Cry Little Sister Chapter 5

Feb 25, 2010 01:07

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:  Thank you for the reviews, the reads, and the feedback!

Chapter 1 Cry Little Sister    Chapter 2 Thou Shall Not Fall    Chapter 3 A Last Fire Will Rise    Chapter 4 Behind Those Eyes

Chapter 5 - Black House

Benji slowly opened his eyes. It was dark and a quick glance at his watch told him that it was almost time to sneak back into the house. After tending Joel’s injuries yesterday, they had spent the evening talking…and the night getting off. He had made it clear, through his actions, that he wasn’t comfortable with Joel him touching again and was relieved when Joel seemed to understand. That didn’t mean they hadn’t enjoyed masturbating to the magazines in each others presence. Just thinking about the stories they read to each other and told each other, started making Benji hot. Hotter still was getting to watch his twin in throes of pleasure, again and again. He figured as long as they didn’t touch, they weren’t hurting anyone and since they were together, it wasn’t like they were ‘alone’, masturbating. It killed two birds with one stone: they stayed ‘legal’ and didn’t ‘sin’.

Benji was certain his rationalizing was fucked, but that was nothing new.

Today had been another good day hanging out with his brother. Sundays were always a relaxing day for them and this one was even better because they didn’t have to go to church. Benji knew that when their Mom caught up with them, it wasn’t going to be pretty, but somehow, he felt it would be worth it. Joel had been right. They needed to get away. Pissing the entire day away and having fun was something they both missed from childhood. When they had gotten back to the cave tonight, just like in the daytime, it had been pure fun. No problems, no beatings; not even anything sexual; this had simply been the perfect day with his best friend and brother.

But all good things surely do come to an end.

Stretching, Benji rolled to his side to face his sleeping brother. Joel was on his back with his head tilted toward Benji. Through the moonlight, Benji could see a smile on his face. It warmed his heart to know Joel was happy even in his dreams. He wondered what he was dreaming about. Did Joel ever dream about him?

Slowly, Benji’s last dream began coming back to him. Joel had been in it. It was a twisted version of what had really had happened Friday. His twin was again lying on their parents’ bed, but this time, Benji had been the one beating him. He watched as Joel cried out and came, then he had flipped him over and ground his hips into his brother until he exploded as well. Benji’s mouth went dry as he attempted to swallow. Rolling over on his back, he tried to will the dream away.

As soon as his back hit the ground, Benji realized he had another problem. “Great,” he whispered. “My cock is fucking hard.”

Glancing over to make sure Joel was still asleep, Benji felt around for the lube until he found it. Slipping off his boxers, he squirted the lube on his palm. Taking his other hand, he dipped his fingers in the lubricant and brushed them against his aching hard cock. Trailing them over the backside of his penis, he played with the sensitive nerve behind the head. It felt so good he repeated the process over and over, briefly thinking about one of the stories and pictures in a magazine Joel had bought. It talked about and showed a picture of a guy who had his cock head pierced right through that hot spot below the head. He wondered what it would feel like to have his pierced that way. Pressing the spot with his fingernail while holding the head with his thumb, Benji felt a jolt of pleasure rip through his cock. The sensation was painfully good and it made him ache. Maybe when he was old enough he’d get a piercing like that too.

Joel stirred beside him and the cover slipped down his chest, causing Benji to look over at him. Gritting his teeth, Benji quickly shut his eyes trying to block out the memory of his twin’s sweaty chest rubbing against his when they had been grinding each other into oblivion. No matter what he tried, Joel was there in his mind, teasing him, taunting him, and taking him to the next level in desire. Benji gripped his cock and stroked it, giving in to the deviant thoughts in his mind. As long as it stayed there, locked in his brain, at least he wasn’t making Joel sin with him and his body could rage with forbidden lust. For several minutes, he edged ever closer to oblivion, stroking and teasing the head until it poured with precum and his body shook.

Taking a break, not wanting to cum just yet, Benji let go of his cock and fought to control his breathing and shaking. He didn’t want to wake Joel. Opening his eyes, he started to glance at his brother, again, and a shock tore his body. His brother was no longer lying beside him. Joel was very awake and kneeling at his feet!

“W-what are you doing?” Benji stuttered.

“Shh,” Joel put his finger to his lips. “Don’t ask questions, Benj. Just feel.”

In a quick movement, Joel pulled the cover off of Benji, exposing his body to the cool air and his eyes. Parting Benji’s legs, he slipped between them and crawled up until his mouth was right over his twin’s dick. Lowering his head, Joel kissed and licked the hot spot Benji so wanted to pierce someday.

“SHIT!” Benji cried out, his body bowing in as his eyes stayed focused on his brother.

“Mmmm,” Joel licked the precum from his lips. “You taste good, Benj.”

“Joel,” Benji heaved, weakly. “We can’t…”

Joel smirked and encircled the base of his twin’s cock with finger and thumb, pulling the skin of his cock taut. Keeping their eyes locked until the last moment, Joel engulfed Benji’s cock head in his heated mouth without preamble.

“JOEL!” Benji thrust up into his brother’s mouth, screaming. “Don’t! Oh god! Don’t…oh fuck…please…stop…”

Ignoring Benji’s feeble protests, Joel explored his twin’s swollen cock head. Licking and nibbling then finally sucking, as his fingers gripped Benji securely at the base. The tension his fingers caused made Benji’s cock even more sensitive as it twitched wildly in his twin’s mouth. Leaning on his arms, Joel gently fondly his older sibling’s balls. Smiling around his cock, he watched as Benji squirmed and cried out. Remembering something he read from his magazines that he wanted to try out, Joel slid his thumb underneath Benji’s scrotum and rubbed the hard, throbbing muscle there.

“OH SHIT!” Benji shot up, his body curved as though he were stuck in a mock sit-up. His hands made fists into Joel’s hair, begging him to take in more of his cock and not just the head. His legs shook uncontrollably as Joel continued to rub his perineum firmly. “Joel! God!”

Joel knew just sucking on the crown of his twin’s cock was becoming too much. Taking him further in, he let Benji fuck his mouth. The ecstatic mewls and all out screams were fueling Joel’s determination. He wanted Benji not only to enjoy this, but to crave it from him even after it was over. Putting his finger in his mouth, he sucked it along with Benji’s dick, making Benji go wild. After he pulled his finger out, he put his thumb back under his twin’s scrotum…and gently pushed his finger inside Benji.

Oh god no!
Benji thought silently, tears welling in his eyes. I’m not gay! This is a sin! Why does it have to feel so fucking good?
A cry ripped through Benji as he felt the intrusion, but it was not one of pain or shame. He could feel Joel moving his finger and thumb in a delicious, steady combination that was driving him higher than he ever thought possible. “Don’t stop…Joel…more!”

Answering his twin’s plea, Joel inserting his finger deeper, in and out. Suddenly, after only a few seconds, Joel found what he had been searching for. With firm, careful strokes, he massaged the sides of Benji’s prostate, causing him to leak profusely in his mouth. Knowing that Benji wouldn’t be able to take much more of this, Joel slid his brother as far as he could take him into his mouth and hollowed out his cheeks. He kept the vacuum tight while swirling his tongue on the ever-swelling head. Pressing his finger hard against Benji’s prostate, Joel pushed deeper into it, causing Benji to lose control.

Benji’s voice was no longer intelligible and his body was as contorted as his face. His orgasm rushed through his body, ready to explode. It had never been like this for him. The pleasure peaked and all 5 of his senses were overcome with sensory overload. Joel didn’t let up and Benji spurted time and again in his mouth as Joel kept that intense, rubbing pressure on his prostate. Screaming repeatedly, Benji’s voice went hoarse as his mind and body started going numb from cumming the hardest he had ever cum in his life.

Smiling, Joel kissed the tip of Benji’s spent cock and cleaned his hands on one of his used shirts. Crawling back to Benji, he felt his own hard dick poking his stomach. Joel had soaked his boxers with precum and was looking forward to getting off himself. “Did you enjoy yourself Benji? Still think we can’t?” He asked slyly.

“We need to go,” Benji said, sitting up just as Joel started to lie beside him. “It’s late and we have school tomorrow.”

Joel blinked. “Okay…but what about me?”

“It’s time to go, Joel,” Benji spit out harshly, grabbing his clothes. “Get ready.”

Pain showed in Joel’s eyes as he moved mechanically to get dressed. Benji ignored him, cursing himself for allowing it to happen. He could readily admit he felt something more for Joel than just brotherly feelings. But he was not ready to chance jail or worse, damnation, for these forbidden sensations. Nausea rolled inside of him as he realized on top of all of this, evidently, he was as gay Joel. Shaking his head angrily, he refused to think about that right now. He told himself it didn’t matter. It was a mistake.

“I thought we could leave the stuff here,” Joel said softly. “I can’t take the magazines home…”

“Whatever,” Benji huffed. “You can come back here and stroke off to your sick gay shit but I am through with it all. Grab your jacket and backpack. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Tears of confusion and humiliation threatened to spill over as Joel did what he was told. “I’m ready.”

Benji grunted and headed out into the night, not even bothering to look back and see if Joel was following him.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

They walked up to their home and stared at the black house as it came closer. The lights were off so that was a good sign. By unspoken agreement, they started to bypass they front door. It would be easier to sneak into backdoor undetected. As they opened the back door, they both froze at the sound of their Dad’s voice.

“Where are they?” Their Father bellowed, stopping the twins in their tracks. “I know you know where they are, Sarah, so don’t try to protect them!”

“Please,” they heard their sister sob. “I left before they did. I don’t know where Benji and Joel went!”

“Honey,” their Mom’s voice said pensively to their Dad. “The boys aren’t responsible for the power being shut off.”

“Like hell they aren’t,” their Father yelled back, swinging his arms around and causing the candles in the room to flicker. “They stole half my paycheck! That‘s why I couldn‘t pay the bill!”

Benji’s eyes widened and he looked at Joel in askance. Joel shook his head vehemently. Benji did too. Neither of them had touched their Dad’s money. They didn’t even know where he hid it!

“For the last time, Sarah,” their Father snarled. “Where did they go!”

Muffled cries and the sounds of a struggle reached the twins ears.

“No! Don’t hurt her!” They heard their Mother sob. “It’s my fault, you hear me? My fault! Take it out on me, not her!”

Benji closed his eyes and prepared himself for what he knew he had to do. He was still angry with Sarah but he couldn’t let her get knocked around for something he had caused. Sighing, he knew as long as Joel was in here safe, he could withstand whatever that bastard dished out. Benji dropped his back pack and opened his eyes.

Joel was gone!

“Leave her the fuck alone!” Joel screamed from the living room. “You are looking for me? Well you found me motherfucker!”

Oh god, no! Benji thought rushing into the room just in time to see his Father grab Joel by the throat.

“What did you say to me you little bastard?” Their Father slurred, increasing his grip and make Joel strangle on his spit. “That’s what I thought. It’s time to teach you a lesson in respect. Respect for me and for my damned money!”

“Let him go,” Benji said in a low menacing voice, his shadow towering in the candlelight.

“Benji,” his Mother whispered. “This isn’t your fight. Let your Father discipline your brother.”

Benji gaped at his Mother. He couldn’t believe she was willing to trade one of her children for the other. His Mother wanted it to be Joel rather than him and Sarah! That realization hit Benji fast and hard. It wasn’t the first time he had observed his Mom doing this, but usually, it was himself that she was offering up as a sacrificial lamb to their brute of a Father; never Joel. Benji felt his gut clench as he watched his Father begin to drag Joel by the neck. Joel was fighting hard against his hands and his face was deep red.

“I said let him go…fucker,” Benji raised his voice, causing Sarah to whimper and his Mom to gasp.

His Dad paused in dragging Joel across the room. Swaying slightly, he looked blackly at Benji. Slowly, he let go of Joel’s throat and let him slump to the ground. “Robin?” He barked at his wife. “Take Sarah, go upstairs, and both of you go to bed. Don’t come out of your rooms or I’ll make you regret it.”

Without a glance at either of her sons, Robin did just that, pulling her daughter behind her. Sarah, however, looked at both of her brothers half in terror of what they were getting ready to face and half in silent gratitude for sparing her from it all. As they got to the steps, shame for what she had done to them on Friday swept through her. Tears streaming down her face as her Mom towed her up the stairs, she mouthed to Benji, I’m so sorry!

Waiting until the door to closed, their Father kicked Joel’s hip hard. “Get up!”

Benji started toward their Dad, fists ready. “Don’t touch him again, asshole!”

“You better back down boy,” his Father sneered. “Or it’s going to be you next.”

“I’m not scared of you,” Benji answered softly. “You can’t hurt me anymore because I really don’t give a flying shit. So bring on the pain: show me what you got!”

“Pain,” he repeated, his voice dazed. “Not scared, eh?”

“Not at all. Fear means you care, and I don’t give a fuck,” Benji hissed.

“But the real question is do you care about your brother and sister?” His Dad jeered, jerking Joel up to his feet and putting him between himself and Benji.

“What?” Benji lowered his fist and stopped, just in front of Joel.

“I said,” his Dad spat. “Do you love Joel and Sarah?”

“More than you ever have,” Benji ground out angrily.

“Good,” he said with an evil smile. “Then listen closely: you are going to do exactly as I say. Because if you don’t, I’ll see to it that your siblings pay for your disobedience.” As if to make good on his threat, he backhanded Joel, snapping his head to the side. Blood dribbled down the side of Joel’s mouth.

Benji rushed forward to help him but Joel pulled away, bumping into his Father’s chest.

“Go Benji,” Joel panted, his eyes focused above Benji‘s head. “There’s nothing you can do.”

Before Benji could respond, his Father laughed. “He’s not leaving this room. Go to that couch and sit down, Benji, or I will break Joel’s nose.”

Willing his shaking legs to move, Benji backed up until his calves hit the couch. Sitting down on the edge, he frantically ran through plans of escape. They had to get out of here!

“Take off your shoes, Joel.” Joel began doing what he was told. “Get your shirt and jeans off too, I don’t want to have to buy more clothes for your sorry ass.”

Benji felt frozen to his seat. Fear made the sweat pour off his brow as he failed to find a way out for them. All he could do was watch as his brother stripped down to his light gray boxers. When Joel rose up, Benji gulped down air in a panic. The front of Joel’s boxers were stained a dark gray. The splotch was too large not to be noticed and Benji remembered he had forced Joel to dress and leave in a hurry.

“What the hell is this?” Their Dad yelled in surprise as his eyes took in his son’s underwear. “You horny little fucker! What did I tell you before?”

“I-I’m sorry,” Joel choked out, tears welling in his eyes. His Dad kneed him in the groin and Joel gagged, falling to the floor.

“Yeah, you are sorry,” the older man said disgusted. “Your sick, Joel. You like to hurt. Do you like men too? Are you fag as well?”

Benji’s eyes widened and his heart jumped into his throat. His Father kicked Joel in the kidney and roared with laughter.

“So which is it , Joel?” His Dad asked, still laughing. “Pain or men that gets you so hot and bothered?”

Joel couldn’t answer, his stomach dry heaved as he curled into a ball.

“It was a girl.”

Whipping his head toward Benji, their Father’s laughter died on his lips and he stared at him, glassy eyed. “A girl? You are telling me a girl did this?”

“Yes.” Benji knew the lie wouldn’t make his Father stop, but it would take some of the edge off of his anger, or at least he hoped it would. “The girl wanted to go all the way, but Joel said no. He didn’t touch his body tonight, either. That’s just from…when she was coming on to him.” Benji finished, lamely, hoping like hell his Dad bought it.

“Oh.” Swaying on his feet, their Father’s anger did seem to dissipate some. “You sure about this Benji? You sure he isn‘t a homo? I would have sworn he was the other day…”

“Yes, Sir, I‘m sure,” Benji answered respectfully, trying to reinforce his lie.

“Well that explains why he was so fucking arrogant, trying to take me on,” his Dad smiled sloppily. “He’s a real man. But you need to fucking know I am still your damned parent. Don’t disrespect me!” He yelled and kicked Joel in the back, but Joel barely noticed due to his other pain.

Sighing loudly, their Dad fished out his keys from his pocket, forgetting everything except his growing thirst. “When he can walk, take him upstairs and go to sleep. I’m sick of messing with this. It’s too damned late. I’m going back to the bar.” And with that, he left.

The front door closed and Benji ran over to his twin, still curled up in the fetal position. “Joel?”

He rubbed his twin’s arm gently, waiting for the pain to subside. Several minutes later, Joel struggled and managed to pull himself up with his arms. Groaning, he looked at his brother. They stared at each other in timeless, silent contemplation.

“I don’t understand,” Joel said finally.

Benji looked at him perplexed. “He was drunk, Joel. There’s nothing to understand.”

“No, not him,” Joel shook his head, wincing in pain. “You. Why did you lie to him?”

The candlelight flickered as the wicks burnt dangerously low. Benji stared at the closest one while he answered his twin. “You didn’t deserve to have your ass handed to you.”

“You mean my ‘gay’ ass,” Joel murmured, his eyes fixed on his brother in the fading light.

“I don’t care about that,” Benji bit out, refusing to look at his brother.

“Yes, you do,” Joel argued quietly. “You think just like Dad does about me. You called me sick too.”

Benji started to protest when his own words echoed back at him in his mind.

“You can come back here and stroke off to your sick gay shit but I am through with it all…”

“I didn’t say that about you,” Benji defended. “Just those magazines.”

“But I’m gay,” Joel whispered, tears spilling from his eyes. “So really, you did say it about me as well.”

A pain flooded Benji’s heart that he had never felt before. It was sadness and grief with a touch of shame. He had hurt his brother deeply, he could feel it, and it was killing him. Confusion reigned in his mind as he tried to come to grips with all that had happened in the last couple of days and in particularly in the last few hours. So much of it was beyond his comprehension and he was sorely afraid that he would never be able to understand any of it. All that he really knew for sure was that he still loved Joel and whatever else, he needed him. He needed him to stop hurting. He needed to help him. He needed to hold him.

Looking into his baby brother’s eyes, his own tears ran down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Joely. I…I’m just so confused about…all of it. But you are still my brother and my best friend. And I…” Benji’s voice closed up as he dropped his face into his hands and sobbed.

Joel painfully pulled himself on to his knees and began to crawl toward his distraught twin. Reaching him, he put his arms clumsily around his older brother. “I forgive you, Benj. It’s okay. Don’t cry.”

“You…you shouldn’t have moved,” Benji hiccupped, his arms gently enveloping Joel. Carefully, he fit his body around his twin and held him while Joel pulled him closer. “Are you okay?”

Hearing the agony in Benji’s voice, Joel touched his wet face. “I’m alright, Benji.”

Gazing down into Joel’s pain-filled brown eyes, Benji could see his brother’s heart. The fact he was gay and that he had done…things…to and with Benji, no longer mattered. The truth was in Joel’s eyes. The love his twin had for him was deep and pure. Benji knew that was really all that mattered too.

“It’s going to be okay, Benj,” Joel smiled through his tears. “Trust me.”

“I do,” Benji rasped, clasping Joel’s chest to his as best he could. “I trust you.”

Joel nodded against him. “I trust you too.”

Benji gripped him as tightly as he dared, watching as the last candle flickered out, leaving the brothers in each other’s embrace in the now black house.

Author notes:

Thanks for reading and reviewing...both are greatly appreciated!
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