Fic: Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks

Feb 17, 2011 14:39

Title: Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid & Luke/Sam & Dumbledore
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,791
Summary/Prompt: Luke and Sam go to Hogsmeade. Reid gets advice from Dumbledore
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Previous Chapters:
Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse | Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

“What do you mean you guys aren’t coming?” Luke asked as he pulled his arm through one sleeve of his black pea coat.

“I’m sick.” Casey whined as turned in his bed. He really was sick, as the night before he had taken a little adventurous rendezvous with Alison outside, and well, it was cold, and now he was sick.

“And what’s your excuse?” Luke asked, shooting a glace over to Noah who was sitting at his desk, pretending to do some homework. Luke finished putting his coat on and buttoned the first couple of buttons. Over the past 24-hours, the temperature had decided to drop.

“I don’t have an excuse. Other than the fact that I have no money until after the holidays and there is nothing I need in Hogsmeade.”

“You guys suck, I don’t want to go there alone.” Luke said as he moved around the dorm, grabbing some money from a box he kept on the dresser.

“You won’t be alone. Alison and Maddie are going. Plus aren’t you are going to be there with Sam. You don’t want us hanging around.” Noah said as he turned around in his desk chair to look at Luke.

Luke rolled his eyes in a dramatic fashion. It was so like his friends to bail on him at the last minute. Sure, Casey was actually sick, he had kept most of the dorm up all night with his coughing but Luke didn’t care. He had gone to Hogsmeade with them when he didn’t want to.

“Just think of all the alone time with Sam.” Casey coughed out before grabbing his stomach and groaning.

”I hope this teachers you not to hook up in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of winter.” Luke laughed

“Coming from the guy who hooked up on the Quidditch pitch last night.” Casey said, through another series of coughs with was then followed by a large groan.

“I…what? How? No I didn’t.” Luke sputtered out. He had been sure that nobody was around last night.

“You have guilt written all over your face.” Noah said, “Plus when I went to breakfast this morning, I heard Peeves singing a very interesting song.”

Luke brought his hand to his head and groaned.

“Whatever man, you gotta do what you gotta go.” Casey said “I did, but now I’m sick.”

Luke and Noah laughed at Casey apparent hilarious pain. Luke quickly sat down on his bed and pulled his shoes on. He was already running late and he had told Sam he would meet him before they walked there together.

Luke hopped off his bed and quickly went to the mirror, he ran his fingers gently through his hair, making sure everything was in the right place. After a couple minutes, he was satisfied with what he saw, said goodbye to his friends, and quickly made his way down to meet Sam.

Luke was feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement as he quickly made his way through the halls of the school. This is what he had always wanted, somebody who liked and wasn’t afraid to hide it. Somebody who was funny, kind, smart, and very good looking and who wanted people to know that they were together. He really liked Sam but he was scared that he was doing this all too soon after Reid. He was scared that he was going to fuck this up before it even began. With Reid, they had jumped right into everything so fast, it was never supposed to be anything more than just lust and want but over time so much more had happened. He still felt broken inside, but at least when he was with Sam the pain lessened. Although, sometimes he felt guilty wishing that Sam was Reid. That this was the relationship he wanted to have with Reid, reincarnated in Sam.

It all scared him.

He didn’t want to fuck this up.

Luke rounded the corner and saw that Sam was leaning against the wall, waiting for him.

“Hey.” Luke said as he finally made it over to Sam. “Hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

“No, I’ve only been here a couple minutes.” Sam said as he smiled. Luke watched as Sam looked him up and down. Luke felt the butterflies return in his stomach. “Where are you friends?”

“Casey’s sick, Noah says he doesn’t have any money. Where are your friends?”

“Same excuses, I think they want us to have some alone time, although, they weren’t very subtle about it.”

“Either were my friends.” Luke said amused.

“Ready to go?”


Luke and Sam slowly made their way, with the rest of the students who were running a bit late, and started their departure to the nearby town.

Once they were outside, Luke buttoned his coat as it was much colder than it was last night. The air was brisk and the sky was a beautiful light gray color. Luke had always enjoyed early winter, as everything always felt so peaceful. There were just a couple small flakes of snow falling from the sky, landing on his dark coat.

Luke looked over and saw that the flakes were staying in Sam’s dark hair. Luke couldn’t help but look at Sam and smile. He could honestly say that he was happy, even as they walked in a comfortable silence.

Luke felt a little daring and he slipped his hand into Sam’s, he felt Sam lace his fingers between his.

“Where do you want to go first?” Sam asked finally braking the silence.

“I was thinking the Three Broomsticks, I haven’t been there in so long. My last trip here got cut kind of short, plus my friends wanted to hang out at the Tea Shop so…” Luke spit out. He was more nervous than he thought. He needed to relax, it was just a nice weekend date with his almost boyfriend. Also, he didn’t want to think about his last trip to Hogsmeade as it had been one of the happiest days of his life. He wanted to forget all about his past, he just wanted to move forward.

“I love the Three Broomsticks. I didn’t get to go to Hogsmeade last time as I had detention with Snape for, well what I did was not important.” Sam said laughing. “I’ve been craving butterbeer since sometime last year.”

“I love butterbeer.” Luke confessed rather excitedly. It was true and sometimes he found himself being quite the addict around it. Being muggle born, butterbeer was something he loved from his first sip. The way it made his body feel warm inside and how he felt slight dazed while on it, he found himself craving it over the summer holiday and had begged his parents to let him take a weekend trip into Hogsmeade to stay at the Inn and see his friends and drink butterbeer all weekend long. He could drink it forever.

“You’re so cute.” Sam said. He could hear and see how excited Luke was to go to the Three Broomsticks. Sam himself was kind of nervous himself as he wanted to use today to really get to know Luke and ask him something important.

Luke and Sam finally reached Hogsmeade and there were already so many students there as they had been running kind of late. The good news was that most of the younger students went to Zonko’s and Honeyduke’s first, the bad news was that since it was cold outside, all the pubs were going to be plenty full, filled with students and teachers.

“Let’s hope there is an open table.” Sam said as he tightened his grip on Luke’s hand and dragged him towards the Three Broomsticks. There was a slight line coming out of the pub, but most of the groups were too big to find a table for all of them, they were lucky that it was just the two of them.

Luke appreciated that they could walk through Hogsmeade, holding hands, and nobody was staring at them. They were just like any other couple in the school and Luke didn’t question any of the eyes that were on him. He felt comfortable around Sam.

Sam let go of Luke’s hand to try and make it way up to the front of the crowd, he was only gone for about 30 seconds before he came back to find Luke.

“There is a table that is in the corner that’s open. Lets get there before it fills.”

Luke just nodded as he followed Sam through the crowded pub. They were able to get to the table in time. Once they were seated it didn’t feel as crowded, but Luke was mainly focused on Sam.

Luke felt like he had so much to say but at the same time he didn’t want to say too much.

Sam looked around the Three Broomstick to try and flag down a waiter and Luke took his coat off as the room was hot due to the mass amount of people.

Sam finally got a waitress to come over and he looked more relax now that they could order.

“We’ll have two butterbeers.” Sam said, ordering for Luke, who couldn’t help but smile. He thought it was so cute that Sam had actually listened to him earlier (even though it wasn’t hard to find out considering he was gushing about how amazing butterbeer was) and was ordering for him.

“Warm or cold?” The waitress asked

“Warm.” Sam said, sounding sure of himself.

“Alright it will be just a couple minutes, kinda busy in here.”

“Take your time.” Sam said kindly.

“Thanks.” Luke said, he still couldn’t stop smiling. He knew it was something so small and so simple, but he was enjoying every moment. He liked actually being courted instead of being forced to confess to something he didn’t want to confess to. Luke shook his head of the thought. Reid was not going to be on this date with them.

“It’s not a problem. Plus, with the way you were talking about it before, was kind of a turn on.” Sam said smirking.

“What? Another butterbeer enthusiasts, so sexy.” Luke said a bit sarcastically but matching Sam’s grin.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit. And yes, it is sexy.”

Luke blushed a bit, but he lifted his hips and leaned across the table. Sam leaned into him and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Luke pulled away and he loved the smile that Sam had. Sam was really cute and he could tell that they were both equally excited at how good everything had been going.

The waitress soon returned with their butterbeers and both of them wasted no time in taking a long sip.

“So good.” Luke said as he licked the foam off the top of his lip.

“It really is like heaven in a glass.” Sam said taking another sip. He set his glass down and rubbed his hands awkwardly together. They were slightly sweating as he was getting more nervous. “Luke?”

“Yeah.” Luke said as he finally set his glass down, he couldn’t get enough of the warm liquid.

“I have something I want to ask you.”

“What is it Sam?”

“Well, it’s just, it’s…umm.” Sam looked up nervously at Luke, his eyes were full of hope but his voice was shaking. “I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend?”

Luke stopped running his fingers along the side of his glass.

“You know, make it official? We’ve been having such a great time hanging out, and I really like spending time with you. You’re funny, smart, you freaking sexy as hell and…”

“Yeah.” Luke said cutting him off, he could tell that Sam’s nerves had taken over, as much as he loved hearing the compliments he didn’t want Sam freaking out. “I would love to.” Luke smiled widely, but he still had that lingering feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was fucking driving him crazy.

Luke watched as Sam exhaled and Luke took another sip of his butterbeer. He was so happy that Sam finally asked him out as it was bound to happen. He loved being official with him.

“There is just something you should know.” Luke said, almost shocked that he was talking, but his gut was telling him to tell Sam this. To prevent either one of them from getting hurt.

“What?” Sam said, finally speaking for the first time.

“I love hanging out with you, it’s been an amazing week and you are really great. But…” Luke paused, he wasn’t quite sure how he wanted to word this but he knew he needed to get this out. If he learned anything from being with Reid it was that honesty was definitely the most important thing and if he was going to start a new relationship he wanted one-hundred percent full-disclosure

“I was in pretty long relationship recently, it only ended…well that’s not important. Anyways, it kind of fucked me up a bit.” Luke closed his eyes tightly, he didn’t want to cry and he took a took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes he met Sam’s which were calm, just what he needed to see. “I don’t want to go into too many details, but it ended really badly and I’m just scared of getting hurt again, so if you don’t mind, I would like to take things slow.”

Luke watched as Sam tried to digest all the information he had just told him. It wasn’t a lot but how was he supposed to tell Sam that he had just lost the love of his young life because he did the most hurtful thing next to cheating. How was he supposed to tell Sam that he still cared about this person but did want to start this relationship with him? How was he supposed to say all that without breaking down? He wanted to move forward but he needed Sam to know that he was still fragile.

“We can do that.” Sam said “I’m happy you told me this. I kind of suspected that something had happened to you in the past, just because well up until this week, I didn’t even think you knew I existed.”

“I knew you existed, but lets just say I was really, really blind to your advances. It wasn’t until Casey told me.” Luke laughed. “I really couldn’t believe I never noticed before. You probably thought I was such a dumb blonde.”

Luke’s laughter definitely lightened the tension that he had caused by he confession. But Sam’s eyes were sparkling and he was looking at him like he was the only person in the crowded bar.

“No…” Sam laughed, “I just thought that I had no game. You have no idea how much my friends made fun of me for striking out almost every time.”

Luke and Sam enjoyed their time at the Three Broomsticks. They enthusiastically talked to each other, stole kisses whenever they could, and when it was getting dark, walked hand and hand back to the castle.

Luke found himself feeling as if he was on cloud-9 as he made his way back up to the dormitory. He was going to try and go to bed early so that he could get all the homework he had put off today done tomorrow.

Luke was practically glowing when he gave the password to the Fat Lady, she commented on how much better he looked and then let him in with any other words. Luke coasted through the common room, saying hello to his fellow Gryffindors before making his way up to the sixth year boys dormitory.

Luke had barely stepped inside when he was bombarded by his friends.

“Lukey’s got a boyfriend. Lukey’s got a boyfriend.” Casey sing-sang while sitting up in bed and clapping his hands to the beat.

“How the--” Luke started, but he was sure that Alison or Maddie had told on of them.

“Dude, it was news up in the castle before one o’clock.”

Luke just smiled, he shook his head to try and hide the blush that was forming across his face but he was just going to blame that on the cold wind.

“You are the talk of the school.” Noah said, he turned around from his desk, he was in the midst of writing what Luke could only assume was the potions paper that Snape had assigned.

“God, I hope not.” Luke said as he took his coat off and hung it up in the wardrobe. He was exhausted after his long day, it had been emotionally exhilarating.

“Please, you guys are like the golden couple. The Gryffindor headboy meets the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and they fall happily in love.” Casey said, making eyes that Luke could only assume were swooning eyes.

“Who said anything about love? He just asked me to be his boyfriend.”

Luke changed his clothes and sat down at this desk, grabbing some parchment.

“Noah, how is that potion’s paper.” Luke asked as he reached for his advanced potions making book, only to discover that it wasn’t at his desk.

“Brutal.” Noah said

“Yeah man, I’m terrified to start it, having heard Noah moan and groan all day about it.”

“Me! Moan and groan all day. That was you my friend.” Noah said chucking a wad of paper at Casey.

Luke looked around his desk, but his book was nowhere to be found.

“Have you guys seen my book?”

“Nope” The two of them responded in unison.

Luke groaned. He knew exactly where it was but he didn’t want to go get it.

“Can I borrow your book?” Luke asked Casey who was hiding under his covers to hide from all the stuff that Noah was throwing at him.

“I would man, but Ali’s got it.” Casey said, although it was a muffled response coming from under the covers.


“I would too, but it’s super tough I kinda just want to finish it. You can use it tomorrow though.”

“You told me I could use it tomorrow.” Casey said popping his head out of the covers.

Luke just sighed. There was no way he was going to go to the Room of Requirements. If the news of him and Sam had traveled as fast as Noah and Casey had said it had moved then he was sure Reid had heard already. He couldn’t face him today.

“I’ll be in the library then.”

“Sorry man.” Noah said sympathetically

“Yeah, you could go and find Ali she would probably give it to you.”

“No, it’s no big deal. I’ll see you guys later.”

Luke changed his shirt and then slipped his shoes back on before quickly making his way to the library. He didn’t want to be gone to long and he hoped that there was at least one copy left of potions book as they tend to be checked out often due to Snape’s heavy course load.



Reid eyed meticulously as he watched Dumbledore make the only move he could. Reid moved his queen, diagonally three spaces.


Reid watched as Dumbledore’s king succumb to the checkmate and topple over.

Reid smiled to himself before letting it go. He didn’t have time to smile, not when he felt so terrible on the inside. Also, he had wanted to decline Dumbledore’s invitation to play, but he couldn’t say no to the Headmaster. Ever since his first year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore had taken a special interest in him, he never quite new what it was, but Dumbledore felt like the father he never had.

Which also led Dumbledore to be able to read him like an open book, even as much as he tried to close himself to the old wizard.

“Want to play again?” Reid asked as he magically repaired the broken pieces that were scattered all over the board and on the floor.

“You have beaten me six times already.”

“I’m starting to feel like you are letting me win.” Reid said

“I would never hold back somebody’s potential to get better. You win on your own accord. You are one of the best chess players I have ever had the honor of playing against. I believe that we have reached the point where when we play together you are making me a better player, not the other way around.”

“Well, I’m not a first year anymore.”

“Ah yes. That is true. You have grown to be quite the intellectual. I am pleased with your growth within this school and as much as it saddens me to see you leave this year, you will not be forgotten. I plan on seeing you written about once a month, if not once a week, with the breakthroughs you will have in your field.”

Reid lifted his heavy eyes to look at the older wizard who was talking so highly about him. He had always had a close relationship with Dumbledore. Besides Katie, who had forced her way into his life and told him she was never going to leave, Dumbledore would probably be considered his only true friend.

“Do you have something you would like to ask me?” Dumbledore asked, he could sense that there was something heavy in Reid Oliver’s heart but he had learned over the years that Reid would never ask for help or guidance unless it was in his own way. Reid Oliver only asked enough to get the start of the answer, the rest he would figure out himself, it was his curse as well as part of his genius.

Reid magically reset the chess board, indicating that he wanted to play another game. When he played chess, it was all his mind focused on. It didn’t have time to wander. More importantly, it didn’t have time to think about Luke.

“You can move first this time.” Reid said, clearly ignoring Dumbledore’s question.

Reid watched as Dumbledore made his opening move. Reid’s mind raced with all the possibilities. Even after the first move, the only move, he could almost predict the outcome of the game.

Reid moved his pawn and watched as Dumbledore’s pawn smashed his. Just as he had expected would happen. He was trying a new strategy and Dumbledore was feeding right into it.

Reid realized he was going to win after only seven moves. After five more stragetically played pieces, he proclaimed checkmate one more time and watched as Dumbledore’s king, took it’s own sword and stabbed itself in it’s heart. Quite the dramatic way to go, but it spurred the emotions inside of Reid that he had been trying to suppress for almost a week.

Reid watched as Dumbledore cleaned up the board and put it away. Reid stood up in his chair and stretched, his eyes wandering around the room, looking at all the portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses as they walked aimlessly around their pictures or slept peacefully while a couple of them clapped at Reid’s victory.

“Professor, I have a question about some magic I’m not sure exsists or if it does I don’t understand how it works.” Reid said as he moved around the room. He felt as ease around Dumbledore but he never played all his cards. He knew that the headmaster cared deeply about him and has always helped him since day one, but when it came to issues of the heart, he didn’t want to share that with anybody.

“I had a feeling you needed some guidance.” Dumbledore said as he popped some licorice into his mouth. He offered some to Reid who politely declined.

Reid’s eyes widen, he hated that Dumbledore always knew. He probably even knew what Reid was going to refer to.

“I need to tell somebody something, but I don’t think I can explain it correctly.”

“Are you tutoring somebody.”

The word tutor struck another chord in his heart. Of course Dumbledore knew and would never say anything or tell him what he thinks he should do to remedy the situation.

“No. Well not quite.”

“So what kind of magic are we talking about?”

“You know my past. You know I don’t like talking about it. How do I tell somebody about it so they can understand it from my point of view? There has got to be a way.”

“My boy.” Dumbledore started. He had known about Reid Oliver’s past since before he was even a student at Hogwarts. The boy did not have it easy when he was younger and the shelter and refuge that Hogwarts provided had been a blessing for the young boy.

Dumbledore moved around his desk which had become increasingly messy since it was nearing the end of the calendar year. He finally found what he was looking for, it was a small vial and he held it in his hand.

Reid was about to question what that small vial had anything to do with what he had asked but he kept quiet, as Dumbledore had never lead him in the wrong direction.

Reid watched as Dumbledore held his wand up to his temple. Without saying a word, Dumbledore pulled a long and silvery looking thing that was attached the end of the wand and deposited it in the vial.

Dumbledore corked the vial and handed it to Reid.

“How did you? What was that?”

“That is for you to discover on your own.” Dumbledore stated as he opened his eyes. He looked down at Reid through his half-moon shaped glasses and gave Reid a small smile of reassurance.

Reid gripped the vial tight in his hand, he was going to need to get to the library as fast as possible.

Whatever this was, it was how he was going to get Luke back.


Luke was trolling through the aisles of the library trying to uncover where the potions book would be. They tended to never be where they were supposed to be and Luke just wanted to get this book and start his paper.

If he didn’t have to go to the Room of Requirements then he wasn’t going to.

Luke turned down one of the aisles and he was nearing closer and closer towards the restricted section. His eyes were scanning the spines of the books as fast as possible and he would use the accio spell if there wasn’t a rule against using it in the library, something about fair findage for everybody. Basically it was to cut down on fights for books.

Luke finally thought he was in the right aisle when he was noticing more and more potions books. He finally spotted an old, moldy copy of the book. He grabbed it and flipped open to the page that he needed. He was thankful that what he needed to write about, the pages didn’t look that decayed. He was really going to need to figure out how he was going to get his book back.

Luke lifted his head and started to leave the aisle. He put the book under his arm and he lifted his head so that he wouldn’t run into anybody.

That is when he saw Reid.

Sitting alone at a desk in the Restricted Section.

Luke wanted to look away but he couldn’t, he had always loved how determined Reid looked when he was studying, how calm and at ease he was when he was just in his own head. There was something so sexy about it. Not to mention that Reid had Dumbledore’s personal permission to go into the Restricted Section whenever he wanted, no other student had that kind of freedom.

Reid must have sensed somebody watching him because he closed the book and lifted his head, connecting his eyes with Luke’s.

Luke felt his eyes widen. Reid looked exactly the same except for his eyes. They held so much sadness. Luke wanted so badly to say something but didn’t. He didn’t know what he would do. He saw Reid give him a small smile before reopening his book and going back to studying.

Luke let out an exhale.

He hated that his heart was pounding, that his knees felt weak, that when he closed his eyes he could still feel Reid’s lips pressed against his.

He wondered if Reid still thought about him.

He wondered if Reid still wanted to kiss him.

He wondered if Reid still wanted to be with him.

He wondered if Reid was going to fight for him,

Luke let out another shaky exhale before turning around and heading back to the dorms. He couldn’t be in the library knowing that Reid was there. He didn’t trust himself and he wasn’t ready to trust Reid.

Credit: hannahalexrose


crossover, fanart, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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