luke Snyder and the Qudditch Cup: Part 2

Oct 11, 2011 23:30

Title: Luke Snyder and the Qudditch Cup: Part 2
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3159
Summary/Prompt: Reid gets ready for the big Quidditch match.
Author's note: Yay, I'm so happy to see that so many of you have stuck with this story. It was a VERY nice surprise. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. I write for you.
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements
Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis
Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making
Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1
Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2
Luke Snyder and the Mirror of Erised
Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing
Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse
Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice
Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks
Luke Snyder and the Adventures of Martin Miggle, the Mad Muggle
Luke Snyder and the Weird Sisters
Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (Tealeaf Readings)
Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 1
Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 2
Luke Snyder and the Letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck
Luke Snyder and the Prefect's Bathroom
Luke Snyder and the Amortentia Potion
Luke Snyder and the Quidditch Cup: Part 1"

“Alahamora” Luke whispered as he aimed his wand at the lock on the gate, which quickly popped open. Luke pushed the gate open slowly and as quietly as possible as he made his way out onto the Quidditch pitch.

It was almost midnight, and when Reid hadn’t shown up to dinner and wasn’t in the library or the Room of Requirements or even leaving Dumbledore’s office after a quick game of wizard’s chess, Luke knew that he could only be in one other location.

And that is how Luke found himself sneaking onto the Qudditch field, at fifteen minutes to midnight.

“Lumos” Luke quietly said as the tip of his wand started to let off a dim light. Luke knew that Reid was out here even though it was dark out. He could see small, well placed floating candles lining the stadium in midair to allow just enough light to keep him inside the stadium.

Luke sat down onto the grass and than laid down, setting his lit wand down next to him. He starred up at the stars and every once in awhile he could hear the sound of a broomstick whip across the sky.

Luke couldn’t tell how long he had laid there. It could have been twenty minutes or it could have been two hours. It was such a serene feeling, lying on the soft grass, staring up into one of the clearest night skies he had ever seen, and knowing that Reid was flying around. He felt like such a hopeless romantic, but he didn’t care. He would remember moments like this for the rest of his life. When everything was beautiful.

Luke thought that he had drifted off to sleep, and that the stars were slowly falling upon him. It took him a moment to realize that the fifteen or so candles that Reid had floating in the air were slowly making their way down to the grass, which could only mean that Reid was on his way down as well.

Luke heard the weak sound of Reid landing, and even though he couldn’t see very far because it was so dark, he could hear that Reid was walking towards him. Luke pushed himself up onto his elbows and strained his eyes to try and see Reid. It wasn’t until Reid was only a couple feet away, when he could finally see the outline of the Slytherin captain.

Reid dropped his broom before falling down next to Luke. His eyes were better adjusted to the darkness, and he had a better sense of where Luke was. Reid waved his wand, and the spell he cast, brought the candles closer to where they were. He waved his wand one more time and that put out the charm on Luke’s barely glowing wand.

“Reid.” Luke barely said before Reid kissed him.

Reid pushed Luke back down into the grass, not allowing their kiss to break. He could feel that Luke’s body was tense at the surprise of the kiss, but in only a matter of second before he felt Luke’s body relax. Once Reid felt the shift in Luke’s body, he moved to be on top of him, their legs intertwined as they moved into a familiar position. Reid felt Luke’s hand slid up his back, digging his fingers through the fabric.

Reid moved his lips and started kissing up the side of Luke’s jawbone. He could hear the blonde panting for short breaths of air as he continued to move towards his neck. Reid let his tongue start making small swirls along the milky white skin of Luke’s neck. Reid could hear the small gasps leaving Luke’s lips and landing directly in his ear.

This moment was so effortless.

It’s not as if Reid had asked Luke to meet him here. He hadn’t even told Luke that he was going to be here this late. But the fact that somebody wanted to be with him as much as Luke did always surprised him.

Reid felt Luke move one of his hands from his back, to the side of his cheek, trying to guide their lips back together. Reid gave into Luke and slowly started to retrace his original path back towards Luke’s lips. He felt Luke sigh into his lips as they finally reconnected.

Reid didn’t know how long they had been there, just slowly kissing each other, with no agenda than just enjoying being together. The setting was more than romantic. The stars, the clean crisp air, and the more Reid thought about it, the more he thought that maybe Luke did plan this.

The thought of this totally spontaneous moment having actually been planned by Luke made Reid laugh into the blonde’s lips.

“Why are you laughing?” Luke whispered into Reid’s lips before sealing them back onto his boyfriends not allowing him to answer.

“Did you plan this?” Reid asked, before just barely biting down on Luke’s puffy bottom lip. He pulled it into his mouth and continued to suck gently. He loved how Luke let him pull this move on him.

Luke was having a hard time trying to figure out Reid’s question. Not only was he not quite sure what he was talking about, but he also couldn’t keep his mind off how amazing it felt as Reid sucked on his lips.

Luke pulled up, trying to catch his breath.

“Plan what?” Luke asked before bringing his lips back to Reid’s.
It might take them all night to have this conversation, as between each statement and question, led to an immeasurable amount of time devoted to kissing each other.

“Mmmm, this.” Reid said, as he moved the collar of Luke’s shirt to the side to start sucking on his collarbone. He had moved away from Luke’s perfect lips to allow him to answer.

“I didn’t plan anything.” Luke said as he took his hand and ran it though Reid’s hair. “I was just looking for you. If anything you planned this.”

“How did I plan this?” Reid said as he popped his head up.

“I was just lying here minding my own business and you started kissing me.”

“I can stop if you want.”

Reid could tell that Luke was smiling in the dark. He could feel Luke’s smile on his lips as he pushed himself up off the grass to reconnect them.

“Don’t stop.”

And they didn’t stop.

The next few hours before sunrise were spent in slow kisses and barely there whispers.

“We should go.” Luke said, as he rolled off Reid and began to sit up. It was just the beginnings of dawn, which would make it almost five o’clock.

“Too bad Dumbledore took away my time-turner.”

“What?” Luke asked as he ran his fingers down Reid’s chest. There was just enough light now for Luke see the familiar crest on Reid’s practice uniform.

“Just a little magical device the Dumbledore let me use when I was an ambitious fifth year. But if I still had it, I would definitely rewind the clock and start this all over again.”

“God, when did you turn into such a romantic?” Luke said, as Reid leaned back in to kiss him.

“Ugh, don’t say that word.” Reid said as he pursed into Luke’s lips.

“I won’t tell anybody.” Luke laughed, forcing Reid to kiss him again.

“Love you.”

“Love you too, Reid.”

The two of them slowly started to get up off the now dew-dampen grass and make their way back to the castle, hand-in-hand. As of now, they weren’t feeling the affects of not having slept, as they were still high off each other.

It was still early, only the ghosts were up, and Reid walked Luke towards the Gryffindor tower.

“Are you nervous for Saturday?” Luke asked as they took the slow moving staircase.

“Not really. Our team is looking really good. I was flying last night because I just wanted to clear my head. Plus I don’t have time to be nervous, I have huge N.E.W.T practice exam with some other Slytherin’s today and tomorrow, so I won’t even have time to think about the match until Saturday morning.”

“That’s good. You don’t want to be dwelling on it all day.”

“Luke, when have I ever dwelled on anything?”

Luke just turned to Reid and smiled.

“Alright I gotta go, you know you can’t get too close to our common room.”

“See later.”

Luke started to move onto the next staircase, but Reid wouldn’t let go of his hand. Luke loved when Reid would wait for the staircase to start moving before he let go, silently telling Luke that he didn’t like when they had to be apart. It was the small things that Reid did that made Luke fall more and more in love with him.

Once the stairs stopped moving, Luke took the rest of the stairs two at a time. He had about two hours until his first class and he wanted to get in a quick nap.

“Gargoyle” Luke whispered to the Fat Lady.

The Fat Lady kept her eyes shut, ignoring him, and only snoring louder.

“Gargoyle” Luke repeated himself, only this time louder. He watched as the Fat Lady opened one eye before quickly shutting it again.

“Come on, just let me in.” he begged.

The Fat Lady let out a heavy huff before swinging her door open.

“Thank you.” Luke said as he darted quickly into the Common Room and up the stairs towards his dormitory. He kicked his shoes off and took his shirt off before diving into his bed. He was asleep before his head even hit the pillow.


“Luke get up.”

Luke stirred he felt his body being pushed not so gently in the shoulder.

“Dude, get up, we gotta get to Potions in like 5 minutes.”

“No.” Luke murmured as he turned over, pulling his comforter up around him.

“We didn’t want to have to do this.”

The next thing Luke knew he was being yanked out of the bed and onto the floor, landing on a pile of Casey’s clothes.

“Okay, I’m up, I’m up.” Luke said as he rolled on the floor sitting up.

“Seriously man, we are leaving in like…oh my god, Luke what the fuck?” Casey started.

“What?” Luke said as he stood up. He was fully awake from being pulled out of his bed.

“Just, I can’t…” Casey said as he just walked away.

Luke moved over to the mirror and he could see what Casey was making a big fuss of. He had hickies on both sides of his neck and no less than three along his collarbone. Luke felt his cheeks turn warm and red when he realized how many he had and how obvious they were.

“Oops.” Was all Luke could say as moved away from the mirror and got dressed as quickly as possible. Once he was in his robe, only the ones on his neck were visible. He went to reach for his Gryffindor themed scarf but he had left it in the Room of Requirements a couple of weeks ago. He just knew that after Potions he needed to find Reid ASAP to get him to make them disappear.

However, in true Reid fashion, he was nowhere to be found. And true to his word, was too busy to be found until the night before the Qudditch match.


Luke was in the library trying to get ahead on his Ruins paper before the exciting weekend, when Reid walked in and plopped himself down at Luke’s table.

“Hey.” Reid said as he gave Luke a cheeky smile.

“I’m not talking to you.” Luke said as he barely looked up from his book.

“Why not?” Reid asked even though he knew exactly why.

Luke continued to ignore him as he tried to concentrate on his book.

“Okay, well I probably need to get a good night sleep before tomorrows match.” Reid said as got up, pushing his chair back in.

“Ugh fine!” Luke said giving in. “Reid, how could you let me walk around with these on my neck! I look like a fucking fourth year.”

“Aw come on, I think they look hot.” Reid said as he ran a finger over the dark purple mark on the side of Luke’s neck. “Plus, I like people knowing that you got them from me.”

“You are so weird.” Luke said, finally giving Reid a smile. It was hard to stay mad at him, and besides the initial embarrassment he actually didn’t really mind them. He just wanted to give Reid a hard time, but he clearly gave into him faster than he would of liked.

“Want to come and make it an early night with me?” Reid asked

“An early night? Or a real early night? Because you know it’s already eleven.”

“A real early night.” Reid said, and Luke could see how actually tired Reid looked, and Reid rarely looked tired. Reid held his hand out, and Luke felt his heart flutter a little bit.

Luke shut his book and tucked it into his bag. He reached for Reid’s hand as he stood up. Their fingers laced together as they left the library and made their way towards the Room of Requirements.

As they slowly made their way towards the seventh floor, they caught up with each other over what they did the past two days when they were a part. Luke loved how Reid actually took an interest in his life outside of each other and actually made an effort to listen to him talk about his friends.

Luke was able to hear how Reid’s N.E.W.T studying sessions had gone. It still amazed him how smart Reid was, and how he was able to fit everything he did into a single day.

Once they had leisurely made their way to the Room of Requirements, Reid quickly got the door to appear and they snuck into the room. The room was already dark and Reid only lit one candle as they slowly undressed.

It was rare that they actually just slept in this room, but sometimes when everything felt right, they didn’t need anything else.

Reid pulled back the sheets and climbed in first. He was exhausted after being up all night two nights ago, and two full days of intense studying with his study group. He had his last Quidditch match tomorrow, and he refused to allow any time to be nervous.

Reid was almost asleep when Luke crawled in next to him. Reid shifted enough to allow Luke to get close to him. Luke tucked his head into the comfortable position on Reid’s shoulder, and he felt Reid’s arm tighten around him.

No more than five minutes passed before they were both sound asleep.


When Luke woke up in the morning, Reid had already left. There was a note with his usually chicken scratch handwriting tell him good morning.

Luke looked at the clock and saw that he had about forty-five minutes before the match started. He knew that his friends were probably already in the Great Hall, eating breakfast, and he should probably meet up with them before the match so they could sit together.

Luke quickly got changed into jeans and a black polo. He had a Gryffindor scarf that he had left in the Room of Requirements one time so Reid could tie him up, and now was the third perfect time to wear it. (The first being to get tangled up in, the second being to hide his hickies.)

Even though he was hoping that Slytherin would win, for Reid’s last game and so he could celebrate with a happy boyfriend, he was still Gryffindor’s head boy and needed to represent his house properly.

Even though he was technically sleeping with the enemy.


Luke was walking towards the Great Hall and the whole castle felt electric with excitement. He could smell the delicious food from the Great Hall and he picked up the pace because he was starving.

When Luke finally got there, it was still packed full of students and it took him almost five minutes to find his friends.

“Surprise, surprise, looked who graced us with his presence.” Noah said as Luke sat down next to him. “How’s the boyfriend? Nervous his team is going to lose.”

Luke rolled his eyes as he reached for some French toast.

“He’s fine. I didn’t get to see him this morning.” Luke said as he started shoving food into his mouth.

“Weren’t you with him all night?” Noah asked

“Yeah, but he was gone before I woke up.”

“Where do you guys go anyways, Ali and I can never spend the night with each other because there is no place for us to actually go where we won’t get caught.” Casey asked, his mouth full of cinnamon roll.

“If I told you than we wouldn’t be able to go there anymore?”

“It’s not fair that you guys get to have all the fun.” Casey said, sounding defeated. For the past month, Casey had been trying to figure out where Luke and Reid went to be alone, but had yet to figure it out.

Luke just laughed as he reached for a blueberry muffin, taking a huge bite out of it.

“Alright, we should get going if we wanna get good seats. Luke you done shoving your face?”

“Yep.” Luke said as he reached for another muffin.

“Yes! I’m so excited for us to kick Slytherin’s ass!” Casey said as he started to join in the ‘Go-Go Gryffindor’ chant that had started outside the Great Hall.

Casey didn’t stop cheering until they got to the stands. And even then he jumped between talking to Ali and trying to start more cheers with Noah and Maddie.

Luke on the other hand, was nervous as hell.

The stands were loud, but all of a sudden the students went ballistic with noise. Luke stood up and saw that the teams were walking out onto the pitch. Slytherin in black, green, and silver on one side, Gryffindor in red and gold.

“THIS IS IT” Matt Jones’, a fifth year Ravenclaw, said as he his voice rang throughout the stadium. “THE QUDDITCH CUP IS ON THE LINE. GRYFFINDOR VS. SLYTHERIN. THE BATTLE OF THE TITANS.”

The stadium went nuts with cheering and jeering. The flags were flying and the horns were blowing.


The crowd went crazy as Matt Jones’ continued to announce every move. They got even louder as the players from both teams, kicked off the ground and took their positions in the air.

The crowd went silent waiting for Madam Hooch to start the match.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle and let the golden snitch out of her hands.

The crowd erupted.


crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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