The Lavender Sky - Valentines Day

Feb 15, 2011 11:26

I thought I'd post this again. It's the latest chapter of my fic and I realized it was a Valentines day chapter. So, because it was Valentines day, I decided I'd post it again

You do not have to read the whole story to understand this chapter. It's pretty self explanatory. Luke and Reid are dating - LOL! Luke doesn't officially live with Reid, but basically he does. Reid hasn't ever told Luke I love you, but Luke says it all the time. Yeah, that's about it.

For those of you who haven't been reading, Chapter 1 can be found here

I walked down the halls of Memorial Hospital with a spring in my step. My heart was lilting as my lips puckered into a care-free whistle. I was headed towards the locker room after my short twelve-hour shift to make it home in time for the big date I had planed for Luke and I that night.

“Dr. Oliver, are you whistling?”

I stopped short, nearly running into Bob as I rounded the corner, having been too preoccupied thinking of my date with Luke to watch where I was going. “Yo Bob-O, Happy Valentines Day!”

“Wow, you actually sound sincere.” He smiled his fatherly smile. “Happy Valentines to you too, Reid. I hope you and Luke have a good night.”

“Well, if the plans I’ve made are any indication we are going to have a fabulous night.” Dr. Hughes looked me over as if he wanted to take my temperature. “What?”

“I’ve never seen you this way before, that’s all. You’re cheerful.”

“I suppose I am, Bob.” I patted his shoulder lightly before heading into the locker room. I stripped myself of my sweaty scrubs and changed into the suit I had brought to work with me. I hung my stethoscope up in the hook of my locker and tucked a box of chocolates and a card I had for Luke under my arm.


“What the fuck?” I looked down at my pager. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I growled, my mood turning back into my Scrooge like demeanor. “9-1-1 to the ER, seriously?” I threw the chocolates and card back into my locker and grabbed my cell phone. If I knew Luke at all this conversation would not go well.

“Hey!” His voice sounded as chipper as I had felt mere seconds ago. “Are you heading home?”

“Change of plans. I got paged to the ER, a 9-1-1 all hands on deck emergency. So I can’t make it tonight. I’m so sorry Luke, if there was any way I could get out of this you know I would.”

Luke paused before speaking, “I understand.”

“You, wait, you do?”

“Yes, I do. We’ll celebrate Valentines Day when you can. It’s not the date that matters it’s the sentiment. Besides, if we wait a few days the candy, roses and cards will be half price.”

“What a romantic.” I laughed, “Thank you, Luke. For understanding.”

“You’re a doctor. What could be a better gift on Valentines Day then saving the love of somebody’s life? I could never take you away from that.”

“I don’t know when I’ll be home tonight, so if you want to go back to your mother’s house…”

“No, Reid, I’ll be here when you get home.”

“Are you sure? Luke, honestly, I understand if you’re upset.”

“Don’t worry, Reid, focus on your work. I’m really OK with it. I’m not faking it either. I’m not going to throw it in your face tomorrow.”

“I thought you’d be disappointed.”

“I’m only disappointed that now I have nothing to do tonight.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Stop it, now go! You said there was an emergency that means they need you now.”

I sighed, he might not mind and completely understand, but after all the holidays and weekends and double shifts I’ve worked without a second thought, tonight was the night I wanted off.



“I’m hanging up now. Go save lives. I’ll be here when you get home.” Luke made a kissing noise against the phone and then I heard dead air. I sighed, putting my phone back in my locker and once again dressing in my scrubs. This is going to be a long night; I feel it in the air. All I want to do is go home and be with Luke. For the first time ever I wish I wasn’t such a brilliant neurosurgeon.

I stepped blindly into my apartment, the bags under my eyes felt like ten-pound weights. As soon as I entered I felt a warm hand take mine, depositing my keys somewhere beside me. I felt the hands unwrap my scarf and unbutton my jacket. Slowly the hands slid the jacket off my shoulders and put it aside. The hands took mine once against and led me towards my bedroom. I felt the back of my legs hit the bed and I slowly sat down. My head bobbed under the weight of itself, my neck muscles crying out for relief. The hands took off my shoes and socks, then timidly undid my fly and pulled my jeans off. I felt the bed move under me and I was pushed over onto my side and wrapped up in warm blankets. My body moaned in appreciation as my head hit the soft fluffy pillow that smelled like Luke’s shampoo. An arm crept around my waist and pulled me against a warm body. Lips gently danced against the back of my neck and I fell asleep to their rhythm.

I opened my eyes to a dark room, the moon and stars still shining in between the breaks in my curtain. I rolled on to my back to see Luke fast asleep beside me, his mouth hanging open, drool escaping onto the pillow. I snickered, slowly lifting his arm from around my chest and placing it back around my pillow. Luke mumbled in his sleep, pressing his body against my pillow as if it were me. I reached out to run my fingers through his messy hair, but decided against it, not wanting to wake him. I achingly got out of bed, stretching my tired muscles and shuffling out of the room to the kitchen. I opened the fridge door to get a glass of orange juice when I saw it. The entire bottom shelf was taken up by a huge tray of finger sandwiches that were arranged in the shape of a heart. I laughed sadly to myself, thinking of all the plans I had for Luke and I that we missed out on. I grabbed the orange juice container and turned to grab a glass. I finally noticed the time, 4:28am. I had barely been asleep over two hours, but I felt parched beyond belief. I poured a tall glass full of orange juice and downed it in one gulp.


I jumped, sputtering the rest of the OJ on my suit shirt that Luke had left on the night before. “Shit Luke, scare the crap out of me will you?”

He grinned satisfactorily and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Why are you awake?”

“Do you really want me to explain the complexities of the human brain, melatonin, and sleep patterns to you at this early hour.”

He rolled his eyes unimpressed, “You know what I mean.”

“I was thirsty.” I raised my empty glass as proof.

“So, how did last night go?” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, walking towards me and laying his head against my chest.

“You know, blood, guts, brains, stitches, that sort of thing.”

“Save lives?”

“The patients seem to think so.”

“Good, then it wasn’t for nothing.”

I sighed sadly, wrapping my arms around Luke’s shoulders. “I’m sorry about last night.”

“Will you shut up about that? I don’t care. Like I said before, the date doesn’t matter, we’re together now.”

“OK, well thanks for understanding.”

Luke laughed amused, “When did Reid Oliver start apologizing?”

“When he started dating a jerk named Luke Snyder.”

“Ahh there’s the man I love!”

“I saw the present you got me.”

“I figured you had.”

“I love it.”

“I figured you would.”



I shook my head dismissively, “Nothing, never mind.” I decided not to apologize again, although I did feel bad, it was our first Valentines Day together and no matter what, I knew Luke was disappointed, or maybe it was I who had been disappointed. “I have to go to work at three this afternoon, but we could go to the Lakeview for a Valentines Day lunch, if that’s OK with you?”

“That’s Old Kinderhook for me.”

“What?” I screwed my eyes at him.

“OK, Old Kinderhook. I looked it up online once because I wanted to know what the O and K stood for. Did you know that O-K-A-Y is actually not a word?”

“Um, what? Is this one of those crazy writer things you do? Because honestly, Luke, it’s too early.”

“All I’m saying is that it’s Old Kinderhook with me if you take me out to lunch at the Lakeview.” He bit his lip coyly, as if he were so cute, well he was.

“Will you stop it?” I suppressed a chuckle, “That’s really annoying.”

“Oh I am sure, that’s why there’s a grin a mile wide on your face that’s twitching from you trying so hard to contain it.” He rolled his eyes, sauntering up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Sucks to be you, Oliver, because I know all your tricks, and I see right through them.”

“Oh yea?”

“Ohhh yeaaa baby.”

I smacked his ass and pulled him off me, “So who is Old Kinderhook anyway?”

“Martin Van Buren. In 1840 he ran an unsuccessful reelection campaign and apparently that popularized the saying OK, which stood for Old Kinderhook which apparently was a reference to Van Buren’s birthplace.”

“You know this useless piece of information, how?”

“I was curious! I Googled it.” I pulled an imaginary crown off my head and placed it on Luke’s. “What are you doing?”

“I now crown you the new king of Dorkdom.”

“Doing that makes you the king of Dorkdom.”

“Come on, let’s get back into bed. We can sleep in and then go have brunch at the Lakeview. Not what I was planning for last night, but at least it’s something.”

“So what were you planning?”

“Oh no, I’m not telling you. I want to be able to reuse it for next year.”

“Reid!” He squealed, slapping my chest, “Guess what I was planning for last night?” He grinned, biting my nipple gently over my shirt.

“Oh yeah right.” I rolled my eyes, smacking his ass. “You really are half awake. Come on, to bed with you.”

“Yes, sir.”

I grabbed Luke’s shoulders from behind and steered him to our bedroom, laying back into bed and snuggling up against him as close as possible.

“So then Faith ran upstairs to her room the second she came home, and Ethan and Natalie were chasing after her and she slammed the door in their face. So I asked Ethan and Nat what was happening and they said that Faith had a card in her hand that she wouldn’t let them see. So I told them to go to the kitchen and get a snack, and reluctantly they left. So I knocked on Faith’s door and demanded she let me in. Well anyway, turns out she has a secret boyfriend or something that gave her a very intimate Valentine if you get my drift, and Ethan and Natalie were in the car trying to read it aloud and mom had heard some of the words and Faith got really embarrassed and ran straight to her room. Well, as the big brother I had a talk with her about letting boys say those kinds of things to her.”

I blinked, my head propped up on my fist, gazing across a secluded Lakeview table, listening to Luke prattle on and on about how his Valentines Day had been.

“You do realize she’s already had sex, right?”

“Doesn’t mean she should let boys treat her like an object.”

“I think you’re overreacting, Luke.”

“That’s my kid sister! I don’t want boys thinking about her that way!”

“What if I think about you that way?” I wiggle my eyebrows.

“That’s different, Reid, we’re adults.”

“It’s not different, you’re being a hypocrite. What were you thinking about when you were sixteen?”

“Where to get my next drink and praying to God I wasn’t really gay.”

“Okay, well we’ve already discussed how you didn’t really have a normal high school life.”

“What were you doing when you were sixteen?”

“Having sex and being kicked out of my house.”

“Well cheers to us.” He said sarcastically.

“Alright, new subject.”

“Okay, well anyway, after giving Faith a good talking to.” I rolled my eyes, Mama Snyder over there protecting her cubs, “Ethan told me all about a girl in his class who had given him a Valentine and then kissed him on the playground. I think she only kissed his cheek though, because he said something about kissing a girls lips would give him cooties.”

“Smart boy.”


“Oh come on, do you want a girl kissing your lips?”


“See, Ethan has learned well.”

“I don’t think he’s gay, Reid.”

“Never know.” I leaned back in my chair wanting to undo the button on my jeans. I may have over done it this time, eating almost an entire appetizer of spinach artichoke dip by myself and then a rack of lamb with mashed potatoes, green beans and finishing off Luke’s grilled salmon.

“Full?” He laughed, sipping his water.

“Yeah, that’s what happens when I skip meals at work, my stomach starts to shrink.”

Luke grins to himself, as if holding in a laugh from an internal joke, his eyes shining in the candle light, the flame flickering like a star inside his iris.

“What is that look for?”

“For a thought I’d like to keep for myself.” He bit his lower lip coyly.

I reached across the table and stroked Luke’s cheek, “I love that look on your face.”

“I’m going to scratch out a few of those words and pretend you said I love you.”

I laughed, shaking my head amusedly. “Whatever makes you happy.”

“You make me happy.”

“You make me happy too, Luke.” The air staled in seriousness around us. I could hear our breaths inhale long and strong, and then exhale slowly with a soft sputter. The mood was turning too serious for my taste and I needed to diffuse it. “How about we order dessert?”

“You’re about to burst, Doctor.”

“There’s always room for dessert.”

“How about we go home? We have an hour until you have to head to the hospital.” He said checking his watch. “We can pull apart each of the chocolates you gave me and see what’s inside them.”

Now I could feel that secret look spread on my face. The look full of wonder and amazement, the look that melts whoever is under it. The look that says no matter what you do, or what you say or where you go, you’re mine and you can’t get out of it and I am so blessed for that to be true. Possibly, that look is of the utmost deepest love.
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