Last Man Standing Chapter 7

Apr 01, 2010 07:25

Title:  Last Man Standing
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji challenges his other four band mates to test their 'prowess' in a contest.  A lot of money is at stake and all five men are determined to win...just as long as no one EVER finds out...

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  Thank you Mother Goose for the nursery rhyme!  I hope she will forgive me for altering its ending just a smidge.

Chapter 1 Money Shots   
Chapter 2 Dirty Dream   
Chapter 3 Anything   
Chapter 4 Anxiety  
Chapter 5 Shattered
Chapter 6 TKO

Chapter 7 - EMO Humpty Dumpty

“Dammit, Joel, hold still!” Benji growled, attempting to hold a much needed icy cloth to his twin’s swelled and bleeding nose.

“It’s too fucking cold,” Joel yelled. “Get the hell away from me! I don’t need your damned help.”

“Joel,” Benji lowered his voice, making it sound menacing. “Either do as I say or I will make you do it. We both know that I can. I just proved it not 5 minutes ago. Now don’t fucking move!”

Joel’s eyes narrowed and he rolled away from where Benji sat on the edge of the bed. Not missing a beat, Benji pounced on Joel. The struggle was short lived and, once again, Benji came out on top…literally.

“Get the…fuck off…ME!”

Straddling Joel’s hips, he easily kept Joel down. His twin had lost a lot of his muscle as well as fat, so he wasn’t able to unseat Benji like he had in the bus 3 months earlier. He was pinned.

“Resistance is futile,” Benji said his mouth in a straight grim line. Snagging both of Joel’s wrists, he held them above his head on the pillow with his right hand. Using his left, he began tending Joel’s nose once more.

“Sci-fi freak,” Joel muttered, still turning his head to try and foil his older brother’s efforts.

“Head. Still.”

Joel glared at him. “Let me go.”

“No,” Benji replied simply and managed to apply pressure to his twin’s nose.

Angry that Benji had gotten the better of him yet again, Joel bucked his hips up hard. His twin barely even rose from the bed, but it did shift his position so that Benji was now sitting right on Joel’s crotch. Joel’s body stiffened and his eyes widened in horror at his new predicament. Bucking weakly again, his face flushed red as he realized not only was he trapped, in a few seconds, his twin would asking him a very intimate question that he really would rather not answer.

Benji shifted his weight, as he continued to inspect his twin’s nose and alternately apply pressure. “Dammit, Joel, you are gonna have to start eating more cause your skinny ass hip bones are not fucking comfortable to sit on.”

Joel clamped his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. “Get off!”

His brother sighed. “I know you don’t want to hear the truth. But I am worried about you, Joel. You won’t eat, you barely sleep; and, I wasn’t lying about being scared earlier.”

Opening his eyes slowly, Joel stared into Benji’s worried ones.

“I’m afraid I’ll wake up soon…and you won’t be here anymore,” Benji said softly, dropping the cloth beside him and touching Joel’s cheek. “Please let me help you.”

Joel’s eyes slipped closed again at the touch of his twin’s fingers. “You can’t help me, Benji. Nobody can. Everything is fucked and I am…”

“You’re what?”

“I am not who I used to be,” Joel gritted out, struggling against sudden tears stinging his eyes. “It feels like I am broken and the key pieces are missing. That they are never coming back. I’m a fucking EMO version of Humpty Dumpty.” A strangled laugh burst passed his lips and ended in a quiet sob. Tears seeped out from under his closed eyelids as he continued. “Everything I thought I understood in the world has been turned wrong side out. Nothing is the way I thought it would be. And I can’t go through another girlfriend-ends-badly thing again, yet I don’t want to be alone…and raise…m-my kids by myself.”

“You’re never alone, Joel,” Benji said sternly. “I’ll always be here for you.”

“No,” Joel shook his head. “It’s just…you are…no!”

Benji looked very hurt. “You don’t want be to be there?”

“No, I mean yes, I do want you here,” Joel half-yelled through his tears.

“Joel, I know I can never be like a Mom to your kids and I know she hurt you really badly…”

“It’s not her, okay?” Joel shook his head. “That fucking hurts but it’s better. There are other things, Benji. Things I don’t wanna deal with or think about. But, I don’t have a choice. Why the hell are things so complicated? I need…oh god I want it…but I can’t…I fucking can’t…”

“Can’t what?” Benji pressed, fear welling up in his stomach. “Tell me what is it you want?”

Joel sobbed hard. “What I want I can’t have: I’m not supposed to have it. Why? Because it‘s wrong; I‘m wrong! Everything I do is wrong!”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Joely,” Benji soothed, letting go of his twin’s hands, and engulfing him in his arms. Rolling, Benji pulled Joel into his lap. Resting against the headboard of the bed, he held and rocked Joel while he cried. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. I’m going to make it okay, Joely.”

“How?” Joel whispered, hiccupping.

“I’m going to put you back together,” Benji said slowly, his voice heavy with emotion. “You know that nursery rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.”

“Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,” Joel rasped out the next line in pain. “It doesn’t end well, Benj.”

“EMO Humpty Dumpty does,” Benji nodded emphatically, and finished the new verse. “All the lost pieces were found by his twin, and he put Humpty together again.”

Joel trembled in his brother’s arms, his lips quivering as he closed his blurry eyes. “The pieces are gone, Benji. You can’t find them cause they aren’t there to find.”

“Sure they are there, Joely,” Benji said thickly. “You see those pieces that are missing? Well, I’ve got your back baby brother: you can just have mine. They are kind of worn, and they aren’t as good as you deserve, but you can have any of those pieces you need. You are the best part of us, Joel, and I won’t give up, until I make you whole again.”

Joel looked up at his older brother and for the first time realized he was crying too. He knew that Benji meant every word he said. Sobbing hard into his shoulder, Joel clung to him. “You don’t understand, Benj. I’m a terrible person. The thoughts…the thoughts I’ve been having…”

“I don’t care,” Benji shook his head fervently. He was terrified that the thoughts his baby brother had been having were suicidal. “Just say you’ll stay with me. Don’t leave me, Joely. I’ll make everything better, but you have to stay here!” Benji squeezed Joel to him in a vice like grip.

“Benji,” Joel gasped, pushing his arms to get him to lessen his hold. “I’m not gonna die. That’s…that’s not it.”

Benji stilled his rocking motion and sought his brother’s eyes. Finding them, he held his twin’s gaze until Joel looked away, new tears falling. He did not want Benji to find out the truth and he knew that his twin was very close to it. Joel could feel his brother working things out in his mind. Closing his eyes again, he waited in the deepening quiet for him to figure it out.

The phone rang breaking the silence between them.

“Hello?” Benji barked. “Yeah, I know. We will be ready in half an hour. See you then.”

They sat there a few more seconds, not speaking or moving. Finally, Benji nudged his brother. “We gotta shower and get ready.”

Joel nodded, numbly, and let him get up.



“It isn‘t wrong,” Benji stated, his eyes locking with Joel’s as he stood at the bathroom door. “Whatever you are thinking is so bad, it isn’t, I know it isn’t.”

“How do you know it isn’t when you don’t even know what it is?” Joel questioned, his eyes unwavering in their entwined gaze.

“If it was wrong,” Benji sighed. “I’d feel it, even without knowing what it is; and that’s not what I feel at all. The only thing I feel is…”


“Promise you won’t laugh?”

“I promise.”

“It feels like your thoughts are meant to be,” Benji said almost sheepishly. “Maybe its fate or something, but it’s not something you should be upset about. Does that help?”

Joel stared at his brother and for the first time, saw everything in a different light. Since they were twins, everyone always assumed they could ‘read each other’ all the time, and granted, sometimes they could. However, there had been a couple of times in their lives that they didn’t know ‘what’ was bothering the other, yet they seemed to have the answer to the problem just the same. The last time it had occurred, was several years ago when Benji was struggling with the fact he was bi-sexual. Joel hadn’t known then that that was what was troubling his twin when Benji had ask him is it really okay to be different. All Joel had known was that the answer was yes and that his twin had made the right decision.

It was strange how this situation paralleled that one. Strange, but welcome just the same. “Thanks, Benji. I…I needed to hear that.”

Benji smiled. “Good, glad I had the answer for you. So, I guess I’ll just wait until you’re ready to tell me what the problem was.” He laughed softly and turned back, walking toward the shower, the door drifting almost shut.

Watching his brother enter the bathroom, Joel leaned back on to the pillows. A feeling of exhilaration welled up inside of him at the thought that maybe all of this confusion, wasn’t so confusing after all. Maybe the answer was right in front of him. Deep inside, he knew, just knew, his twin was right. That thought grew.

Benji was right.

His twin. His brother.

He could still feel Benji’s arms around him and it made him ache. The water blasted inside the shower and Joel closed his eyes, envisioning his brother under its spray. Vivid pictures of Benji’s naked, buff chest sparkling with droplets of water danced their way into his thoughts, causing his body to react. Breathing heavily, he winced as he felt his cock getting hard again…even harder than it had been when Benji was straddling him moments ago. Sliding his hand over his stiffening cock, Joel cupped it trying to ease the sudden tension. Massaging himself, he decided it would probably be a good idea to get this over with before Benji got out of the bathroom. As enlightened as he now felt, he still wasn’t ready to tell Benji what his ‘problem’ was yet.

Keeping his eyes closed, he undid his jeans and slipped his hand in his boxer briefs. Mewling at the contact, he pulled his almost fully erect dick out. His pulsing prick drooled with precum and he immediately began to stroke it. This was no time to be going slow or teasing. He knew his brother wouldn’t be in there long. Releasing the thoughts he had held in check for so long, Joel got lost in his fantasies about the one person he must never be with. The rush, so long ignored save in his traitorous wet dreams, filled him completely and pushed him to the edge. Bucking up into his hand, his body released, shooting his cum all over himself. The first volley of semen hit his chin and the rest exploded in between it and his groin.

“Benji!” Joel gasped out as quietly as he could, riding out his tremendous orgasm. Waves of glorious pleasure and relief, continued making him writhe as he moaned unintelligibly over and again. Reflexively, as his bliss ended, he opened his eyes and looked toward the bathroom, hoping he hadn’t been too loud.

Benji was standing in the door way of the bathroom, fully clothed, with a very surprised expression on his face. The last few minutes, Benji had been getting out all of Joel’s toiletries so his brother wouldn’t have to do it. He had opened the door just as his baby brother started moaning. Joel was completely bereft of words as his twin mutely stared at him. After an eternity, Benji found his voice.

“I started the water for you and got your stuff out, so you could shower first.”

Joel looked at him still shell shocked. “Um, thanks?”

“Don’t mention it,” Benji forced out, his eyes still wide. “I know you have been holding it all in, so when you let it all go for me a few moments ago, I just wanted to give you a hand…uh I mean…I wanted to help you with your heavy load…SHIT! I was trying to do you right…fuck a damn duck! I mean I was trying to do it right for you…and that’s it! I fucking give up! I’ll go in the other room and won’t come back until you tell me I can come for you…to you…aw hell!”


Ignoring Joel, Benji stumbled out of the bedroom, trying desperately not to strangle on another of his Freudian-Innuendo slips and somehow managing to hide his very obvious hard-on.

“Fuck me!” Joel yelled in frustration, not knowing exactly how much his twin had seen or heard. Jumping up from the bed, he rushed to the shower and slammed the bathroom door behind him.

On the other side of the bedroom door, Benji slid down to the floor, already rubbing his nearly orgasmic dick, hearing his brother’s shouted words, loud and clear. “I want to, Joely! Uhhh! You have no fucking idea how bad I want to…”

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