Fic: Luke Snyder and the Prefect's Bathroom

Mar 31, 2011 09:45

Title: Luke Snyder and the Prefect's Bathroom
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5629
Summary/Prompt: Luke and friends begin the apparition lessons. Ali notices something.
Author's note: Your comments mean the world to me! So thank you! Enjoy this chapter :D!
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse | Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice | Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks | Luke Snyder and the Adventures of Martin Miggle, the Mad Muggle | Luke Snyder and the Weird Sisters | Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (tealeaf readings) | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and the Letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck

Luke was walking down the hall with Samantha. After she had read his aura they had become pretty close. She was a bit eccentric and a little out there, but Luke found her to be endearing and an honest friend. She has no prejudices towards him and he felt relaxed in her presences.

Over the past three weeks, Luke found himself seeking her out to just talk. She never pried, but always asked the right questions as she had a unique sense. It was refreshing to be able to talk to somebody like her and although they didn’t see each other that often, they both made an effort to talk at least a couple times a week.

“You look so happy.” Samantha said as they rounded a corner. They were just wandering the hallways, as it was a lazy Sunday at the castle. Most of the fifth and seventh years were in the library as O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts were fast approaching, only three and half months away. And they were killing just time before their first apparition class.

“I am.” Luke said and he couldn’t help but smile. Things with Reid had been amazing and Reid was doing a great job of courting Luke. In the past couple of days, it had become the talk of the school, as more the young girls had started to cry and complain again, this time over Reid more-so than Luke.

“Does it have anything to do with the rumors that have been circulating? I try not to pay attention as mindless gossip doesn’t appeal to me, but when I heard it was about you, I couldn’t help but listen.”

“I’m in love.” Luke said as he let out a dreamy sigh. “I wish I could have told you how accurate your reading of me was. As it was happening all I could think about was what you had said to me, yet it still hadn’t prepared me.”

“I’m so happy for you Luke.” Samantha said, her voice was genuine and that was why he liked hanging out with her.

Luke didn’t say anything, he just looked over and smiled at her.

“How did we end up all the way over here?” Luke said as they turned down the Viaduct Entrance and into the Tapestry Corridor.

“I don’t know, but when we are together, we do tend to wander.”

“We aren’t going to be late for our lesson are we?”

“I don’t think so. Is there a clock around here?”

“Maybe.” Luke said as he looked around the tapestry covered walls. It was hard to see anything as the vibrate colors were distracting and the pictures in this hallway moved around much more than other hallways.

Both soon gave up, but instead of walking they just stayed in the corridor.

“How are your classes going? I feel like it’s been forever since we actually got to talk to each other, other than just the everyday hello.” Luke asked. The beginning of the end of the school year was always wild and stressful.

“I’ve been so busy. Professor Trelawney has me taking extra classes per her request from Dumbledore, so there are nights were I am up in the Astronomy Tower until almost dawn.”

“That’s amazing. Have you thought of what you want to do after next year?” Luke asked as he leaned up against the wall.

“I want to work in the Department of Mysteries. It’s such an exclusive position and it’s almost unknown of how to become an Unspeakable, but actually Reid of all people went to Dumbledore to ask him if he could help me.”

Luke smiled hearing about how amazing Reid was, as although Reid came off like an ass who didn’t care about anybody, that was far from the truth. Reid was extremely loyal to his friends and when he could help them, he would.

“And what did he say? Dumbledore I mean.”

“Well this was a while ago, almost last year when we were playing chess, Reid just said in a quick and brief statement that Dumbledore was looking into it.”

“Talking about how amazing I am again?”

Both Samantha and Luke turned to see Reid standing a couple of feet away from them a book in hand.

“Reid, how are you?” Samantha said elatedly.

“Tired.” Reid responded giving Luke a quick knowing look, which in turn made Luke blush.

Samantha looked over at Luke and could see the crimson on his cheeks just before they began to fade. She was happy for both of her friends. Not like Reid ever talked about his love life when they were playing chess, but she had a feeling deep down inside her, that they were perfect for each other.

“What are you guys up to?” Reid asked

“Just killing time before our first Apparition lesson.” Luke said, his eyes had lit up the moment he had heard Reid’s voice and it didn’t go unnoticed by either Samantha or Reid.

“That’s today?” Reid asked

“Don’t act like you didn’t know.” Luke said, laughing and giving Reid an adorable smile. The one that almost made him drop his book and push Luke up against the wall.

Luke detected the familiar look in Reid’s eye and he made an exeutive decision. He took a step closer to Reid, placed his hand on his book, pushing it down so it was out of their way, and he leaned in giving Reid a small kiss on the lips. He could feel Reid smile as he pulled away.

It was so simple, but it was huge step in their relationship, but Luke trusted Samantha and knew she wasn’t a gossip. Not to mention, he just wanted to kiss his boyfriend and he should be allowed to do that.

“We should go. Don’t want to be late for our first lesson.” Luke said as he turned his attention back to Samantha. His voice was a bit breathlessly, as he always felt a rush whenever he kissed Reid.

“Yeah. Go, don’t want to get a bad hoop.” Reid said, he sounded a bit stunned as Luke’s kissed had caught him off guard.

“Bye Reid.” Samantha said, she was happy for the two of them, but even more happy at how accurate her reading had been just a couple of weeks ago.

Luke smiled at Reid before turning towards Samantha and walking down the hall. They weren’t that far away from the Great Hall where they would be taking their first lesson. At the current moment he felt invincible, the first time anybody had ever seen them kiss. He loved it.

“You guys are so cute.” Samantha said as they rounded the corner back and they were back at the Viaduct Entrance.

“Thanks.” Luke said, “We’ve been trying to take things slow. My friends aren’t the biggest fans of him and I’m worried that they won’t like this relationship.”

“You shouldn’t care what your friends think. It’s obvious how much Reid cares about you. I’ve never seen him like that before. Not that I have had that much interaction with him besides some intense chess matches, but you definitely have a huge affect on him.”


“Oh yeah. And I wouldn’t worry about your friends. I have a good feeling that they will be accepting.”

“You aren’t just saying that?”

“I don’t joke with my craft. I see nothing but exciting and positive things for you guys. I do however also have a feeling that you two will be breaking a lot of hearts, particularly among the fifth year girls.”

Luke laughed as he knew he would have to deal with the crying mobs, just like last time with Sam. But it was a small price to pay for how happy he was. Luke didn’t really know what to do so he just stopped and gave her a hug.

“Thanks Samantha. It actually felt really good to tell somebody and I’m glad it was you.”

As they rounded the last corner, Luke ran into his friends and they quickly joined the rest of the sixth years in the Great Hall. The space had been emptied except for designated hoops for each person.

All of them quickly found a spots near each other and waited nervously for their first apparition lesson to begin.


“You weren’t that bad.” Luke said to Casey as they finally left their first lesson. Noah wasn’t with them as he was taken to the Hospital Wing after splinching on the third try. He had lost an ear, as only his ear moved and just for precautionary reasons, he was taken to Madam Pomfrey to have it put back on.

“I think I was able to move a total of four inches…and it was backwards.”

“I didn’t even move. I thought I did, but really I just took a step forward.”

“It was only the first day.” Casey said, but he was rather impressed with himself that he had done the best out of his friends.

“You did great babe.” Ali said as she let her hand unwind from his and she cupped his cheek lightly before pulling him into a dainty kiss.

“Thanks.” Casey said, beaming back at his girlfriend.

“Do you think Maddie heard about the splinching?” Ali asked, I should probably find her and tell her.

“Don’t embarrass Noah, she doesn’t need to go see him in the Hospital Wing.” Casey said, defending his friend.

“It’s not that big of a deal, everybody splinches once or twice.” Ali said

“She can see him at dinner when he’s out and healed.” Casey finished. “I hope to god I never splinch, did you hear the painful screams? I felt so bad for him, and then Carrie Broadway went right after him.”

“Uck, I don’t even want to think about it.” Luke said. He had been standing right next to Noah when his ear was practically ripped off his own head. It was pretty disgusting.

“Let’s go outside and get some fresh air.” Ali suggested. It was the first day of February, but there was no snow on the ground and the sun was still out.

The three of them walked through the entrance hall and into the entrance courtyard. The three of them were just standing there, reliving their first practice when the Slytherin Quidditch team walked by in their practice uniforms.

Luke’s eyes couldn’t help but widen as he saw Reid walking through the courtyard. He looked tired and worn, as he always did after a practice but at the same time he still had this majestic look about him.

Without even addressing his two friends, Luke left mid conversation and went over to Reid.

“Look.” Ali whispered the Casey and the two of them watched as Luke made his way over to the Slytherin team. The team quickly dispersed as it was obvious Reid had said something to make them all leave, just leaving the two of them to talk.

“What am I looking at?” Casey asked, clearly clueless.

“Look at them together.” Ali said, she couldn’t help but smile. For the past couple of weeks she had been watching them interact, and while Noah and Casey seemed blind to their best friend, she had started to notice how often Luke and Reid sought each other out.

Ali watched as they Luke and Reid couldn’t stop smiling at each other. It seemed as if they shared a joke, which then led to playful touching. They were looking at each other in such a way, that Ali literally almost choked. She watched as Luke ducked his head and she could have sworn she saw him blushing. She looked over at Casey who was paying attention but still had no idea what was going on.

She honestly couldn’t believe that she was watching Luke Snyder and Reid Oliver flirting with each other in the middle of the courtyard.

Ali quickly turned her attention back to Casey.

“What was I supposed to be seeing?” Casey asked

“Shh, I’ll tell you later babe.”

“I wanna know.”

Ali quickly looked behind her and saw that Luke was still less than half way back to them.

“Fine. They are totally into each other.”


“Ugh, they were flirting. Now hush, he’s almost back.”

“Oh…OH!” Casey said as it all clicked.

“Don’t say anything.” Ali said though her teeth as Luke finally made it back to them. Ali recognized the look on Luke’s face from a mile away, but within seconds, Luke had gained his composure.

However, she couldn’t wait to tell Maddie what she had seen.

Luke didn’t even address what had just happened as he quickly picked right back up the conversation about their next apparition lesson. Both Casey and Ali didn’t even bring up what had just happened and that calmed him a bit. But after what Samantha had told him about his friends being understanding, he realized that maybe he could speed things up with Reid.

However, his mind wasn’t really with his friends and the conversation about apparition. But when he had ducked his head and blushed, it was because Reid had told him to meet him in the prefect’s bathroom on the fifth floor.

Although Luke was Head Boy, which he had become due to a bizarre streak of circumstances, (long story short, the seventh year Head Boy that Dumbledore had appointed, Zachariah Barnaby, dropped out school due to mysterious circumstances, and since Luke had been the fifth year prefect the year before, Dumbledore had asked him to take over.) Luke had accepted the role as it was such an honor, he rarely used the prefect’s bathroom. As a matter of fact, he had only been in there once, during his seconds week as a fifth year prefect, and after that he could never remember the password, which changed frequently, due to high influx of non-prefects, head boys, and Quidditch captains, that tended to sneak in.

“Let’s go back inside.” Ali suggested, as although the sun was out, it was still winter and they were growing a bit cold.

“Yeah, I told Reid I would meet him for a study session before dinner.” Luke said

“Is that what you two were talking about?” Ali said, as she couldn’t help herself.

“That…among other things.” Luke said, he looked over at Ali and caught her eye. She seemed to give him a knowing look before directing her attention back to Casey. Once they were back inside they split off at the fork. Luke said he was going to back to the dorm to grab a book and Ali and Casey were going to go on a, as they put it, a mini-date, as they rarely got to spend quality alone time together.

Once Casey and Ali were out of sight, Luke quickly changed his direction. Reid had told him he was going to go there after his practice and Luke had felt like he had already wasted enough time and didn’t want to miss all the fun.

Luke made his way towards the hospital wing and started to look for the statue of Boris the Bewildered. Unless you were looking for it, it tended not to stand out and that was one of the other reasons that Luke rarely went into the fifth floor bathroom, as he notoriously would get lost just trying to find it.

As Luke passed the hospital wing he barely peered his head in to see that Noah was still in there. He was lying on a bed and the side of his head was bandaged. Carrie Broadway was in the bed next to him and her foot was bandaged as she had lost her toes.

Luke realized that they would probably kept there until dinner, he knew that he wasn’t going to get caught. Not that he couldn’t go into the bathroom whenever he wanted, but his friends knew that he never went there.

Luke left the hospital wing and proceeded to find the statue. He looked around the walls and spotted the statue and knew, since Reid reminded him, that it was the fourth door, not the third.

“Lemon Fresh” Luke whispered and the door barely opened. Luke could already smell the soapiness and he quickly let himself in, excited to be in there with Reid.

“Took you long enough” Reid said, he was still in his Quidditch outfit, dirt still on his face from running his dirty gloves across his sweaty face. Luke loved how sexy Reid looked in his Quidditch outfit.

“Shut up” Luke said as he heard the door shut behind him. He wasn’t sure if other people were going to show up, but frankly he didn’t really care. Luke made his way over to Reid and he grabbed for his Quidditch robe. “You are so sexy.” Luke whispered before kissing a dirty Reid.

Reid gave into Luke’s kiss. He knew that Luke had a weakness for Quidditch players and the times when he would come back from practice and Luke would be waiting for him and before he could even get a word out Luke would be attacking him.

It was hot.

Luke ran his hand down the front of Reid’s robe, pulling it apart.

“Let’s get you out of these clothes.” Luke barely whispered as he continued to run his hands up Reid’s uniform.

“Yes, good idea.” Reid said as he started to fumble as there were so many layers. “Do you want me to change the password to the room?”

“I don’t care.” Luke said, he honestly didn’t, as his mind was only focused on one thing.

“Good, because my wand is over there and I didn’t want to have to leave this…” Reid barely could get it all out before Luke was attacking his lips again. Reid pulled Luke closer to him as Luke practically mauled his face.

Luke was moving his hands as fast as possible trying to remove all of Reid’s uniform at once, but he wasn’t getting very far. Reid moved, pushing Luke closer towards the wall, he loved feeling Luke’s hands all over his body, but not touching his skin.

Reid finally got Luke up against the far wall and he heard Luke grunt into his mouth. Reid pulled away and he could hear Luke panting trying to catch his breath, but his hands didn’t stop moving.

Reid helped Luke shed the first couple of layers of his uniform, before they went back to their feverish make out.

“Ugh-” Luke grunted as Reid barely lifted his leg to push his thigh in between Luke’s legs, pressing hard into his groin. Reid moved his hands and started tugging on the bottom of Luke’s t-shirt. Luke lifted his arms and in one quick motion, Reid had pulled Luke’s shirt off over his head, dropping it to the floor along with the beginnings of Reid’s outfit.

Reid let his hands explore Luke’s body as Luke tilted his head to the right, allowing Reid full access to the left side of his neck. He could hear Reid panting into his neck as he started to create the beginnings of a hickey.

Luke was still on a mission, and although he was thoroughly enjoying Reid paying lots of attention to him, he still wanted Reid out of his clothes. Luke’s hands moved off of Reid’s still clothed chest, as much as he loved the uniform, there were just so many pesky layers, and started to work on Reid’s pants. He knew there was only one layer there and he wanted them off five minutes ago.

Reid left Luke’s neck and started to catch his breath. He was impressed with the work he did so quickly, but he was now on the same page as Luke and wanted the clothes off now. He pushed Luke’s hands off his pants, as they hadn’t gotten very far, and quickly undid his own. Luke got his jeans undone quickly, and as they hit the ground, he stepped out of them kicking them to the sides. He stepped on the back of his shoes, removing them before pulling each sock off.

Reid was moving just as fast, and had somehow, in that period, had removed the last two pieces of his uniform as well.

Luke ran his hands down Reid’s body. He loved how hard and tight Reid’s muscles felt after a workout. It was such a turn on, as well as the fact that he was slightly dirty, and when he ventured off Reid’s lips, he could taste his masculine musk.

Reid loved the way that Luke was looking at him. Their lust for each other never waned and Reid especially loved the devilish look that Luke was giving him.

Reid had had greater plans than what they were about to do, but he didn’t have time to wait for the massive, swimming pool size tub to fill. They could do the cute stuff later. Reid grabbed Luke and thrust their bodies back together. It wasn’t pretty as they both fought for space. Reid let his hand run down along Luke’s back and when his hand met the top of Luke’s ass he pushed Luke’s underwear down, while pressing into his body. He head Luke let out a moan into his mouth, before helping assist Reid in getting them off.

As they fell down Luke’s legs, Luke stepped out of them quickly, and Reid surprised him by immediately falling to his knees. Luke tilted his head back in anticipation and couldn’t help but moan as Reid grabbed him by the base and at the same time took him into his mouth, coating him with his hot tongue.

Reid was feeling a bit like a masochist as he was still in his tight, restricting, boxer-briefs, but it was a small price to pay when he was sucking off his utterly gorgeous boyfriend.

Luke was pretty sure he blackout for most of it as his eyes were filled with white-dots as if he had stared into the sun, and his moans and groans were in unison with the amount of pressure that Reid was applying.

Reid was a very gifted multi-tasker as Luke was feeling a crazy amount of sensation. It was at that moment when Reid took his free hand and started to play with Luke’s ass. Reid dug his fingers around Luke’s entrance and he felt Luke lift his ass from off the wall. Reid slowly inserted one finger and he felt Luke jerk forward into his mouth. Reid started to move his fingers in opposition with his mouth. When he was fully on Luke’s cock, his fingers were barely touching, but when he was sucking and swirling on Luke’s head, his fingers were deep inside. Luke’s body didn’t know how to react and the noises that Luke was making were just as mind blowing as the sensation he was feeling.

Reid pulled his fingers out as he felt that Luke’s knees were barely shaking. Reid took a tight hold on the side of both of Luke’s legs and he quickly finished him off, using just his mouth. By the time Luke was coming, the only noise he could make was a silent groan that Reid could only feel in the back of his throat.

Reid quickly stood up and kissed Luke. Luke could barely open his mouth, so Reid took full control of the kiss. It was one of the hottest kisses he had ever had the pleasure of participating in.

“Holy shit.” Luke finally let out.

“Oh were not done yet.” Reid said as he pushed his lips back into Luke’s

Reid grabbed Luke’s hand and pressed it into his groin. He saw as Luke’s eyes bulged at just the feeling.

Reid knew that he probably wouldn’t last that long as getting Luke off had almost taken him to the edge himself, but the fact that Luke was willingly turning around on his own accord and bracing himself against the tile wall…

God Reid loved his boyfriend.

Reid took both hands on the side of his boxer-briefs and finally pushed them off. His cock sprung out and he was aching more than he thought he would be.

Reid quickly looked around, realizing that he hadn’t thought about what he was going to use for lube as his originally plan had been to fuck Luke senselessly in the tub. He tried to think quickly and he saw that there as a leftover bottle of conditioner that was just an arms reach away as it sat on one of the sinks.

Reid grabbed it and popped the cap. He squeezed just enough before cocking his own cock in the thick gel.

Luke was still standing there, his ass out, his hands braced against the wall.

Reid almost came right there.

Reid had barely touched his own cock, to glide it into Luke, and just that sensation alone made him moan loudly as he pushed into Luke. Luke, who was already exhausted from his starry-eye inducing blowjob just minutes before, pushed back against Reid, taking him deeper.

Reid grabbed a hold of Luke’s hips and started immediately at a fast pace. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to last as the constriction during Luke’s blowjob had made even the sensation of air too much. Luke was breathing hard as Reid thrust into him. He was already hard again and knew that the moment that Reid came, he would come as well.

Normally, Reid wasn’t that vocal, but right now, Reid was panting into Luke’s ear and as he held his thrusts deeper and longer inside Luke, he was let out a moan that went straight into Luke’s ear and down his spine.

“Fuck-” Reid muttered as he felt his body start to tense up. He wanted this to last longer but he was so turned on and he was so in love that he could barely keep it inside of him.

Luke was breathless as he felt Reid push further inside of him. He felt his own body tighten around Reid’s and he could hear that Reid was about to lose control as Reid’s fingers started to dig into his hips.

Reid gave one more thrust before he reached down and grabbed Luke’s cock as well.

“Holy- Oh my god” Luke breathed as he hadn’t been expecting Reid’s hand. He felt his body jolt forward as he came into Reid’s hand, for the second time in only ten minutes. Reid, upon feeling Luke’s second release, came shortly after.

Reid pulled out of Luke. Luke turned around and leaned against the wall.

“Oh…my…god…” Luke panted.

“Holy shit.”

“Top ten.”

“Top three.”

“It’s been a while since we did it some place other than a bed.” Luke said, as before the break up they had enjoyed the fair share of risky rendezvous.

Reid turned to face Luke, who in turn, faced him.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.” Reid barely brought his hand up and he graced Luke’s cheek before guiding Luke’s lips towards him. After they finished their slow, tender, loving kiss, Reid backup off the wall. He made his way over to his wand which was balancing on a far sink.

He grabbed it, flicked it, and the water to the bathtub started to run.

“Let’s clean up.” Reid said, smirking.

Reid tossed his wand down onto the pile of clothes and went over to the massive tub which was almost full. Maybe he had forgotten how fast it filled, as it was almost three-quarters of the way full. The bubbles were almost to the point of overwhelming but that is what made the Prefect’s Bathroom special.

Reid walked down the steps and fell in, the warm water felt nice on his now aching body, tired after a crazy, three-hour practice. He sighed as he moved around in the water and he watched as Luke finally dipped his feet in, before slowly walking down the steps.

Luke moved over to where Reid was now sitting, his head tilted back, letting the warm water engulf him.

“Long practice?” Luke asked as he moved against the underwater seating. Reid just nodded his head.

“Gryffindor is going to be tough.” Reid said, he ran his opposite hand across his shoulder and started to rub his own shoulder. His body was tense from gripping a broom for three hours. His legs were now starting to tighten up from balancing on a broom.

“Here let me help.” Luke offered as he turned Reid’s shoulders to him. Reid let the water help move his body as he turned his back towards Luke. Luke slowly started to rub Reid’s shoulders and the tension in them were unbelievable. He had felt Reid’s body, many times, but never like this.

It didn’t surprise Luke to feel the stress and tension in his boyfriends body. Reid was ridiculously busy, Luke sometimes didn’t know how Reid fit everything into a day. Not to mention, Reid never did anything that wasn’t done at one-hundred percent and his own standards where higher than anybody else’s.

Luke felt Reid relax into his hands and his body. He leaned his back into Luke’s chest and Luke continued to just barely massage his shoulders. It was rare that Reid ever let himself be this vulnerable, even though this was such a simple act, but Luke knew that Reid trusted him.

“You’re hands are amazing. But then again, I already knew that.” Reid barely muttered. The easy massage that Luke was giving him felt extraordinary and he never wanted it to end.

Reid turned his head to the side and he turned enough to face Luke. Luke leaned into Reid and met his lips, kissing him gently. Luke’s hands stopped moving as Luke felt Reid turn around in the water to face him for a better position.

The kissing was lazy and perfect. The water allowed them to move easily as they slowly made-out.

Everything about this moment was easy.

The kissing came to a natural halt as they had been in there for so long. Both knew they couldn’t stay in there forever even though they both wanted to.

“We should go.” Luke said, he held up his hands and showed Reid his pruney fingers.

Reid just nodded as he hopped out and grabbed a towel from the stack. He grabbed one for Luke and tossed it to him. They both dried off, but not without stealing as many kisses as possible, delaying the departure.

Reid, waved his wand at his dirty Quidditch clothes and they were miraculously cleaned. Luke literally stared in awe in the fact that Reid knew how to do that as that was sophisticated magic that wasn’t taught in school.

Luke pulled his jeans up and buttoned them, he watched as Reid picked through the whole uniform, settling on just the green shirt that was worn under it all. There was a gold ‘C’ in the corner that stood for captain. Luke licked his lips as he saw Reid smooth the shirt over.

“God, you really do have a kink for the uniform.” Reid said as he popped his head up and saw Luke staring at him.

“I can’t help it.” Luke said, replying with a smile.

Reid laughed as he let Luke kiss him. Luke’s hand was pressed firmly on Reid’s chest, practically trying to take it off again.

“Got everything?”


“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” Reid asked, he could tell that it was just barely becoming night as the stained-glass window with the mermaid wasn’t dancing with light as it was an hour ago.

“Dinner. Noah got splinched so we’ll see if he’s out yet. But I finished all my homework.”

“Right. How did your lesson go?”

“I didn’t move, not even an inch.”

“You know it’s not that hard.”

Luke crossed his arms and gave Reid a look. Reid just laughed.

Reid waved his wand one more time and the water in the bathtub slowly started to recede.

“I could help you, you know.”

“I thought you couldn’t use apparition inside Hogwarts?”

“Luke, every rule has a loophole.”

Luke just groaned as that was Reid’s answer for everything.

“Do you want to leave first?” Reid asked

“We can leave together.”

Luke could have sworn he saw a small smile, but Reid quickly regained control over his emotions.

They left the bathroom and started walking down the hallway in the direction of the hospital wing.

“You know what? I want to stop in and see Madam Pomfrey, I have to tell her my good news.” Reid said, stopping short in the hallway.

“Sure. I should be getting to dinner anyways.”

“See you later.”


Reid leaned in and kissed Luke, as he pulled away, he lightly tapped Luke’s cheek. He mouthed the words “I love you” before slowly turning and walking towards the Hospital Wing doors.

In the moment, Reid didn’t notice as the hospital wing doors were barely shutting before he reached them, as if somebody from the inside had tried to leave. Reid pushed the doors open and saw that Noah Mayer was standing almost right in front of him, his head bandaged.

“So, you and Luke, huh?” Noah asked.

Reid thought about denying it, but it was obvious that Noah had just witnessed them kissing as he was trying to leave the wing.


Noah didn’t say anything as he walked passed Reid. Reid couldn’t get a good reading off Noah’s reaction but it was too late to try and find Luke. Reid watched as Noah left the wing. He just prayed to god nothing bad was going to happen. He didn’t want to lose Luke because his friends didn’t approve.

But it was out of their hands now.

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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