Fic: Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (tealeaves readings)

Mar 15, 2011 16:59

Title: Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (tealeaves readings)
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid & Luke/Sam & Dumbledore
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6,091
Summary/Prompt: The rumor mill is pumping as to why Luke and Sam broke up. Sam and Luke talk for the first time. Luke seessomething interesting in his tea leaves. Reid plans to get Luke alone.
Author's note: Sorry for the long wait! I just try to make it as close to perfect for you guys. Your comments MEAN THE WORLD TO ME! and I dont think I thank you guys enough. To see so many of you enjoying this story really makes me happy. Please enjoy this chapter :D
Also, sripley made some beautiful icons and banners for this story. ENJOY THOSE TOO!
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse | Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice | Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks | Luke Snyder and the Adventures of Martin Miggle, the Mad Muggle | Luke Snyder and the Weird Sisters

For the first time all school year, Luke felt as if he was able to breathe. It had been just a little over a week, the rumors as how the picture perfect couple had suddenly broken up, had died down a bit.

Thanks to Ali and Maddie, Luke knew how outrageous most of the rumors had been. And Ali was just about to tell him another one as all five of them were currently studying in the library and they had been there for almost five hours.

“I heard a new one today.” Ali said as he peaked up from her Transfiguration book. Breaking the silence that had been among them for almost too long.

“Don’t people have anything better to talk about? This happened over a week ago.” Luke complained. The rumors that had been circulating for the past week had been over whelming. So far none of them had even held an ounce of truth besides the fact that they had broken up. He had been quiet about it so far because he still cared about Sam and still respected him and didn’t feel like he needed to air their business to the whole student body. People did not need to know the details, and it seemed as if Sam felt the same way, as not a single rumor, brought up Luke’s past relationship.

“Nothing as juicy has happened since.” Ali said, as she had loved gathering all the information and informing Luke. She shot a quick glance over to Maddie, who already knew what Ali was going to say. “Do you want to hear it, this one is pretty good.”

“Sure.” Luke said breathlessly, every time that he over heard somebody talking about him in hushed whispers, or Ali or Maddie were telling him what they heard, he always braced himself incase Reid’s name came up. He just wanted to be prepared incase his response wasn’t what his friends were expecting.

“Ok, so I was on my way here to meet up with you guys, and this was the reason I was late because I wanted to hear the whole story. Anyways, I was behind a group of seventh year Hufflepuff girls, there were like four of them, and they were talking about how during Potions, they had overheard two Slytherin girls talking. What I could figure out from what I could hear was, that Sam broke up with you and then you tried an unforgivable curse on him to try to get him to stay with you.”

Luke just shook his head and laughed at how insane this one was. He liked to think that he had left on good terms with Sam, well at least terms good enough where it didn’t seem like they were cursing each other.

“If I had tried to curse him like that I would be in Azkaban right now. People should know that.” Luke said, still laughing at how crazy this one was. “You weren’t kidding Ali, that one so far is the worst of them all.”

“You girls are crazy, just leave poor Luke alone.” Noah said, as he had stopped paying attention to all the break-up nonsense.

“Why did you break up with him Luke?” Maddie asked, “I don’t mean to pry, but things did seem pretty great between the two of you.”

Luke eyes widen, as he wasn’t quite prepared to tell his friends. He was sick and tired of lying about everything but he didn’t want to bring Reid into the picture.

“Maddie, don’t ask him that.” Noah said. Luke was thankful that Noah stepped in, as both he and Casey had been great about the whole thing. They hadn’t questioned him once since it happened and they had respected his reasoning the first time.

“I’m sorry, it’s just Sam is also my friend but he isn’t talking about it. And it’s hard to comfort him when I don’t know what’s happened.”

“It’s ok Maddie, you can ask if you want, but the story isn’t as good as the rumors.” Luke said as he closed his book. He was done studying for the night. Plus, he had debated telling his friends all night and this was the perfect time, but after he told them, he was going to find Sam so they could talk. “And thanks Noah.” Luke finished giving him a small smile.

Luke watched as even Casey popped his head up from the paper he was working on and Ali leaned in a little bit closer.

“The story really isn’t that great and I’ll just start sort of in the middle. Sam is a really great guy, he is actually more than great he is borderline perfect. I thought that Sam was the type of person that I wanted to be with. Things were exciting at first as they were new and fun but it was never really what I wanted. I have an idea of what I want but Sam just isn’t it. I didn’t want to string him along in hopes that I would feel differently, it was just better to break it off.” Luke looked around the table, and nobody seemed shocked with the answer. “See, I told you it was boring.”

Luke stood up from the table and grabbed his book.

“Where are you going?” Casey asked, he had already gone back to working on his paper as there really wasn’t enough time to be discussing love lives, especially with a bunch of exams coming up soon.

“I’m done with my reading, thought I would go to bed.”

“Alright, we’ll see you later then.” Casey said and Noah just nodded before going back to his Transfiguration book as well.

Luke walked away from the table and decided that that had gone as well as it could have gone. He didn’t lie about Sam to his friends, that is basically in a nutshell to what it came down to. He did feel terrible for using Sam. At the time, he didn’t think he was, but after spending Christmas with Reid, he really realized that Sam was just along for the ride.

Luke was leaving the library and had barely turned the corner to go back to his common room when he saw Sam walking in his direction. With nowhere to go, Luke continued to walk towards him.

Sam stopped as Luke got closer. He didn’t look upset to see him but his eyes did have a flash of sadness.

“Hey.” Luke said

“Hey, just leaving the library?”


There was a moment of silence and Luke really didn’t want things to be awkward.

“Did you hear how I cursed you because we broke up?” Luke said laughing.

“Yeah, I heard that one today too.” Sam said, smiling a bit.

“Sam, I know that I kind of blindsided you but I hope you understand that I did it because I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“I know. Trust me, last summer I had to do the same thing. It just sucks when it’s happening to you and you really like the guy.”

Luke ducked his eyes and blushed a bit. Sam was still being the nice guy that he was.

“I know that it’s so contrived for ex’s to say this, but we could still be friends right?” Luke asked. He was scared that the answer was going to be no, but they had been friends before they dated, he was hoping that they could at least continue that friendship.

“Is it weird that I was just about to ask you the same thing?” Sam said, he had a smile now and that made Luke feel more at ease.

“Well, I’m on the way back to my common room and you probably need to get to the library, there aren’t that many seats.”

“Yeah, I should get going, I have a huge paper due that I’m no where near finished.”

Luke gave Sam a small smile before he started to continue to walk down the hall.


“Yeah Sam?”

“I hope that whoever you are waiting for realizes how stupid he was for letting you go.”

“Thanks Sam, and I hope people think that about me when they think of you.”

“I’ll see you around Luke.”

“Bye Sam.”

Luke could actually feel a weight being lifted off him. He had been trying to figure out a time to talk to Sam and surprisingly, that had been a perfect time. He was happy that Sam understood him and it only confirmed to Luke that if anything was to ever become of him and Reid again they were going to need to be completely honest and communicate with one another.

Reid was with Katie and they were sitting on the couch in the Slytherin common room. Katie was leaning her head up against Reid’s shoulder and they were just silently enjoying the few moments of calm.

“I think I might have a boyfriend.” Katie said, breaking the silence.

“Katie, I was enjoying the quiet.”

“Shut up Reid, I had to listen to you go on about-”

“Don’t say it. And I didn’t go on about it, you cut it out of me like some crazy woman.”

“Whatever my methods may be, they worked because you got to let your feelings out and actually feel for once.”

“I can feel.”

“Right. Anyways, don’t you want to know who it is?”

“Not really, but I’m sure you are going to tell me anyways.”

“Don’t be jealous.”

“Yep, so jealous.”

“It’s Chris Hughes.”

“That Hufflepuff oh Katie, please enjoy your time with that monkey.”

“Don’t be mean, he’s really sweet.”

“Yeah, uh huh.”

“And who are you to judge. Mr I-fuck-up-any-relationship-I’m-in-because-I’m-cold-and unloveable”

Reid shot Katie a death glare.

“Sorry, that was mean, but you know what I mean. Just at least pretend to be happy for me.”

“Why? He’s probably going to blow you up trying to be romantic and I don’t want to be the one to put you back together.”

“Fine, I’ll play your game, how did he ask you out?”

“He had one of the kitchen elves bring me a note during class. Isn’t that so cute.”

“If you say so.”

“Come on Reid.”

“Fine, how romantic of him!”

“You’re a jerk. But I’m just happy I’m not going to be alone for Valentine’s day.”

“Lucky you.”

“And what about you? Are you still going to be alone on Valentine’s day”

“Probably, I, unlike everybody else, do not need another human being to make me feel like I’m worth something on some random day in February.”

“I so enjoy watching you try to act like you don’t care.”

“Care about what?”

“What I told you last week.”

“And what was that?”

“That Sam and Lu- -”

“Katie, seriously.”


“I don’t want to talk about…them.”

“Ok, I’m going to give you my opinion which I’m sure you will just dismiss but he still likes you. I’ve seen him walking pass us in the hallways and he likes to catch your eye, which you always give into. You guys practically, pardon my French, eye-fuck each other as you pass by. If you are telling me you don’t care then you clearly don’t even deserve to be with him.”

“God, fine Katie, I obviously care. He was the best thing that I’ve ever had in my entire life. You know, due to your freaky powers of deducing and figuring things out by only one word answers, you know about my past. he was perfect and I fucked it up. I just haven’t figured out how to talk to him.”

“I have an idea.”

“Of course you do.”

“Why don’t you send him a note?”

“Yeah, ok.”

“No I’m serious. It sounds so dumb, but it’s so romantic. Like when that house elf came into my classroom and handed me a note, I almost melted into the floor.”

“I don’t want his friends to know.”

“Send him an owl at night.”

“How long have you had this idea?”

“For a while now.”

“God I hate you.” Reid said, he took his arm that was around Katie’s shoulder and he sat up a bit straighter. Katie brought her head off of his shoulder also sat up on the couch.

“You love me.”

Reid leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

“No, I hate you.” Reid said with a smirk before hopping off the couch. He wasn’t racing to his room to write a note, he wasn’t that sappy. But it was a good idea, one that could actually work.

He knew he was going to need to pick his words carefully as to make sure Luke would actually come and see him and not get upset over anything in the actually letter.

Where he was actually going was to go find Chris Hughes and harass him. That’s what best friends did to their best friends new boyfriend right?


A couple days later the whole group had decided to meet in North Tower to study for their first major Divinations exam of the second half of the school year. Although Luke didn’t take the class, Ali was bringing along one of her Hufflepuff friends, ironically enough named Samantha, and they needed a partner for her.

Samantha was a tall, brunette girl with striking blue eyes. Luke had never talked to her before, but he knew that she was good friends with Ali and that Reid actually knew her because they played wizard’s chess together a couple of times.

Luke, although he didn’t believe in reading palms and tealeaves or looking into a crystal ball, he had agreed to be her partner because his friends have been really supportive over the past two weeks. They were the best and Luke wanted to thank them.

Ali had asked him a couple of days ago to try and remember his dreams and to just keep an open mind about giving his tealeaves read and his dreams interpreted. Divinations wasn’t for everybody, but she wanted Samantha to be able to get something out of it. Therefore, Luke had tried to remember his dreams, which thankfully had been more than pleasant since he was newly single.

“I really don’t miss taking this class.” Luke said as they slowly made their trek up the long stairs that led to the classroom.

“What are you taking in its place?” Samantha asked

“Muggle studies.” Luke replied nonchalantly. It was kind of a copout having been a Muggle until his eleventh birthday, but it was nice to be able to give his insight on the subject. In addition, it was an easy O and if he was going to be a writer for the Daily Prophet he needed to get a good grasp on how witches and wizards viewed the “other” world.

“Cool.” Samantha said. The hike up the stairs was a long on but they finally made it to the top. Ali who was close with Professor Trelawney had asked if they could use the classroom to study and she had agreed.

The six of them went through the awkward door and into the classroom. Luke sat down one of the pillow chairs and he watched as the other five collected all of the items that they would need. Noah and Casey had filled him in that the would be doing a tealeaf reading, combined with dream interpretation and if they had time, they would do palms as well.

Luke sat patiently for a couple of minutes before Samantha came back over to him.

“I guess since you don’t need to analyze me, you can go first, do you want tealeaves or dream analysis first?” Samantha asked as she started to set out all of props that she would need to analyze him.

“Which one will take the longest?”

“Probably the tea leaves.”

“Ok let’s do that first.”

Luke remembered how tedious it was to read tealeaves back when he was a third year and he watched as Samantha prepared a cup for him.

“So Noah and Casey gave me the quick run down, but what is this exam going to be on?”

“We need to use tessomancy, dream interpretations, astrology, and palmistry to make a clear, concise and accurate prediction of the future for our given partner. Everything needs to go together and make sense in order for her to pass us. It is pretty tedious because you can’t just say oh that looks like a flower and they dreamed about the sunshine so spring must be near. It’s much deeper than that, and the more you know about symbols and the stars the more accurate we can get.”

“I don’t really believe in this kind of stuff?” Luke said honestly

“Why not?” Samantha asked as she poured the hot water over the loose tealeaves. She swirled the water and blew on it lightly before setting it down, allowing the tealeaves to absorb the water and work with the cosmos to settle.

“I just think it’s all fabricated.”

“Really? You don’t think that there is energy in this universe that is out of our control?”

“Well, I mean yes, but just because I’m a…”

“Don’t say it. I need to practice.”

“Well, just because I was born on a certain day, that day isn’t the reason I’m allergic to fish.” Luke said as it was his only good example as to why he hated Divinations, he thought to where he had heard somebody say that before and then he realized that Reid had complained about Divinations to him once before. Luke quickly shook his head and let it go, he didn’t want his mind to be thinking of Reid as his energy was about to be decoded.

“Who gets to decide that? Maybe that is the reason you’re allergic. Maybe on that day, there were some strong energy in the world and in the air and when you entered it; your body reacted to that energy. Maybe there were rotten fish in the hospital or the wind from the sea was stirring up the scent of fish that had died of disease, your body reacted to those energies and to protect you, you no longer eat fish.”

Luke stayed quiet, he had never really thought of it like that.

“You know what? Thank you, because I didn’t really come here with an open mind about this, but now I’m going let you have free rein to my energies and see what you can find. I could use some internal guidance right now anyways.”

“Cool.” Samantha said as she handed the cooling cup of tea to Luke. “You can drink it or you can just dump it out. The best results come from drinking it; allowing the water and tealeaves to react to your energies, understand who you are, so that they fall in the right places.”

Luke took a sip of his tea, it was still hot, but he actually liked the feeling of the hot liquid going down his throat and settling warmly in his stomach. He took another sip, being careful to not drink any of the leaves.

Samantha was thumbing through her books as they sat in silence as he finished his tea. Luke was really enjoying his conversation with Samantha and he could see himself being friends with her. He wondered, since she seemed so passionate about Divinations, that maybe she would discover his secret. He wondered what she would say to him, but at the same time, he found himself being able to talk to her. He could tell that Divinations was important to her, if she asked probing questions he was going to be honest with her. He wanted her to get the best studying done.

Luke took another sip of his tea, as he needed to be careful now that he was nearing the end. He watched as Samantha shut her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths before looking back down at the pages about tealeaves. Next to her, she had her astrology book opened as well and he watched as she took her attention to that book, flipping quickly to the section on Taurus’s.

Damn she’s good.

Luke took another sip before addressing Samantha; he was nearing the end of his drink and didn’t want to screw this up.

“I’m just wondering, anything that you find out about me, can you just keep it between you and me?”

“What Luke? You got a lot of dark secrets in there?” Samantha said with a laugh.

“Not quite dark, but I do have a couple of secrets.”

“Don’t worry.” Samantha looked over at the other groups who seemed more interested in looking at each other with googily eyes to over hear what they were saying, “I won’t tell them anything.”

“Thanks, I mean, I don’t care if people know, but…”

“I understand, you’re a Taurus, you like security.”

“How did you know that?”

“I could just sense your warmheartedness, only a Taurus would have that strong of an energy. Now are you almost done?”

“Yeah I wanted to ask how much water you wanted in the bottom.”

“As little as possible.”

Luke looked into the cup and saw he could take another sip and it will be good enough. He brought the cup to his lips and took the smallest of sips, trying his best not to drink the leaves. He lowered the cup and watched as the ruminants of tiny black tealeaves ran down the side and started to settle.

“Do you want the cup?”

“Just hold it for a little bit, once they stop moving you can hand it over to me.”

Luke watched as the tealeaves swirled in the remaining water before slowly settling on the bottom. To him, the tealeaves just looked like a blob, and wet pile of dirt and to him all the shapes looked the same.

Luke watched as the tealeaves finally stopped moving and he handed the cup over to Samantha.

“Ok, just give me a couple of minutes to look at some pictures to see what I can find.”

Luke sat patiently as he watched Samantha flip through the books and her notebook in front of her. He watched her take some notes and draw a quick sketch of the tealeaves. He tried to see what she was writing but her handwriting was unique and hard to decipher.

No more than seven minutes passed before she popped her head up and looked at Luke.

“That was fast.” Luke said as she started moving her notebook and her books around.

“You ready?”

“Is it going to hurt?”

“No actually, you have a very good reading.” Samantha said as she handed the cup back to Luke. “Ok, for us both to get the most out of this, I’m going to walk you through it.”

“Ok.” Luke said as he stared into the cup, he still only saw a blob.

“Ok, so I want you to really look closely. I am not stretching what I saw, trying to see something that doesn’t exist because you will never get the right reading if you do that. So it’s not the most glamorous of images but after reading and looking at the books I think it’s the right one.”

“I still only see a blob so fill me in.” Luke said, he was kind of excited to hear what she was going to say. A lot had happened to him in the past couple of months and he was wondering if any of it would come up in his leaves.

“Well, reading tealeaves is for the future, so keep that in mind. Ok, after reading your tealeaves I have decided that your universe and your energies are showing me a bird’s nest.”


“Oh actually, a bird’s nest is very interesting. I know you see a blob but just bear with me. Look at the crisscrossing at the bottom of your cup. See how curves up before it even touches the side of the cup, that tells me that the leaves wanted to be there, not because they was constricted by the cup to form that shape.”

Luke just nodded his head as he tried to see what she was saying. He stared at it for a bit as she continued to talk.

“Now just look at the general shape of it, see how it looks like a basket almost?”

Luke nodded again, following her instructions at how to look at the leaves. Luke dragged his eyes across the top of the “bird’s nest” and he then almost gasped when he saw what he knew he should be looking at.

“I see it. I can see just the very top of the eggs that are in there” Luke eyes moves fast over the whole bottom of the cup, “and there up in the corner you can see that there are wings coming back into the scene.”

“Very good.” Samantha said.

“Cool. But what does it mean?”

“Well, as I had guessed correctly, you are a Taurus.”


“Ok, so the bird’s nest means, yadda yadda yadda,” Samantha said reading from her notes, “ok, this signifies a happy discovery, leading to a fortunate enterprise brought about to a great extent by your own patience and ability; it is also a good omen of love, friends, and increase of fortune.”

Luke took in what she was saying.

Patience, love, happy discovery.

This was the future.

“Now, Taurus’s are patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving. Those are quote unquote good qualities but Taurus’s are also, jealous and possessive. Now, think of a bird, think of how they care for their young how they are fearless in defending them. See jealous and possessive are not always bad qualities as birds show that.”

“Ok, I see what you are saying.”

“The bird’s nest is telling me that there is somebody that you are waiting for. Think of the young babies birds who sit and wait for their mother, they are patient. Think of also what happens in a bird’s nest. The baby birds are fearless and determined when it comes to leaving the nest, it needs to happen it’s part of their life cycle. But the security of the mother coming back is the greatest comfort they have. Do you see how your bird’s nest image and your astrology sign have much in common? Both your sign and the birds nest are really just an extension of who you are. We use the cosmic powers to allow us to see our real selves.”

Luke sat quietly, nodding his head and listening intently to what she was saying.

“Now back to the actual meaning of the bird’s nest. You are being patient for something. You weren’t always so careful before about being waiting for, well it’s either love, friends or fortune. Now you don’t need to give any specifics but are you waiting for something to happen in one of those areas?”

Luke nodded his head.

“It’s love.” Luke added, he was interested to see where this was going.

“Interesting.” Samantha said before looking back at her notes. “You like stability. Now I’m not into the whole rumor thing, but my guess is, if you are waiting for love, your exboyfriend you knew he was not going to be it. But if you like and crave stability it means that you’ve had it before, and now you want it back and you are waiting for it.”

Luke could feel his jaw dropping and he slowly picked it up.

“Tell me more.” Luke said “I’ll stop you if you are prying to much, but what can you tell me about me.”

“I’m guessing I’m hitting a couple of intense points.”

“You are, but I want to know this stuff. I think I need to know this stuff.”

“Ok, so once you were in love, something happened, with Taurus’s that is always the case. Something will always make you do something that you normally would not have done. It one of the character flaws of Taurus’s, there is always one thing that will make you do something out of the ordinary, a rash decision that you wouldn’t normally make.”

“What if I didn’t do anything? What if what happened wasn’t my fault? What if I wasn’t the one who made a rash decision?”

“I don’t know your past, but from what I think you are asking, it wasn’t during the relationship, it was after. I’m going to guess and say that dating Sam was something that came out of nowhere. It was because you were trying to feel stable again, that you quickly decided to forge love where love was never going to be found.”

Luke took in her words carefully. She was hitting the nail on the head. She was saying all the things that he didn’t want to say, that he was wrong for dating Sam so quickly.

“You’re right. So using what you know, what do the tealeaves say about the future?”

“I don’t know what happened in your previous relationship that caused you to break up with the first guy or whatever happened, but Taurus’s like time to think. With your fight to be stable, it left you with the inability to be patient for what you really want. However, Taurus’s need time to ponder to be by themselves to figure everything out. From what I can tell, you are clearly single right now and you have given your Taurus-self time to think to figure things out. You went back to your center. Now the bird’s nest is telling me that if you remain patient, a great experience is going to happen. You have implied that it’s going to be love that that is where your heart and soul are at and I think that that is what the bird’s nest is telling us.”

Luke was quiet for a moment. How a girl, he had only met for a couple of minutes prior to his reading, was able to discover so much was almost scary. But he knew it was all true. He had jumped into a relationship with Sam so fast, hoping that his love for Reid would just transfer. He wanted Reid to be jealous of him. He was trying so hard to fit a circle into a square peg. He was surprised that she couldn’t figure anything out about what Reid had done to him and how he had dealt with that, but then again this was his reading and not Reid’s.

Luke had always known that Reid was quick-wanded. He liked answers right away and that he made decisions without thinking about the consequences because he had always done that and that’s how he become the best. Not to mention, Reid had pulled that stunt on him before and that was the reason they were together. He realized that it was the Taurus inside of him that needed time to figure this all out. And with time he realized that what Reid done was forgivable.

Luke had never thought this before. He had always thought that he would never be able to forgive Reid for what he had done, as much as his body wanted to be with him physically, but he realized he could. Reid had apologized. And it was an honest and true apology something that Reid rarely did.

And he was still in love with him, and if that hadn’t changed after all this time, it might never change.

So now, Luke thought, if he was hearing Samantha correctly, Reid was going to do something. That breaking up with Sam and waiting and figuring out what he really wanting, giving himself that time to recover and really understand what he wanted had also given Reid time to figure things out. And now Reid was also ready.

He didn’t want to get his hopes but, but Reid was going to do something.

“That was so heavy stuff.” Luke said

“I hope I could help with whatever your dealing with even though I don’t know the specifics.”

“I never knew that stuff about myself, but it makes sense now. A lot of the questions I had regarding the past now seem so much clearer.”

“See, Divinations isn’t that bad.”

“Now what’s next?”

“Do you have a dream you need interrupted?”

Luke racked his brain, trying to think of a dream that he could remember that was PG enough for her to hear. Reid tended to dominate his dreams and most if not all of them where not suitable for wondering ears.

“Could I give you a theme that I see in a lot of them?”

“Sure that works too.”

“Lately, in I would say almost 90% of my dreams there is this tree. It is short but wide and it is always in the blossoming stage and the flowers are bright, bright pink. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this tree in real life, but it is always there, just like in the background or in a picture or something.”

“You are making this too easy, Luke.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“It’s a Mytle tree.”

“And what does that mean?”

“A Mytle tree in a tree means that there is going to be a declaration of love” Samantha laughed. “Luke, something big is in store for you and I don’t know you that well, but I’m really excited for you.”

Luke was practically speechless.

Maybe he did believe in this stuff.

Luke was lying in bed and it was almost two in the morning. It had been three days since he studied with Samantha but he couldn’t stop repeating everything that she had told him during her reading of him. His stomach was filled with butterflies. And during the day he felt like he was walking around with hearts in his eyes.

He didn’t want to get his hopes up but he couldn’t help but think of Reid and what might happen. His thoughts on Divinations had changed but not to the point where he thought it could predict the future for real. It was just a good educated guess based off many already predetermined circumstances, but he really wanted to believe what Samantha said was true.

Reid was going to declare his love.

He was in love and he was ready for a real relationship with him. One built on honesty. One where people knew that they were together. One where they could be themselves.

Luke shut his eyes and he tried to remember their last kiss. It was right after he had his herbology study session with Sam. He remembered how he felt as he walked into the Room of Requirements, startling Reid, kissing him hard, and then leaving. He remembered how alive he felt even though he was still mad at what he had done. Luke could feel his heart beat faster. Just that one kiss, a kiss that was only there to spite them both, had him feeling more than anytime he had been with Sam.

Luke kept his eyes shut, reliving the feeling when he heard a tapping on his window. He opened his eyes and grabbed his wand to lightly illuminate the room and he saw that there was an owl holding a piece of parchment in its mouth.

Luke got out of his bed as quietly as possible and he opened the window. The owl flew in and sat on the edge of the window. Luke grabbed the parchment, petted the owl a couple of times. He wished he had a small cracker that he could have given the snowy white bird for delivering mail so late at night. Luke tapped his head a couple more times before the owl flew off into the night.

Luke looked at the rolled up parchment and saw that his name was on it. He recognized it as Reid’s handwriting right away and his heart continued to beat even faster but at a steady beat. Luke shut the door and went back over to his bed before slowly pulling on the loose string keeping the parchment rolled up. Luke held his lit wand over the words.


I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you.

And it’s taken me awhile to get here, but I’m here.

Meet me in the RoR tomorrow night.

Anytime that works for you, I’ll be there.


Luke read it over and over again.

This was it

sripley sent me these beautiful icons and banner so I must share with you all. HEARTS!!!



crossover, fanart, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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