Fic: Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements

Dec 02, 2010 15:01

Title: Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4920
Summary/Prompt: Luke is a Gryffindor's Head Boy and it is the first day back after summer holiday. Reid is a Slytherin Prefect.
Author's note: ENJOY :D
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke and his friends, Casey and Noah, quickly departed their potions class after a particularly terrible lesson with Professor Snape.

“That was brutal.” Casey said as they slowly meandered through the busy halls of Hogwarts. It was the first day of their sixth year and there were still times that Casey couldn’t believe he had passed his O.W.L. to make it into Professor Snape’s N.E.W.T potions class. He couldn’t decide if he was happy that he was in that class or not.

“At least you didn’t embarrass yourself like Luke did.” Noah said with a laugh. They had been brewing love potions, Amortentia potion, and when Luke had smelled the potion he had muttered something about sandwiches, before blushing slightly and covering his hand with his mouth to not let any other words escape.

“Yeah man, what’s the deal with sandwiches?” Casey asked, cocking an eyebrow. He had gone through his rolodex of names of who Luke might be talking about but he couldn’t come up with anybody.

“Nothings the deal, I was just really hungry during that class.” Luke said, he lifted his eyes from the floor so that his friends didn’t get suspicious.

“Speaking of hungry, let’s go get something to eat. All this talk about sandwiches has made me hungry.” Casey said with a laugh as he made a sharp turn and started leading them towards the Great Hall.

Luke walked silently as his two friends continued to talk. The summer had been long for many reasons, the first being that his parents were Muggles, therefore he had been exposed to zero magic over the summer and he had been itching to use his wand. The second reason being that he wasn’t able to talk about where he had been with any of his Muggle friends. They asked him about his boarding school, but he was only able to give short answers and usually tried to defer the subject. Thirdly, his parents did not allow him to have an owl, so his communications with the wizarding world was to an all time minimum. Lastly, it had been four months since he had since a certain Prefect and he was dying to when he would run into him.

Casey led the other two boys towards the Gryffindor table which was already loaded with mid-morning/pre-lunch snack items.

Casey and Noah immediately sat down and started loading up his plate with all sorts of brunch items. Luke sat down on the other side of the table so he could face his friends, but that wasn’t the real reason. Once he did a quick look around the Great Hall and saw that most of the other classes had probably had gotten out on time instead of an hour late, that most people had probably already eaten.

Luke was silent as he just enjoyed listening to Noah and Casey joke around with each other. Casey was making his plate hover over the table and his fork float to his mouth. Noah found it extremely funny when Casey forgot to keep the spell going and his plate came crashing down and his fork poked him in the eye.

Luke had missed his friends dearly.

“Oh no.” Noah said as he popped his head up from the food. “Oliver and his gang of goons just got here.”

Luke popped his head up and shot a quick look towards the opening of the Great Hall. He tried not to let a smile creep across his face as he watched the older, seventh year, prefect, saunter over to the Slytherin table.

“What I wouldn’t give to jinx the lot of them.” Noah said with a sneer.

“Maybe they’ve matured this year.” Luke piped in.

“I don’t think so!” Casey said. “Didn’t you hear what they did on the train last night?”

“No.” Luke said. He knew that Reid Oliver and his friends were not the nicest witches and wizards to come in contact with. “What happened?”

“Well, now since Oliver is a Prefect he thinks he owns the place. He performed a finger-removing jinx on a first year and once they got off the train the poor kid had to be rushed to Madam Pomfey and get his finger reattached. The kid had to get sorted this morning in Dumbledore’s office.”

“What house is he in?”


“There’s got to be some irony in that.” Luke said with a small smirk.

“Luke, why are you always defending Reid Oliver? He’s nothing but a menace remember last year when we tried to stop him from dangling a second year by his ankles in midair?.”


“He almost punched you out. He had his wand to your neck.”

“It was no big deal. Plus, McGonagall dealt with that.”

“Yeah you guys both got detention.” Noah threw in.

Luke shifted his eyes away from his friends and he caught a glimpse of Reid’s before Reid directed his eyes back to his friends. He could have sworn that he saw a small smile creep across his lips.

Unfortunately, Luke couldn’t hold his smile back.

“Whatever, it’s a new year. I’m head boy this year so maybe I’ll be able to keep him more in line.”

“Good luck with that.” Casey said before going back to eating his second helping of food.

Luke pushed his food around on his plate with his fork and tried to keep his eyes off of Reid as much as possible as to not draw attention to himself.

Luke couldn’t help but have a crush on the older boy. Reid Oliver was the top of his class for all his subjects, especially Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. He was smart and beyond brilliant. He never lost a game of wizard’s chest. He was the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. He was popular, and all the tricks he played were harmless fun. Luke figured it was because he was probably just bored learning at the same level as everybody else and needed to spice up his days.

Luke couldn’t help being attracted to him because he was also absolutely gorgeous.

“Come on Lukey, let’s go back to the common room before our next class.”

All three boys got up from the table and proceeded to make their way out of the Great Hall. The luxury of being a sixth year was that although their classes were much harder, they also had more free time which would, in a couple of months, be full of papers and study, but today it was just pure free time.

They were halfway down the hall when Luke felt a presence behind them. He stopped abruptly causing the other two boys to stop with him. Luke gripped his wand tighter in his hand and he turned around.

“What do you want Oliver?” Casey spat pulling his wand out from under his robe.

“Nothing.” Reid said. He didn’t even have his wand out, but his two other friends did.

“Unlikely.” Noah said he held his wand up.

“We are just passing by, and as a prefect, I should be allowed to without any interruptions from you imbeciles.”

“Why I ought to.” Casey said angrily. “I heard what you did to that first year.”

“Casey please don’t” Luke said trying to reason with him. He was just caught off guard by what was happening. He had not expected his first encounter to be like this. His mind had something much more soft and sensual.

“I only made him stronger.” Reid said matter-of-factly his eyes darted towards Luke’s. He had said those lines to him last year, he gave a smirk as he saw Luke’s eyes acknowledge his choice of words.

Without any warning Casey struck the first blow.

“Flipendo!” Casey yelled and Reid was knocked onto the ground.

Luke froze. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know why Casey was picking a fight with the smartest wizard at the school. He didn’t want to see Casey get hurt.

Casey was about to laugh but then he just stood there frozen, only his eyes blinking. Luke looked down and Reid and realized that he must have used the Immobulus charm on both Casey and Noah. Luke was impressed that Reid had mastered nonverbal spells.

Reid got up off the floor and walked over to the two frozen boys. Luke was frozen, but by his own free will.

Reid pointed his wand at both Casey and Noah.

“Incarcerous” Reid said with a slight growl. Both Casey and Noah were soon tied up with a rope and knotted. Luke watched at Reid’s friends laughed, but they had done this to themselves and as much as Luke wanted to be mad at Reid for humiliating them in the hallway, his friends were the ones to throw the first punch.

Luke watched as Casey and Noah’s eyes moved over towards him and Reid knew that. He couldn’t blow both of their covers leaving the blonde boy unscathed.

Reid pushed Luke up against the wall, his want digging into Luke’s chest.

“You’re lucky you are a Head Boy, Snyder.”

Reid turned around and faced Luke’s friends.


Noah and Casey shot up by their ankles, it was one of his favorite spells to use on people he was messing with. He watched as his friends laughed and then Reid quickly whispered into Luke’s ear.

“Meet me in the Room of Requirements tonight.”

It happened so quickly because soon Reid was walking away and Luke was bending over his friends who had fallen to the floor.

“Relashio” Luke said and the rope became loose enough for him to untie his friends.

“I fucking hate that Reid Oliver.”

“Casey I told you not to. He knows like every spell ever performed.”

“Next time he won’t be so lucky.”

“Case, next time I don’t think you will be so lucky.”

“I don’t understand why he didn’t tie you up like us.” Noah said rubbing his arm from where he landed on the ground.

“Probably because I’m Head Boy, like he said. He could get into more trouble for harming me.”

“You were immobilize too, weren’t you Luke?”

“Yeah, but then I think he let me go of that spell so he could yell at me.” Luke said, quickly lying.

“Whatever, let’s just go to Charms earlier.” Casey said brushing himself off.

All three were thankful that they had been the only ones in the hall besides Reid and his friends.


Luke could barely concentrate for the rest of his classes. For the last couple of months after his detention with Reid they had been meeting up. It all started after their detention as they were walking towards their respective common rooms.

[last year]

Luke had spent the entire detention staring at Reid. He had always had a crush on him but never felt brave enough to act on it. He didn’t even know if Reid was gay or not, but Reid was the object of many girls affections.

As they finally left McGonagall’s office after doing lines for almost three hours Reid pulled a fast one on him.

“Legilimens” Reid said, his wand barely pointing at Luke.

Luke watched as the past two years rapidly flew around in his brain, showing all the times that Luke had watched in admiration at Reid. Once Reid lowered his wand, Luke felt exhausted and was knocked off his feet.

“What was that all about Oliver, you snake!” Luke spat out as he got up off the floor.

“I had to know.”

“You could have just asked you know.”

“And what? Have you lie to me?”

“I wouldn’t have lied.”


“You can’t just go into my brain whenever you feel like it.”

“Why because now I know that you want me to kiss you?”

Luke was about to say something but stopped. Reid was walking closer to him. The hallways were empty and there we no ghost in sight.

Luke watched as Reid quickly cast an intruder charm and was satisfied with the results.

Reid kept walking closer towards Luke and Luke slowly started to back up until he was pushed against it.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want this, when I know you do.”

“Because you cheated.”

“I always get what I want.”

And with that Reid kissed Luke hard and Luke tried everything in his power to not turn to mush right there. Reid had him pushed up against the wall and the kiss was anything but pretty. Both of their mouths were fighting for as much space as possible and their tongues were in a constant struggle with one another.

Luke had no idea how long they were standing there making out but Reid’s charm soon signified that somebody was near and he quickly pulled away, but not without giving Luke a small slap across the cheek.

“Thanks.” Luke said before he could stop he was also smiling from ear to ear.

“Don’t get all weepy.” Reid said, he also couldn’t help but let a sly smirk cross his face. “I wanted to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”

With that Reid walked away just as Professor Sprout was walking by.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks both Luke and Reid found time and excuses to see each other. A couple of times they meet in the girls bathroom but Moaning Mrytle became too much of a hassle. It was then that Reid finally told Luke about the Room of Requirements, a place he usually went to just be by himself. He told Luke how to get there and what to say and that was where they would go to be together.

But the summer had been long and lonely without Reid.


[present day]


“Luke, buddy, you only got like six inches of your paper done.” Ali said. Alison was a sixth year Hufflepuff who Luke was co-writing a Ruins paper with but his mind was just on when he was going to see Reid.

“Sorry Ali, I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Casey told me what happened to you guys today with Reid Oliver.”

“What a great way to start the year off.” Luke said sarcastically.

He wanted nothing more than to get out of the library and go meet Reid. They usually met at 9:00pm and it was almost 8:45. He was trying to figure out a polite way to leave Ali.

“I hate to do this, but the paper isn’t due for three more days and I’m really exhausted. Do you mind if we just meet up tomorrow and knock it out then.”

“I figured you were going to say that. You’ve only turned the page once and it works out for me too because I told Casey I would meet up with him if we got done early.”


Luke started to gather his things but he tried to seem like he wasn’t in too much of a hurry.

“Plus I got some other things I could be working on so finishing this tomorrow would be great.”

“Thanks Ali, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Luke rushed out of the library and made his way up to the seventh floor as fast as he could.

He started to pace in front of the entry way.

“I need a place to hook up with Reid Oliver. I need a place to hook up with Reid Oliver. I need a place to hook up with Reid Oliver.” Luke repeated in his head.

Soon a door appeared and Luke almost couldn’t contain his excitement. He opened the door and quickly disappeared inside.

“Always punctual, weren’t you Snyder?”

“Shut up.” Luke said as he made his way over to Reid, who had a smile on his lips.

Luke wasted no time in connecting his lips to Reid who opened his mouth to allow Luke in.

“Mmmm I missed you.” Reid said pulling away.

“You have no idea.” Luke said, he couldn’t keep the smile on his face down.

“You look so fucking hot.” Reid said as he grabbed at Luke again, kissing him harshly.

Reid pushed Luke up against the table that he had been doing some of his homework on and Luke gave into his body like molding clay.

Luke finally pulled away panting. Luke looked around the room. It was different since the last time they were in there, but only small differences. Before, it was where Reid would go to be alone and study so it was full of books and parchment and quills and anything he would need. But the more Luke kept showing up the more it started to become less cold and more welcoming. The best part was that there was now a bed in the room, something that hadn’t been there the first couple weeks they started sneaking off there, which made the first time they had sex very uncomfortable, if it wasn’t for the fact that Reid was amazing at it.

“So how was you’re summer.”

“Are we really going to do this?” Reid asked, Luke had felt it when he arrived that Reid was already hard, which was hot to think that just the thought of him turned Reid on that much.


“Fine. It was ok. I worked at St. Mungo’s with some people who are in there due to Cruciatus Curse to see if it had something to do with the brain and if we could fix it using magic and muggle medicine. Other than that, it was very boring.”

“You are amazing you know that.”

“What that I want to become a witch doctor.”

Luke laughed at Reid’s pun.

“How was yours since we are doing this song and dance.”


“But let me guess, much better now that we are back in school and you get to sleep with me again.”

“How did you guess?”


“Reid!” Luke said with a pout on his face and a protested stance.

“I’m just kidding.” Reid said as he pulled Luke closer to him. “If it makes you feel better, I’m happy to be back so I can sleep with you.”

“You’re such a romantic.”

“I know.”

Luke lifted his chin and allowed Reid to give him a soft and tender kiss. Now that the initial lust of seeing each other for the first time in four months wore off they were able to retreat back to their comfortable relationship.

Reid slowly started to push Luke towards the bed that was in the corner of the room. He loved that the Room of Requirements adapted to what you really needed. As much as having sex on the floor or on the desk was fun, the bed was what they really needed.

Reid got Luke to the end of the bed and he pushed him down onto it. He tore his robe off and discarded his t-shirt leaving him in just a pair of jeans. He watched as Luke hungrily licked his lips.

Luke, who had changed into a t-shirt and jeans to meet up with Ali, ripped his shirt off over his head. He stood back up and grabbed Reid, letting their naked chests press into each other. Luke could swear he could feel Reid’s heart beating.

Luke felt Reid fumbling with the top of his jeans and they both broke away long enough to get both of their pants unbuckled. Reid got his done first and pushed them down before stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. Luke was right behind him and before either of them could go any further they had reconnected their lips and were feverishly making out again. The distance and time had made the heart grow very much fonder.

“Reid.” Luke croaked out into Reid’s ear as Reid started to suck on the side of his neck. Luke pushed his body into Reid’s allowing the older boy to feel how hard he was. Reid, who had been turned on just thinking about the blonde, pushed his erection against Luke’s allowing Luke to moan. Reid loved the combination of hearing his name and then a moan so had Luke do it again.
Reid finally detached himself from Luke’s neck and stared back at the blonde Gryffindor. Luke’s lips were already raw and pouty and Reid wished that this room could produce food so that they would never have to leave.

Reid reach forward to the top of the elastic of Luke’s underwear. He gave Luke a smile as he slowly started to push them down exposing how turned on Luke was. Reid licked his lips in anticipation. He loved giving head. Even more he loved giving head to Luke Snyder.

Once Luke was fully naked, Reid pushed him back onto the bed. Luke scooted up, barely touching himself as he waited for Reid. He watched as Reid crawled onto the bed and he spread his legs wider, allowing Reid to get in.

While lying on his stomach, Reid took Luke into his mouth.

“God-Fuck! REID!” Luke gasped at the first initial suck. Reid wasted no time picking up an amazing pace and sucking and licking ferociously. Luke grabbed a handful of Reid’s hair and was slightly guiding and tugging on it, but allowing Reid to do what he pleased.

Reid started to hum as he let his mouth move up and down Luke’s cock. Luke was moaning like crazy and it just encouraged Reid even more. Reid then took his free hand which had been resting on Luke’s inner thigh just running aimlessly up and down and started to play and tease with Luke’s balls.

“Holy-“ Luke gasped as Reid then stuck a finger inside of him. He loved how skilled and expertly worked his body.

Reid felt Luke pulling roughly on his hair and he didn’t want the younger boy to come too soon. He assumed that Luke hadn’t had sex over the summer and by his own personal choice he hadn’t either. With almost four months out of commission he didn’t want either one to come early.

Reid lifted his mouth off of Luke and smiled at the blonde who had physical stars in his eyes.
Luke scooted up onto his elbows and looked at Reid. The image of the older boy in between his legs was so fucking sexy he almost lost it right there. Everything Reid did felt amazing but seeing him smile after sucking his cock, it was enough to make him turn into goo.

Reid got up onto his knees and pushed his boxer-briefs down. Without even realizing what he was doing, Luke leaned forward enough to slowly start to stroke him. Reid tilted his head back and allowed Luke to stimulate him even more. Luke idly continued to jerk his saliva covered cock as well.

“Fuck…Luke….” Reid said after a couple of minutes. Even just the innocent touching was enough to make him come. He knew that he needed to get inside Luke as soon as possible or else he might not make it much longer.

Reid snapped himself out of his ecstasy and batted Luke’s hand away. He reached for his wand, which was on the bed next to Luke’s and he grabbed it.

“Accio lube. Reid said barely above a murmur. A tube of lube came out of the bedside drawer and into his hand. He dropped his wand and quickly opened the bottle squeezing a generous amount onto his hand and fingers. He coated himself before he pushed Luke’s knees even wider.

Luke shut his eyes and braced himself for the initial burn. He felt Reid slowly push two fingers inside him and after a couple of minutes a third finger entered as well.

Reid knew that Luke was well stretched and ready once his face relax and he started letting out small moans mixed with gasps.

Reid pulled his fingers out of Luke and inside of pushing deep inside Luke right away he grabbed his wand again. Luke had opened his eyes for just a half a second but he was too late.

“obscuro” Reid said and a blindfold quickly covered Luke’s eyes.

“Reiddd” Luke whined as he tried to get the blindfold off but it wouldn’t budge.

Luke’s sexy whine was quickly stifled by a quick kiss. Then Reid positioned himself at Luke’s entrance and slowly pushed himself inside.

Luke gave into the blindfold almost immediately and realized that he could feel Reid so much more, everything felt so much more intense in the dark.

Reid started off just slowly moving in and out allowing Luke to get comfortable. He loved how tight Luke had gotten over the summer. He loved how hot his cock felt inside Luke. He loved that Luke was pushing back against his cock, telling him to move faster.

“Fuck…” Luke barely stuttered out as Reid picked up the pace. There was something amazingly sexy about not being able to see and only being able to feel. He was also hypersensitive to the noises that Reid was making. The low grunts and the sound of their skin on each other.

Luke spread his knees even wider allowing Reid to hover over him and push in even deeper. Every time that Reid would hold himself deep inside and barely bounce on his spot, Luke would clench around Reid, holding them together.

Reid started to move faster, not allowing Luke any time to push back. He could hear that Reid’s breathing was rapid and his whole body and bed was shaking. Luke could only guess that his eyes were rolling into the back of his head.

Reid slowed down again, allowing himself to catch his breath. He reached for his wand again and silently took the blindfold off Luke’s eyes. The blindfold disappeared into thin air and Luke barely opened his eyes. Reid leaned down and kiss him and as he did that Luke wrapped his legs around his waist.

Reid pushed as deep inside Luke as he could go and he felt Luke push against him before releasing.

“Fuck Reid…right there…please…”

Reid repeated his actions and Luke did the same. It felt so fucking amazing.

“Reid…so close…”

They continued this pattern until Luke couldn’t speak anymore and he barely had the strength to push back. Reid took one of his hands and started to jerk Luke off a quick pace and he watched as Luke tilted his head back and let out a string of moans.

“R-reid…” Luke let slide across his lips as he came all over Reid’s hand and his stomach.
Reid started to move a bit a faster, the slight and feel of Luke pulsing on his cock was too much to handle.

“Lu-ke” Reid sputtered out as he came inside Luke before collapsing on top of him while still inside him.

Luke regained his composure and gave Reid a hard kiss on the lips. They stayed like that for a moment longer before Reid rolled off him and pulled out. Both were panting hard. Luke moved his body into Reid’s and gave him another kiss.

“That was magical.”

Luke’s words caused Reid to let out a laugh and they were soon both laughing into each other’s lips while planting light kisses along the way.

“I guess you probably want me to make a joke about being ‘Head Boy’ as well?” Luke said giving Reid a quirky smile.

“Well now that you mention it…” Reid said

Reid grabbed his wand and said a quick spell that Luke knew he should probably learned. The spell cleaned them both up and Reid got off the bed and started to get dressed.

“You can stay if you’d like, I just have some homework to finish up.” Reid said. The Room of Requirements technically wasn’t his to claim as his own but he was only one of a few students who knew it existed so he felt safe staying there for long periods of time.

“Thanks, but I have to get going. Early Care of Magical Creatures class tomorrow.”

“You’re still taking that joke of a class?”

“Yeah, it’s not that bad.”

Reid just rolled his eyes as he tossed Luke his clothes. Luke got dressed and made his way over to Reid who was standing by his desk. It was almost 11:00pm, too late for him to be outside of his dormitory.

Luke slipped his hand into Reid’s pulling Reid’s thoughts away from his desk.

“I’m going to get going.”

They walked hand and hand towards the door. Luke leaned in, demanding a kiss, which Reid gave into.

“Don’t get caught leaving.” Reid said as he lightly slapped the blonde’s cheek. A gesture that Luke had missed over the summer.

“I’ve learned from the best.” Luke said with a smile

“I’ll see you tomorrow?"



Luke was just about to leave when Reid stopped him.

“Also, tell you’re friends to stop being idiots.”

Luke just laughed as he gave Reid one last kiss before bounding out of the room.


Luke secretly and quietly made it back to the Gryffindor common room.

“Snargaluff” Luke whispered to the Fat Lady.
“Out late aren’t we.”

“Studying, now let me in.”

“Fine” The Fat Lady swung her portrait open and allowed him inside. Luke was thankful that none of his friends were still in the common room and quietly made it into bed without anybody waking up.

This was going to be a good school year. Luke thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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