Fic: Luke Snyder and the Letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck

Mar 25, 2011 17:49

Title: Luke Snyder and the Letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5691
Summary/Prompt: Luke and Reid enjoy being back together. Reid gets good news. Luke talks to Sam.
Author's note: As always, your comments on the last chapter meant so much to me. Please enjoy this installment :D
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse | Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice | Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks | Luke Snyder and the Adventures of Martin Miggle, the Mad Muggle | Luke Snyder and the Weird Sisters | Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (tealeaf readings) | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 2

Luke stirred in his sleep. He knew he had to get up in a couple of minutes to beat his roommates before they woke up, but he didn’t want to leave the comfort of the bed he was sharing with Reid. This was the first night that they had actually spent together since getting back together and he wasn’t ready for it to end.

As Luke started to turn, he felt Reid’s arms pull him closer to him. Reid wasn’t awake yet. It was something that Reid did subconsciously, not wanting Luke to leave. Luke had missed that during their time apart. It was so something so simple, but Luke had never told Reid that he did this as he didn’t want Reid to be self conscious about it. \

Luke knew that Reid’s body probably did it for it’s own selfish reasons as Luke could feel that Reid body was reacting to their physical contact. Luke peaked one eye open and caught the corner of the clock in the corner of the room. The clock that played a constant reminder is how their relationship had a timeframe before they had to depart. Luke despised that clock and he couldn’t wait for the day until it didn’t matter what time it was, as his friends knew where he was.

The clock read, 5:50.

Which meant that they had a grand total of 30 minutes before Luke might potentially blow their cover.

As of currently, they had kept to what they had been doing over the holidays and after Luke had broken up with Sam. They would talk if they saw each other in the halls and once while Luke was eating dinner with his friends, Reid came over, whispered something in Luke’s ear that made him smile before walking away.

His friends had questioned the encounter, but Luke just said that it was an inside joke that they shared from one of their potions tutoring sessions. Thankfully, his friends just dismissed the whole encounter, but didn’t say anything bad about Reid. Luke was happy that his friends had listened to him the last time he made a request that they didn’t talk ill about Reid.

Luke pushed his body in Reid’s and he felt Reid let out a deep sigh into his ear. Luke loved that noise, and he also loved that Reid’s erection was now pushing into him.

Luke slowly turned his body, flipping into Reid’s. Luke slowly started planting kisses on Reid’s sleeping lips and he could feel the Slytherin start to stir. Luke moved carefully across Reid’s lips and passed his cheeks. Luke started to drag his tongue along the edge of Reid’s chin before finding the perfect spot on his neck. His hands slowly moved down Reid’s chest until they were balancing along the line where Reid’s boxer-briefs met his skin.

Reid, who had been enjoying quite the vivid dream was suddenly aware that his dream was actually reality. He debated between opening his eyes to join Luke in the festivities, but decided against it. He liked knowing that Luke thought that he was still asleep.

Luke continued to suck gently on Reid’s neck. As fun as it was kissing his sleeping boyfriend, he wanted Reid to wake the fuck up so they could play together.

Just as Luke had thought that, he was suddenly flipped onto his back by Reid who was now straddling him at his hips. Reid leaned down and kissed an obviously surprised Luke, who quickly gave into the kiss.

“Good morning.” Reid said as he pulled away. Luke reached up and ran his hand down Reid’s bare chest. Even though the room was dark, Luke could see that he had at least given Reid the faintest of hickeys.

Luke just looked up and smiled at Reid. He didn’t care that it was barely six in the morning, that fact that Reid was down for anything at anytime was such a turn on, and as he tried to fight against Reid straddling him, he could feel his own body start to become hard.

Reid leaned back down and Luke met him before falling back into the pillow. The kiss was hot and hungry and incredibly sexy. There were no windows in the Room of Requirements but there were strategically placed candles that never seemed to burn down. So as the candle light flickered against Reid’s chest, the contours of his muscles, which were well defined due to long quiddich practices, barely glowed and Luke couldn’t help but run his hands along them. He loved Reid’s body and he loved how perfect they fit together. There was never an awkward angle or movement.

Reid suddenly grabbed Luke’s hands that were again resting on his hips. He held them tight as he held them over Luke’s head, making it impossible for him to move.

“How much time do we have?” Reid asked, his voice angelic as opposed to aggressive. Luke tried to twist his body to look at the clock but Reid wouldn’t let him. It was hot how Luke had gone from dominating to now Reid.

“Not much.” Luke barely got out before Reid silenced him with a hard kiss. Their tongues fought against each other and Luke whose arms were starting to feel strained, held his teeth on the bottom of Reid’s lips, pulling it into his mouth, causing Reid to lose control for just long enough for him to break out of Reid’s hold.

Luke wiggled under Reid and Reid let him gain a bit of control. The push and pull of dominance was so hot and Reid had been waiting for somebody who saw him as an equal. There was never a competition between the two of them and they took turns being in charge, each knowing when it was time to let the other take the reigns.

Reid moved off of Luke’s body and they both quickly moved, shedding the bottom half of their clothes. Reid grabbed his wand off the table and illuminated it, trying to find the lube from last night. He gave his wand a flick before it flew into his hand from under the bed. How it had gotten under there would remain a secret, but now it didn’t matter.

Luke was finally able to snag a look at the clock as Reid’s wand had illiminated the room enough for him to finally get a good and accurate reading.

They really didn’t have that much time, but they never usually could last that long in the mornings anyways.

Reid, caught up in the heat of the moment tossed his wand onto the floor and at that moment, Luke tackled him from the side, causing him to fall onto his side. Luke pushed Reid onto his back and grabbed the lube from his hand as Reid laughed into a kiss in Luke’s neck.

“Somebody really is in a hurry.” Reid said, as he watched Luke uncap the lube and squeeze some onto his hand. Luke gently reached for Reid and started to coat his cock. Luke was actually being relatively patient about the whole thing as Luke actually took the time to make sure that Reid was fully ready.

Reid had his head tilted back, as Luke was working on him. Luke knew the perfect amount of pressure to apply and it was driving Reid absolutely crazy, he had been hard since before he had even woke up, to finally have some attention to his aching cock was such a release.

While still working on Reid, who was clearly enjoying every second of what he was doing, he reached for the uncapped lube and as best as he could squeezed just the right amount onto the end of two of his fingers. As Reid grabbed a handful of sheets to keep from coming too quickly, Luke let go of Reid’s cock. Luke moved to his knees and he just barely smeared the lube around his entrance before just barely pushing the two finger inside of him. He was still pretty well adjusted as last night they had practically completed a marathon.

Reid opened his eyes just in time to see Luke pleasuring himself. He loved when Luke did that. There were times when Luke was so wholesome and pure that he forgot of how completely slutty that Luke could be when he wanted to be. It was so hot that Reid couldn’t help but lean forward and slowly stroke Luke’s cock as he just barely keep his fingers inside of him.

Luke let out a sharp gasp, unexpectedly feeling Reid’s warm hand on his cock, but he quickly finished up what he was doing, as if Reid kept doing what he was doing, he would be a goner in a matter of seconds.

Luke pulled his fingers out and he moved on his knees over towards Reid, once in front of Reid, Luke widen his stance and allowed Reid to move his legs closer together to that he could have the outside. Luke moved so that he was practically kneeling over Reid and he slowly started to go lower. Reid took on his hands and gripped Luke’s hip tightly as his other hand went to his cock to guide into Luke.

Luke sucked in his breath as he felt Reid enter him. He let Reid keep just the tip in, which he knew drove Reid crazy, before he finally lowered himself onto Reid. He braced his hands on both side of Reid’s body and he leaned forward connecting his lips with Reid’s.

Reid was already thrusting at such a slow pace as both knew that in the morning if they got too eager, nobody would last long, so he kissed Luke back.

This was easily Luke’s favorite position as it was so intimate. He got to feel all of Reid as well as kiss him at the same time and they could always go as slow or as fast as they wanted. He loved how his own cock moved along Reid’s abs as every time Reid pushed up his body would also move.

Everything about this moment felt utterly amazing.

Their kisses were long and slow and when Reid would hold himself inside Luke, pushing further and further at such an excruciating slow pace that Luke could only shut his eyes and bite his lip in extreme pleasure. During those moments Reid would push his fingers into Luke’s hips and he could feel the blond’s body squirm on top of him, only intensifying the pleasure they were both feeling.

“God-fuck.” Luke sputtered out as Reid was slowly pulling out of him before pushing back into him. Luke moved his body to push back down and he could feel his body start to tighten around Reid’s and he knew he was close. He could also tell that Reid was close as well as Reid’s breathing had started to become more erratic as he tried to concentrate on getting them both off.

Luke pushed himself up and he leaned back, allowing the new angle to help guide Reid towards climax, as well as he could also try to finish himself. In the current moment he wasn’t too concerned about the time, but he knew it was a factor. Luke grabbed his own cock which was dripping as having been moving against Reid’s body and he started to stroke it in unison with Reid.

Luke felt his body lose control as he felt heavy before suddenly feeling as light as air. He felt the warm mixture of sweat, lube, and cum explore in his hand. His body felt suddenly tight as Reid tried to push further into him and Luke let out a moan of pure ecstasy.

He felt Reid tighten his grip into his hips even more soon he felt Reid release.

Normally, they would both bask in the moment of unadulterated pleasure, but both knew that they needed to leave soon.

Luke slowly lifted his hips and he felt Reid finally pull out of him. Luke fell down next to him and took his hand to moved Reid’s face towards him.

“Love you.” Luke murmured into Reid’s lips.

“Love you too.” Reid whispered back.

Reid rolled over Luke, leaning over the bed to grab his wand. Luke laughed at the hilarity of what a picture of this moment would look like and in a matter of seconds of Reid grabbing his wand, the room was promptly cleaned up.

Reid then flicked his wand and all the candles in the room burst into flames, allowing just enough light for Luke to find all his belongings before having to rush out. Reid took a glance at the clock, and although their sex had felt like hours and hours of passionate love-making, in reality it had just barely clocked in at a meager twenty minutes.

Luke pushed Reid who was still lying on top of him, off to the side as he reached for his own wand which was nowhere to be found as last night things had tended to start flying.

“Reid, can you find all my shit for me.”

Reid groaned as he flicked his wand a couple of times and Luke’s clothes which were scattered all over the room came flying over to the bed. Followed by Luke’s wand which had somehow ended up on the other side of the room, near a creepy cabinet that neither one of them never went near as they had no idea what it was doing in their Room of Requirements.

Luke quickly got dressed realizing that he was really pushing it. Reid groaned again as he moved around the bed, getting under the messed up sheets, not even bothering to put his clothes back on.

“Just say it.” Luke said, as they were working on their communication skills.

“I think I’m going to out us later today.”

“Reid, if we don’t incept this neatly into my friends heads they won’t take it well. And as it won’t affect us, it will affect my relationship with them and I can’t have that.”

“I know, I know, I’m just being impatient because I know that the night when you can finally sleep over, for the whole time and I can wake up next to you without you needing to race out of here as soon as the clock strikes 6:30. I'm dying for that day and I know it's close.”

“You’re sweet. But we got ourselves into the mess and now we need to slowly get ourselves out of it.”

Luke hopped off the bed to get his jeans on.

“Also, since we are being all chatty, I think I’m going to tell Sam.”

“Say what?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and when I ended things with him, I told him it was because I was still in love with my “ex”” Luke said making air quotes. “If he sees us flirting he’s going to know it’s you. I’d rather tell him myself and tell him that we don’t want to come out to the whole school yet. He respects me so he won’t tell anybody.”

“Well isn’t he just the sweetest.”

“Shut up Reid.”

Luke moved around to the other side of the bed so that he could kiss Reid goodbye.

“I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” Luke said as he leaned over and kissed Reid.

“Want to try and do lunch today? You know, in front of people.”

Luke knew that if he was going to tell Sam he would have to let Reid do something as well.

“Yeah, as long as Potions doesn’t run over by an hour like last time.”

“It won’t.”

“I hate that you always sound so sure.”

“I’ll talk to Snape.”

“How do you…”

“Shhh, don’t ask questions Snyder.” Reid said smirking, he loved that Luke was always so baffled, but if he hadn’t realized already, Reid had a pretty strong power of persuasion.

Luke just shook his head and walked towards the door, he was already two minutes behind scheduled, but leaving at 6:30 was just a precautionary measure to not get caught.

“Love you.”

Luke turned around to look at Reid, as hearing him declare his love never got old and still made the butterflies in his stomach dance around.

“I’ll see you a lunch.” Luke said and even though the room was slightly dimmer since Reid had already changed the candles, he could see Reid smile at his response.

Luke quickly snuck out of the Room of Requirements and made the familiar trip back to the Gryffindor common room. The path was simple in the morning, but Luke was still on high alert. After taking a couple of well timed staircases he was dropped off in front of the Fat Lady in record time.

“You again. Always waking me up. I thought we were done with these early morning interruptions.”

“ Mimbulus Mimbletonia” Luke said, crossing his arms over his chest. He hadn’t missed playing this game with the Fat Lady every morning.

“Fine fine fine, just go.” She said, clearing realizing that Luke was well over her protests.

Luke took the stairs up to the sixth year dormitory and he was happy to see that all his friends were fast asleep. Luke kicked his shoes off and pulled back the covers of his bed. He had mastered the art of taking his clothes off while looking like he was sleeping and soon he was fast asleep, as he didn’t have class for another two hours.


Luke and his friends were leaving Potions, and like Reid had promised, it had ended on time. Luke couldn’t help but smile as he left knowing that it was because of his boyfriend that everybody was leaving Potions in a good mood.

“I’m going to go find Sam real quick.” Luke sort of blurted out as his friends were approaching the Great Hall.

“Really?” Noah asked

“Yeah, we’ve been talking and we want to stay friends and...”

“Are you going to eat with us?” Casey said, cutting in before Luke was done.

Right as Casey asked that Reid walked by and caught Luke’s eye. Luke tried not to smile, but it was so obvious as he was genuinely happy right now. Reid looked at Luke’s friends and made a face that he only wanted Luke to see, before he kept walking into the Great Hall.

“Maybe, I just am going to find Sam first because I know he’s done with Transfigurations now.”

Luke spotted Sam and his friends and he called out to him. Sam looked better than the last time they had talked and Noah and Casey took the hint to go find their seats in the Great Hall. As they were walking away, Luke heard Noah say something about how Reid had looked at them funny.

“Hey.” Sam said as he approached Luke right outside of the entrance to the Great Hall.

“Do you have a minute before you go in? I just have something I need to tell you and I wanted you to hear it from me and not somebody else.”

“Yeah sure.” Sam looked at his friends to tell them to let them be alone and they silently understood and walked into the Great Hall. “What’s up Luke?”

Luke started to walk just a little ways from the door as most of the students who had lunch now were already in there, but he still didn’t want people to hear him. Luke stopped against the wall which was at a deadend so he knew they would be alone and not interupted.

“It’s nothing serious,” Luke started, but he still felt like he was hurting Sam. “But like I said, I wanted you to hear it from me.”


“First off, how are you?”

“I’m good.”

“That’s good.”

The moment was awkward but how else was this moment supposed to be.

“Okay, I guess I’ll just cut to the chase. And Sam, I trust you, so if you could, please don’t tell anybody what I’m going to tell you.”

“Of course, Luke. Whatever you are going to tell me I won’t tell anybody.”

“Remember when I told you that I was still in love with my ex-boyfriend.”

“How could I forget.”

“Well, I don’t really know how to put this nicely, but we got back together.”

“And you’re telling me this because.”

“Because I didn’t want rumors to start. We kept our relationship a secret for so long and you were the only person I told about even having an ex-boyfriend. Anyways, I’m going to tell you who it is, because we are trying to slowly let the school know. And we are taking it slow, because I didn’t want to hurt you thinking I had moved onto somebody new so fast.”

“Okay, I guess I see what you are saying.”

“It’s Reid Oliver.”

Sam almost choked on his own tongue.

“Really?” Sam said, his eyes were wide and he was genuinely surprised to hear that it was Reid. “Wow, I guess I never would have ever expected that.”

“We were pretty good at keeping it a secret.”

“I…Wow, I mean. I guess I don’t really know what to say. But I’m happy you told me because I probably would have kicked his ass if I thought that he just swooped in after you dumped me.”

“And that’s why I wanted to tell you because he’s pretty good at magic, didn't want you to get hurt.” Luke said and Sam laughed knowing that there was no way he would ever have been able to take on Reid Oliver, magical badass.

“Thanks, I guess.” Sam laughed “And don’t worry Luke, I’m not going to tell anybody until you guys are ‘out’ I guess.”

“God Sam, you are seriously the best. I stand by what I said before, anybody who’s not an idiot like me will be more than lucky to have you.”

“Okay, thanks for telling me, as much as it sucks hearing it.” Sam said. He gave Luke a small smile as he walked away. Luke let out a sigh of relief. It was the first time he had told anybody about Reid and it felt like a small weight was lifted off his shoulder.

Luke followed just a couple of minutes behind Sam. He was impressed with how well Sam took it and he knew that Sam’s word was good. He was hoping that this was one more step in order to maintain a friendship.

Luke walked into the Great Hall and he looked around. As lunch time had no real defined time as many classes ran long or short, so Luke was surprised to see that there were so many empty seats. He saw his friends and their girlfriends in their usual spot, he also saw Reid sitting alone at the far end of the Slytherin table, he was emerged in a letter that looked to be pretty long.

Luke took a deep breath and made his way over to Reid. It was the first big step in their courting and although it made his nervous to sit with Reid at lunch, Reid was playing his part by asking him to sit with him. Reid was taking his courting very seriously and Reid never did anything half-assed. And although Luke was nervous, he was also excited, as no matter what he was doing with Reid, just being near him gave him butterflies and he could feel excitement run though his body.

Luke took the long walk around the tables towards Reid sitting alone at the Slytherin table.

“Hey.” Luke said as he finally made it over to Reid. Reid popped his head up from the letter and smiled up at Luke.

“Did you talk to Sam?” Reid asked as he watched as Luke sat down next to him. He gave Luke a quick appreciative smile for actually coming through with his promise.

“Yeah. It went well. He was shocked to hear it was you.” Luke said.

Reid laughed as he let his shoulder bump against Luke’s.

“Well, I mean.”

“Reid!” Luke said laughing back. “Anyways, he said he wouldn’t tell anybody until we were like out or something.” He reached for a sandwich that was on a platter in front of him and took a bite. “So, who is the letter from?” Luke asked before taking a bite.

“This.” Reid said excitedly. “This is my future.”

“And that means?”

“This is from Hippocrates Smethwyck. He is a healer at St. Mungo’s and I interned under him this summer. The first half is a catch up, pleasantries and such, but this part.” Reid said as he rolled up the top of the parchment just exposing the bottom half. “He says and I quote, ‘Reid, I have made arrangements for you to join my team after you graduate from Hogwarts. I know you’ll get nothing less than Outstandings on your N.E.W.Ts but you are already above our standards. This is my informal offer as I cannot send a formal offer until after your exam results are in. Just wanted you to know that you will bring talent unseen of in many years to St. Mungo’s.’” Reid set the letter down and he couldn’t help but smile, even though he tried to suppress it.

“Oh my god Reid, that is amazing. That’s been your goal since forever.”

“I know. And to know that Hippocrates Smethwyck wants me on his team. He’s like only the greatest most innovative healer at St. Mungo’s in like 200 years.”

“Well you deserve it.” Luke said. He really was proud of Reid. After hearing about how his parents had died, it only made sense that Reid would want to dedicate his life to helping other people who were harmed by magic.

“When do you turn 17?” Reid asked, changing the subject rather quickly.

“May.” Luke said, giving Reid a weird look.

“I was thinking…” Reid leaned into Luke, letting his hand rest on Luke’s thigh and he whispered into Luke’s ear. “that we could live together this summer, you can get an internship at the Daily Prophet and I’ll work at St. Mungo’s.”

Luke, who couldn’t mask his emotions as well as Reid could, couldn’t help but smile from ear-to-ear as Reid said that to him. Luke shifted his eyes around the Great Hall and saw that his friends were looking at him, but he didn’t care. This was part of their plan anyways, and to hear that Reid wanted this to be the real thing, something that could actually last, he didn’t care if anybody saw how happy he was.

“I like that idea.” Luke said as Reid pulled away and went back to rolling and unrolling his letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck.

“Anyways, I hate to cut out lunch date short but I gotta go, I told Dumbledore I would tell him if I heard anything about this, but thanks for sitting with me. I promise next time it will be longer.”

“Or you could just make it up to me tonight.”

“Yeah, I could do that too.”

Reid got up from the table, but not before squeezing Luke’s thigh, another gesture to show how happy he was that Luke actually came to sit down with him. He had to make his meeting with Dumbledore quick as he had another class in about twenty-minutes.

Luke looked around realizing that he was now all alone at the Slytherin table. He pushed his sandwich back into the middle and it magically disappeared. Luke got up from his seat and made his way over to his friends who were still there.

“Hey guys.” Luke said, trying to be nonchalant about the whole situation, but he knew they were going to bring it up.

Maddie had a look in her eye like she knew what was going on, which was the goal, but it still made him nervous.

“Eating lunch with Reid Oliver now?”

“He couldn’t tutor tonight me so he asked me to meet him today at lunch to just go over something.”

“You guys look cute together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile before, but when he was with you he couldn’t stop.” Maddie said

“Oh my god Maddie, you think Luke would date Reid.” Casey said and Luke just rolled his eyes.

“Well if you have ever listened to Luke talk about him, they are friends and Reid has changed this year. Luke have you ever thought about it. And I know you just broke up with Sam and he’s my friend too, but since we were all spying on your guys while you sat over there, you looked different around him.”

“I mean, it’s not like it hasn’t crossed my mind.” Luke said “and guys please don’t say anything, I like Reid and...”

“I don’t really care who you date.” Noah said speaking up. “Maddie’s right, Reid has been different this year, minus the first couple weeks, but Luke, you can do whatever you want.”

“I mean, I guess we’ve had some questionable girlfriends in the past.” Casey said, thinking back to last year when he dated a complete psycho. They didn’t even say her name anymore as she seemed to be a bad omen.

Luke could feel more weight leaving his shoulders. Reid must have known that this was going to happen, make Luke confront his fear of his friends finding out. But it was turning out to be pretty positive. Better than he ever could have expected.

And as Reid has always joked, he could always just oblivilate them if they didn't like it.

Luke reached for more food as he hadn’t had a chance to eat other than a couple of bites of his sandwich before Reid left. He grabbed a plate and some food and started to eat as the conversation quickly changed from off his lunch with Reid and onto the end of the Quidditch season which was quickly approaching. There was only two matches left, Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff for third and fourth place. And Gryffindor versus Slytherin for the Quidditch cup. Ali and Maddie were joking over who was going to get last place.

Luke was able to breath a sigh of relief as his friends were slowly starting to be okay with his friendly relationship with Reid Oliver.


“Professor Dumbledore” Reid said as he came up the stairs and into the Headmaster’s office.

“Mr. Oliver, we don’t play chess today do we. I am getting old, but I still believe today is Monday.”

“It is, but I got this and I wanted to tell you.” Reid said holding out the parchment for Dumbledore to look at.

Dumbledore gently grabbed the parchment that Reid held out and he started to read over it, barely looking into his half-moon glasses.

Dumbledore started to nod his head as he got to the bottom.

“My boy.” Dumbledore said looking at Reid. “Hippocrates is an excellent healer and you are a worthy candidate to fill his position if he ever retires, he might even end up working for you one day.”

Reid felt a jolt of joy rush through his body as Dumbledore had taken on parental role ever since his first year at Hogwarts. And to hear him praise him in such a high acknowledgment made him feel amazing.

“I’m proud of you” Dumbledore continued “You have taken your studies seriously and your unwavering dedication to learning the art of healing is unmatched. You will be a great healer.”

Reid tried his best to keep control of his emotions as only a small smile was able to creep out of the corners of his mouth.

“I have a favor to ask as well.” Reid said, as he was never scared to ask Dumbledore for anything. It had taken him awhile to get to that point, but Dumbledore had always guided him and never judged him.


“I was wondering if you could help my friend get a job at the Daily Prophet, just for the summer. You know, just a name of somebody he could contact and submit his writings to."

“I think I could help you with that.”

“Thanks.” Reid said, he knew that Dumbledore would help him and Luke. He had been thinking about asking Luke to stay with him for the summer, but he had needed to wait until they were back together. Plus, he wanted to help Luke with his goal as well.

“Are you going to be late for class?” Dumbledore asked, handing the rolled parchment back to Reid but addressing the clock that was in the office.

“Yeah, I got to go. I just wanted to tell you.”

“I’m happy you did.”

Reid nodded his head before leaving Dumbledore’s office. He felt elated, something he didn’t feel very often, but he had never been happier.

Everything was falling into place.

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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