Fic: Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

Feb 15, 2011 13:03

Title: Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid & Luke/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3096
Summary/Prompt: Luke and Noah watched the Ravenclaw team practice.

Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Previous Chapters:
Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse

The news of Luke and Sam’s study date traveled through the school like wildfire. Maddie had informed him that she watched a bunch of second year Ravenclaw girls burst into tears at the news, of both of them being off the market, even though they weren’t officially dating.

But, for the past four days, they had been hanging out almost every night, getting to know each other.

It was a nice change to be able to walk down the hallways of Hogwarts and if they passed each other they could actually stop and talk, and if they were going opposite directions, a parting kiss wasn’t too much to ask for.

Sam had no problem with PDA, in fact in the past couple of days, Luke had made-out in front of more people than he would have ever thought possible.

Also, it made boring classes that they shared together much less boring. Flirty eyes, magical note passing, waiting for each other to leave so they could walk together. Luke, found that he really enjoyed spending time with Sam.

“You guys are sickening together.” Casey complained as they sat down at their table, starving after an epic double potions class, where Snape had kept them an hour late due to how terrible, minus Luke’s, potion was.

“That’s funny considering you…” Luke started

“I know, I know.” Casey said laughing. He was truly happy for his friend, but they were clearly in that state of puppy-love infatuation and he wasn’t used to it.

“Welcome to my world, this is what I had to deal with you and Ali and Noah and Maddie.” Luke said as he started to load his plate with all the delicious treats.

“Speaking of Maddie,” Noah started, “She wanted to know if I and now you wanted to watch their practice tonight. They have the pitch from 8:00 to 9:30”

“Yeah that would be fun.” Luke said, although he wasn’t the biggest Quidditch fan, he didn’t mind watching his boyfriends…his boyfriend…Sam, play. Luke shook his head quickly trying not to think of Reid.

“What about me?” Casey asked

“What about you?” Noah said

“I want to come.”

“How about you use this time to be with Ali, nobody around to bother you guys.”

“Always thinking you are.” Casey said tapping his head.

Luke laughed with his friends. He couldn’t believe how much his life had changed in just under a week. Sure, the pain of what Reid had done to him was still there, but it was nicely suppressed by how great everything else was going. He felt like he had before Reid, able to hang out with his friends and share everything. He had no secrets and he was happy. Sam was a great guy and he looked forward to their budding relationship. Although they weren’t official yet, they were certainly on their way there.

“Ready to go man?” Noah asked, hitting Luke’s arm. Luke nodded and they got up to leave the table and Casey went towards the Hufflepuff common room to meet up with Ali while Luke and Noah went back to the dormitory to change out of their robes.

“I don’t really think I would ever see the day where we would go to watch our girlfriends practice.” Noah said as he threw on a Gryffindor crewneck sweater.

“Shut up, he’s not my boyfriend. At least not yet. We’ve only been seeing each other for like a week.” Luke said, for some reason he was feeling a little sassy. It was probably a mix of giddiness as well as nervousness. He really did like Sam, but he also couldn’t stop thinking about his last kiss with Reid.

“It’s kinda cold out.” Noah added, noting that Luke wasn’t wearing much except a t-shirt. “I’d throw something else on, it’s like December already.”

“I know I know, I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to wear.” Luke said, he looked up at Noah who rolled his eyes.

“You are so…”

“Don’t even finish that sentence.”

“I was going to say slow.”

“What’s the rush?”

“There’s no rush.”

“Good.” Luke said as he folded is robe neatly before moving over to his wardrobe. He normally didn’t care what he wore, but he didn’t want Sam thinking he was a slob. He took a note out of his own book and wore a similar outfit for when they first hooked up. Noah flung himself onto his bed and waited, knowing that Luke sometimes became meticulous about how he looked and he knew he was in for about another fifteen minutes of prepping and primping.

“Are you done yet?” Noah asked, Luke was now in the mirror trying to pat his hair into the right place, knowing full well that it wasn’t going to stay like that for long.

“Yeah yeah, let’s go.”

“Remind me this is the last time I invite you to come with me.”

“Last time? This is your first time doing this, don’t act like you have something to measure this against.”

“Fine, let’s just go.”

Luke laughed and they two of them quickly made their way towards the Quidditch pitch. They weren’t technically supposed to be there, but with a couple of little magical tricks, ones that Reid had taught Luke how to do when they were sneaking around. They bounded up the steps and took a seat in the stands.

The sky was already dark, as it was early winter, but the lights were magically lit allowing the players to be able to see everything.

Luke and Noah went unnoticed for a while as they watched the Ravenclaw team practice but were soon spotted by two of the Beaters, Jan Smith and Ernie Brackenwood, which were two of Sam’s friends that he had been with when Luke had first asked him to study.

Noah and Luke heard a whistle blow and all the players stopped.

“Let’s take a ten minute break guys.” Luke heard Sam yell.

Most of the players lowered their brooms to the ground and went to get some water and talk.

Luke couldn’t help but smile when Sam flew over to him, Maddie was right behind him as she had to come from the other end of the field.

“Hey.” Sam said, acknowledging Luke, smiling widely. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We thought it would be fun to watch your practice.”

Maddie had finally come over and she immediately hopped off her broom and sat next to Noah who put his arm around her.

“How do we know you guys aren’t spies?” Sam said smirking.

“Because.” Luke said as he motioned towards Noah who was in a full on make-out with Maddie, “We don’t really care about Quidditch.”

“Really now, that hurts.”

“Well, we like Quidditch, but only for the hot players.” Luke said, he wasn’t sure if he was good at flirting, but he seemed to be doing a pretty good job.

“Want to give them a run for their money?” Sam said cocking an eyebrow. Until now he had been hovering in front of Luke, still on his broom. But Sam quickly hopped off and he was now standing just a couple of lower seats away.

Luke smiled, and Sam grabbed a hold of the bottom of Luke’s chin, tilting his head up just slightly before lightly kissing him. The kiss was soft and sweet and Luke moved his idle hands to lightly touch the side of Sam’s face.

Sam opened his mouth, and Luke swiftly moved inside. Unlike Maddie and Noah’s kiss, which was all about the lust in the moment, their was slow and delicate, perfectly sweet. Luke had butterflies in his stomach and he felt Sam move his hand so that it was tangled in his hair.

Just then Luke felt a rush of air pass by his head and he felt Sam suddenly pull away.

“What the fuck.” Sam said, quickly turning around and chasing after Ernie who had tossed the bludger in their direction, missing their heads on purpose but enough to make Sam leave.

“I guess that’s a cue for us to get back to work.” Maddie said as she placed a couple of pecks on Noah’s lips. “Meet me after?” She said as she hopped back onto her broom. Noah nodded and everything was over just as fast as it had started.

Luke still couldn’t stop smiling. He brought his fingertips up to his lips, running them over. They still didn’t tingle like they did whenever he kissed Reid, but maybe that came with time.

“You are such a dog.” Noah said, bumping his shoulders into Luke’s.

“Me? What about you?”

“We only come for the hot players” Noah said, mimicking Luke, while laughing.

“Shut up.” Luke said, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “At least we actually talk to each other, unlike you two.”

“If you didn’t notice, you guys wasted almost three minutes”

Luke and Noah watched the rest of the practice while mindlessly talking about their school work along with the trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow. Noah had brought up, only once, if Luke was going to get tutored by Reid anytime soon, only wanting to know if he knew what the next potions exam was going to be on. Luke didn’t lie, he just said that he wouldn’t be seeing Reid for awhile as Reid had a lot on his plate and tutoring wasn’t very high on the list.

Luke then quickly changed the subject off Reid and the two of them watched as the whistle was blown again, signaling the end of practice.

“Let go and wait for them downstairs by the locker rooms, it’s freezing up here.”

“Ok.” Luke said.

The two boys left the stands and Luke magically repaired the lock that they had broken into to get up there.

They only had to wait a couple of minutes as Maddie and Sam came out of the locker room rather quickly.

“You waited.” Sam said excitedly as he saw Luke waiting for him outside the locker room.

“Yeah.” Luke said as he kicked his shoes across the ground. He didn’t want Sam to see him smiling too much like an idiot.

Maddie had grabbed Noah’s hand they were already halfway down the hall before Noah called out that he was leaving and would see him in the dormitory.

“So...You guys looked really good out there.” Luke said, nervousness was sweeping through his body.

“Thanks.” Sam responded, he watched as Luke pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, biting on it slightly. “You guys were your good-old fashioned WAGs up there.”

“Shut up.” Luke said, he couldn’t stop smiling. Luke licked his bottom lip, slowly. He wanted Sam to kiss him so bad.

Sam just smiled widely back at Luke’s response. He loved how cute Luke was, acting embarrassed. He found Luke to be incredibly cute especially when he was acting like this.

Sam was just about to say something when the rest of the Ravenclaw team came out of the locker room, laughing and joking.

“Sam and Luke sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G” Jan said in a sing-song voice. Sam turned around and hit him in he chest to make him shut up, which caused the rest of the team to laugh.

The group of Ravenclaws proceeded to walk down the hall and Ernie yelled out that they weren’t going to wait up for him and to be safe, which warranted laughs from the group before they rounded a corner and were out of sight.

“I’m sorry about them.” Sam said, his cheeks just barely turning pink.

“It’s no big deal.” Luke said, he was no stranger to being teased like that, Noah and Casey now loved saying little comments to try and make him blush.

“And about before. I’m going to have to teach them a lesson for hitting the blunger at us.”

Luke wanted Sam to stop apologizing. If he had cared he would have said something, but he didn’t want to talk about that. Luke hooked his fingers on the top of Sam’s jeans and started to pull him towards him while backing up, until he was flat against the wall.

“How about some of that K-I-S-S-I---” Luke started, but couldn’t finish as Sam had taken the hint and pressed their lips together. As it always did, it started off slow, but this time things picked up much faster. Luke had his leg up and had it practically wrapped around Sam’s waist as Sam pushed hard into Luke.

Both were moving fast, trying to taste as much of each other as possible. Sam was currently attached to the side of Luke’s neck and Luke was panting hard, trying to catch his breath. He felt Sam slip his hand up his shirt and graze over his skin and he felt his knees weaken. As he tried to gain some composure in his body he felt Sam fully untuck his shirt. He allowed Sam’s hands to roam all over his body and he pushed back against Sam’s.

Sam’s hands started to lower and his fingers started to run over the brim of his jeans. Luke could tell that Sam was waiting for him to either encourage him or tell him to stop.

Luke definitely did not want him to stop.

Luke grabbed the back of Sam’s head and deepened the kiss even more. Their tongue’s fighting for any available space. Both forgetting to breath. Sam’s hands were now slowly unbuttoning Luke’s jeans and Luke pushed his groin into Sam’s hand, telling him he wanted this. He really wanted this.

Sam finally got Luke’s jeans undo and left Luke’s mouth. He gave Luke’s lips a couple of pecks before slowly getting down on his knees. Luke leaned shut his eyes and leaned against the cold brick wall.




“Want to play?”

Reid was sitting on the couch in the Slytherin common room when he heard the voice of his best friend.

“Not really?” Reid said as he played with a loose thread on his robe.

Katie, a seventh year and Prefect alongside Reid, sat down next to him, setting the Wizards Chess board down on the table in front of them.

“What’s wrong with you, you’ve been in such a funk this past week.” Katie questioned.

Reid gave her a glare. She was technically his best friend by default as ever since their first day of school she wouldn’t leave him alone. He loved her, he really did, but she also loved to talk about feelings, something he didn’t have time for.

“Katie, just leave me alone.” Reid said, he grabbed the nearest pillow and hugged it against his chest.

“Does this have anything to do with Luke Snyder and Sam Peasegood?” Katie said, cocking an eyebrow at him.

“What?” Reid said, clearly shocked. He looked around the common room and saw that there was nobody there, having all gone to bed early, or had noticed the sour look on his face and didn’t want to be in the same room as him. “What are you talking about?” he finished in a hushed tone.

“Interesting.” Katie said, she couldn’t help but smile. She knew Reid better than he knew himself, even if he never opened up to her, except under a couple of circumstances. There was even once where he threatened to make her make an unbreakable vow in order for her never to tell a soul what happened.

“What are you even talking about?” Reid said, catching him and trying not to sound offended that she clearly knew more than she was supposed to.

“Reid, you could never lie to me.”

Reid scoffed, he had lied to her plenty of times.

“You don’t even need to say anything you don’t want to.”

“Good because I’m not saying anything to you.” Reid said, hugging the pillow tighter, before realizing what he was doing. He then took the pillow and threw it at her.

“you’ve been hanging out here a lot more than you used to. Have things settled down?” Katie asked, she was going to get it out of him, whether he knew it or not. She didn’t need legimens to read his mind.

“I guess.”

“I won’t talk about Luke anymore, but did you hear that he was in the hospital wing for two days?”

“It was only for a night, but yes.”

“Did you know what happened?”

“No idea.” Reid couldn’t tell if his lies were believable or not.

“Are you still tutoring him? You could ask him what happened. I’m dying to know.”

“I haven’t seen him in a week…I’ve been too busy to tutor him.”

“You always seemed to make time before.”

Reid sent her another glare.

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about him.”

Katie could read that her friend was clearly hiding something from her. She was going to try a whole different approach.

“Want to make-out?” Katie asked, smiling.

“What? Katie, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Why, we used to make-out all the time, I just figured it would cheer you up.”

“I don’t need any cheering up.”

Every time Reid lied to her, she took a mental note. She did some quick math in her head before spilling what she knew.

“Reid, what did you do?”

“Why do you think I did something?”

“You’re acting guilty about something.”

“I am not.”

“Yes you are. You won’t even look at me because you know I’ll probably figure it out. You are or were hugging the shit out a pillow. You won’t play chess, your favorite thing to do, especially against me because you know I suck. You don’t want to make out with me, even for fun. You are actually in the common room, not running around the castle. You won’t even talk about Luke, you used to actually bring his name up at least in general conversation about your day, but now his name is like a bad word or something. What? Do we need to refer to him as He-Who-Can-Not-Be-Named, because it will send you into pissy mood? You practically freaked out when I mentioned his name along with Sam’s. Just tell me what happened.”

Reid just glared at her, how she had figured all this out was beyond him. He wasn’t going to give in. There was nothing going on between him and Luke Snyder. At least not anymore.

Unconsciously Reid reached for the pillow that he had thrown at her and hugged it again.

“Oh my god.”

“What now?”

“You’re in love with him.”

(it's really bad, but i am not artist/and kinda lazy. all for fun!)

manips, crossover, fanart, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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