The Prodigy Son - 6

Mar 25, 2011 13:41

Author: Hotlen/Stonehouse
Title:The Prodigy Son
Characters: Reid, Luke, Mrs. Oliver
Raiting: R for language
Summary: Luke and Reid have grown up together and are best friends. They are the same age - 15. Reid is a child prodigy, it took him 9 weeks to go through High school. He went to Harvard and graduated as a board certified MD at age 14. Reid is now a resident at Memorial Hospital. Reid decided to use his genius to become a doctor when Luke fell ill as a child with kidney failure. Reid is out with his sexuality, but Luke has yet to admit it to himself or to anyone else. While Reid may be out and proud, he’s never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone before, since he was never around kids his own age.
Author's Note: For those of you who read The Lavender Sky and didn't like the ending, I'm posting a sequel to it at Lure_taboo. I posted a new chapter a few minutes ago, but all the chapters can be found here Lure_taboo in case you are interested.

Chapter 6

Reid’s mouth dropped open, his brain unable to comprehend what the two men on his computer screen were doing. Instead of using his mandatory vacation from work reflecting on his chosen career, Reid watched unending hours of internet porn. He started with the tame things, blowjobs, hand jobs, he worked his way through all the sex positions and was now into the kinky freaky S and M porn. The tamer things had made Reid horny, but whatever these two men were doing had Reid feeling uncomfortable and scared. As the groaning grew louder from his computer monitor Reid turned to see Luke scampering up his roof. Reid quickly exited the window and slammed his laptop closed.

“Look what I got.” Luke climbed through the window and held up a DVD with a wicked grin.

“What is it?”


Reid’s mouth dropped, his heart fluttering as if Luke could see what he had been literally up to. “Where’d you get that?”

“From my dad’s stash.”

“Sick, Luke.”

“Come on, watch it with me.”

“Whoa, what? No way.”

“Come on, there’s a girl and a guy.” Before Reid could protest more, Luke already had the DVD in the player and sprawled out across Reid’s bed. Reid, curious as to what was on the DVD, joined Luke on the bed. Luke fast-forwarded through the “story line” until both the subjects were naked.

“Wow, look at her tits.”

“Oh, yeah… amazing?”

Luke turned his head to Reid, “I thought gay guys liked girls boobs?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t actually seen any that weren’t on a cadaver or a patient’s body. And you don’t really think of patients as sexy when they are bleeding or in pain.”

“You’re a buzz-kill Reid, stop talking.”

Both boys went back to watching the movie. The woman on screen was riding the man backwards on the couch. Their moans quietly filled Reid’s room. Reid’s cock started to twitch with each muscular thrust the man dug into the woman. He could see out of the corner of his eye that Luke was enjoying the movie also.

Reid couldn’t help the awkward feeling. The feeling that lying in bed with his best friend, who he might secretly have feelings for, while watching porn, was not a good idea. Then, something terrifyingly thrilling happened. Reid saw Luke’s hand go to his crotch and rub himself over his jeans. Reid’s breath hitched as his eyes kept on Luke’s hand. The moans of those on screen and the soft ones emanating out of Luke’s pink O’ed lips had Reid’s cock trying to break through his denim.

“Luke?” Reid’s breath was low and husky. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to enjoy the movie.” Luke’s eyes swept over Reid’s crotch to his erection. “I suggest you do the same.”

Reid’s heart pounded so loud he was sure Luke could hear it. His chest felt tight and he couldn’t breathe, all he could do was continue to stare at Luke’s hand as it rubbed faster and harder over his jeans.

Something inside Reid snapped. Probably the string attaching him to the real world, because before he could stop himself he leaned over Luke and kissed him deeply. For a few seconds their mouths were fused, Reid enjoying the soft tender lips of his best friend. Reid, about to sneak his hand between them and feel Luke’s erection was rudely awakened from his pleasure trip by Luke’s hands on his shoulder throwing him back.

“What the hell man!?” Luke’s eyes glared at him with fire, a look completely foreign to those baby browns. Reid’s stomach started to churn, seeing his friend’s face completely transformed.

“Luke, shit I’m sorry.”

Luke glared at him and sat up, turning off the DVD and taking it back. Reid reached out to grab his hand to stop him from leaving, but Luke immediately snapped it away, “Don’t touch me!”

“Luke, come on I’m sorry!”

Luke made a B-line for the window, clumsily climbing out, and sliding himself off the roof.

Reid sat on the edge of his bed, looking through the open empty window. Before Reid knew it, he started to sob.

Mrs. Oliver was on her way to her bedroom with laundry when she could hear Reid’s sniffles through the door. She slowly pushed it open and saw her sons’ body hunched over the side of his bed; shoulders shaking, face in hands. She put down her laundry basket and slowly sat beside him, placing a gentile hand on his back. With the touch Reid cried louder, falling into his mother’s bosom, feeling her arms pull him in against her, her motherly arms protecting him and keeping him safe like a child.

“Reid, honey, what happened?” Fear laced her voice as she tried to keep calm. One of her hands went to his hair, petting his soft curls like a baby.

“Luke and I, we were laying on my bad watching TV and then all of a sudden something happened inside me. I didn’t think, I acted, and I kissed him.”

“Oh baby.” She held him tighter as she felt the wet spot on her blouse grow.

“He ran out of here like I was a sicko. I’ll probably never see him again once Lily hears about this.” Reid pulled away from his mom, wiping his eyes off on his sleeve.

“Give Luke some time, sweetheart. He needs to process his feelings the same as you do.”

“I kissed him mom, he’s never going to forgive me.”

“Oh I highly doubt that.”

“I love him mom, I can’t lose him!”

“I don’t think you will, honestly Reid.”

“What am I going to do?”

“How about going downstairs with me? There’s still pie and ice cream left.”

Reid wiped his eyes off on the back of his hand and agreed, following his mother down to the kitchen, trying to forget the mistake that could cost him his one and only friendship.


A few days later Mrs. Oliver turned around to see Luke peeking through the back door. She tried not to smile in victory to herself. She knew those two boys couldn’t stay away from each other forever.

“Hey Mrs. Oliver, is Reid here?”

“No Luke, he’s not. He’s at work.”

“Oh good. I came to talk to you.”

“Why don’t you sit down at the table? I’ll fix you some milk and cookies and we can talk. I have Oreos - they’re Reid’s favorite.” They both said simultaneously.

Luke sat down and Mrs. Oliver poured him a large glass of milk and set out the half eaten package of cookies. “I bought those new yesterday.”

“Reid sure does like to eat.” Luke said awkwardly, picking up a cooking and twisting it over and over in his fingers.

“What did you want to talk to me about, dear?”

“Well, um, how did you know Reid was gay?”

“I didn’t!” She laughed at herself, “Honestly there was so much more going on at that time. He was going to Harvard and studying for his board exams. And quite honestly I never thought about it, he was still so young. When he told me he knew he was gay I was shocked. Not because he was gay but because he knew it so defiantly.”

“Did you try to change his mind?”

“Change his mind? Oh dear you can’t do that. People are who they are.” Mrs. Oliver stopped and watched Luke who pulled apart his Oreo, eating the cream and dipping the cookies into his milk. She let him finish it before continuing. “I feel like this has more to do with you than it does Reid.”

“My mom says that Reid can choose not be how he is.”

“Your mom has it wrong. We are all who we are, no exceptions.”

“What if you don’t want to be who you are?” Luke mumbled into his glass of milk.

Mrs. Oliver had known Luke ever since the day he was born. He and Reid were only two months apart, and funny enough Luke was the older one, although you couldn’t tell with the way each boy acted. She watched the young man grow up, suffer through a failing kidney, dialysis and then finally a transplant of suspicious origins. She watched as his parents divorced, married others, broke up, and remarried each other over and over again. The only constant in the poor boys life was Reid. Now she sat across from him at the kitchen table watching the pained confused look on his face.

“Luke, are you gay?” Luke’s eyes shot up to Mrs. Oliver, round and scared. “Honey, it’s OK if you are.” She placed her hand on top of Luke’s. “Or if you’re too scared to say it.”

“I don’t want it to be true.” She could see his eyes sucking back the tears.

“Why not?”

“Because my mom will hate me. She doesn’t even let Reid into the house since he came out. I can’t imagine what she’ll do to me.”

Mrs. Oliver nodded. “Look, no offense but your mom is a nut-job, and how you turned out to be such a sweet, fun, loving boy is beyond me but you did. And no matter what happens at your house you are always welcome to stay here, do you understand me, Luke?” Luke finally let his tears fall, his body starting to shake. “Honey,” Mrs. Oliver said softly, moving her chair beside him and pulling him against her. “You have to be who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks or expects form you, do you understand me?”

“I don’t want to lose my family.”

“Sometimes that’s the price we pay for being ourselves. But let me ask you, what’s better? Being scared of who we are and hiding it from people who would never except us, or being ourselves proudly and finding the people who love us no matter what?”

Luke sipped at his milk, “What do you think Reid will think?”

“I think he’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Luke sighed, hanging his head and began eating more Oreos. He wasn’t sure why he was scared to tell his gay best friend that he too was gay. Maybe he was worried of being called a copycat. His whole life he wanted to be like Reid in every way. Maybe he was scared of Reid’s obvious feelings towards him. Reid’s surprise kiss had been Luke’s first. Luke wasn’t sure if it was a first time thrill or the thrill of being kissed by a guy. And then of course there were his fears of his own feelings. Telling Reid made it real, telling Reid meant that his feelings would be out too. Telling Reid meant that there would be no wall between them to express how they felt for one another, how much deeper than friendship he knew it went for both of them. Telling Reid would either be the end of their friendship and the start of something new, or the end of everything completely.

reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: hotlen, luke snyder, rating: r, fan fiction

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