Cry Little Sister Chapter 8

Apr 04, 2010 22:13

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:  Dom/sub play with mild bdsm and ruined orgasm.  Thanks to all readers and reviewers, much appreciated ;)

Chap 1 Cry Little Sister   
Chap 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   
Chap 3 A Last Fire Will Rise   
Chap 4 Behind Those Eyes    
Chap 5 Black House    
Chap 6 Will Rock  
Chap 7 Blind Boys

Chapter 8 - Don't Lie

“You know,” Josh laughed, stepping on the gas as soon as the light was green. “I swear the two of you never sleep! Hell, you Twinkies used to keep me up all night when were little snots and damned if you can’t still do it even now. What the fuck were guys up to last night? If Nathan and I didn’t know better, I’d swear you two were getting laid!”

Joel looked at Benji and Benji looked at Joel. They both looked at Josh. Shrugging at the same time, they said in unison, “Sorry.”

Josh grimaced. “That twin thing really creeps me out sometimes, Twinkies.”

“Yeah well think how bad your height deficiency affected us growing up, Shorty,” Benji fired back and Joel nodded his agreement. “Most ‘big’ brothers could have reached the chocolate chip cookies without having to use his little brothers to stand on.”

“So this is what it comes down to,” Josh shook his head in feigned sadness. “Our brotherhood broken beyond repair…all because I am vertically challenged and couldn’t get the cookies for you.”

“The truth hurts, Shorty,” Joel responded in mock seriousness.

Benji started to laugh, but it died on his lips. Josh had just turned into their driveway. There in front of the garage, sat their Father’s pickup. The car came to a halt but the three brothers remained in the vehicle.

“Mom told me what happened last time,” Josh murmured, his eyes fixed on the truck. “I know you guys didn’t take his money. He pissed it away at the bar and was looking for someone else to blame. I‘d love to kick our old man‘s ass for what he did.”

“I don’t want to go inside,” Joel stated, solemnly.

Before Benji or Josh could respond, the front door opened.

“Boys! Get in here now!”

“He’s drunk,” Benji said flatly as they opened their respective doors to Josh’s car.

“It’s noon for crying out loud,” Josh muttered under his breath. “Does he stay drunk all the time now?”

“Pretty much when he’s home,” Joel said just above whisper as they entered the house.

“Where the hell have you three been?” Their Father slurred. “And what the hell are you doing here, boy?” He looked pointedly at Josh. “Flunk out?”

“You wish,” Josh said in an even voice, causing the twins to look worriedly at him.

“Well, well, well,” He chuckled. “You finally grew a set like your old man. At least you won’t be a fag like Joel here. He refused a girl even when she was all over him.”

Benji’s eyes widened. His lie to their Dad about Joel making out with a girl had backfired horribly.

“He came home with blue balls and the dumbass idea that he could take me on,” Their Dad laughed. “I had thought earlier maybe he was homo. After I sobered up and remembered what Benji said, it made me certain. But hey, that’s fine, you want dicks instead of chicks go right ahead. Just make sure you get aids and know that you are no fucking son of mine.”

Joel’s ears burned red and his jaw clenched. He felt too many things right now to narrow it down to just one. Angry coursed through him, followed by guilt and shame. But the feeling he despised the most of all them inside of him was the sadness. Forcing that emotion down the deepest, Joel returned his Father’s gaze unflinchingly.

“Then I count myself lucky,” Joel said, his head held high. “I wouldn’t ever want to be your son and one of these fucking days, there won’t be anything left that could even identify me as yours at all.”

“You got my name boy,” Their Father snorted. “Blood don’t lie. You are a Combs for life. And you needed me, I’m the one who gave you that. Can’t change it no matter how hard you try.”

“That’s what you think,” Joel hissed. “I don’t need you or your name.”

“Easy Joel,” Josh made an effort to calm his baby brother. “He’s just projecting his own faults and shortcomings on you by cutting you down so he can feel better about himself. We all know his ambiguous desires toward copulation and the fact that he can’t initiate intimacy with the one he is espoused to.”

“I see that fancy college is destroying you just like I told your Mom it would,” He grabbed his beer sitting by his easy chair. “All those fancy, good-for-nothing ideas are making your forget your betters.”

“My betters?” Josh laughed incredulously. “Hell will freeze over the day you are ‘better’ than me.”

Flicking his wrist, their Dad threw his half-full beer bottle at Josh. His aim was off and it sailed toward Joel and Benji. The twins dodged it just in time and it exploded all over the wall.

“Get out you good for nothing little shit!” He snarled at Josh. “And take your faggoty little brothers with you! Don’t come back!”

“No problem, Asswipe,” Josh mock saluted his sperm donor. “Come on, let’s go.”

Slamming the door, Josh looked at his brothers. “Well, Twinkies, we can go back to, Nate’s house. I was planning on staying there tonight anyway, but the bed you guys used is gonna be taken. Still, I’m sure he’d let you sleep on the floor. Better than nothing.”

“Actually,” Benji said slowly. “I have a better idea. Wait here.” He walked up into the garage.

“What is he up to?” Josh asked Joel.

“I have no idea.”

After about a minute, Benji came striding back with a large open box. Sliding it in the backseat, he quickly got in and his brothers followed him. “Back up and head to Jay’s Convenient Store.”

Josh put the care in reverse, waiting, and when Benji slammed the door, he glanced back at him in the rear view mirror. “May I ask why we are doing this?”

“Joel and I are plotting our escape for the next few hours,” Benji smiled, knowing Joel had already looked in the box that was in between them. “All you have to do, Josh, is let us get what we need from the store, then drop us off at Wayfarer’s Road. You’ll be free to go hang out with Nate and all three of us can escape Dad until tomorrow morning.”

“You’re planning to stay gone all night?” Josh inquired, concerned.

“Until church tomorrow, yeah. Don‘t worry, we‘ll be fine,” Benji said and looked at Joel. Joel blushed and looked away with a small smile. Benji smiled even bigger.

Josh nodded. “Well, okay, if you’re sure. Here we are at the store.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“So, are you warm enough?”

Joel nodded. “Yeah, the ole kerosene heater still works pretty well, huh?”

“Yep,” Benji grinned, still pleased with his idea. “And just think, until it really gets cold, we can come here now whenever we want.”

“Mmhmm,” Joel said, feeling the blood rush to his face as he sat Indian style on one of them sleeping bags. His stomach was tied in knots at the thoughts that had been running through his head since the moment he realized Benji’s intention to come here. They had the entire afternoon and night. It was just the two of them and Joel knew some of his hottest, darkest desires were about to be fulfilled. Just the thought of what he and Benji might do, was enough to make the warm blood pinking his cheeks flow down and pool in his groin.

“So,” Benji said, settling himself next to Joel. “We’ve eaten, it’s warm, and we still have several hours of daylight left. Anything you wanna do?”

Joel’s dick began to throb as he shrugged. “You?”

Benji looked down from Joel’s eyes to his lap and smirked. “Don’t lie, Joely. Tell me what you want.”

“I want, you,” Joel admitted, his body shivering slightly with lust.

Leaning in close to Joel’s ear, Benji whispered, “Are you sure you want me? Or do you want your crush?” He slipped his hand between Joel’s legs, cupping him.

“Fuckkk!” Joel yelled, thrusting his hips up, scrambling to brace himself so that he could use more force.

Benji grabbed his hair and forced him to look at him. “I said do you want me? I need to know, Joely. Tell me now!”

“Yes!” Joel yelped and Benji crushed their lips together.

Feeling his twin up, Benji broke the kiss and shook his head dramatically in front his baby brother. “You are a bad boy, Joel. For the last few weeks, you are all I’ve been able to think about. Every time I turned around, you were making my dick so fucking hard I could have driven nails with it. That’s why, I am going to have to punish you, for making me ache with blue balls all the time.”

Joel moaned his agreement, still moving his hips into his twin‘s palm. Hearing Benji’s admission that he had made him hard so much and so often, doubled the fiery sensation flowing through his veins. Sweat beaded up all over his body as Joel trembled with this increased feeling of desire. His senses were heightened and his own will, wholly submitted to his brother’s will. Unable to speak, his eyes implored his twin to understand.

And Benji did: he knew that Joel had surrendered to him, total control.

The sudden shift in power, affected Benji as well. All of their lives, he had been content to share the balance of control. Josh was the oldest, Sarah the youngest, and Joel was the youngest boy. That meant that Benji had been marked as a true ‘middle child’, a ‘second’ son. However, he was starting to realize, what a misnomer that was when describing him. Joel willingly allowing him such dominance, his will over his baby brother’s, placed Benji in a position he had never been in before. Sure, he had lorded it over Joel that he was 5 minutes older and there for first, but his twin had always been more his equal than his underling. He still saw Joel as he equal even now, only instead of being equally the same, they were equal yet opposite.

Long ago, he and Joel had seen that ’identical’ did not necessarily mean the ’same’ when it came to being twins. It used to actually bother him when they were younger that, for all they looked alike, they were so very different. Now, more than ever before, Benji was glad they were different. Looking in his twin’s eyes, he could see not only desire and surrender, but also adoration and trust. Knowing this, really brought it home to Benji that, this was more than just a fantasy or game. Although, thanks to Joel, he was now completely autonomous, answering to no one, the weighty responsibility of his brother’s welfare and wellbeing, rested upon him more than it ever had before in his life.

Yet instead of being overwhelmed, Benji rose to the occasion…in every way.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” He asked quietly, already knowing the answer.

Joel nodded, breathing heavily. “Yes…please.”

Pulling Joel’s hair harder, he leaned in close until his breath ghosted against his ear. “Take your hoodie and shirt off.”


Quick as lightening, Benji grabbed Joel between the legs. He yelped at the sudden twinge of pain.

“Okay?” Benji mocked hotly. “Show respect when you address me, little brother.”

“Y-yes Sir,” Joel stammered and pulled his hoodie as well as his shirt off once Benji had released him. Shivering from the cooler air and excitement, he silently waited for Benji’s next order.

Watching his twin, Benji felt his already hard dick start to throb. Between the power he kept feeding off of and the sight of his trembling brother, Benji decided they both needed some relief so they could better enjoy his brother‘s punishment, for the rest of the evening. Picking up one of Joel’s magazines, he thumbed through it, one of the stories catching his eye and sparking his memory. A wicked thought entered his mind on a good way to accomplish their first release, and also keep his twin in line.

“Stand up, Joel,” Benji commanded and Joel instantly complied. “Now unzip your jeans but don’t unbutton them.” He couldn’t help but smile as his twin did this, because he knew as well as Joel, that Joel wasn’t wearing any boxers because his had been ’used’ last night. “That’s good. Pull out your cock and balls through the fly.”

Joel blushed violently but did as he was told. “Like this, Sir?”

“Perfect,” Benji smirked, then tossed the magazine aside. “Clasp your hands behind your back and stand with your legs apart.” Once this was done, he stood up and walked toward Joel. “I’ve decided what we are going to do. Would you like to know?”

“Yes, Sir,” Joel choked out, just above a whisper. His cock started pulsing wildly as he kept his attention focused on his brother’s eyes and mouth. At that moment, Benji could have asked him to cut his own balls off and he would probably have done it…and cum hard while he did it. The level of excitement he felt was higher and stronger than any of the others he had experienced so far in his life. A hot thrill ripped through him as he eagerly awaited his brother’s next whim.

“Well,” Benji said slowly, taking off his hoodie and t-shirt, aware of Joel’s eyes on him. “I have decided that I am going to cum…and so are you.” He undid his jeans but did not unzip. “However, my orgasm is going to be much better than yours.”

“Yes, Sir,” Joel agreed, quietly knowing that there was no way that this would not be one of the best orgasms of his life. “What would you like me to do, Sir?”

“I want you to feel.”

“Feel, Sir? How do you want…oh god!” Joel lost his train of thought and damn near his mind as Benji grabbed hold of his dick, squeezing it too tightly. “God, oh god!”

Twisting the head painfully, Joel’s stomach contracted at Benji’s ministrations. “God? Joel I didn’t give you permission to address me by my first name.”

Joel’s eyes widened at Benji’s quip, in spite of the discomfort in his cock. Wincing and almost smiling, he said, “Sorry, Sir, I forgot my place.”

“Yes, you did, boy,” Benji pinched Joel’s cockhead hard and enjoyed listening to the torrent of sounds reverberating through and out of his brother’s chest. “Don’t let it happen again.”

“I won’t…Sir,” Joel rasped, his dick aching, yet standing up straighter than ever. It bowed over his jean’s button, curving toward his belly.

“You like it when I hurt it, don’t you?” Benji stared admiringly at his twin’s steel, red cock. “It makes you even harder.” Without waiting for a reply, he dug his short nails into Joel’s tender crown and ground them into it like he was trying to unscrew a jar. Crying out, Joel jerked and shook, but to his credit, he did not unclasp his hands. He kept them behind his back like his twin had ordered.

Benji unzipped his jeans and leaned into his brother’s ear. “Guess what?” He whispered, biting down on Joel’s ear lobe hard. “When I hurt you,” Benji breathed, causing his twin to shudder hard. “It makes me harder, too.”

“Fuck, Sir!”

Benji laughed at his brother’s response. “Maybe later,” He drawled, then manhandled Joel between the legs again. “Only I am not the one that is going to get fucked.”

Joel whimpered more from his twin informing him that he would soon lose his virginity than from pain. Those heated thoughts caused his body to release a surge of endorphins to counteract any discomfort. He had never experienced this before and as the pleasure overthrew the pain in his body it sent him right to the edge. “Sir, I’m c-close to c-cumming!”

Benji let go of his brother in surprise. “Why?”

“It…I’m not sure,” Joel rambled, unable to explain it. “Something h-happened.”

He looked at Joel contemplatively. Running through the last couple of minutes in his mind, Benji decided to attempt to recreate that feeling for Joel. Pinching Joel’s right nipple, he applied pressure until his brother cried out. Switching to the other, he repeated the process. Leaning into his twin, Benji nipped his shoulder hard. Continuing his hard little bites, he stopped at Joel’s collar bone and suckled lightly for a few seconds. Joel mewled and panted hard through it all.

“You can’t cum, until I say so,” Benji growled, and twisted his hand down his brother’s cock rough and tight. “Understand?”

“Yes….Sir,” Joel half shouted, his body shaking like a leaf. He cried out in frustration as Benji abruptly let go of his cock, just as he neared the edge again.

“You’ll live,” Benji chuckled and went over to one of the chairs. Pulling his jeans and boxer briefs off, he tossed them over the other chair. “Come here, little brother.” He watched Joel shuffle over to him, his ramrod stick dick actually hitting his firm tummy as he walked. “Now get on your knees, Joel. You can use your hands, just not on yourself.” Threading his fingers through Joel’s hair, he looked him directly in the eye. “Suck me off, baby brother.”

“Yes, Sir,” Joel whispered and lowered his head to Benji’s precum-soaked prick. “You taste so good, Sir.” Swirling his tongue around the head, Joel opened his mouth and took his brother inside him. Even though Benji was the only person he had ever sucked, Joel was, in theory, a damned good cocksucker. He had spent the last 2 years of his life reading everything he could get his hands on about the subject. All that was lacking for him, was the personal experience, and now his twin was providing him with that opportunity. Raking his teeth gently along Benji’s length, he took as much of his dick in his mouth as he possibly could.

“Uh, yeah, Joel,” Benji rasped. “Suck your twin’s cock.”

Benji’s words made it even hotter for Joel. Laving his tongue along the sensitive dorsal nerve along the back of Benji’s dick, Joel paid special attention to the sweet spot just behind and under the head. Licking it in a furious circle, earned him a much stronger reaction.

“Fuckkk, Joely!” Benji yelled. “Gonna cum in your fucking mouth!”

Before Joel could back off and respond, Benji grabbed his hair and forced his dick into the back of his throat, causing him to nearly gag.

“Take it, Joely!” Benji thrust his hips, keeping his cockhead wedged at the back of his twin’s throat. “Swallow every fucking drop!”

Screaming his name, Benji flooded Joel’s throat and mouth with his cum. “Joel! Mine, you’re so fucking mine!”

Swallowing fast, Joel somehow managed to drink Benji’s entire offering. At long last, Benji slipped his softening cock from Joel’s mouth and let go of his hair.

“That was good Joely,” Benji sighed, caressing his cheek. “Everything I told you to do, you did. You were a good boy…and you deserve a reward.”

Joel beamed up at his brother, almost giddy that he had pleased him.

“But I also have to punish you too,” Benji smiled lazily, an evil glint in his eye. “So, here’s your reward: you can choose how I punish you.”

“Yes, Sir,” Joel whispered, feeling uneasy, his happiness at pleasing his twin, fading rapidly. “What are my choices, Sir?”

“The first choice,” Benji said, stroking his cheek. “And not the one I had planned to use, mind you, is to get sucked off by me.” Joel’s eyes widened and his cock jerked wildly. “But there is a catch…”

Joel nodded, breathing hard, still turned on at the thought Benji’s mouth on his dick.

“I’ll suck it,” Benji smirked. “But I won’t shield my teeth at all, and when you start to cum…I’m biting down.”

Horror was etched on Joel’s face at that thought. He couldn’t help but feel that was grossly unfair. Unlike his twin, he had never been on the receiving end of a blow job before, girl or guy, and it wasn’t right for Benji to offer up his first in such a twisted fashion. No, it wasn’t right at all…but for some reason it still made Joel’s dick leak even more than ever had before.

“W-what’s the other choice, Sir?”

Benji smiled seductively. “Your other choice is my original choice. I will allow you to get the lube for me, stand in front of me, and I will give you a super slow hand job…but there will be a price to pay for it.”

“With pain, Sir?” Joel said warily.

“No pain, Joely,” Benji shook his head. “I will not hurt your cock or balls once.”

The look in his eyes, told Joel his twin was telling the truth, but there was something else to it as well. “What else, Sir?”

“Why don’t you get the lube and find out?” Benji half-suggested and half-taunted. “That is unless you rather a blow job…”

“No Sir,” Joel said hastily getting up to find the lube. “I would rather have the hand job.”

“Suit yourself,” Benji said with a one sided smile. Taking the lube from Joel, he slicked up his fingers. “You can take your jeans off. There. Now clasp your hands behind your back again and spread your legs slightly.”

No sooner had he done what he was told, then Benji began running his fingers slowly over his aching cock. “OH! Yes, Benj-…I mean Sir!”

Benji smiled. “While I am stroking you like this, Joely, you can call me Benji.”

“Thanks, Benj,” Joel looked down into his brother’s eyes adoringly.

“Your welcome…Joely,” Benji smiled, then rubbed Joel’s sweet spot behind the head, making him gasp and shake. “I told you I would make it feel good. No pain, baby brother, I promise.”

“But there’s a…price to pay,” Joel sighed haltingly, his mind melting into the bliss of Benji’s touch. “I have to be…punished for being bad…”

“Yes you do,” Benji nodded, feeling his own cock starting to rise again. “Look down here Joel.”

Joel watched as Benji showed him his semi-hard cock. “This is why you need to be punished. You keep making it hard.”

Joel’s entire body stiffened and his cock jerked repeatedly under his twin’s fingers.

“Damn, Joely,” Benji whispered. “You must really want to cum.”

“I do, Benji,” Joel gasped out, feeling his twin circling his swollen, ultra sensitive cock head. “Benji…I’m close!”

“Tell me when you are right on the edge…but don’t cum,” Benji commanded, his voice momentarily authoritative.

“Almost, Benji,” Joel shakily whispered, watching his brother’s index finger move at a snail’s pace down his shaft.

“Just think, Joely,” Benji cooed, sliding a hand to the backside of Joel’s balls while his index finger crept up to the head again. “Later tonight, I am going to take your virginity.” As he said this, Benji let his fingers slip to Joel’s perineum and rub it much the same way his twin had done to him weeks ago.

“Benji!” Joel’s back bowed out and his tummy contracted. “I am there!”

Benji took his finger off of Joel’s cock but kept his other hand behind his balls. “You are ready to cum, baby brother?”

“Yes!” Joel cried out desperately.

“Keep your hands clasped,” Benji warned him and rubbed more firmly behind his balls.

“Yes Benji! Oh Benji that feels too good…no stop…that’s gonna make me cum…”

“It’s gonna make you cum without me touching your dick?” Benji asked in mock surprise, his eyes glinting evilly.

“YES! It will!” Joel cried out frantic. “Touch my dick please! Or I’ll cum!”

“And it won’t feel as good if you come and I don’t touch it, will it?”

“What?” Joel said, trying to process what Benji said but failing to because his twin kept rubbing that swollen muscle behind his tight scrotum. “FUCK! Benj, I need to cum…please let me cum!”

Benji sighed. “Alright, Joely, you can cum. Go ahead.”

Joel nearly sobbed his happiness at hearing that. He looked down, wanting to watch Benji slowly stroke him off. But Benji didn’t touch his cock. “Benji? Touch me, please.”

“No.” Benji rubbed harder behind his balls.

“I can’t hold it back!” Joel yelped in response to the increased pressure. “Benji…oh…fuckk I’m cumming…”

Joel’s dick grew and spasmed, and Benji smiled up at him, still rubbing only behind his balls. “I told you there would be a price to pay, Joely.”


“You get to cum without getting your dick touched,” Benji said, now watching his brother’s cock as it weakly shot the first spurt of cum.

“Doesn’t feel…as good…” Joel sobbed out, his hips thrusting into the air.

“I know,” Benji whispered, his own cock throbbing harder than he would have thought possible. “But this is the rest of your punishment for giving me blue balls. Now ride out your orgasm. Move your hips harder.”  He slapped Joel's ass firmly until he complied.

“Please…oh please…need you…” Joel groaned, tears slipping down his cheeks as he continued to vainly shoot his cum, albeit, not very hard. The lack of contact made his orgasm extremely weak and he barely felt any pleasure at all.  As his semen trickled out of his cock, it left Joel feeling very unsatisfied and extremely horny still.   “I needed…to cum…”

“There, there, Joely,” Benji soothed, letting his twin’s cum ooze out of his cock and on to the floor as his orgasm petered out completely. He milked Joel's penis until he got it all out.  “You did a good job, baby brother.” Letting go of him, Benji stood up and caressed his face, wiping away his tears. “You did so well, that your punishment is now over. I am proud of you.”

Joel gave him a small smile. “You are? I really did a good job? C‘mon Benji, don‘t lie.”

“I‘m telling the truth! You really did great,” Benji grinned, then looked down at Joel’s still very hard dick. “It didn’t go down, I see.”

“I still feel like I could keep going,” Joel said, his voice tinged with discomfort. “Is that supposed to happen?”

Benji nodded. “According to that story it is, yeah.”

“What story?” Joel asked.

“It’s in one of your magazines,” His twin smirked. “The title of it is ‘Ruined’.”

“Well that certainly describes it,” Joel grumbled. “Is there any chance you wanna keep going?”

“Yeah, there is, Joely, as long as there‘s something in it for me,” Benji said softly, his arms slipping around Joel‘s waist. “Do you want to go on?”

“Hell yes!” Joel shook his head almost desperately. “As for what’s in it for you: I’ll give you anything you want!”

Sliding his hands down, Benji cupped his twin’s ass. “Good to hear: I want this.”

Joel felt new desire shred through him all over again. “Why?”

Benji looked deep into his sibling’s chocolate brown eyes and whispered, “Because I want you to belong to me in a way you will never belong to anyone else.”

Pull his twin closer, Joel kissed him deeply. “I want that too.”

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