Cry Little Sister Chapter 2

Feb 14, 2010 00:02

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes: I have always loved this song from The Lost Boys and I just got inspired by it. It seems to fit the twins quite well. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 1 Cry Little Sister

Chapter 2 - Thou Shall Not Fall


Sarah jumped away from the door in alarm and ran to Benji. “I thought Dad left. I heard the front door close.”

Benji stared at the door contemplating Sarah’s whispered words. He had heard the door too over 15 minutes ago. Slowly, he got up from her bed and made his way to the door. His heart was beating triple time with fear…and hope.

“Joel,” Benji said softly. “Is that you?”

“Yes,” Joel grunted, shoving at the chest blocking his sister’s door. He shoved as hard as he could but to no avail. “I’m…trying…to let…you out. I…can‘t scoot it…any more.”

Benji sighed heavily in relief. Joel was alive. “What can I do to help you?”

After several seconds of silence Joel’s muffled voice came through. “Benj? On the count of three, I’ll pull and you push.”


“1, 2, 3!”

They had to repeat it twice but finally, the chest moved.

“Thanks,” Benji said softly as he and Sarah vacated her room. “Are you alright?”

Joel nodded, refusing to look at his twin.

“Kids? Where are you?”

“Shit,” Joel muttered, looking mortified at the sound of his Mother’s voice at the front door.

“Up here Mom,” Benji yelled, shoving Sarah lightly toward the stairs. “We’ll be right down.”

Sarah skirted around them both and squeezed back into her room, earning her a frustrated growl from Benji.

“I’m g-gonna take a s-shower,” Joel said, his words tripping over his tongue. “I’ll b-be a f-few minutes.”

“Okay,” Benji sighed softly, watching the door close behind Joel. He knew his twin was not alright. There was confusion and pain in his eyes, but Benji had no time to figure it out or help him. Their Mother was demanding his presence downstairs.

“Take out the garbage, Benji,” His Mom ordered, leaving no room for argument. “This is the last time I am going to ask you.”

Rolling his eyes, he did as he was told, only to come back into the house in time to catch his little sister ratting about what had happened.

“Is this true, Benjamin?”

His Mother only called him Benjamin when he was in trouble or when she was proud of him. Seeing as the latter of those two had not happened since he was 10, Benji felt it was safe to assume she was royally pissed. Glancing at Sarah’s retreating form, Benji briefly wondered if there was some kind of insanity plea for older brothers who murdered their brat sisters.

“Yes, Mama, it’s true.”

She gasped and immediately launched herself into prayer. Benji didn’t close his eyes, but he did hang his head a little. Truthfully, Benji didn’t feel he had done anything wrong, well except for stealing the magazine. That was wrong. Thankfully, his parents didn’t know that piece of information. Still, he didn’t feel it was fair to force him to be contrite for doing something that felt so damned natural. In his eyes, God had made a guy’s body to function like this, so what was the problem? It all just seemed to be a bit ridiculous: bothering God with trivial things He already knew about anyway.

As their Mom finished her prayers, Sarah came running back down the stairs, out of breath. “Okay, Mom, I’ll see you later. Staying at Cindy’s until Sunday night. Love you!”

“Call if you need anything,” Her Mom said as Sarah flew out the door, never looking at Benji once.

Sarah was such a fucking coward as well as snotty little snitch. On second thought, Benji didn’t want her dead. That punishment would be too damn kind.

“You both know this is a sin, Benjamin,” His Mom scolded him sternly, commanding his attention. “And while I do not advocate the type of discipline your Father metes out, generally, in this instance, I believe it was necessary. I do not want my sons to go to hell for touching themselves. Other than for sanitary means, you should never play with yourselves in such a manner!”

Benji squirmed. Although he didn’t buy his Mom’s lecture and beliefs, it still made him feel ashamed, even a bit concerned. He knew Josh said that it was all rubbish: that every guy does it. But his Mother was very convincing at times; especially when she delivered these speeches to him and Joel. Benji was glad Joel wasn’t down here to hear it.

“It was my fault, Mom,” Benji said with a red face. “Joel didn’t want to do it but I convinced him. We won’t do it again.”

“See that you don’t,” His Mother nodded. “It is better that a man spill his seed into the belly of a whore than to let it fall to the Earth. Masturbation is a grave sin and it is much worse than allowing someone else to do it for you. Besides all of this, you will go blind if you do it as well.”

Benji had gulped in air as he nodded and allowed his Mom to kiss his head. “Where is Joel?”

“He had to go to the bathroom after…Dad,” Benji lied, glad his flushed face was almost normal again.

His Mother looked at him a long moment with just the faintest touch of sadness. Looking down, she checked her watch and started down the stairs. “I have to go or I will be late.”

“I’ll let Joel know what you said,” Benji promised, following her.

“Thank you,” His Mother said. “I’ll be home in the morning. Please remember what I said and don’t mishandle your body again. Tell Joel the same thing.”

“I won’t touch myself,” Benji blushed profusely. “Joel won’t either.”

“That’s all that I ask,” His Mom had smiled and walked to the front door, then furrowed her brow. “I love you both and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Love you,” Benji had mumbled, and locked the door behind her.

Taking the steps two at a time, Benji bound up the stairs. The bathroom door was open as was the door to their shared room. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Benji hesitantly opened the door to their room. Instead of finding his brother crying, upset on his bed, Joel was…packing.

“What are you doing, Joel?”

“I’m leaving,” Joel answered firmly, not bothering to turn around.

Benji’s eyebrows knit together as Joel unzipped up his backpack. “Where are you going?”

“Anywhere but here.”

Joel reached under his mattress to get his savings out its hiding place. While he was bent over, Benji saw the welts from the belt on his lower back. He knew Joel had received almost twice the beating he had. What puzzled Benji the most though, was why. Something else must have happened and Joel’s eagerness to escape it all, fueled that suspicion even more inside Benji.

Straightening up, money in hand, Joel looked quizzically at his twin. “Are you coming?”



“On whether or not we are coming back,” Benji said quietly.

Joel considered that for a moment, then simply shrugged and went to their closet. Pulling out their sleeping bags and a box filled with their camping items, he tossed them on his bed. Looking at Benji’s eyes glued to the gear, Joel said, “Can’t really afford a motel, you know?”

“It’s cold.”

“So? It’s still September. We used camp with the scouts through October,” Joel pointed out, putting select items in his back pack with his clothes.

“The tent is busted,” Benji pointed out, walking over to his bed.

“I’ll manage,” Joel said, indifferently.


Joel knew what Benji wanted to know, but he kept right on packing.

“Tell me why, Joel.”

With a pleading look, Joel threw the rest of the stuff he didn’t need back in the box and turned to the closet again.

“I wanna know why you are doing this, dammit!”

Joel slammed the box forcefully into the closet and whirled around to face his brother. “Because I can’t fucking stand it anymore, alright? I can’t take it, Benji, I just can’t. I’ve got to go, even if it’s just for a little while. You don’t have to go with me but don’t you dare fucking tell!”

“I’m not a whiny bitch like Sarah, you asshole,” Benji growled back.

“I know,” Joel relented, calming a bit. “I just…I just have get away from all this shit.”

Staring long and hard at his twin, Benji knew. He knew there was more to this; a lot more. Joel was serious about needing a break. Whatever had happened, it had pushed him way beyond his usual fear and had made him determined. There was only one thing Benji could do.

“You got a couple changes of underwear and shit?” He asked Joel, grabbing his own back pack.

“Yeah, why?”

“Cause I like changing sometimes too,” Benji smirked, heading toward the stairs. “I’m gonna use my pack for food.”

The twins each worked hard for the next ten minutes, getting everything ready to go. Joel tossed the sleeping bags down the stairs and sat his pack beside them just as Benji exited the kitchen with his own pack. Their eyes met briefly while they put on their jackets.

“Any idea where we are headed?” Benji asked his younger sibling.

Joel zipped up his jacket. “Let’s head toward The Cave.”
“The Cave?” Benji repeated, a slow smile etching across his careworn face. “That’s actually a really good idea.”
“I know,” Joel agreed, picking up his pack and one of the sleeping bags. “We can stay there and no one will find us. But first I want to stop by Jay’s and buy some stuff.”

Benji shrugged into his pack. “Okay, lead the way bat boy.”

“I will, birdbrain,” Joel retorted, and they locked the front door.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hasn’t changed much,” Benji remarked, looking around the small building. “Somehow, I remember it as being a lot bigger though, you know?”

Joel laughed. “Well, seeing as the last time we were here we were what? 11? When you are that young, everything looks big.”

Benji shook his head and set down his pack on a small chair. Several years ago, before they were born, there had been a small house that sat in front of the little shed. It had burned down and the dirt road that led to it was rarely used now. When he and Joel had turned 8, they had gone ‘exploring’ with the boy next door. They had stumbled upon the little wooden building and swore an oath never to reveal its location. Joel was totally into Batman and he dubbed the shed, ‘The Cave’. Just before 7th grade, their friend moved out of state and the twins had lost interest in the place.

“You know,” Benji raised his eyebrow. “I am still pissed off at you for not letting me be Batman.”

“Benj,” Joel rolled his eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you this? Batman is taller than Robin. There’s no way you could have done it.”

“Asshole,” Benji muttered, unrolling his sleeping bag. “You’re not that much taller than me.”

“True,” Joel said, smugly. “But I am taller.” Satisfied that he had again won that argument, Joel flopped down on Benji sleeping bag and started digging through the plastic bag from Jay’s.

“Hey!” Benji said putting his hands on his hips. “That my sleeping bag!”

Joel ignored him as he took off his jacket and dumped the contents of the bag from the convenient store on to his lap. “Spread mine out and get the fuck down here.”

Shrugging out of his jacket, he shook his head and Joel. Part of Benji wanted to be 11 again so he could knock Joel on his ass for being…well, an ass. But just as he was seriously contemplating doing it, his eyes widened at the items Joel was now holding.

“How in hell did you get those?”

“Remember Evan? Graduated a year before Josh?”


“I heard that he had started working at Jay’s,” Joel explained, as Benji rolled out the other sleeping bag and joined his twin. “So, I took a chance that maybe he was working tonight and I got lucky.”

Picking up one of the magazines, Benji swallowed trying to bring moisture to his suddenly dry mouth. “Joel, this is…this is…wow.”

“A lot better than that Playboy you stole from the bookstore, ain’t it?” Joel smirked, referring to the magazine that had gotten them into so much trouble earlier.

Benji nodded, looking at the various covers. He couldn’t help but notice that most of the magazines had men on them instead of women. In fact, the more he looked through them, the more he realized that even the one magazine that had a girl on it was still a guy-on-guy mag. “Joel, I think Evan fucked you over man.”


“Dude,” Benji chuckled, pointing at the collection. “This is mostly gay porn.”

Joel blushed violently. “He didn’t fuck me over.”

Benji’s eyes flew to his twin’s face. “You mean you asked for this?”

“So what if I did,” Joel shrugged, looking down at the other small item in his lap.

“But why?” Benji asked bewildered. “I thought you liked girls.”

“I do,” Joel rushed out, glancing up at Benji then back down. “But…”

“But what?”

Joel sighed. “But girls don’t make me cum as hard as guys do.”

Benji wasn’t really sure how to respond to that. The fact was, he kind of understood what Joel was saying. Girls made him hot and he did like them. However, the hardest he had ever cum had not been when he was looking at a girl. It had been when he was…watching Joel masturbate. Suddenly, that thought coupled with the explicit pictures and all the shit from that evening caught up with Benji big time. Blood rushed down to his cock, making it stiffen and ache.

“Do you hate me?” Joel asked in a quiet voice, filled with fear and pain.

“No, Joel,” Benji said quickly, his cock becoming uncomfortable in his pants. “I could never hate you. I was just surprised, that’s all.”

“You’re not disgusted because…because I like guys too?” Joel faltered, not really wanting to hear his twin’s answer.

Benji looked at Joel. “I’m okay with it.”

Joel nodded and picked up the little box in his lap. “I just want you to know that you can leave if you want to, I won’t be mad.”

“Why would I leave?”

“Cause,” Joel gulped as he opened the box. “I’m fucking sick and tired of being so damned horny all the time. I’m going to do something about it too. I plan to jack off until my damned dick can’t cum anymore.”

Lust seared through Benji’s body and burned his cock, causing his heartbeat to settle in it. “Okay, let’s do it.”

“Are you sure?” Joel breathed, shocked that Benji wanted to stay now that he knew the truth.

Grabbing one of the magazines and opening it, Benji said, “Porn is porn, Joel. Hell, I’m so horny right now I could watch The Mating Season on the Discovery channel and probably get off.”

“That’s gross,” Joel laughed, but he was very relieved that his twin was cool with this.

“Yeah, it is,” Benji snickered, looking at Joel’s hands. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yep,” Joel confirmed, screwing off the cap to the lubricant. “I don’t like stroking with spit or lotion. And doing it dry sucks ass. This feels so much better.”

“You’ve used lube before?” Benji questioned in disbelief.

“Um, yeah,” Joel murmured. “A couple of times.”

Benji raised his eyebrows at his twin. “When? I‘m fucking with you all the time!”

“In school. Last year it was English, this year it’s during study hall,” Joel answered sheepishly, a story in the magazine catching his eye. “I always have to take a trip to the bathroom.”

“And here I always thought you just had the bladder of an infant,” Benji snorted. “Damn, Joel, do you have any other secrets I don’t know about?”

Joel smiled mysteriously, never taking his eyes off the story. “Maybe.”

“Well are you gonna tell me?”


Benji started to with a smartass comeback when he noticed the smile slip off of Joel’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I just like this story,” Joel blushed, squirming. “It’s making me really hard.”

Automatically, Benji glanced between his twin’s legs. “I can see that.”

Joel looked down and bit his bottom lip. Without looking up at Benji, he reached down and unzipped his pants. Excitement rolled through his veins as he pulled his granite hard cock out into the cool air. He could feel Benji’s eyes on him and that just made it better. Joel wanted Benji to watch him. Squirting out a dollop of lube, he gingerly applied it to his cock’s deep red crown, lightly massaging the swollen head only.

“Uhhh,” Joel moaned, dropping the magazine and concentrating on his own ministrations.

The autumn air was a bit cold but all Benji could feel was heat. It was difficult for him to inhale a single breath as he watched his baby brother play with himself. He kept thinking about the fact Joel would actually do this at school and that his twin liked hard dicks. Silently, Benji wondered if Joel liked or ever thought about his cock. A new wave of lust rushed over him at that thought driving Benji to undo his jeans. Taking off his shirt, he took his prick out with shaky hands. Benji gulped in air for his oxygen deprived lungs as he saw Joel mimic his actions and toss his shirt over his shoulder.

“Need some?” Joel whispered, offering Benji the small bottle of lubricant with his free left hand.

Benji held out his tremulous right palm. “Thanks.”

Staring with singular intensity at Benji’s hand, Joel watched his big brother tenderly apply the lube to his aching prick. Hearing Benji’s harsh gasp and seeing him get lost almost instantly in his own familiar touch, sent electric chills down Joel’s spine straight to his straining dick. Throwing his head back and closing his eyes, Joel groaned in near pain.

“Benj, I can’t take this…gonna blow real soon,” Joel panted, stroking his dick at a firm, steady pace now.

“Me…too…” Benji gasp out, stroking even faster with his slick palm.

A blissful minute passed as the brothers stroked in mutual silence. Listening to each other’s grunts and moans only increased their near frantic hands. They each stole glances at the other, trying to make it seem they weren’t but failing miserably. Finally, Benji got tired of pretending not to look and just stared.

“Y-you like…w-watching me, Benj?” Joel stuttered, his body writhing at his own words.

Benji looked him in the eye, giving him his affirming answer with his mouth gaping in near ecstasy.

“L-let’s cum…together,” Joel heaved, his body trembling hard.

“Fuck…yes,” Benji answered, swiping his thumb across the head of his cock. “Shit, almost…there!”

“Tell…me when…aw fuck…” Joel rocked back and forth, his cock swelling even more in his hand.

Benji’s face contorted as he squeezed his cock hard and whispered, “Cum with me, Joely.”

“I am, oh god, I am Benji,” Joel rasped feeling his orgasm beginning to crest.

“FUCK!” Benji shouted, clamping his eyes shut and bucking hard into his hand as he released his pent up semen.

No sound came from Joel because the sight of his twin and the sheer volume of his own orgasm robbed him of words. Open mouthed, he watched as Benji writhed and screamed. Each cry that ripped from Benji’s glistening, bare chest, Joel could somehow feel deep in the ecstatic contracting of his own dick. His climax, literally, felt twice as good.

Benji finally began to come down. Breathing heavily, he glanced around, realizing him and Joel had shot cum everywhere. A small tendril of shame and worry spiked through him. Their Mother’s voice, unbidden, echoed in his head:

“…better to spill his seed in the body of a whore than to let it fall to the ground…”

Obviously, he was a bit too late for that admonishment.

Deciding it really wasn’t that much a travesty, Benji smiled. He felt more relaxed than he had in months. Joel was right about them needing to get away. This is exactly what they both needed. Taking in Joel’s calming body, Benji felt happier and more at peace than he had ever been.

Looking at Benji, Joel returned the content smile that now graced his twin’s face. Nothing in Joel’s short life had ever looked so beautiful. He wondered why he’d never noticed that before about Benji. Maybe he had but had repressed it so far because it wasn’t right. To even think it was wrong, but now he felt it too. Struggling deep inside himself, Joel closed his eyes and fought the idea that he was falling for his twin brother. He couldn’t do this, he had to stop! Opening his eyes the connection with Benji’s was instant and…Joel knew.

Joel was too late to stop this: he had already fallen.
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