Fic: Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop 2/2

Dec 23, 2010 01:22

Title: Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop 2/2
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7827
Summary/Prompt: Luke and his friends go to Hogsmeade.
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Sequel to: Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements
Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis
Luke Snyder and Advanced Potions Making
Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop Part 1

The alarm that Reid had put on the grandfather clock in the corner of the room struck six in the morning. When Luke had asked him to jinx the clock so he could leave in the morning and get back to his dormitory before anybody woke you, Reid decided that if that’s what it took to spend the night next to Luke than he would.

“Ughh, how is it already six?” Luke asked as he rolled over, facing Reid. It had been his third night there since he first slept over.

“Too early.” Reid just said as his response as he silenced the grandfather clock. He finally opened his eyes to see the blonde Gryffindor barely smiling back at him, his eyes barely opened. Catching Luke off guard Reid pulled Luke so that Luke was now on top of him. “Stay, for just a little bit longer.”

Luke leaned down and kissed Reid. He knew he should go, not tempt fate, but he couldn’t resist himself around Reid. They laid like that for a couple minutes, just barely kissing each other, trying to wake up.

Luke eventually pulled away and rolled off Reid.

“I really have to go.” Luke said as he got out of bed and started to put his back on.

“I starting to hate this arrangement.” Reid said under his breath.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Reid lied, he watched as Luke pulled his dark, denim jeans up, the pair that barely hung onto his hips. He wetted his lips, remembering Luke strip down the previous night. How he slowly unzipped his jeans and then teased his eyes with a visual show of slow movements and subtle jerks.

Luke popped his head up once his pants were on and noticed that Reid had been staring at him. He smiled, he loved that he had some kind of power over Reid.

“Just go, before I force you to stay here.” Reid said as he sat up in the bed. He was slowly feeling the beginnings of a familiar ache and he knew that Luke wouldn’t have time do to anything about it.

Luke picked his shirt up off the ground and pulled it over his head. He looked around for his robe before quickling throwing that on as well.

“I’m going to Hogsmeade today.”

“Cool.” Reid replied nonchalantely. Why Luke thought he might be interested in where is was going to be, in public, where Luke didn’t want anybody to see the together, was beyond him.

“Are you going?” Luke asked, his eyes full of hope, even though he knew that Reid would most likely ignore him and the chance of his friend’s fighting would be high.

“Can’t.” Reid replied, he saw the quick look of hurt flash across Luke’s eyes, which made his explain himself. “I think I told you about the Wizard’s Chess tournament coming up soon. Well, I needed somebody to practice with, somebody who was on par with the competition I’m going to be facing. So Dumbledore agreed to play me for a couple of hours.”

“Do you ever realize how lucky you are? Playing chess with Dumbledore, that is, wow, I am almost speechless.”

Reid’s eyes glanced at the clock, it was nearing 6:30 and if Luke was going to leave he should go.

“I guess.”

“Ok, I gotta go. Will I see you later?” Luke asked as he walked over to Reid’s side of the bed.

“I don’t know.” Reid said honestly. Luke just smiled back at him before leaning down, placing his hand gently on Reid’s bare chest and giving him a kiss goodbye.

As Luke pulled away he left Reid with one more parting message.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Luke said as he gestured his eyes down to Reid’s groin area, which unknowingly to Reid, he had been just barely palming himself over the sheets, still aroused from the sight of Luke getting dressed.

Luke left the Reid and the Room of Requirements and quickly made his way towards the Gryffindor common room. He threw his hood up over his head so that if somebody saw him from behind he wouldn’t recognized. He was also thankful that he was Head Boy because that gave him more liberties to roam the hallways this early. Nonetheless he didn’t want to get caught and have to explain himself.

Luke quickly ducked behind a large sculpture and hid as Peeves floated by. Peeves was singing a song about god-knows-what, but Peeves was the last person…ghost that he wanted to run into. Peeves somehow knew everybody’s body business and the last thing he needed was Peeves floating around the castle singing about his life. Peeves rumors spread the fastest and most of the time they held some truth to them.

Once Peeves turned the corner, Luke picked up the speed of his walk. He could see the sunrise coming through the stain glass and he also knew that his friend would be getting up in less than an hour. He needed to get into the common room and into bed before they noticed that he was gone. Reid had taught him how to charm his clothes into looking like he was sleeping in his bed, but the charm wore off when the sun came up.

Luke quickly approached the Fat Lady and he hoped to god that she wouldn’t give him a hard time.

“Flitterbloom” Luke whispered. The Fat Lady opened her eyes and he knew that she was going to put up a fight.

“That is the wrong password.” The Fat Lady responded.

“It can’t be, I’m Head Boy, I’m first to know when the password changes.” Luke said, he looked at his watch, he didn’t have time for this, he was cutting it close as it was.

“Why are you always coming in so early…or late?” She questioned.

“That’s none of your business. Now let me in before I tell McGonngall or worse, Dumbledore.” Luke said. He knew that the Fat Lady wasn’t allowed to keep him out.

“Fine!” The Fat Lady swung her portrait open. “I’m tired of you waking me up at all hours of the morning. If it’s not late at night it’s at the crack of dawn. Consider this a warning. Head Boy or not.”

Luke went in without addressing her threat. He didn’t have time. He swiftly yet quietly took the steps to his dormitory two at a time. He pulled back the door to his room and saw that everybody was still fast asleep. He didn’t waste anytime as he stripped down. He threw the covers back and tossed his charmed clothes onto the floor. They still looked like his body, but he knew that once the sun was up, they would just look like a pile of dirty clothes.

Once he was finally settled into his bed, he let out a heavy exhale. It was Saturday so he would at least be able to get a couple more hours of sleep before they had to leave for Hogsmeade.

Luke curled up in his bed. He already missed feeling Reid’s arms wrapped around him, pulling their bodies closer together. He already missed feeling Reid’s breath hit the back of his neck. He already missed how Reid would kiss his shoulder blades before drifting asleep.

Luke felt as if he was already in so deep.

But deep into what?

He tried not to think about how hard it was being with Reid as he tried to fall back asleep, but all the sneaking around and now the sleeping over was starting to take a toll on him. Both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

“Lukey wake up, we are going to go.”

Luke barely heard his friends say his name before they had grabbed him by the foot and yanked him out of the bed and onto the floor.

“What the fuck guys?” Luke yelled as he quickly woke up and tried to catch his bearings which were currently the floor of their bedroom.

“Dude Luke, it’s almost one o’clock and we told our girls we would meet them before we all went to Hogsmeade together.” Casey said as he started throwing clothes at Luke.

Luke heard that and suddenly he didn’t really feel like going anymore, he was already starting to hate feeling like the fifth wheel all the time.

“Whatcha doing sleeping in this late anyways bro, you never sleep in.” Noah asked as he dug through Luke’s trunk trying to find the blonde a pair of socks. It was true, Luke was usually the first one up and usually had accomplished at least one thing before his friends even got up. But after the marathon sex and the early morning wake up call, he was starting to feel the strain of his secret.

Luke scooped himself off the floor and got dressed with the clothes that Casey had thrown at him.

“I’ve just been really tired lately. A lot of homework and Reid’s a tough potions tutor, our sessions take a lot out of me.”

“He sound horrible, I can’t believe you agreed to let him be your tutor.” Casey said

“It’s not bad, just exhausting.” Luke said as he put his socks on. He was really starting to hate explaining himself to his friends. He didn’t badger them about their studies or girlfriends.

“Well hurry up and get ready! We are leaving in a couple of minutes.” Noah added as he left the dormitory and headed down to the common room. Casey gave Luke a shrug of his shoulders before following Noah down the stairs.

Luke grabbed his wand to speed up the ‘getting ready process.’

“Accio shoes.” Luke said as he waved his wand. His shoes that he had kicked off earlier flew out from under his bed and into his hands. He quickly put them on and tied the laces before he left the dormitory and headed down to the common room to catch up with his friends. On the short walk down the stairs he made a conscious decision that he was going to have a good time with his friends and not act all melancholy about his hidden non-relationship.

Luke and his friends and their respective girlfriends all walked down to Hogsmeade together. Luke actually found it to not be as bad as he first thought as he had classes with both Ali and Maddie. Not to mention he always had fun with his friends so it was hard to not have a good time when he was around them.

They hit up most of the regular shops and spent some time in the Leaky Cauldron before heading off to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions as Maddie and Ali both wanted to get a formal robe for the Christmas celebration in a couple of months.

Luke thought about dragging his friends into Slug and Jiggers Apothecary Shop to get something for Reid, but decided coming up with a lie would be too much work. Instead they went to the joke shop where Casey spent two hours trying almost product in the whole store before settling on buying nothing.

Then Maddie brought up what Luke was hoping nobody would.

“Guys, lets go to Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop and get some tea and cookies.” Maddie said as she walked hand and hand with Noah.

“Yeah, I’ve never been there before.” Ali said as she smiled at Casey and he leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek

“Sounds like it could be fun.” Noah added.

Luke didn’t say anything as they walked towards the Tea Shop. Noah and Maddie led the way and Casey and Ali behind them. Luke felt like he was the caboose to his group of friends.

It was at that moment where he wanted to blurt out that he was secretly seeing Reid. But he knew that Reid would probably murder him.

Luke knew they must be close when he heard both of the girls in front of him squeal in delight. Nobody bothered to look back at Luke as they opened the door to enter.

“Casey and Ali” Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop announced as Casey and Ali walked through the front door. Luke felt awkward that he was going to have to walk in alone.

“Noah and Maddie”

Noah and Maddie walked through the doors and Luke was left outside, debating humiliating himself in front of everybody. He knew that single people could go in there if they wanted to, but it was such a romantic place and to be alone in there would only make him wish he were able to go there with Reid.

Luke decided he wasn’t going to go in there when Casey popped his head out of the door.

“Dude, you coming in? Ali wants to talk to you about Herbology.”

Luke hesitated but then decided that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as he thought it would be. His friends hadn’t been all over their girlfriends like he had thought they would have been and decided that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea.

“Yeah, I’ll be in in just a second.” Luke said.

“Alright man, we are saving you a seat.” Casey went back inside the shop and Luke watched through the window as he sad down next to Ali giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Luke shook it off and started to prepare himself. He knew he was acting a bit immature and it wasn’t the first time that both of his friends had girlfriends, but his heart was just aching for Reid.

Luke walked back toward the door as he had subconsciously drifted away from the Tea Shop. He grabbed the handle of the door when he felt something catch him from around the waist and pull him away from the door. As he was being dragged away he looked down and saw that a rope was around his stomach and he was being pulled towards an alley.

“What the fuck.” Luke said as the holds of the rope became undone and he was able to see who had grabbed him. He was hoping that it wasn’t Sylvia Slooth, the girl who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who had tried on numerous occasions to drug him with a love potion.

“Hey.” Reid said as he grabbed Luke’s hand.

“I-what? I’m…what are you doing here?” Luke stammered.

“I beat Dumbledore six times so he said I could leave.” Reid said with a smirk. He resisted leaning in to kiss Luke incase somebody was watching. Luke and his damn rules. “So, you weren’t meeting another guy in there were you?” Reid said, motioning towards the Tea Shop

“No…I- Reid, I can’t believe you are here.” Luke said, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. “What spell did you use on my anyways, you practically lassoed me over here like a cowboy.”

“It’s called Carpe Retractum” Reid said matter of factly.

Luke just smiled back. He sometimes couldn’t think of anything else except to stand there in awe of Reid and his magical repertoire.

“Let’s go back to the Castle.” Reid said with a sexy grin, he wanted to cash in on Luke’s message of making it up to him.

“Ok, let me just tell my friends I’m leaving.”

“Meet me in Honeydukes in like seven minutes.”

“Honeydukes?” Luke questioned cocking an eyebrow

“Trust me.”

Reid let go of Luke’s hand and left the alley. It took Luke a moment to catch figure out what just happened. The butterflies in his stomach were swirling. He couldn’t believe that Reid came all the way to Hogsmeade to find him and ask him back to the castle.

Luke smoothed his hair over and then went back to the Tea Shop. When he walked inside, the shop announced his name. Hearing his name, his friend’s attention perked towards the door.

“Over here.” Noah said

Luke made his way over but he didn’t sit down in the free seat at the end of the table. The awkward chair pulled up to a booth for four people.

“I’m not staying.” Luke said

“What? Why not?” Ali asked, looking a bit disappointed.

“I just ran into Horace Bloomswat and he reminded me about the twenty-four inch Charms paper that is due on Monday.” Luke lied as he finished that paper a couple days yesterday when he was with Reid.

“I thought you finished that.” Maddie asked as they were in the same class.

“No that was my Herbology paper.” Luke lied. “I hear the Charms paper is pretty rough.”

“It is.” Maddie said, “I made sure I was finished with it so I wouldn’t worry about while I was here.” She added before giving Noah at doting look. Noah smiled back at her.

“God this year is starting to suck!” Casey just blurted out. “We never have time to have any fun because we are always going to class or studying or doing homework.”

“It’s ok babe.” Ali said trying to calm Casey down.

“I’m only leaving like an hour early anyways.”

“Yeah, but I’m not happy about it.” Casey said. Casey loved when everybody was together, almost to the point where he was oblivious as to the fact that Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop was for couples.

“I’ll probably be in the library for most of the night or my study room.” Luke said, trying to figure out an alibi.

“It took me almost six hours to write.” Maddie said “So good luck.”

“Thanks.” Luke said before saying his quick goodbyes. He didn’t know what Reid had in store for him, but he didn’t want to be late.

Luke quickly left the Tea Shop satisfied with how it went. He would allow if friends to have a romantic double date and he would get to hang out with Reid while his friends thought he was studying. Knowing how the Tea Shop intoxicated people, they would probably be there for a long, long time.

Luke swiftly made his way through a crowd of people and walked into Honeydukes which was even more crowded than the streets. He did his best to navigate through the sea of third and fourth years who were still excited to be there. He kept his head on a swivel until he spotted Reid over by the barrel full of Fizzing Whizzbees.

Luke tapped Reid on the shoulder and he turned around.

“So why Honeydukes?” Luke asked. He saw Reid that Reid had already purchased a small bag full of about a half dozen of the sherbet candy.

“Follow me.” Reid said as he led Luke through the sea of students. Luke followed behind Reid until they were at the entrance to the basement. Reid pulled out his wand and gave it a quick wave. Luke could only assume that it was a spell to keep any wandering eyes away from the door.

Reid then pointed his wand at the locked door and opened it. He gave Luke a look as to say ‘trust me about this’ and then led Luke down into the dark passage way.

Without saying a word, the tip of Reid’s wand started to glow.

“Lumos.” Luke said as the tip of his wand also began to glow.

Reid looked over at Luke and smiled before switching his wand to his left hand and grabbing Luke’s with his right.

“So where does this lead?” Luke asked, again amazed by Reid’s knowledge of almost everything.

“Back to the castle. It’s a secret passage way that not many people know about.”

“How do you know about it?”

“I have my ways.” Reid said with a smirk “Haven’t you learned that by now?”

Luke just beamed back at Reid. He loved how smart and intelligent his boyfriend was.

Luke stopped dead in his tracks. Did he just call Reid his boyfriend in his head? He surely didn’t mean it. They hadn’t even talked about it. They were still a secret to everybody. He…he…

Luke’s breathing started to become rapid and he dropped his wand.

“Are you ok?” Reid asked with concern in his voice.

“I’m fine.”

“Is it the dark or something? Because I don’t like tight, confined spaces but this doesn’t even bother me, so I thought you would be ok.”

“No-no, it’s not that.” Luke said, he thought about steadying his breathing. He couldn’t believe that his body just went into a panic at one simple thought of calling Reid is boyfriend.

Luke just stood there, trying to think of things to calm him down. He kept his eyes away from Reid’s embarrassed by his panic attack. He finally got his breathing to settle down and return to normal and he felt Reid squeeze his hand a little tighter.




Reid bent down and picked up Luke’s wand handing it back to him. Luke gave him a meek smile. He wasn’t quite sure what that was all about but he made a note of it to find out later. Luke started to walk forward and Reid took that as a sign that Luke was ready.

They continued to walk hand in hand in silence for about ten minutes until Reid thought that Luke had enough time to digest what had just happened. He wasn’t going to bring it up, but he wasn’t going to walk all the way back to the Castle in silence either.

“So how was Hogsmeade?” Reid said, dragging out the words.

“Same old, same old.” Luke stated, happy that Reid didn’t want to talk about what just happened.

“You gotta give me more than that.”

“Coming from somebody who doesn’t like small talk.”

“I never said that.”

“Yeah you did, you said it was a waste of your time.”

“Does it look like I mind wasting my time with you?”

Luke blushed at Reid’s backhanded compliment.

“To be honest, I felt like the fifth wheel the whole time. I know you don’t like my friends, hence why I don’t talk about them, but they both recently got girlfriends and they were hanging out with them as well as me.”

“Aww poor you.” Reid said sarcastically



Luke stopped again, this time he backed up against the wall. He pulled Reid’s hand closer to him.

“Don’t be mean to me.” Luke said as he pulled Reid even closer to him.

“I wasn’t being mean.” Reid licked his lips as the said the words. He loved when Luke got aggressive, as Luke was now trailing his hand up his chest before snaking it around his back, pushing their bodies together.

Luke waited until Reid’s lips finally found him. He heard the Slytherin drop his wand and bag of candy. The light of the wand on the floor barely illuminating the passageway.

Their kiss started slow but it didn’t take long until it was a full blow make-out, with Luke hands under Reid’s shirt feeling his strong chest and Reid was pushing is groin into Luke’s thigh.

Reid grabbed a handful of the blonde’s hair, deepening the kiss even more. Luke lifted his head for air and Reid proceeded to attach himself to Luke’s neck. He loved the noises that the Gryffindor made when he did that. It was a mix between lustful gasps and pure pleasure. His mind started racing thinking of a spell that might be able to capture those noises.

Once Luke got his fill of oxygen he redirected Reid back to his lips. Their tongues were in a constant struggle trying to fill the space yet make more at the same time. Luke could feel how turned on Reid was and he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t feel the same way.

But he wasn’t about to have sex with him in a dirty passageway.

“Reid…” Luke gasped out. He watched as Reid pulled away and he could only see the shine of the light on his lips.

Reid quickly read Luke’s eyes and knew that he didn’t want to do it in the passage way. He adjusted himself quickly before picking his candy and wand up off the floor. Luke grabbed for his wand. Luke tried dusting himself off, but Reid had him pushed against the wall again for one, hard, quick kiss.

“I love it when you’re spontaneous.” Reid said as he pulled away, lightly smacking Luke’s cheek. Luke just grinned in response. He just couldn’t control himself around Reid. His body knew what he wanted and it was always Reid.

Reid picked up the pace of their walk, he could barely wait to get back to the castle. He knew that the passage way took about an hour to walk and they were well past the half-way mark before their little make-out so it would only be a matter of time before they were back at the castle.

Luke loved the since of urgency that he felt as Reid practically dragged him the rest of the way back to the castle grounds.

They began to ascend up a set of stairs and Luke could only assume that they were nearing the exit.

Reid stopped in what looked like a door, but it was very deceiving. He let go of Luke’s hand and held his wand up.

“Dissendium” Reid said as he waved his wand. Soon light from inside Hogwarts filled the passageway. Reid grabbed Luke’s hand and quickly pulled him through the opening.

When Luke stepped into the light, it took him a moment to realize where he was inside the castle. While Luke was catching his bearings, Reid then tapped wand against the statue and the passageway promptly shut. Luke turned around to see that they were on the third floor standing in front of the One-Eyed Humpback Witch. Luke again wondered how Reid knew almost every secret that Hogwarts had to offer, although he wasn’t going to complain about it either, Reid had found some very clever places to hook-up and Luke was thankful that nobody else knew about them.

“You are amazing, you know that?” Luke said in admoration of Reid sneaking them back into the Castle. The hallways were empty for the most part as almost everybody year three and up were still in Hogsmeade. There were a couple of first and second years roaming, but nobody that Luke would actually worry about.

“Yeah, but I have a couple more secrets to show you.” Reid said with a smirk. He grabbed Luke’s hand and started dragging him towards the Trophy Room. The only thing that Luke could think of was that Reid wanted to show off his accomplishments as he had many trophies in there.

“What are we doing in here?” Luke asked as Reid bypassed the Trophy Room and into the Amour Room. Reid tugged on Luke’s hand and brought the younger Gryffidor closer to him. Reid pressed his lips hard into Luke’s and he felt the blonde sink into his grasp.

“Just hold on.” Reid hushed as he pulled away from Luke. Reid let go of Luke’s hand and pulled out his wand and waved it in front of a picture of Brutus Scrimgeour. Luke, again, watched in awe as the picture moved aside and another passageway awaited them.

Reid grabbed Luke’s hand again and they quickly made it through the passageway dumping them out at the forth floor. Again it took Luke a moment to figure out where they were but Reid continued to drag him towards a room he had never even seen before.

Reid pulled his wand out and waved it in front of the door. The door barely opened and Reid pushed it aside as he walked through. From what Luke could tell it was an old storage room. The room is gorgeous and from what Luke could tell was a storage room for beautiful things as there was a large mirror in the corner that was almost covered entirely by a sheet.

“What is this place?” Luke asked as he looked at Reid.

“Just another secret place I discovered. Nobody ever comes in here. I asked Dumbledore about it and he said he only keeps beautiful things in here.”


“That why I decided to bring you here.” Reid said with a smile. It was probably the mushiest, most romantic thing he had ever said to anybody, but at the same time, he had never felt this way around anybody before.

Luke blushed as he looked down at his feet. He knew he was smiling like and idiot. He hated how fast he was falling in love with Reid.

Reid pulled out his wand again and cast the same spells he did when they were at the Astronomy Tower and soon a thick blanket was on the floor. But Reid wasn’t done yet. He waved his wand and the bag of Fizzing Whizzbees flew into his hand.

“I always wanted to try this.” Reid said with a devilish grin. Reid opened up the bag and he handed Luke one of the candies. “Have you ever had one before.”

“When I was a kid.” Luke said as he looked at the wrapper. It had been a long time since he was in Honeydukes since it was always so crowded with younger students. Luke followed Reid as Reid unwrapped his.

“Just suck on it.” Reid smirked. Reid waited for Luke to pop the candy into his mouth and then Reid put his in. The effects only took a couple of seconds to kick in and right as Luke started to float a couple inches off the ground, Reid grabbed him so they would be together in the air.

The Fizzing Whizzbees allowed them to float in the air for as long as they were sucking on the candy and Reid took full advantage of the time.

Luke who was originally caught off guard as being lifted off the ground soon realized how amazing it was going to be when Reid placed a forceful kiss on his lips. It was difficult at first trying to maneuver in the air but soon it became surreal as there was nothing competing with them.

Since they were too busy making-out mid air, the candy lasted much longer.

Luke had his legs intertwined with Reid and he had never felt so close to him before. They were only a couple inches off the ground but it was enough.

Reid was impressed with himself at how smart his was. As he had been waiting for Luke he had stumbled upon the candy and figured it would be amazing for foreplay and he was right as Luke was currently sucking on his bottom lip and trying to push his groin into him. He loved how sexually hungry Luke was right now and kissing him while levitating was an amazing experience.

Slowly the candy in their mouths started to dissolve and Reid felt both of their bodies touch the floor. He debated giving Luke another one, but he was too turned on at this point and wanted to do more than just kiss the blonde.

Once Luke had both his feet back on the ground he tried his best to pull away from Reid but he couldn’t. His lips couldn’t get enough of the brilliant Slytherin and Reid wasn’t giving him any signs that he wanted him to quit what he was doing. He knew that Reid was a make-out whore as Reid wanted to kiss him all the time and would even schedule in make-out breaks when he was studying. He loved that Reid wanted him all the time.

Luke did finally pull away to catch some air, and as he tried catching his breath he quick threw his shirt off over his head. He watched as Reid hungrily licked his lips before diving back into the kiss, Reid’s hand now all over his body before resting on his hips, pulling their bodies closer.

Reid detached himself from Luke’s lips and started kissing up the side of the Gryffindor’s face towards his ear. He pulled Luke’s earlobe into his mouth and he heard Luke let out a moan as he started to suck on it. Luke barely found some motor control but enough to fumble with the button and zipper of Reid’s tight jeans.

Their lips and tongues, hands and fingers were moving so quickly, trying to accomplish everything at once. Luke finally got Reid’s pants undone and he snuck his hand down the front and started to massage Reid. Reid bit down on Luke’s ear at the first initial touch and Luke let out a sharp gasp at the quick pain that quickly turned into pleasure.

“Fuck.” Reid barely moaned into Luke’s ear as Luke started to pick up the pace. Although his jeans were already incredibly tight, Luke was able to get a lot of groping and it felt amazing. Luke took his free hand and guided Reid’s lips back to his and Reid eagerly met his tongue with Luke’s. They were fighting for space with one another, but every once and a while Luke would pull on Reid’s cock enough to make him release his mouth from Luke’s and let out a slur of curse words and moans, which gave Luke a second to catch his breath.

Reid leaned back in giving Luke just a peck on his lips before pulling Luke’s bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it real quick before pulling away with it still between his teeth. Once he let go of Luke he saw the blonde smile. Reluctantly Reid batted Luke’s hand out of his pants and the pleasure he was feeling before was soon replaced by an agonizing ache and he wanted nothing more than Luke’s lips to restore the pleasure he was feeling just moments ago.

Luke didn’t hesitate getting on his knees. He knew what Reid wanted and he still owed him from leaving him high and dry this morning. Reid stepped on the back of his shoes and kicked them to the side. Luke tugged at Reid’s jeans and got them to fall to his ankles and Reid stepped out of them kicking them next to his shoes. Luke then wasted no time as he immediately pulled Reid’s black and green trimmed boxer-briefs down.

Reid absentmindedly brought his hand up to his cock to start stroking it but Luke batted it away, laughing a bit. He didn’t want Reid touching himself. Luke knew what Reid liked and immediately went to work as he took as much of Reid into his mouth as possible. He loved hearing Reid let out the initial gasp as Reid ran his fingers through his hair.

“Fuck Luke.” Reid said as Luke picked up a fast pace, sliding his tongue along the underside of Reid’s cock. Reid loved how talented Luke was, as if his mouth was made for this.

Luke took every one of Reid’s moans and groans as encouragement to keep going. He loved experimenting on Reid and today was no exception. He slowly snaked his hand along the inside of Reid’s inner thigh and he felt the older boy jolt deeper into his mouth, clearly enjoying what his hand was doing. Luke continued to move it along his leg and then slowly moved it towards Reid’s ass.

As Luke was throat deep on Reid’s cock, Luke slowly brushed a finger passed his asshole and he felt Reid push even further into his mouth and let out a deep, girthy moan, something that Luke had never heard before. It was at that point that Luke realized how tight and constricted he felt in his own jeans and he knew that Reid was getting almost too close.

Luke let his fingers play near Reid’s entrance for just a bit longer before bringing them back down to his cock and massaging him balls. Reid was being particularly noisy today and Luke was so turned on. He knew that Reid was ready and as he pulled away, giving one last hard suck on the head of Reid’s cock. He felt Reid’s grip on his hair loosen as he pulled away.

As Luke started to stand back up, he saw Reid’s hand immediately go down to his cock to keep stimulating himself. Luke batted his hand away again and this caused Reid to open his eyes. Luke just wagged his finger in front of Reid’s face, silently telling him no. Luke then slowly started to unzip his pants. He knew how much Reid loved watching him strip down and he knew it would be even more agonizing for Reid to watch and not touch himself.

“Fuck Luke, hurry up.” Reid begged as Luke took his sweet time. The last time Luke went this slow, Reid had grabbed his wand and stripped the clothes off him using magic. Not that what Reid had done wasn’t down right sexy as fuck, but he enjoyed teasing Reid and having control over him.

Luke would have gone slower but the ache he was feeling himself became even too much for him to handle. He kicked his shoes off and then pulled his jeans down. He watched Reid’s eyes eat him up and he let them fall to the ground. Reid licked his lips in anticipation as Luke finally exposed himself.

Luke brought his hand to his cock and started to stoke himself in front of Reid. He must have shut his eyes, taking in the pleasure, because before he even knew it he was magically being moved and was on his back on the blanket.

“ Mobiliarbus” Reid said aloud as he was unable to concentrate on a nonverbal spell with Luke jerking off in front of him. When Luke opened his eyes, he saw that Reid had grabbed his wand and had charmed him into getting on his back.

“Reiddd.” Luke whined. Reid dropped his wand and quickly made his way to Luke silencing him with a kiss.

“That’s for making me wait so long.” Reid said as he reached his hand down and started jerking Luke off.

“Ugh-h…Not…complaining.” Luke stuttered out as Reid continued to move his hand while pressing his erection into his stomach. Reid kept his hand there for just a while longer but he was getting impatient.

Reid let go of Luke’s cock and then concentrated on his own. He was already well coated with saliva from Luke but decided he could use a bit more. Luke pushed himself up onto his elbows and opened his mouth. Reid let Luke coat his cock with even more salvia. As Luke pulled away Reid gave him a quick appreciative kiss.

Luke instinctively spread his legs and Reid lined himself up. He stuck a couple of his fingers into his mouth and slowly inserted himself into Luke. Luke wasn’t going to need much as they had gone at it all night. Once Luke’s body was responding in the way he wanted him too he took his fingers out and then slowly pushed himself in, before pulling out and doing it again. He loved hearing the first gasps come from Luke’s lips.

As much as he loved having Luke on his back he wanted something more. While he was fully inside Luke, he leaned forward to kiss the blonde. Reid moved his hands to under Luke’s back and then in one movement leaned back allowing Luke to get on top.

Luke’s body immediately took over in what it wanted to do. Reid left his hands on Luke’s hips barely guiding him as Luke slowly started to move up and down, his arms braced on either side of him. Reid lifted his hips and allowed for quick and fast thrusts.

“God-d fuck-kk” Luke moaned as Reid’s pace was fast. Luke pushed his body down, causing Reid’s hips to drop and Luke was able to ride Reid at his own speed. Pushing his whole body down on Reid’s Luke would add and take pressure away. Reid tried lifting his neck to kiss Luke and that caused Luke to lean down and meet the kiss.

They continued to cycle of fast and eager and then slow and deliberate and both of them were lost in pure pleasure. There was just so much going on and their bodies were melting into each other.

“Luke…” Reid let out a dry moan as his voice was tired. Luke’s moans had been turned into inaudible gasps a while back as his throat was dry and hoarse.

Neither one of them wanted to be the first to give up because everything felt so (for lack of a better word) magical.

They eventually slowed down and Luke who was tired was barely able to push himself back up off Reid. Reid pushed his hips up and Luke let up a bit and finding the last bit of energy inside him Reid was able to get Luke back onto his back.

Reid looked into Luke’s eyes and saw that they were full of stars and he was sure that his gaze held the same look. Reid leaned down, kissing Luke’s swollen lips and they just stayed like that, kissing while Reid barely pushed in and out of Luke. Reid took his free hand that was holding him up and started to barely touch Luke, getting him close to climaxing.

“F-fuck.” Luke stammered. He felt his body push up as he was so close to releasing. Reid could feel Luke’s body tighten around his cock and he gave a few more tugs on Luke’s cock before Luke came all over his hand and stomach. Reid pushed further into Luke really taking in Luke’s pulsing body.

Luke tilted his head back taking in all the pleasure that Reid had just given him. He felt Reid pushed hard onto his spot and he almost lost it again. Reid pulled out and then again pushed slowly back inside him causing his body to shake. He consciously tightened his body around Reid and then he felt Reid come deep inside him, letting out a slur of moans.

Reid pulled out of Luke and then collapsed next to him. That had easily been the best sex of his life including everything leading up to it.

They both laid there for a couple of minutes trying to catch their breath as well as regain any sort of composure. Luke’s whole body felt exhausted and he knew he was probably going to be sore in the morning. Reid leaned over throwing his arm over Luke’s chest. He leaned in, kissing the blonde and Luke kissed him back.

It took a while from either of them to move from their spot on the floor. They were too engrossed with kissing each other and trying to gain any sense of strength in their bodies.

Luke was the first to stir as he pushed Reid off him. Reid grabbed his wand which was near by and he quickly grabbed it, waving it, cleaning both of them up. They both silently got dressed, stealing a kiss whenever the other one got close enough. Once fully dressed Reid again waved his wand and the room went back to how it was before.

“Where are you sleeping tonight?” Reid asked as he put his wand in his back pocket.

“With you.” Luke smiled. Luke knew that it was officially going to be difficult to sleep anywhere that wasn’t with Reid.

Reid didn’t verbally respond to the answer, instead he just pulled Luke by the back of his head, planting a huge kiss on his lips.

“Meet you in the room later?”

“Yeah.” Luke said. Reid collected his bag of candy and followed Luke out of the storage room and into the forth floor hallway.

They both went their separate direction and Luke tried to get to his dormitory as fast as possible, hoping that his friends wouldn’t be there as he clearly looked like he just got done having sex. His hair was a mess, his lips were red and swollen, and well he basically reeked of a good time.

He gave the password to the Fat Lady and got in without an argument. He took the flight of stairs two at a time. He let out a sigh of relief, as his friends were still gone. He grabbed some parchment and quickly wrote a note saying he would be gone late working on the paper. He had told them about a week ago that he found an abandoned classroom that he used to study in because he liked the peace and quiet. And although his friends tried to get it out of him where it was he said that if they knew where he was when he was studying he’d never get anything done. The lie ensured him that they wouldn’t go looking for him in the library as he wouldn’t be there.

He left the note and then quickly left the dormitory as to not run into anybody.

Luke made his way to the Room of Requirements and said the password three times. The door appeared and he slipped in the door.

He thought he might have beat Reid in there but Reid was already in there, sitting at the desk, reading a book. Luke made his way over to the desk and snuck up behind Reid who tended to get very involved in his reading. Luke leaned down and kissed the side of the Slytherin’s neck.

“Hey.” Reid said, his voice still hoarse.

“Hey.” Luke said. Reid shut the book he was reading and turned around getting up from the desk.

His lips were already raw but he couldn’t help but pull the blonde closer to him, just lightly kissing him.


Luke just nodded his head. He had had a long day both physically and emotionally. And although he was in pure happiness and bliss right now he knew that he was dodging the biggest issue, but he wasn’t ready to give Reid up yet.

Reid could see that Luke was over-thinking something so he grabbed the younger Gryffindor’s hand and pulled him towards the bed. Reid tugged at the bottom of Luke’s shirt before pulling it over his head. Reid then pulled his own shirt off and undid his jeans. Luke did the same and they both soon got into the bed. Reid grabbed his wand and waved it allowing all the lights in the room to turn off, only a small dim light near the door remained on.

Luke turned over giving Reid a kiss before flipping back over. Reid wrapped his arms around Luke’s body and pulled their bodies closer together. Reid let out an exhale soon they were breathing in unison.

Luke knew in his heart that he couldn’t keep this a secret much longer. He just hoped that Reid felt the same way.

Too exhausted to think about it anymore, Luke gave into his exhaustion and fell asleep in Reid’s arms.


Also here is a link to my Noah_Who story:

Last Christmas
Written: 12/20/2010
Summary: Based loosely off the song Last Christmas
Prompt: noah_who
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3566

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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