgusting?”

Benji’s eyebrows furrowed as he considered the question. “Did you cum because of…well, Dad?”

“NO!” Joel yelped in horror, dropping his hands to look at Benji and shake his head emphatically. “I wasn’t thinking about him at all!”

“Then what were you thinking about?”

Joel looked down and swallowed hard. “A…a guy I think I may…like. But I swear, I couldn’t help any of it, Benji. It just felt too good.”

Tears welled up in Joel’s eyes as Benji watched his bottom lip quiver. “The belt felt good too, didn’t it Joel?”

“Yes,” Joel whispered, covering his face again with his hands to hide his tears. “I don’t know why because it hurt like fuck but the more I…rubbed off…against the sheets, the better it felt. God Benj, I feel so fucking guilty.”

The bittersweet sound of Joel’s quiet, sobbing voice made Benji ache for him. It hurt to see his brother so upset about the simple act of orgasming. Yes, it had been under duress and terrible circumstances, but that wasn’t Joel’s fault. His twin felt abnormal and dirty. Benji hated seeing him like this. This had wounded Joel far worse than a physical beating. The scarring would never heal. Yet, Benji wanted nothing more than to bring everything full circle and back to normal like it had never happened.

Deep inside, Benji knew the truth: there was no turning back the clock; no fixing this; and nothing would ever be normal again.

Joel felt his stomach contract as acid burned his throat. Aside from his guilt, he felt shame because he was crying in front of his big brother. He felt shame because he thought he had been unmanned in front of his Father. But the worst shame was knowing that in spite of it all, he was laying beside Benji as hard as he had ever been because of it, again.

“You need to leave me,” Joel cried pitifully. “Just go home and leave me here.”

Determined, Benji did the opposite and scooted closer to his twin. “I’m not leaving.”

“Benji you have to go,” Joel plead through his tears. “I don’t want you to be like me. You are so much better than I am. I’m…sick. There’s something really wrong with me and I don’t want it to infect you too.”

“Joely,” Benji tried to soothe him. “Nothing is wrong with you that I could possibly catch.”

“Dammit Benji,” Joel pressed his fists into his red, soaked eyes. “You don’t fucking get it. All of that should never have happened and instead of just forgetting that shit, my body is ready to cum about it all over again! If I wasn’t bound for hell the first time, this should fucking well do it! I don’t want you to see me like this. GO!”

“No,” Benji sighed, squeezing Joel’s arm comfortingly. “I’m not going anywhere, so get over it.”

“I’m sick!” Joel jerked his arm from Benji’s grasp.

“Stop saying that!” Benji yelled getting angry. “None of this was your fault and you aren’t damned, dammit! You’re just…”

“Just what?” Joel sobbed into his hands.

“I just think you are exactly like me: sexually frustrated,” Benji said, and put his arm around Joel under his head. “I’m sorry you are upset about it but to me it doesn’t matter. You are still my Joel.”

Crying harder, Joel leaned his head into Benji’s shoulder. “But everybody says…”

“Everybody’s asshole opinions do not count,” Benji crooned, stroking his brother’s hair. “The only opinions that matter are yours and mine. Fuck everybody else.”

Their eyes connected as Joel dropped his hands to his stomach. Instead of revulsion and fear in Benji’s eyes, Joel found understanding and acceptance. This was just another reason Joel had found himself falling for his twin in the first place. His emotions swarmed his hormone ridden body and Joel found his cock getting even harder but for a different reason.

Breaking his gaze from Joel as his tears subsided, Benji glanced at the bulge between his brother’s legs. One thing was for sure, he definitely knew the frustration of getting hard and it not going down. He didn’t give a fuck as to the ‘why’ of Joel being so turned on. His twin needed release and Benji knew that though he couldn’t take his gift back to his previous ‘normalcy’, he could most certainly put Joel at ease about having to take care of himself. Slipping his hand above Joel’s head, Benji grabbed the lube.

“Go ahead, Joely,” Benji murmured, laying it on Joel’s chest. “Don’t think about it, just stroke it out. I know how bad you need to do it.”

Joel started to move away so that he could do it, but Benji held his shoulder tight. “No, stay here.”

His reddened eyes locked with Benji’s as he laid himself back down. “Why?”

“Because,” Benji said gently, his voice aching. “You need to and I need you to as well. I couldn’t help you when it happened, but I can help you now. I know this hurt you. I hurt too. Twins share everything, remember?”

“I didn’t want you to feel this,” Joel whispered. “That’s why I told you to go.”

“Joel, I would feel it even if I left and went to the damned moon,” Benji argued.

“I’m going to get off on it,” Joel said thickly. “There’s no way I can not think about it.”

“Then do it,” Benji said simply. “I don’t give a shit if it turns you on. Tell me all about it or keep it inside. Do what you need to do. I won’t judge you for it and I’ll help you any way I can.”

The sincerity of Benji’s words rocked Joel to his core. His twin honestly didn’t care about Joel’s sick sex-capade. For the first time since it had happened, Joel didn’t feel like such a freak of nature. He just wanted to stay here with his head resting on Benji’s shoulder and let all of his pain and frustration out. His brother was offering him that chance. Slowly raising his eyes to his brother’s, Joel allowed himself to begin feeling…all of it.

Benji gasped. The chaos he could see in Joel’s soul nearly overwhelmed him. It was terrible and beautiful to watch the cacophony of emotions and memories dance to their morbid tune. Losing himself in his brother’s soulful windows, Benji felt something he had never known before. Leaning his head toward Joel, he kissed his forehead. Deep within Benji’s heart, something sparked. Joel closed his eyes and whimpered, his hips starting to move slightly as Benji watched.

“That’s it, Joely,” Benji whispered. “Let it take you over. It’s okay to feel it, to think it, to want it.”

Reaching up on his chest, Joel took the small bottle of lube and put some in his palm. He slipped his hand past his waist and under the cover to his rigid dick. Encircling the crown with his hand, Joel couldn’t help but buck his hips into it. Allowing himself to revel in the lustful thoughts about the belt, Joel did what Benji had advised him to do and started stroking it all out. Turning his head, he looked into Benji’s eyes.

“Feel good, Joely?” Benji smiled, enjoying the look of lust on his brother’s face.

“So…good,” Joel replied, his face scrunching as a heated whimper slid past his chapped lips.

“Looks like you need a bit of help,” Benji observed.

Joel’s breath caught as his imagination raced with the possibilities of what that statement could mean. Suddenly, white-hot lust poured through his veins for the one thing, the one person, he should never want. His entire body tensed as Benji moved his hand over the cover to his waist. Slowly, Benji pulled the cover down, exposing Joel’s raging hard on and slick hand.

“There, that’s better,” Benji whispered, staring at Joel as he pumped his cock a bit faster. “Didn’t want you to ruin the sleeping bag again.”

Nodding, Joel expelled the air he had held too long. Willing himself to slow down, he fought hard to control his overheated body. The slight jerk of his hips could be seen and felt by his twin. Gulping in more air, Joel managed to bring himself down a little bit more. But Benji sent him right back to that high seconds later.

“Did those sheets feel good, Joely?” Benji breathed in Joel’s ear, causing him to cry out.

“Yes!” Joel panted. “It rubbed the head, shaft, even…my balls.”

“Your hips move?” Benji breathed heavier, desire starting to burn inside him.

“Yeah,” Joel stroked slower, trying to hold off the orgasm that was threatening so that he could continue this with his brother. “I was grinding so hard…I was grinding…into him.”

Benji swallowed hard, feeling his own cock begin to bounce against his belly with his every heartbeat. “Your crush?”

Joel nodded, stroking very slowly. “Pretended…I was…making him…harder and…had to be whipped…because I shouldn’t…do it…but had to…for him…my nipples, his nipples…so hard…wanted to make…him cum”

Closing his eyes, Benji felt heat ripping through his body and settling in his swollen prick. “I‘m sure he wanted that too. He liked you taking the beating so you could make him harder; so he could cum.” Putting his mouth right next to Joel’s ear he added, “You are such a good fucking boy, Joely.”

Groaning loudly, Joel’s hips jerked involuntarily at Benji’s words. He had to let go of his cock or it would have been too late. “I’m a…good boy?”

“No,” Benji rasped in his ear, laying his hand on Joel’s chest. “You are good fucking boy.”

Joel could barely breathe, much less answer.

“Good fucking boys,” Benji continued, his hips starting to move as he lay there on his side by Joel. “Always take their punishment like men…like you did, Joely.”

“Uhhhh,” Joel moaned and bucked his hips causing Benji to gasp as his right hip brushed Benji’s cock head.

Fire shot through Benji’s cock from Joel’s accidental touch. “Oh god…” Without thinking, Benji let his hand on Joel’s chest travel to his right nipple and he pinched it hard.

“FUCK!” Joel screamed as his fragile hold on his darkest desires snapped. The fantasy of his crush was no longer enough. He wanted to act it out. Forcing Benji’s shoulder to the ground with his left hand, Joel rolled on top of his gorgeous, naked brother. His legs slid between Benji’s as he started to grind his well lubricated dick into his twin’s.

“SHIT!” Benji yelled grabbing Joel’s hips and thrusting up against him. Instinctively, he knew his twin was living out desire for his crush through him. Benji felt a pang of foreign emotion at that thought, but his lust and care for his brother drove him to push it aside. “Do it Joely…grind against him…make him harder…”

“I’m a…good…fucking…boy…” Joel growled out, his arms braced on either side of his brother. Every time he ground his hips into him, their sweat covered chests would also rub together. “Gonna…make…you…harder…”

The fire Benji felt before burst into an intense flame. Joel wanted to make him harder. Hot flames licked his body anew with that realization. Pressing the side of his head against Joel‘s, Benji forced out, “You already…make me…so hard…know why?”

“Why?” Joel gasped back, his body almost there as precum poured out over his twin‘s dick.

His dick hardening even more along with Joel’s, Benji panted out, “Cause you’re…not just a…good fucking boy…you are…my good fucking boy!”

“BENJI!” Joel shouted as his body started to convulse. Falling into Benji physically and figuratively, Joel found euphoria he never knew existed. His dick shot hot spurts of cum all over Benji’s cock. “Fuck…Benji…your, oh fuck…good fucking…uhhh…boy…cumming…so hard…”

Amazed, Benji suddenly knew Joel’s bliss. He could feel it. It spurred him on. Thrusting up against Joel’s orgasming cock, Benji hit his own nirvana. “JOELY!” Benji’s dick spewed it own white hot lava onto Joel as the fiery blaze within him burned bright. “Mine…my…good fucking….Joely…”

Pain tore through Benji as he realized the lie in what he had just said. Joel was not his. Joel was his gift, but not his to keep. Joel wanted someone else. And Joel should want someone else. This was wrong. They could never be together. In spite of it all, Benji felt the inferno Joel had started in his heart and soul, rise higher and higher. Joel had only been acting out his fantasy but Benji would burn with this for the rest of his life. At least his twin would never know. Benji rode out the rest of his orgasm in bittersweet pain. He knew this fire would be his last, his only desire, forever. There would never be another.

But Joel could never be his.

Joel humped into Benji until the last waves of their respective climaxes were spent. Rolling off his twin, Joel lay beside him trying to catch his breath. The shame he felt from his earlier experience was gone. Benji had washed it away and given him the absolution he had craved. The ‘crush’ he thought he had, he now knew was so much more. Actually feeling Benji beneath him, against him, was so much better than he had imagined during his beating. Pleasure still flowed throughout his body from the heated experience. But nothing could match the happiness he felt because of whom he had shared it with. Benji's last words during their orgasm echoed in his heart.

“Mine…my…good fucking…Joely…”
His .

I am very interested in hearing what readers thought of this.  That is my first time taking 'guy on guy' that far, lol.  Please let me know your opinion and thanx for reading :D

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