Fic: Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis

Dec 07, 2010 21:57

Title: Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5205
Summary/Prompt: Luke needs a potions tutor and his friends get into another fight with Reid. Reid is brewing a potion.
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Sequel to: Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements

“Reid, get rid of it.” Luke said as he stood in front of the mirror in the secluded second floor girls bathroom. It was where they would go to meet up during the day for a quick make-out session. Reid had figured out a way to keep Moaning Myrtle quiet, so she never bothered them.

“But it looks so sexy and I worked so hard on it.” Reid said as he wrapped his arms around Luke and rested his chin on the younger, blonde’s shoulder. He gave a smirk into the mirror and Luke couldn’t hold back his smile. Reid pulled away and brought his wand out. Without saying a word aloud he waved his wand and the hickey on the side of Luke’s neck vanished.

Luke hated that Reid never said the spell aloud. Luke had tried to find out what he used by doing some quick research in the library but could never find one that sounded right and he wasn’t about to test it on the ones that Reid left on other (non-visible) parts o his body.

Luke gave his neck a quick once-over in the mirror and was satisfied that there were no marks on his neck and then he searched the room for his robe. He had news that he needed to tell Reid that he wasn’t exactly excited to tell him about.

Reid had just threw his robe on over his head and was straightening his prefect badge. He looked up and saw that Luke was close enough to him so he reached out and grabbed him pulling him into a quick kiss.

“Reid-d.” Luke whined. “I have to get going, I told you I have Transfigurations in like five minutes.”

“Be late.” Reid whispered into the blondes ear as before he pulled it into his mouth, sucking lightly on it. Luke tried to resist Reid, but he couldn’t. He was always in constant state of wonderment with the fact that he was with Reid Oliver, the object of many people’s affections. Although they were unofficially in so many ways, and even though he knew the older Slytherin adored him, and as much as he tried to push the thoughts to the back of his head, and they would only surface when he was alone, he couldn’t help but wonder if this would suddenly end one day. That Reid Oliver would get bored of him and leave him for some other guy or girl.

But it was when Reid said things like that that made him think that maybe he might also have feelings for him as well, even though they were never verbally expressed and nobody even knew they were “friends.”

Luke put his hand gingerly on Reid’s chest and started to push off.

“I really have to get going, I can’t be late…again. But I’ll see you tonight?”

“Maybe, I have a huge exam tomorrow that I should probably study for.”

“Oh.” Luke said as he looked down at his feet. His cheeks were still crimson at the heated kiss he broke away from and he almost wanted to tell Reid that he would skip his class and stay with him, but he knew he couldn’t.

“Hey.” Reid said and Luke looked up “I said I should probably study…” Reid gave Luke a quirky grin before giving him another long kiss, as he pulled away he lightly slapped the blonde’s cheek. “Go, you’re already late.”

Luke smiled as he quickly ran out of the girls bathroom and moved as fast as he could to get to class. He looked at his watch and he knew he was going to be late and the last thing he wanted to hear was a verbal lashing about the importance of being punctual by McGonagall.

Luke finally made it to the classroom and he slowly pulled the door open. He spotted Casey and Noah who were sitting at a table in the back and he very quietly and very slowly tried to make it over to them. Professor McGonagall’s back was towards him and he did his best to remain quiet as he pulled his chair out that was next to Noah who gave him a look as if to say, where the hell have you been?

“Mr. Snyder.” Professor McGonagall said as turned back around. “This is your second time being late this week.”

“I’m sorry Professor, I was running late with my potions tutor.”

“I see, well see me after class so we can discuss this.”

Luke sank into his seat, he looked over at Noah and Casey who were giving him puzzled looks and he just shrugged his shoulders. He was more concerned about the lie he just told to Professor McGonagall and how he was going to explain to Reid that he was now his tutor.

Luke spent the rest of the class trying not to draw attention himself. They were learning about how to transfigure poor tasting food such as a moldy loaf of bread into some that was good enough to eat. It was proving harder than expected and Luke was trying his best to not get McGonagall to come over and check on him and his friends, who were also struggling.

“So Lukey, tell us, where have you been?” Casey asked as he said the spell and watched as he loaf of bread turned even moldier.

“I told you, I was with my potions tutor, well not yet, I was with Professor Snape.”

“How come you haven’t told us about this?” Noah asked curiously. All three of them weren’t nosey about each other’s lives, but they knew what was going on in them.

“I just happened today; Snape called me to his office and told me he was going to assign me a tutor if I was going to be allowed to stay in his class.”

“Do you know who it is yet?” Casey asked as he tried his spell again, this time offering up less than stellar results.

“No, he said I would find out in a couple of days when he could find somebody to help me.”

“Boys in the back!” Professor McGonagall said loudly. “Focus or I’ll make you taste your results at the end of class.”

“Yes, Professor.” All three said in unison.

The class seemed to drag on forever and Luke was never able to produce the desired results. His mind was in a panic trying to figure out what he was going to do, what he was going to say, and the longer he thought about it, he also had realized that it probably wouldn’t be that bad of an idea to have Reid tutor him.

As the boys started to pack up their bags McGonagall spoke again.

“Mr. Snyder a word.”

Luke set his stuff down at his table.

“We’ll just wait outside for you.” Casey said and Noah nodded in agreement.

Luke walked up to the front of the classroom, his eyes looking somber, he liked and respected Professor McGonagall, she was the one who had advocated for him to be Head Boy this year and he didn’t like to disappoint her.

“Mr. Snyder, explain why you were late to my class today.”

“I was meeting with Professor Snape. You see, I’m struggling this year in Potions and I was asking him if he could recommend me a tutor. I’m feeling the stress of my course load and I’ve sort of let his class, along with Charms as well slip.”

“Well, your education is important to me as well, but being late will not help you in this class.”

“I know, and I’m truly sorry. It’s just, it was an unplanned meeting and I had to wait a bit and Sna- Professor Snape and I, well he had kicked me out of his class a couple days ago because my potion blew up so we had to discuss that first. It’s just I can’t keep doing poorly in his class.”

“I see. I am happy to see that you are taking your education seriously Mr. Snyder, but next time do it on your own time, not mine.”

With that McGonagall turned around and Luke rushed out of the room, almost dropping his belongings everywhere.

“I know she is the head of our House, but she still can scare me.” Luke said as he met up with Casey and Noah.

“What did she have to say?” Noah asked

“Just told me not to be late again.”

“Speaking of being late, seriously where were you today? Not to mention almost every night for the past three weeks.” Casey said as he gave Luke a look.

“What are you talking about?” Luke asked, he knew that his absences wouldn’t go unnoticed by his friends.

“You’re always sneaking off or coming into the common room late at night, all of it can’t be studying if you are doing so poorly in your classes.”

“Hold up guys.” Noah said, they were in route to the Great Hall when they saw Reid Oliver and his friends coming in their direction. They had done their best to avoid the older boy since the incident on their first day of classes, but for Casey and Noah, the wounds were still deep.

“Don’t.” Luke whispered to them, but he could already see both his friends tightening their grip on their wands.

What Luke really hated was having to pretend as if he hated the older Prefect.

“Oliver.” Casey sneered as Reid and his gang approached them.

“Will you ever learn?” A short, black haired boy named John, said to them.

“Don’t John. They are not worth our time. Although you’re right. They obviously don’t remember what happened last time.” Reid said and his friends behind him started to laugh, only making the two boys tighten their grips. Reid stared at Luke who turned his head away, but he saw the wheels turning in Casey’s head. He really didn’t want a fight to break out, especially because Reid was so much better then his two friends combined.

Luke saw Reid reached for his wand.

“Expelliar- “ Casey started but Reid had already countered with a flip of his wand.
“Finite Incantatum!” Reid said. He watched at Casey and Noah tried to lunge forward but Reid stopped them in their tracks. “Locomotor Mortis" and Luke watched as both of his friends legs became glued to the ground. He also tried to step forward but he realized that Reid had glued his legs as well. He knew that was because he had told Reid that after last time his friends had questioned why he left him alone.

“Oliver!” Noah yelled, he brought his wand up, but again Reid flicked his wand in Noah’s direction and his flew out of his hand and into his. He handed Noah’s wand to one of his friends.

“You’ll pay for this Oliver.” Noah sneered and Luke again could see the wheels turning in Casey’s head.

“Serpensortia” Reid said as he produced a snake. He than used his wand and directed the snake to start wrapping around Casey’s body. By now a small gathering of people had stopped and were staring at them. Casey tried to shake the snake off of him but his body was frozen.

A moment later, once the snake was almost halfway up Casey’s body, he was shouting loudly and but Reid then silenced him. Luke then saw that John was free from his binding and he could only assume that Reid had silently used the spell Relashio on him.

“What’s going on here?”

Everybody who wasn’t involved quickly dispersed.

“Nothing.” Reid said as he quickly and silently undid all his spells and charms. He looked over at Professor Snape who was staring at the lot of them.

“Professor Snape, Reid Oliver is a menace to this school.” Casey said and Noah nodded in agreement.

“Yeah.” Luke piped in, to give his friends the illusion of his agreement. He hated that his friends fought with Reid and he hated being torn between them. He gave Reid a look and Reid looked away.

“Professor Snape, I didn’t do anything, I just stumbled upon these boys who couldn’t move. I think they had been practicing on each other and then couldn’t figure out how to undo it all, I was just helping.”

“I see nothing wrong with that. Now go to dinner, all of you.” Snape said before walking away.

“Give me my wand Oliver.” Noah said and Reid had his friend hand it over. Reid and his friends turned around and walked into the Great Hall without another word.

“Ohhh I fucking hate those guys.” Noah said, he was visibly shaking with anger.

“Just go get a seat, I’ll meet up with you guys.” Luke said, he quickly turned on his heels and chased Professor Snape down.

“Professor Snape, can I have a word with you?” Luke asked, he feared the great Potions teacher, but he needed for his alibi to be real.

“Mr. Snyder.” Snape said as he turned around.

“I was thinking…”

“Always dangerous.”

“Anyways, I was thinking that if it was O.K. with you, I could get a potions tutor.”


“I was wondering if you could ask Reid Oliver for me.”

“And you cannot ask him yourself?”

“Well our group of friends really don’t see eye to eye, and I really want to excel if you class. I know he is the best Potions student in the school and you are the head of the Slytherin house. I would just really appreciate it and I would hate to get dropped from your class. Being taught by a professor of your caliber is nothing but an honor and I really would just like to excel…”

“Enough sucking up Snyder.”

“Please Professor.”

“Good Night, Mr. Snyder.”

Snape started to walk away and Luke turned around and quickly ran back to the Great Hall to deal with the aftermath of the fight with his friends. He spotted them near the middle of the table and he could tell they were still pretty heated.

“Where did you run off to?” Casey asked

”I needed to ask Snape a question and he’s so hard to track down, I couldn’t miss the opportunity.”

“Fuck!” Noah just said “I hate Reid Oliver, he’s such a snake.”

Casey winced at the word.

“Too soon buddy.” Noah said

“I told you guys not to start anything. He’s never going to let you guys get away with doing anything to him. He’s too fast, he’s too good.”

“I hate him.” Casey said again.

“Let’s just try to avoid them as much as possible and if we do see them not to get wand happy.” Luke said. He hated that he couldn’t tell his friends about Reid.

“Let’s eat, I have a lot of homework to do tonight.” Noah said as he started reaching for the food.

“Yeah and I’m meeting up with Alison later.” Casey said, “She’ll make me feel better about what happened.”

“You’re meeting up with Alison?” Luke asked they were supposed to work on Ruins homework with her. “We were supposed to meet up at the library together.”

“Oh yeah, she wanted me to tell you that she can’t meet up with you because she has a study group with some people from Charms.” Casey said, shoving some food into his mouth.

“But you just told me you were meeting up with her.” Luke said

“Oh yeah, opps.”

All three started to laugh at Casey forgetting to lie, but Luke was happy that his night was now free and that he would probably get to meet up with Reid.

“Want to study with me in the library Luke?”

“No thanks, I think I’m going to make it an early night. I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep.”

“Yeah, I’ll probably be at the library all night.”

They ate their dinner and was thankful to hear that the news of what Reid Oliver had done to them hadn’t spread like the wildfire. It wasn’t uncommon for fights to break out, but that was normally between first, second, and third years. When seventh and sixth years fought, it usually was a bigger deal, especially between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Luke went back to the common room and started to do some homework. He waited for Casey to go meet up with Alison and about forty-five minutes later Noah went to the library to work on some Divinations, a class Luke wasn’t taking.

Once his friends were gone, Luke made his way to the seventh floor to the Room of Requirements. He repeated his thoughts three times and the door appeared.

Luke entered to see Reid leaning over a cauldron.

“Whatcha doing?” Luke asked

“Shhhh, I’m almost done.” Reid said, he did look up and give Luke a smile with Luke returned. He knew that Reid didn’t want to do those things to his friends, but Reid also had a reputation to uphold and he would do almost anything to not tarnish it.

“What are you brewing?” Luke asked as he looked into the cauldron

“Felix Felicis” Reid stated. “I actually started it six months ago, it was during our last month at school and it is finally ready today.”

“Wow.” Luke watched as Reid stirred it using a circular motion with his wand. Reid then took the spoon and lifted some of the concoction out. Luke watched in awe as the little droplets that fell from the spoon started to jump back out like goldfish. “What are you going to do with it?”

“I’ll sell it. It’s pretty expensive stuff and I could use some extra cash to get a new quiddich broom.”

“Wow.” Luke just said again as he watched the droplets finally settle down.

“Accio vile” A bunch of vile flew out of a filing cabinet and Reid slowly started to fill them. Once he was done, he put them gently away accept for one. He tossed one of the viles to Luke who was caught off guard but still caught it.

“Wanna get lucky, Snyder?” Reid said with a mischievous grin.

Luke bounded over to Reid giving him a big kiss.

“Before we drink it though, can you please tell your friends to stop fighting me, it’s getting exhausting.”

Luke laughed.

“I don’t know why they insist on messing with you considering I keep telling them they you will continue to kick their asses. But they mean well.”

“Sorry I had to bind you, didn’t want any wondering minds.”

“I figured.”

Reid leaned in and gave Luke another kiss. Luke wanted to ask Reid to tutor him, but decided to wait. He didn’t want to spoil the moment.

“I thought you had homework.”

“I skipped dinner and got it done early so I could fuck you.”

“Such the romantic you are.” Luke said with a dreamy smile.

“Are you ready?”


Reid uncorked the golden potion and took a small sip with was about half the vile. He gave it to Luke who finished it off. They both waited for about thirty second before their bodies started to feel amazingly different.

Luke pulled at the top of Reid’s jeans and brought him closer together. He lifted his chin up and allowed Reid to kiss him.

They stood there, in the room, just making out until Reid pulled away. He was feeling adventurous and excited.

“I have an idea.” Reid said as he pulled away, he grabbed Luke’s hand and pulled him towards the door.

Luke wanted to question Reid, but he didn’t have a care in the world and he knew that everything would work out.

Reid had a strong hold on Luke’s hand as he started to drag him through the halls. For only a brief moment Luke was worried that they might get caught being together, but instead of scaring him, like it normally would, it excited him.

“Where are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.” Reid said. He quickly stopped, whirled Luke around, pushed him up against the stone wall and feverishly made out with him. They were in public and there where no charms or enchantments protecting them, yet neither of them cared. They felt invincible.

Luke pushed himself against Reid and they both could feel how hard they were for each other.

“Fuck R-Reid.” Luke whispered huskily into Reid’s ear. Reid was now sucking on his neck, in the same area as he had been earlier this afternoon. Only this time Luke didn’t care if Reid left any marks, in fact he was welcoming them.

Reid finally pulled away, trying to catch his breath. Reid didn’t allow Luke to do the same, as before Luke could fully regain his breathing, Reid was again pulling at his hand, dragging him into an unknown direction.

It took them almost fifteen minutes to get to Reid’s secret location and thankfully nobody had seen them running along the corridors, holding hands, feeling each other up as the went.

Reid started dragging Luke up a set of stairs and it wasn’t until he was halfway up them when he realized that Reid was taking him to the Astronomy Tower, a place he hadn’t been since his fourth year.

Once they were at the top Reid let go of Luke’s hand. They both stared at the open night sky. It was a beautiful night, the stars were out and the moon was full. It couldn’t have been more perfect, especially since it had been raining all day long. They were lucky that the rain had stopped.

“Luke” Reid said reaching for the blonde boy again. Luke fell into Reid’s grasp and he let the older boy place a delicate kiss on his lips. As Luke pulled away Reid brushed his bangs out of his face.

Reid then grabbed his wand from his pocket and without speaking conjured up a blanket.
Luke pulled his robe off over his head and then Reid pushed him down onto it. Luke realized how soft the ground felt. It didn’t feel like the solid rock surface that they were really on.

Luke was sitting on his knees and soon Reid was mimicking his position as well.

Reid tugged at the bottom of Luke’s shirt and Luke pulled it off over his head. Reid ran his hands down Luke’s body. Even the slightest of touches was sending shivers through his body. Everything felt amazing.

Their bodies felt like they were floating through air, yet grounded, and their skin was sensitive to each other’s touch.

Reid quickly pulled his shirt off over his head and he pushed Luke down onto his back. Reid started to kiss up Luke’s chest, circling his tongue around the blonde’s nipples, causing him to gasp in pleasure.

“Reid-d” Luke moaned and soon Reid was hovering over him kissing his pouty lips.

They were slowly making out with each other and Reid was slowly pushing his body into Luke’s. They were both hard and as much as he wanted to make-out with Luke all night in the brisk fall air on top of the Astronomy Tower, he also didn’t want the potion to wear off.

Reid sat up and while straddling Luke he unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down. He quickly got out of them and tossed them to the side. Luke propped himself up on his elbows and he watched Reid get his belt off and then undo his jeans as well. Reid tugged at the bottom of them pulling them off and then they were both in their underwear, their erections very noticeable.

Reid motioned for Luke to get on his knees and he kissed the blonde hard when their faces finally met.

“So, now that you’re Head Boy” Reid said with a laugh. Luke kissed him to shut him up. Luke then pushed Reid’s underwear down and he grabbed a hold of his erection. Reid let out a sharp moan into Luke’s mouth as Luke slowly started to jerk him off.

Luke let Reid’s lips and started to suck on the side of his neck and then his collarbone, while continuing to move his hand up and down Reid’s cock. Reid, who normally wasn’t very vocal, couldn’t help but let out loud moans of pleasure as Luke worked on him.

Luke finally detached him mouth from Reid’s body and he pushed the Slytherin onto his back.

Luke hovered over Reid’s cock and he watched as it rested on his lower abdomen. Reid really was a thing of beauty.

Without using his hands as he was using them to hold Reid’s down, Luke slowly just started to lick up and down, never staying in on moment for long. He could tell that it was driving Reid absolutely crazy as he was moaning and grunting and wiggling his body beneath his. Luke had never tried this tactic of giving head before, but he was feeling lucky that Reid would like it. And by the noises that Reid was making, he was definitely enjoying it.

Luke finally stopped and pulled away, grinning widely at Reid.

“Oh my g- ” Reid started but Luke soon silenced him with another steamy kiss, full of tongue and touching and nipping and sucking.

Reid who was seeing more stars in his eyes than there were in the clear night sky, finally reached for his wand and as he was kissing Luke quickly conjured up a bottle of lube. Another spell that Luke was jealous that Reid knew how to do.

Reid pushed Luke onto his back and Luke propped himself up on his elbows as he watched Reid.

Reid quickly squeezed some lube onto his hand and he quickly coated himself in the gooey substance. Luke instinctively spread his legs wider and Reid pulled at his hips to pull him closer. Reid aligned himself and pushed very slowly deep inside Luke.

Normally, Luke would have cared very much, but he wasn’t feeling any pressure to stay quiet.

“Fuuuuuck.” Luke moaned out at the initial rush of heat. Reid quickly started to move faster in and out of Luke. Luke felt amazingly tight around him. He had been worried that since he hadn’t adequately stretched Luke that it might hurt, but he had a good feeling that Luke would only be feeling pleasure.

“Faster Reid….fuck go faster.” Luke demanded as he pushed his body up into Reid’s.

Reid did what he was told and really started to pick up a fast pace.

“Yes-s. Oh God. Fuck REID!” Luke practically screamed into the night sky.

Reid was responding with his own moans and Luke tightened himself around his cock. It was like everything they were doing felt perfect and Luke kept demanding that he move faster and faster.

“Fine, you want faster Snyder?” Reid asked and he saw that Luke was pleading yes with his eyes as he let out a moan. Reid grabbed his wand and with another silent spell, he pulled out a Luke and then flipped the blonde onto his stomach.

Luke, having a feeling that he knew exactly what he was supposed to do, got onto his hands and knees and within a second Reid was back inside him, pounding hard into him.

“Fucck” Luke stuttered.

Reid had a hold of him by his hips and he was digging his fingers into his side, Luke knew he would have bruises their in the morning but he didn’t care.

“Fuck R-Reid.”

“You feel fucking amazing Snyder.” Reid said as he started to slow down, really push deep inside the blonde.

Luke pushed his body back against Reid’s something they both loved.

Reid leaned forward and as he was pushed deep inside Luke, started kissing his upper back and running his tongue across his shoulder blades. Reid then reach forward and grabbed onto Luke’s cock and started to stroke. Luke almost lost his balance as he moaned deeply.

Reid continued to slowly push in and out of Luke, causing the young blonde to let out a muddle of moans and curse words as he synchronized his strokes with his thrusts. Every movement was just falling into place, nothing could go wrong.

Luke was currently a mumbling mess when Reid pulled out of him and had Luke back onto his back. He slowly reentered and Luke cried out his name.

Luke could struggling not to come as Reid continued to stroke him, but he knew it was a lost cause, he was going to lose it at any second. Reid was pushed balls deep inside him and was pressed hard against his spot, along with Reid’s hand trailing up and down his cock, the stimulation was too much. He couldn’t handle it.

“Reid-d-d” Luke moaned and Reid leaned forward kissing him roughly against his chapped lips.

Reid ran his tongue inside Luke’s mouth and he felt the blonde jerk up a bit as he came all over his hand and his stomach. Reid pulled away, and grabbed at Luke’s hips, pulling him closer to him. He started to thrust at the same movements of Luke’s orgasm and it felt unbelievable.

“Fuck-k” Reid barely stuttered as he came. He fell onto of Luke and Luke kissed the older boy.

Reid rolled over, pulling out of Luke. As much as he wanted to stay up there forever with Luke, if the Felix Felicis wore off before they left, he knew they would most likely be very unlucky, considering they weren’t allowed to be up there.

Reid grabbed his wand and quickly cleaned up.

“I don’t wanna leave, but I can feel it wearing off.” Reid said as he pulled Luke up giving him a hard kiss and a slap on the ass.

“I know. Reid that was fucking…wow, do you really have to sell that stuff?”

“It’s not good in large quantities and defeats the fun.” Reid said quoting the textbooks.

Luke got dressed as Reid said a couple of spells and then quickly dressed himself. Reid could tell that the elixir hadn’t worn off yet so he knew it would be safe to walk back to the Room of Requirements with Luke.

They made it to the room with out any problems and Luke could tell it was late. Time seemed to have stopped while they were under the influence.

“I should get going.”

“Me too.” Reid said

Luke knew he needed to ask Reid to tutor him and he hoped he still had a bit of luck left in him.

“Hey, Reid?”


“I need a potions tutor.”

“Lemme guess, you picked me.”

“Only if you want, Snape might ask you, he might not, but I sorta requested you.”

“Well aren’t you cute.” Reid said pulling him into a kiss.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yeah, I’ll tutor you. Give me an excuse to see your pretty face.”


“Ok, we really need to get going. You can go first.”

“K, I’ll see you later.”


Luke gave Reid one last kiss before exiting the room.

He couldn’t help but smile now that he didn’t have to see Reid either in secret or fighting with his friends. It was a step in the right direction for their non-relationship.

It was just as he turned the corner he saw Mrs. Norris staring at him. He gave the cat a quiet look before scurrying off to his common room before Flitch caught him out at night.

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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