The Seventh Night of Tantra 10, Reid gets lingam massage ;)

Feb 15, 2011 15:41

Author: Afiriti

Title: The Seventh Night of Tantra

Warnings: tantric sex, no angst, no fear, no pain

Rating: NC 17

Disclaimer: I make no profit with this story, it is purely for entertainment purpose for this site and fandom. The idea is based on the book by Ashley Thirleby, in Slovakian translation Lectures of pleasure, probably the one called Tantra in English. Quotes or some techniques used are paraphrased, modified or freely translated from there as well, some stuff based on real experience. Do not attempt without proper guidance ;)

Summary: Luke goes to India because of Grimaldi Shipping business but also to find something else and he succeeds. After a few weeks Reid receives a gift that will take them both on a tantric journey in India.

Beta: Traci J

Previously on Seventh Night

Reid released her waist from his tiger grip and looked her straight in the eyes and then to Luke´s, with the other hand still holding Luke firmly close.

She opened her mouth to remind them…..”we know, after one hour passes”, Reid growled, and then with a flash in his eyes of something she couldn’t decode, he slightly lowered his head, “see you tomorrow.”

As Christine approached the door she turned to say goodbye but the words didn’t come out of her mouth.

She saw how Reid enveloped Luke in his firm grip, pressed his ass as hard as possible on him and they grinded, kneading and scratching each other, moaning and devouring each other´s mouths, without a chance to hear Christine´s silent good night.


Sun Salutation -

Photo of the hall in Pune

Broca´s area -

Trikonasana -

Frenulum -

Mudra - position of hands or fingers

Chapter 10

“…Inhale troooo your nose …arms up…urdhva hastasana…do what now? Trooo….

…exhale forward bend…. uttanasana… ouch fuck……..

…inhale look up……ggrrrrrrrrr…

…exhale… jump to chaturanga…..shi..…..

…breeeet in …..adho mukha svanasana…..uuhhh ….

…breeeeet out… urdhva mukha svanasana”….uuuffffffff……..

Reid laughed inwardly, well, right after he caught his balance and managed not to fall on Luke next to him. Ha! He thought he was a yogi. He had to laugh at himself again, imagining his peaceful 3 am home practice compared to this tornado speed guided lesson. Wtf, Luke said he registered us for the beginner’s class. He was glad Luke was sweating next to him, at least he wasn’t alone in this germ hell.

One yoga mat next to the other, aligned in rows in a half octagonal shaped gym, Reid had no time to rage about the sticky sweating bodies all around him, almost touching him with every movement. Anyone who says yoga is supposed to relax you is insane.

Although it was 8 am, it was hot already, and with, what, one hundred people in couple of squared meters it was getting worse. I will never complain about lack of space in the yoga gym when I´m back at home. Also, the terrible traffic noise was creeping deep in his brain and he wondered how everybody seemed not to give a damn about it.

The mats were kind of dirty, no, they were covered with shit from the streets and he saw how most of the people had black soles of the feet, from the dust from the city. One part of him grumbled, the other part of him fought though.

He fought and worked hard, because he was Reid Oliver. The asanas were not completely unfamiliar to him and as he got over the first shock of boxed up room and everybody breathing heavily and loud producing weird sounds , he adjusted to the rhythm and speed.

“Hands to Namaste…trikonasana…….jamp to wide standing….rit foot ninety degreeeees out….left heel outwards….inhale.. arms up… stratch to the side and exhale …hand on the ground or block …”, rough voice of Mr. Iyengar´s son, Prashant, thundered through the hall and Reid was certain that his shrieks of something he was not sure was English would damage the brilliant Broca´s area in his brain.

Quickly turning over to Luke to his right, who followed the instructions with gracious precision, Reid noticed Luke´s bare chest glistening with drops of sweat, that were dribbling to his belly and thighs. Luke had a concentrated inward gaze and obviously he enjoyed it. He wore short tight boxers that outlined his butt and Reid had perfect view of the contours of his penis.

“Five breaths…. and the other side….”

Reid turned on his heels and stretched his left hand to the side, bending towards the left thigh going to the triangle pose with exhale. He was now looking at the sweaty back of the guy next to him who was stinking like hell. Can someone drag me up from this rabbit hole, like now?

“Inhale up…back to tadasana…”

In that short moment Luke blinked at him, shooting an admiring look at his hard working leg muscles. “You are doing great,” Luke whispered before he dived down like a swan to another forward bend, showing Reid perfect profile of his muscled butt as he brought his tailbone as high as possible.

After another round of standing positions they were ordered to the ropes that were hanging along the sides on the walls. These props were used in order to adjust even the less proficient or older or handicapped students to the asanas, helping them to achieve the poses easier and safer.

Before, Reid noticed all kinds of blocks, chairs, wooden planks, bricks, meditation cushions and bolsters stacked in stashes in the adjacent corridor. Now when he looked over the gym, it looked like right after some explosion, all these props scattered around the whole room. He smirked at the mess.

Before Reid came to life from the last death bend for his sinews at the back of his knees, Luke ran quickly to the closest pair of ropes, knowing if he isn’t fast enough, he wouldn’t get a chance to hang long enough. He totally loved these tricks. Luke waved at Reid who crushed his way through the chaotic barging to the ropes, fear once again in his eyes.

When he saw people around swiftly entangling themselves in the ropes, lowering their bodies heading downwards he stared at Luke hoping he would have pity on him. But seeing the happy grin on his face, he shook his head.

“No way Luke. Forget it. I am not putting myself into this tool of devil”.

“Come on Reid, it´s very comfortable actually for your spine and lower back.” Luke called one of the assistants to help Reid up. “You better hold me Snyder or I will never ever talk to you again”.

Growling and spitting fire Reid put the strap behind him, put his feet on the wall and bringing knees to the sides he closed his eyes and dropped his torso down as the assistant guided him, the straps holding him under his hip bones.

As he found himself alive, he opened the eyes and looked at the world upside down.


“So? I feel like Spiderman on a bad day when he’s stuck in his own web,” he laughed and after a while Luke helped him out and they changed. Reid looked at Luke´s open free groin in the air and clicked his tongue.

“Mr. Snyder, I have just decided to buy this for us for our house, because I suddenly know how else we could utilize it,” he grinned devilishly staring in Luke´s lap, feeling as if it was being offered to him on tray.

After a few more crazy positions on the straps hanging with their heads like bats, during which they exchanged more jokes, they went back to their mats. Well, almost. They went to those that were left free as people quickly took the mat that was closest to them. By the end of the lesson Reid forced himself to stop thinking about all the bacteria, germs, yeasts, fungi and whatever other trot that was rubbing on him.

After few finishing backbends and reversed positions they prepared their bodies for final relaxation.


Luke and Reid both let their bodies sink into ground, their breathing was calming down, and their heartbeat slowing it's pace. The loud noise from the streets was now somehow distant, even though they were aware of it. Luke turned his head to the left and found Reid was looking at him peacefully. His eyes were cleared of all worries and disturbing thoughts and were shining with health and happiness.

Luke sent him love in return and took hold of his hand. Even though savasana meant a corpse pose, and corpses are unmoving and without life, Reid felt quite the opposite. As if all the energy he gave out was coming back to him, one flow entering the other, giving him strength and freshness. He felt his organs and muscles being repaired in the body and that the body was taking what it needed from an unknown source to him.

“Deepen your breath slowly….turn on the right side and come up to seated……OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI….,” everyone chanted with the guruji.


Luke and Reid walked out of the institute. Luke took Reid sideways to the little cart, where a small Indian guy was selling fresh coconuts, and Luke bought them two drinks. Reid drank the delicious milk and his eyes closed in utter bliss. He looked at Luke and he never felt so light and so grounded at the same time. He pressed Luke to his body and they kissed gently, both savoring the taste of coconut milk from their lips.

They hailed at rickshaw driver and got in. Reid, more peaceful now from the intense lecture, was taking in the atmosphere of the busy noon streets of Pune: children running everywhere, lots of animals, small shops and lots of traffic and so noisy.

He looked at the other side and saw a pretty nice quarter of brick houses and after driving a few meters, the houses suddenly changed to slums, full of shanties out of metal plates, cardboard or wooden planks. Luke saw Reid´s eyes dwell on ill and crippled children playing in dirt near one dwelling and he noticed the pain in his eyes.

“Hey baby, that´s just the way it is here,” Luke put his arm around his shoulders and kissed him on the temple, feeling totally calm and fulfilled. He was completely happy. They approached their flat and ate a small lunch, not really hungry after the yoga class.

“I have a surprise for you tonight.”

Reid unbended a little. “Third night of tantra with our goddess?”

“Not exactly….ummm…I thought it would be nice to relax a bit and maybe have a massage, but just a bit different….ehhrmm.”

“Excellent, after this morning´s suffering, I´m all yours …. wait… different… meaning?”

“I asked Christine if she could teach us a penis massage, she should come around 5 pm,” Luke looked at Reid, expecting his reaction eagerly.

Reid brought Luke in his arms and moved them onto their double bed, intertwining their arms and legs in one another.

“I guess we can add it to our list of experiments and it is practical given your appetite, but now let´s get some rest and I want you here beside me when I wake up,” Reid snuggled to Luke and after few breaths they fell asleep.

After the couple woke up two hours later, they took a shower and dressed in light T-shirts, sweats and had a little mango and banana snack. Shortly after, Christine was there.

She looked magical as usual, smelled of sweet ginger; her long dark hair freshly washed falling on her back freely. She was wearing dark purple long robe with long sleeves and low neck, which carried a massive amethyst that matched perfectly the color of the dress.

All three watched each other curiously, with focused energetic gaze, flashes of last night´s goodbye in front of their eyes. Christine pulled out of her bag a medium rubber phallus and oil.

“I have brought this one for me, so I can show you and you can work on each other.” In fact, she knew she had to do it for herself, because she wouldn’t survive having to teach them by touching either of the boys´ members and no matter what she wished she would not dare to offer it herself.

Christine played music at the background and prepared the mat on the ground, then brought a bowl of hot water from the kitchen, positioning herself next to the mat and taking the phallus in her hands.

“Luke would you like to start?”

“Sure.” Luke looked at Reid, licking his lips, tracing his eyes over his partner´s body. Luke undressed Reid slowly and because it was very warm in the room, he pulled his T-shirt over his head, still maintaining contact with Reid.

Christine propped up Reid´s pelvis with cushions and also his head so he could see both, her instructing and what was Luke doing with his hands. She gently bended his knees and brought them a little wider, tracing her eyes over Reid. Luke kneeled between Reid´s thighs and Christine sat next to him. Luke took Reid´s hands and intertwined their fingers.

“Start to breathe together and watch each other to get in tune while I speak. Tantric massage as well as all tantric practices goes beyond mere sex as you may have found already. They are a way to get closer to each other and to develop a deep experience through connection with your partner and yourself. It´s important to know that in tantric massage, orgasm is not the goal or objective, but a series of profound peaks and journey of pleasure, awareness and bliss. Therefore it is recommended here that less is more and the stimulation of more sensitive spots is advised to leave to the very end so that the massage can run for 20 to 30 minutes. If you have an orgasm, it should be perceived as a happy incidental event.”

Luke and Reid looked at each other, then both stared at Christine´s hands that were holding the skin colored toy and stroking it sensually and slowly while she spoke.

“In tantric tradition, the male organ is referred to as the wand of light, or sacred lingam. It is seen as pure consciousness or awareness.” She kept running her fingers gently over the phallus.

They watched as her palms circled the phallus all around its shaft. Reid noticed Luke´s fingers started to stroke his inner thighs, running gently through his hair. They locked their eyes and Reid put his hand on Luke´s side of the hip burying his fingers there in return.

“When you do the massage yourself, the oil should be warm, so you can put it in hot bowl of water as I did here and you can also warm up your hands like this,” Christine put the phallus on the blanket, connected her palms in Namaste mudra and produced a fast friction. “You may separate the hands a few millimeters now and try to feel the life force between your palms, the soft vibrations.

Luke repeated after her, chafing his palms and was focusing on the light tickling between them. Reid looked at Christine. It was in that exact moment that her eyes blinked away from his lap and she closed her eyes quickly. He smiled.

“Let´s apply a handful of the oil on the lingam to make it comfortable Luke.” Luke poured the warm oil in his palms and brought them over Reid´s penis and let it drip gradually down and then spread it all over Reid´s lower belly, penis and downward over his buttocks cheeks and groins.

Reid breathed out long sigh, trying to relax and remind his penis the goal was not to shoot his come all over the place, while someone else was present. No, he would never let that happen. Even though he considered Christine´s presence an extra pleasurable ingredient to their adventures, he felt the moment of orgasm belonged only to Luke, it was too intimate. At least now he has the chance to use the control he has been learning the past few weeks.

“In tantra, we touch each other from the heart, that is where the touch begins, we go from inside to outside, let our own body guide us.”

Luke continued to palm Reid´s pelvis, going from one end to the other, occasionally shooting his sight to Christine´s hands and her décolletage with the beautiful stone.

“The motion should be constant, as if one stroke floated into the other, never ending and never stopping flow, yeah exactly what you are doing now Luke.”

Christine closed her eyes and let them focus for a while and go within.

“Now let´s gently begin with the testicles and perineum area Luke.”

Luke focused lower. “Take it in your fingers from both sides and make small kneading motions all over. You may be as inventive as your fantasy allows you, but do it with the greatest care and watch your partner carefully for any discomfort.”

Luke rubbed the soft skin between his fingers, making constant circles and slowly moving the fingers upwards, moving onto a new bit of flesh with every couple of strokes. Feeling the round mini cakes in his fingers, Luke looked up and met Reid´s gaze.

He watched him intently, with a serious face, his nostrils fluttering with excitement and his penis was slowly getting harder. Reid knew he would have to use more than the control mantra, because it seemed Luke was extra attentive tonight and Reid could feel he is giving his all which had the right effect.

Along the kneading Luke now added a more powerful press on Reid´s perineum, and at this point a sharp gasp escaped from his throat and he turned his face away from Christine, shutting his eyes firmly. Luke swallowed, getting hard himself. He continued his work, giving it at least four minutes’ time, breathing lightly. He let his hands go their own way, and his heart do the work. Luke stopped thinking. He massaged the scrotum gently, keeping a steady rhythm.

“Don’t stop the motion Luke and slowly begin to work on Reid´s root, now use more pressure with your thumb,” Christine said after another few minutes and showed him the technique on her slicked phallus. She would have stared at Reid´s hardening cock nonstop, but she forced herself not to, instead she imagined her fingers doing this to Reid.

Luke began to press firmly with his thumbs and index fingers around the whole girth, scissoring them in circular motion and checking what effect he was having on Reid. Reid had his eyes closed now and Luke knew he was very excited, he saw his jaw-bone moving and abdominal muscles contracting faster. Luke held the painfully slow pace and he felt very relaxed and happy in the act of giving to Reid. Reid´s pleasure was his pleasure.

“Now follow my movements Luke,” Christine´s voice shivered as she slid one palm up the shaft, rotating her fingers around the head and popping to the air, the other palm following the same track. She was feeling aroused and focused on her strokes for a while.

Luke consciously alternated his flat palm and fingers popping strokes, flowing and never leaving Reid´s fully hard penis deserted. He found it extremely sensual and looked at Reid again seeing his overwhelming struggle.

Reid was having a hard time. How could you not have hard time with your penis floating in Luke´s warm oil slick palms being treated with such reverence. He not only worried that soon he wouldn’t be able to hold it because Luke´s hands were the best in the whole universe, but he also fought to surrender and to be passive. And that was the problem. You can´t receive if you fight. He was a man and he felt unceasing drive to perform and act like one, to take Luke and show him his virility in all its sheer beauty.

He felt the need to prove himself sexually, receiving never happened to him on call. It happened in unique moments with Luke, but not all the time. Luke was a much better receiver and Reid looked forward to the evening, when, he decided he would do this massage on Luke, when they would be alone. Now he closed his eyes and tried to focus again on his heart area and just experience Luke´s touch. His cock was in full armour and he felt Luke´s palms everywhere and rhythmically blanketing the whole shaft.

As Reid was so immersed in the touches he didn’t notice Christine´s voice guiding Luke´s palms to move over his head firmly rotating and he cried immediately as Luke changed the course of his hands, one was palming the head while the fingers of the other were massaging the line of his frenulum. Luke tried not to stimulate Reid too much because he knew he was almost shaking with desire, but he knew even the soft strokes would cause Reid immensity of pleasure.

“Luke, if you feel comfortable now, you may gently add your tongue, while your palms continue what they are doing.” Oh God she so wanted to see him devour Reid, she would give her fortune to be allowed to lick him and take him in her mouth, blissfully choking on his come that would flood her throat. Oh she knew that had to remain in her fantasies.

Last night when Christine got home, she made herself a bath with lavender essence and she masturbated for a long time with a thin vibrator in her ass, visualizing lying between the boys and that they kissed her slowly and sensually all the way down to her belly both on each side of her, Luke with his fingers inside her while Reid´s finger was working inside her ass, both sucking her nipples. She was good in the trained ability to stay on the edge of orgasms and that is why she was able to experience long minutes of unceasing bliss.

Christine looked at Luke who smiled lightly, and without hesitation he lowered his head and blew a warm breath on Reid´s cock. Christine swallowed hard and closed her eyes for a second. Luke began to lick his groin, each millimeter after another, running his nose through the hair, licking and sucking his way down to testicles, circling gently and then lower to perineum. His hands were still working diligently on the head of Reid´s beautiful swollen penis and frenulum. There he stayed and worked and felt as if he was unlocking some secret chamber.

Reid felt like it has been hours. With Luke they have had long foreplays but not this long. Suddenly Reid felt Luke´s tongue on his head, making tiny flat presses, that covered the whole area and he jerked, “Fuck!”, arching for Luke to continue and take him more. He had to remind himself this was not about the climax and he tried to relax again which was too hard by now.

Christine was in a trance, her eyes closed, and she kept listening to the hypnotizing music and the sounds that Luke and Reid produced in unison. Every audible lick and smack was accompanied by Reid´s loud breath and moan. She knew he was in too deep now to remember her presence. As a fantasy, she saw herself in her mind licking Luke´s hole.… Oh God can you gratify me the gift of seeing and hearing this gorgeous man in orgasmic ecstasy? Jesus…Christine.

She didn’t notice that she started to chafe the phallus against her lap, pressing hard. Luke was too focused on Reid´ cock. Reid opened his eyes for a second and saw her blissful face and Luke´ s head in his lap. He liked the sight. Perhaps too much. “Aahhh,” Reid cried because Luke started to suck him and in that moment she locked her eyes with Reid´s and his fever shot through her.

It has been another several minutes and Reid felt he was riding the steep edges of Everest peaks. He felt one pleasure build up, then relax as Luke sensed it, slowing down and then another came as he began the treatment of his cock all over again. As long as Luke wouldn’t change the strokes or licks he was fine. But now it seemed Luke forgot himself and he sucked his whole head in strongly and both his hands enveloped his dick as tight as possible.

Jesus…Luke….Luke!… ”Luke!” Reid cried grabbing his hands and drew them away from his pulsating penis and held them in his. “Ahh….I…,” he breathed heavily. Luke put their hands on his belly with understanding look, and leaned to Reid´s face and kissed him with open mouth, and their tongues flickered hungrily breathing in each other´ s want.

Although Reid remembered she said something about a happy incidental orgasm being allowed, he was not going to let her in that much. All right, he had something in his mind for later to give to her but not now. He must discuss it with Luke first.

Christine sensed the slight discontinuance in energetic flow and closed her eyes, deciding she would listen to her intuition. “All right Luke and Reid, I think you now have a good idea of how to give a lingam massage and I will leave you two to enjoy the rest of the evening. It was a great pleasure and I will be happy to see you for a third night of tantra tomorrow.”

They looked at each other, and Luke lay down on Reid and snuggled to his arms. “Thank you Christine,” Luke smiled adorably.

Christine got up, washed her hands and silently left. Only when she was almost at her apartment, she remembered she had forgotten the toy in the middle of the cushions. She smiled to herself, certain that that the boys would know what to do with it.

!author|artist: afiriti_1

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