Cry Little Sister Chapter 1

Feb 11, 2010 15:02

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes: I have always loved this song from The Lost Boys and I just got inspired by it. It seems to fit the twins quite well. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 1 - Cry Little Sister


An ear-splitting scream.

Sarah softly sobs as she slumps down against the wall.

Benji stared at his 14 year-old little sister with dull eyes. This was all her fault. If she had just waited, stayed where she was until he could have opened the door, none of this would have happened. She knew he would answer it, she had just been impatient. The door had been locked for a reason. But Sarah had decided to trick it open. Damn Josh for teaching her how to do that! Indirectly, that made this his older brother’s fault too, but for some reason, he couldn‘t be as angry with him as he was with her. Namely, because Josh would never have done what she had done, even if he had tricked the fucking lock.


Another scream.

“Oh god!” Sarah chokes, burying her face in her arms.

Her suffering couldn’t compare to what Benji felt at the moment. Yes, his body was bruised and torn but that was trivial to the inner torment he felt. Every crack of that belt, every scream, sliced through Benji’s soul like a razor sharp sword. Tears streamed, unashamedly, down his red face as he rocked back and forth on the bed, holding himself tightly with his arms. He would give years off of his life to be the one screaming in the next room. In fact, he had pleaded and begged his old man to let it be all on him…and only him. The only response he had gotten to that was being thrown into Sarah’s room and the door blocked on the outside by something impossibly heavy.

In spite of his physical pain, Benji had thrown himself against her door over and over until he couldn’t move anymore. Her room had no windows; no phone; no means of escape. He had yelled and screamed to no avail. Collapsing on Sarah’s bed, he resigned himself to his terrible fate. It was far worse than what had happened to his battered body. This abuse left wounds that would never properly heal. Who knew that your ears and the passing of time could do such a thing to you? Wallowing in this sadistic pain was the only thing Benji could do: listen and wait.


The scream was louder this time.

“Benji,” Sarah heaved, her hands fisting in her hair. “I’m so sorry!”

She was right. She was sorry. The sorriest excuse for a sibling on the planet! Benji couldn’t believe his fucking luck in life. He had been ‘blessed’ with extremes. The worst type of poverty: some but never quite enough. The most terrible town in America to try and fit it to: a suburb in Maryland. A horrible little sister who couldn’t keep her nose out his business. And last but not least, the world’s worst Father: a mean-ass drunk with fucking ‘morals’ even his Mother actually backed up.

Yeah, those were the bad things all right. However, there were a couple of good things, no, great things as well. He had Josh. Josh had introduced him to music. Josh taught him not everyone lived their lives by man made rules that they insisted were from God, when they were not. Josh showed him that life could one day be very different. It was Josh who had told him about sex…and masturbation. How great they both felt and how he should always be ‘careful’. Oh, he wasn’t warning about safe sex. That was clearly understood; a given. No, Josh was talking about their parents. Sex was forbidden until marriage…but masturbation was forever taboo. Unfortunately, Benji had remembered that a little too late.


The scream seemed to never end.

Sarah’s eyes widened in horror at the sound, showing the same fear Benji had: it sounded like death.

Benji closed his eyes, focusing on the other great thing in his life. The greatest gift he had ever been given. This gift had always been there. The second after he had been conceived, split in two parts, his gift was with him. From that moment until now, every heart beat, every breath, his gift never left him. They laughed, cried, played, and even fought together. It was something precious that so many on Earth search vainly for, but never find. Benji had been blessed because he’d never even had to look; his gift was right beside him from the very start. He had his ‘other half’: his identical twin brother.

That is why Benji wanted to be the one screaming in the other room. He had blamed it on Sarah, but in truth, it was his fault. Benji was 16 and understandably horny all the time. He needed relief and he rarely got it. Today, Benji had stolen a dirty magazine from the store. It had been too much a temptation for him to wait until nightfall when everyone was asleep. Convincing his brother that they wouldn’t get caught, Benji had gotten him to masturbate to the filthy publication with him. They hadn’t even gotten very far when Sarah burst in, yelling about how gross they were, making fun of them. Her little tantrum had alerted their Dad who had just gotten home from the bar.

Benji swallowed hard, remembering his own beating. It was nothing new. Their Dad beat all of them, but usually he got the worst of it. His little brother was rarely in trouble with the man because he was Mom’s favorite, the baby boy. That didn’t mean his twin was an angel; far from it. A lot of the shit he pulled, Benji took the rap for, but that didn’t anger him. He was happy that his brother didn’t suffer as much as he did. Benji would gladly take any punishment to the point of death and beyond…for his gift; his best friend; his brother, his twin.

For his Joel.


There was silence.

“I swear, Benji,” Sarah whispered, hiccupping. “I didn’t know he was home. I thought we were the only three here. Oh god, please, I don‘t want him to die!”
Benji looked Sarah directly in the eyes. “If that bastard kills him, you will only wish that you could be as fucking lucky.”

Author's Notes:

Let me know what you think, I am a bit nervous to post this.  Reviews will make me want to post the other chapters, lol.
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