Luke Snyder and the Amortentia Potion

May 09, 2011 09:20

Title: Luke Snyder and the Amortentia Potion
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8100
Summary/Prompt: Reid gives Luke an ultimatium
Author's note: Anybody still here?? Sorry this took so long to post, ive been having crazy internet problems. PLEASE ENJOY! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Disclaimer: I do not own ATWT or HARRY POTTER

Luke Snyder and the Room of Requirements | Luke Snyder and the Felix Felicis | Luke Snyder and Advanced Potion Making | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised | Luke Snyder and the Hospital Wing | Luke Snyder and the Herbology Greenhouse | Luke Snyder and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice | Luke Snyder and the Three Broomsticks | Luke Snyder and the Adventures of Martin Miggle, the Mad Muggle | Luke Snyder and the Weird Sisters | Luke Snyder and Tessomacy (tealeaf readings) | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 1 | Luke Snyder and the Pensieve: Part 2 | Luke Snyder and the Letter from Hippocrates Smethwyck | < ahref="">Luke Snyder and the Prefect Bathroom

“Hey” Luke whispered as he snuck into Snape’s classroom closing the door quietly behind him. Yesterday, Reid had asked him to meet in the potion teacher’s classroom and Luke had no idea why, but he loved that Reid was always full of surprises.

Reid, who was lying haphazardly on Snape’s desk, one leg hanging off, as he twirled his wand between his fingers, turned his head to the side and smiled as Luke approached him.

The room was dimly lit and Luke carefully made his way through the desks over to Reid, who still hadn’t said anything yet. Luke was trying to get a feel of what was going on, but Reid was an expert at putting walls up and although everything felt romantic, the closer he got to Reid the less confident he felt.

Reid didn’t move from his position as Luke finally made it over to the desk. He was hoping that Luke would speak first so that they could continue with the night he had planned. But first, the huge Cave Troll that was in the room for a while now, needed to be discussed.

Luke placed his hand on Reid’s chest and leaned down and gave the older boy a kiss, which Reid lackadaisically responded to. Luke pulled a way and frowned. Reid continued to let his wand lace through his fingers, apparently unaffected.

“What’s up?” Luke asked as he stepped away from the desk. He watched as Reid pushed himself up and sat up, his legs now swaying back in forth.

“Have you told your friends yet?” Reid questioned cutting right to the point. He didn’t have the time or the energy to go through the whole song and dance.

It had been four days since Noah had seen them kissing outside the hospital wing and surprisingly Noah hadn’t brought it up to Luke yet. Reid had told Luke only an hour after it happened, so it wasn’t as if it was a big secret that Noah knew.

“I-” Luke started, but he had no excuse and Reid was about to cut him off anyways.

“I thought we had this “discussion” already” Reid said, making air quotes, “and I thought we would be public by now. The quaffle is in your hands now Luke.”

“Reid.” Luke started, “I’m sor-”

“No, don’t apologize.” Reid said his voice much calmer than before. “It’s just I thought with Noah knowing, you would have told them. It’s obvious he hasn’t told your other friends or else the whole school would know. He’s waiting for you to say it.”

“I don’t know why it scares me so much.” Luke replied honestly.

“I could tell in his eyes that he was more hurt by finding out the way he did than it actually being me you were kissing.”

“I’m worried that things are going to change.”

“Like what?”

“Like…” Luke tried to think of a scenario when he realized that he had none.

“What’s going to change is that I am going to hold your hand in the hallway” Reid replied hopping off the desk and grabbing Luke’s hand and lacing his fingers between his own. “What’s going to change is that I’m going to kiss you whenever and wherever I want.” Reid added as he leaned in and gave Luke a small kiss. He could feel the Gryffindor smile into it as his words were easing his worry. “What’s going to change is that the whole school is going to know I am in love with you.”

Luke couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. Not only did Reid want his friends to know, but he wanted the whole school to know and he wasn’t afraid or ashamed of anything. However, he should have known that, since Reid never apologizes for his actions and he doesn’t care what people think about him.

“I love you too.” Luke said as he tugged Reid’s hand pulling him closer and connecting their lips. Luke loved that the spark was there every single time without fail. It sent tingles down his spine and he could feel the hair on the back of his neck start to rise.

Feeling the intensity of the kiss run through his body, Luke opened his mouth and started to deepen the kiss, Reid gave in almost immediately and quickly started to do some damage to Luke’s perfectly, pouty lips. Luke slowly started to push Reid backwards until he felt him hit Snape’s desk. Reid stopped moving and Luke moved his head as he started kissing down Reid’s cheekbones and on to his neck. He ran his fingers through Reid’s hair, tugging lightly and he could hear the older boy pant softly in his ear.

That was until Reid unexpectedly put his hand on Luke’s chest and pushed him off.

“No, no, no.” Reid said as he caught his breath.

“What?” Luke asked. He knew his face held so much confusion as Reid had never, except on Christmas Eve on the staircase, reject him before.

“No sex.” Reid said adamantly.

“What?” Luke repeated.

“I am withholding sex until you tell your friends.”

“What?” Luke asked one more time, this time laughing.

“You heard me. No sex until you tell your friends.”

“What is this, some kind of ultimatum?” Luke laughed.

“Well, it was part of my plan tonight to tell you this before, but than you started kissing me and I forgot, and I was just about to get you on Snape’s desk and that’s when I remembered.” Reid said with a laugh. “So, take no offense about me stopping, as I can’t control myself around you and I’m not changing my mind about this. So yeah, no sex until your friends know about us.”

“Give me five minutes, I’ll tell them right now.” Luke said and he almost started to turn towards the door.

“No, stop.” Reid said, grabbing Luke’s arm. “I sort of have a part two to the whole ultimatum thing.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?”

“As I am sure you are well aware of, and the only reason I am aware of it is because Katie will not shut up about it, but Valentine’s day is two days away.”

Luke couldn’t help but shake his head and smile.

“So?” Luke said crossing his arms, even though internally he was practically steaming with joy that Reid had even brought up the holiday, as he had believed Reid would have tried his best to be as “far removed” from the holiday as possible

“I sort of had this idea that I wanted to try out and I couldn’t think of any better way to spend the dumbest holiday ever created.”

“You really know how to woo a guy don’t you.”

“Anyways,” Reid said, letting Luke’s sarcasm roll off him

“Is there a point to this whole thing, or am I just going to dry up and wither away regardless if my friend know or not.”

“Don’t be dramatic.” Reid said with a laugh.

“Oh okay, coming from the guy who is withholding sex from his boyfriend!”

“If you will let me finish, I think you are going to like what I am going to say next.”

“Okay, okay just go, I am dying to hear where this is going.”

“Anyways, to ease your worries, you’re going to get some on Valentine’s Day, but what I was thinking that we could make love potions for each other.”

“Um, excuse me?”

“Ok, just hear me out. I don’t know if you have ever been on the receiving end of a home made love potion, but they can make you feel some crazy things. So I was thinking, since we are already in love, that it could only help enhance the experience. Plus, with the two nights off, we will practically be tearing each others clothes off and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend Valentine’s.”

Reid waited for Luke response. The request was kind of unorthodox and a little bit of a kink that he had been thinking about for awhile, and he was nervous that Luke was going to think that he was just a little bit too crazy. He knew that Luke didn’t object to using performance enhancing potions before as they had had sex on Felix Felcius before. But the thought of Luke laughing in his face danced in the back of his mind.

“Fuck.” Luke started, “That sounds so hot.” He was turned-on just hearing Reid talk about it. He loved the idea and in some weird and strange way, he found it to be ridiculously romantic in the most Reid-way ever.

Reid exhaled, happy and excited that Luke liked the idea.

“And can you really not control yourself around me?” Luke smirked as he barely ran his hand down Reid’s chest, letting it linger at the top of his jeans. Luke looked down Reid’s body and then back up, locking his eyes with him. He could tell that Reid was fighting in his head to either drop the embargo or stay strong.

Reid watched as Luke ran his tongue along his lower lip, before barely pulling it into his mouth, biting slowly on it before release it. The room was dim but the light danced across the newly moistened lips and it took everything in Reid’s power to not give in.

“God, you’re killing me.” Reid barely whispered. He gulped in some air and swallowed it hastily before collecting his thoughts. He needed to push the image of throwing Luke onto Snape’s desk out of his mind and the only way to do that was to quickly change the subject. “Let’s make the potion.”

Reid watched as Luke smirked as his hand finally left the top of his jeans.

“Okay, let’s do it.” Luke said, he relished in the moment of how much Reid honestly loved him.

Reid started to relax as he walked over to one of the empty tables. Before Luke had showed up, he had pulled everything they would need but used a spell to hide it. He waved his wand and everything reappeared, exactly as he had laid it out before.

“We won’t need to make that much.” Reid said, as he looked at all the ingredients.

“Do you want me just to watch?”

“If you want.”

“I like watching you do magic.” Luke said as he pulled a chair from the table in front of him and sat opposite of Reid who was standing.

It was pretty amazing how fast Reid worked. He didn’t even need a recipe in front of him as he started to work with all the ingredients. Luke just sat back and watched Reid in his element. There was something really special about watching Reid do magic. He was methodical but at the same time wasn’t afraid to add his own twist.

“What is your favorite spice?” Reid asked. Luke snapped out of his gaze, almost startled by Reid’s sudden question.

“Um, I’ve always enjoyed cinnamon.” Luke said, not quite sure where Reid was going with this as he didn’t see any cinnamon sticks on the table. “My grandma makes these cookies that are to die for and she right as she pulls them out of the oven she will sprinkle freshly ground cinnamon on top of them.”

Reid smiled at Luke as he continued to stir the potion. It was almost done and it was already a perfect shade of mother of pearl. Reid muttered a quick spell before letting go of the spoon as it continued to stir. He picked up his wand that was next to him and he flicked it once and all the ingredients that he had used magically vanished. He flicked is wand one more time and Luke could hear a cupboard behind him open up. After another flick of the wand, Luke felt a brush of air come from behind as one more ingredient came over to Reid.

Reid quickly took the cinnamon stick and grated it over the potion. He shook the grater over the cauldron getting the last bit of the cinnamon and watched as if delicately fell into the potion.

Reid then reached for two small vials that were the only thing left on the table. He took his wand and he siphoned up just the smallest amount of Amortentia potion. The potion only filled about a quarter the vial and Reid handed the vial to Luke before filling his own.

Reid corked his vial and then quickly flicked his wand and the remaining potion disappeared.

Luke looked at the vial in his hand and it excited him.

“We won’t need to take that much.” Reid said as he put his vial into the back pocket of his jeans. “Probably not even the whole vial. We don’t want it to last all day; we just need enough for a couple of hours.”

“I was thinking that we should take it around lunchtime to let all the anticipation build up. Like let the potion do what it’s supposed to do, make us want each other so bad that it’s all we can think about it, so when we unite...”

“It will be like a billion fireworks going off at once.”


Luke took one last look at his vial before slipping it into his pocket as well.

“So what are you going to do tomorrow?”

“Tell my friends.”

“Are you ready for the whole school to know?”

“Yeah, I guess I’ve always been ready. I don’t really know why I’ve been so scared. I love you and that should be enough, it is enough”

“Although, I have to admit that it’s nice not having the whole school gossiping for the past six months.”

“Well they have been talking the last month.”

“Yeah, but I’m so mysterious that nobody quite knows.”

Luke smiled, but it was getting late and he needed to get back to his dorm to finish up the homework he left unfinished to meet Reid here, he placed his hand on Reid’s chest.

“Can I give you just a little kiss goodbye?”

“That’s all you get.”

Luke leaned in as right as his lips gently hit Reid’s he closed his eyes. He felt the familiar jolt of electricity run through his body, and making good on his request he pulled away only after a few seconds of contact.

“I’ll see you on Valentine’s day?”

“Yeah.” Reid replied breathlessly. He figured himself a masochist for giving Luke this ultimatum, but he didn’t want this to be a secret any longer.

Luke mouthed the words ‘I love you’ before retreating out of the potions room. His heart was pounding knowing that tomorrow was judgment day.


Luke was bouncing his foot on the ground as he sat in the library with his friends. He had tried all night to tell them, but every time he opened his mouth, nothing came out and he buried his nose back into his Defense Against the Dark Arts book and tried to look non-conspicuous that he was hiding something.

The night was getting late and he knew that Reid wouldn’t be happy if he didn’t do it before Valentine’s day. He knew he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to, and he knew that Reid only wanted him to do it for his own good. Luke knew that his friends wouldn’t care at all, but admitting it made it real.

And in that moment he knew that he had always wanted it to be real.

“Hey guys,” Luke said, biting the bullet, but ending his sentence short.

“Are you having trouble with the part about if there is ever an appropriate time to use the cruciatus curse?” Casey asked, running his hand through his hair, and he feverously wrote a couple of more lines down onto his parchment.

“No, it’s not about the homework.” Luke said, he kept his eyes low, but he could sense that everybody at the table, Casey, Noah, Maddie, and Ali, were looking straight at him.

Luke took a deep breath.

“I’m dating Reid Oliver.” Luke finally said, letting out a shaky exhale and letting his shoulders drop as if the weight of the world had finally lifted.

Luke lifted his eyes and he saw Ali and Maddie give each other knowing looks.

“We’re you guys trying to keep it a secret, because it as kind of obvious.” Casey said.

“Oh please, Casey, I practically had to break it down for you.” Ali said laughing.

“I’m sorry that I don’t have gaydar like you do.” Casey said, laughing alongside his girlfriend.

“I think it’s really great Luke.” Maddie said. “I have a couple of classes with Katie and she’s really good friends with him and had said that he can be human when he wants to be.”

“Yeah, he’s not that bad.” Luke said smiling, he couldn’t really hold back his happiness anymore, that was until he looked over at Noah who had known but hadn’t said anything yet.

“It’s kinda late. I’m going to finish this tomorrow.” Noah said as he closed his book.

“Noah.” Maddie said, “You should be happy for Luke.”

“This has nothing to do with him dating Reid Oliver.” Noah said harshly as he gathered his parchment and blew out the candle in front of him. “I’m just tired and I can’t look at the book any longer.”

“Okay, babe. Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, its okay, I’m just going to go to bed.” Noah walked over to where Maddie was sitting and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Noah took one last look at the table before walking away.

“Don’t worry about it Luke.” Maddie said

“Yeah, man, for real, we are happy for you.” Casey added, “I don’t care who you date and as long as Reid doesn’t bind my feet and let a snake crawl up my legs again, then he’s cool in my book.”

“Thanks guys.” Luke said, but Luke couldn’t sit there any longer, he needed to talk to Noah. Seeing him leave like he did was not the response he had been expecting. “I gotta go. Case, can you bring my stuff back to the room?”

“Um, sure man. Where you goin-…?”

“Seeya guys later.” Luke said, cutting Casey off and quickly racing out of the library. He wanted to catch Noah before getting back to the common room.

Luke quickly raced through the halls and in only a matter of minutes, he saw the back of Noah as he quickly turned a corner, clearly trying to move as fast as possible to get to the common room.

“Noah!” Luke called out, picking up the speed as he chased after his best friend. “Noah, please stop.” Luke called again.

Luke rounded the corner and he saw that Noah had stopped.


“What Luke?”

“Just talk to me.”

“Why should I?”

“I know you don’t like him.”

“Luke, this has nothing to do with Reid Oliver.”

“Then what is this about? Why are you so upset?”

“You are supposed to be my best friend. I know you know that I knew about you two, but you didn’t even acknowledge it. Why couldn’t you have told me?”

“Noah. I…”

“What Luke? I’ve told you everything; there are zero secrets between us, at least not on my end.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Just be honest with me.”

“I was terrified okay? I was scared that you and Casey were going to get mad at me. I know that you guys don’t have the best impression of Reid and I was scared that you were going to think that I didn’t care about you guys. My friendship with you is so important to me and the thought of losing it over some guy literally tore me in two.”

“You know if you had actually told me this, if you had told us this, we would have supported you.”

“Why didn’t you say anything to me after you saw us together?” Luke asked

“Because it wasn’t my place to bring it up. Yeah, it was shocking, but I was more upset that you didn’t think you could tell me.”

“I’m sorry, I wanted to so bad, but it’s Reid Oliver.”

“I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Oliver is kind of an enigma and an total asshole.”

Luke laughed, knowing that Noah would still hold some resentment towards his boyfriend, but they way he had said it was not in a malicious way, which is why Luke was able to laugh. And it was true, he knew that Reid could be an ass (almost all of the time).

“Can I be truly honest with you, and you promise you won’t get mad at me?”

“I’m not mad, Luke.”

“I know, and I should have known you would have been okay with it from the beginning…”

“The beginning? What is this not the beginning?”

Luke shook his head.

“How long?”

“Since last year-ish.”

“And in November when you went to the hospital wing did that have anything to do with him?”

“I broke up with him.”

“What did he do to you? I’m going to kick his ass.” Noah said a with familiar look crossing over his eyes.

“Oh my god, no, nothing like that, it was just a huge mistake and misunderstanding.”

“You can tell him that if he ever hurts you I will hurt him.”

“Thanks.” Luke smile, “I’ll be sure to tell him.”


“So, are we good, you aren’t mad at me?”

“No for the hundredth time, I’m not mad. It might just take some getting used to seeing you act all boyfriendy with him.”

“You have no idea how good it feels to tell you”

“Even though I already knew.”

“You have no idea.” Luke repeated.

“Come on, let’s go to the Great Hall and see if the house elves left any treats out.” Noah said, and just like that, everything felt normal again.


Luke was sitting in the Great Hall and was surprised that he had lasted this long.

The whole school was a buzz with the new “it” couple and everybody loved to point out that the information came out on Valentine’s Day. During Luke’s first three classes, which consisted of double potions, he could hear the girls muttering behind him the whole time, talking about that they had never expected the rumors to be true. It made the class feel four times longer than it really was.

As he walked through hall, he saw a group of Slytherin girls run past him in the other direction before stopping, turning back around, pointing him out, before hearing one of them complain that it wasn’t fair that he was dating their Quidditch captain.

“Luke I cannot believe how crazy the whole school is acting.” Casey said, “This is like 100 times worse than when it was when you got together with Sam.”

Luke elbowed Noah before barely whispering, “Now can you see why we kept it a secret for so long.”

“Yeah dude, this is pandemonium, and could you have picked a worse day?”

“Trust me, I had no choice.”

“Ew gross man.” Noah said before digging into his vanilla pudding that had been dyed red for the holiday.

Luke eyed the clock that was in the Great Hall, it was almost 2:00 and he was planning to meet Reid sometime around 6:30 as Reid had canceled the Slytherin Quidditch practice. Luke palmed the vial that was in his robe pocket as he was itching the take it. As he had discussed with Reid, they were going to torture themselves with want and desire before actually meeting up and since Reid was an amazing potion’s maker, he knew it would be strong and even though he had only given him about a quarter dose in his vial, he knew it was still going to last a while.

He took his glass that was half-full of pumpkin juice and he brought it down to his lap. At the moment, none of his friends were paying any attention as it was Valentine’s day and they were now too consumed with themselves and their girlfriends to notice that Luke was spiking his own drink.

Luke poured the contents of the vial into his pumpkin juice. He felt excitement race through his body, as he was nervous and anxious to see and feel how he was going to react to the potion. Considering he was already in love with Reid, he wondered if he would even feel different at all.

Luke took the empty vial and placed it back into his pocket. He looked around to see if anybody had notice and, as he had suspected not a soul was looking at him. Luke took his pumpkin juice and he held it tentatively to his lips before taking a small sip. He had been expecting the liquid to taste different but nothing seemed out of the ordinary and he quickly finished off the whole glass.

He waited just a couple of moments before he started to feel the effects. His whole aura felt as if it was glowing and he could tell that his pupils were dilated as he felt as if he was seeing the world in a completely new light, and that light was Reid Oliver.

His heart was beating faster and he quickly scanned the room to see if he could find Reid even though he knew that Reid was in a double Charms class and would eat lunch later in the day. He was just about to stand on the bench to get a better look when he felt somebody hit him on the arm.

“Luke, we’re ready to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts.” Casey said, his hand laced tightly with Ali’s. Luke felt a ping of jealousy wishing that Reid were here so he could show him off as well.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Luke said. “Do you know when seventh year N.E.W.T. Charms gets out?” Luke asked even though he knew the answer.

“Maddie said she would be done at around 3:00, why?” Noah asked.

“I just haven’t seen Reid all day.” Luke said, not being able to not say his name. “Do you think we could pass their room just so I could look in?”

“Okay crazy.” Casey said

Luke laughed, because as he was saying everything he knew that it was irrational but the thought of not seeing Reid was driving him just as crazy.

Noah rolled his eyes.

“I think it’s cute.” Ali said, “It’s a young relationship and it’s Valentine’s Day.”

“But we can’t be late anymore.” Casey said, “Remember McGonagall last time we waltzed in late? I don’t want to do lines for no reason. Luke you can go and spy if you want to be late, but I think I’ll just go to class.”

Luke groaned, he should have planned his time more wisely. Now he was going to have to sit through a double of D.A.D.A and then immediately afterwards he had Ruins and it was across the castle.

He was going to be miserable.

Miserably in love.

Luke bounced his foot for the full two hours of Defense Against the Dark Arts. His notes consisted of writing Reid’s name and making the tittle of the i into little hearts. He didn’t even notice when Casey elbowed Noah to make him look at Luke’s parchment.

The minute professor McGonagall let them out of class; Luke was up and out of his seat. He had spent every moment of the class trying to guess where Reid might be and he had thought of the perfect route to Ruins, with optimum opportunities that he might possibly run into Reid. He didn’t even wait for his friends as he raced out of the classroom and down the corridors.

Luke felt somewhat idiotic as he finally showed up to Ruins and realized that what he was doing was so crazy, but he just wanted to see his boyfriend. He wondered if Reid was feeling the same way. Luke slid into his seat and he checked the clock and he noticed that he had exactly one hour until he would see Reid.

He could handle it.


“Did you see him?” Noah asked as he slipped into the next to Luke.


“You took off like a racehorse.” Casey said, laughing slightly.

Luke laughed, again, hearing it replayed back to him, knowing in his mind that what he was doing was insane, but at the same time, it felt like it was the right thing to do.

“It’s just Valentine’s Day.” Casey finished before the class started and they were forced to drop the subject.

The seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like hours and if the class had gone the full hour Luke knew that it would have felt like days. He had one foot out the door before the class even ended.

Luke race through the hallways and finally made it up to the seventh floor and as he rounded the corner, he saw that Reid was coming from the other direction. He stopped dead in his tracks seeing the object of his affection and he felt as if small, red, cartoon hearts, were swirling around his head. Reid noticed him at the same time and they both took off after each other.

When they finally met somewhere in the middle, Reid already had Luke pushed up against the wall and their lips were attacking each other as if there was going to be no tomorrow.

Reid started to pull Luke’s robe open and run his hands along Luke’s t-shirt clothed stomach. Luke tilted his head to the side to try to catch his breath and Reid immediately took hold of the side of his neck. Reid started sucking on Luke’s neck, his head bobbing up and down and Luke panted for air.

“Fucking…torture.” Luke gasped out, before not being able to take the distance any longer and bring his lips back to Reid’s. Reid moaned into Luke’s lips as he pressed his thigh into Luke’s groan.

They stood in the hallway, Luke almost robeless and almost shirtless as they made-out. Only a couple of students passed by and they didn’t stop or felt ashamed for blatantly being all over each other.

It wasn’t until the Nearly Headless Nick passed them and said something about having hallway etiquette did they finally part, but only for long enough to Reid to pant out that they should take it to the room.

Reid quickly got the door to appear before grabbing Luke’s hand and dragging him into the room.

The door sealed behind them and as the final outline of the door disappeared Luke already had his robe off and was pulling his shirt off over his head. Reid tilted his head to the side as he watched his boyfriend strip frantically in front of him.

To both of them it felt dream like, as if their wildest, craziest, dreams were coming true. As if this shouldn’t be happening. It was an odd sensation knowing that they had done this plenty of times before and that they were in fact in love with each other. But at the moment it felt like they only had a couple of minutes with each other and they wanted to savor every fucking second.

“God you’re so sexy.” Reid said as he looked at a shirtless Luke, just standing in front of him in his jeans. It was so simple, yet so perfect, and beyond sexy. Luke pulled his bottom lips into his mouth and bit it ever so slightly. He gave Reid a look that basically said, are you going to just stand there or…

Reid read the look perfectly and practically devoured Luke’s mouth with his own. It wasn’t pretty it was lustful and both of them were loving it.

Luke hated that Reid was still clothed and he started to fumbled with Reid’s robe. Reid got the message and he pushed Luke off him and quick derobed and in one foul swoop had his shirt off as well.

Luke hooked his fingers down the front of Reid’s jeans and pulled their bodies closer together and at the same moment Reid was pushing Luke backwards, towards the bed. When the back of Luke’s knees finally hit the back of the bed, Reid heard Luke grunt into the kiss and they broke it only for a second. Luke lips felt swollen and they were tingling. He couldn’t stop staring at Reid’s abs flexing and releasing as he caught his breath. He reached his hands back out and ran his fingers along the contours of his body.

Every touch, every kiss, every look was heightened to the nth degree.

It felt like they were the only two people in the universe.

“God, I love you Reid.” Luke said breathlessly. It was felt as if it took every ounce of strength in his body just to say those five words. Luke looked at Reid and he could see the sparkle in the older boy’s eyes.

“You’re perfect.” Reid responded, the ends of his lips curling into a smile, the one that make Luke weak in the knees.

Reid pointed to his eye, then his heart, and then at Luke.

The smile on Reid’s face never fading.

Actually, Luke did feel weak in the knees as he sat down on the end of the bed. Reid took a step forward and Luke reached back out and unbuttoned the top of Reid’s jeans. Reid arched his back just a bit, pushing his hips forward allowing Luke to get his pants undone.

Luke knew that the feeling he was feeling wasn’t the love potion anymore. What Reid had just said and just done, with his I love you gesture had literally taken his breath away. He knew that how Reid was acting was reserved only for him.

Luke pulled on the top of Reid’s jeans which meant that he wanted Reid to lean forward which he did. They worked in perfect harmony together, nothing ever needed to be said, everything was expected and the unexpected always happened.

“I love you so much.” Luke muttered as Reid’s lips just barely brushed against his. He felt Reid smile as he kissed his lips, just barely pressing into his. The initial lust of finally seeing each other, mixed with the potent potion, was slowly turning into pure and utter love.

Reid slowly pushed Luke backwards onto the bed before slowly lowering himself on top of him, just barely holding himself on either side of Luke. Luke’s hands were just delicately balancing on the cusp of where his skin met his jeans.

Everything felt perfect.

Luke let his hands fall down to the bed and he slowly started to push himself further up. Reid followed and they had effortlessly found the perfect position. Reid was settled between Luke’s legs and they were just easily kissing each other.

They were in no hurry.

There was no reason to rush.

Their lazy kisses seemed to go on for hours and it wasn’t until Luke started to push up into Reid did they ever feel the need to do anything more than kiss. Reid could feel how hard Luke was as he barely pushed his hips up and he felt pretty tight in his already loose jeans.

Reid pushed himself up so he was on his knees in front of Luke. Kicked his shoes off with the back of his feet and they fell to the floor. He finally unzipped his jeans and then slowly slid them off, getting out of them relatively awkwardly and then tossing them to the side. He reached down and removed his socks before getting rid of them as quickly as possible.

Luke had pushed himself up onto his elbows to watch as Reid slowly stripped down. Once Reid was just in his boxer-briefs which weren’t hiding anything, Reid reached forward and unhooked the button of Luke’s jeans with one hand before taking both sides and yanking them just slightly. Luke lifted his hips up allowing Reid to get his jeans to around his knees before Reid had to move enough to get them off the rest of the way.

While Reid was busy getting Luke’s jeans off, Luke pushed his own boxers down. When Reid turned around, Luke watched as his eyes widened before quickly shedding those as well.

Luke was anxious to see Reid as well, but in true Reid fashion he decided to make Luke wait just a while longer.

Delayed gratification seemed to be the theme of this Valentine’s Day but it was always worth it in the end. Reid ran his hands done Luke’s’ chest before barely grazing his cock. He watched as Luke’s body reacted to the barely there touch.

Reid moved so slowly and the teasing was absolutely excruciating. Every time Reid touched him, it felt like fireworks, but when he was absent the lingering feeling and the anticipation for more was driving him insane.

While Reid was lost in his own world, just idolizing Luke’s body with a series of strategic touches and the occasional kiss because he couldn’t keep his hands off his boyfriend, Luke got impatient and in one quick move was able to get Reid onto his back.

Reid laughed as Luke immediately leaned down to kiss him. He loved, more than anything, when Luke took control. It was nice to give it up and Luke was the only person he let have it.

Luke left Reid’s lips and slowly started to circle his tongue along the side of Reid’s neck. He felt Reid dig his fingers into his hips as he slowly started to suck on the side of his neck.

Every time Reid took a breath, he could feel Luke’s erection push into his stomach, his own cock remained untouched and he was aching for some type of stimulation, but he knew that Luke had him right where he wanted him.

Luke finally let his hands move along Reid’s sides, just barely teasing him with contact. He felt Reid’s body respond to his hands as he felt Reid demand his body up into Luke, nonverbally telling him to pay attention to his cock. Luke laughed into Reid’s neck before give it one last suck, he wanted to make sure that the mark was deep and dark and possibly there for a long, long time.

Luke left Reid’s neck and then slowly started to make his way back up to his lips. Reid’s eyes were half closed in ecstasy, his mouth just barely open. Luke took Reid’s bottom lip into his own mouth and sucked on it lightly. He heard Reid let out a moan and Luke slowly released it.

Luke moved his body up, but Reid remained on his back. Luke looked around the room, hoping that a wand was near by so he wouldn’t have to get up. He spotted Reid’s wand just barely balancing on the end of the bed, as it was one move away from falling to the floor. Luke wasn’t quite sure how it had gotten there, but he also knew that Reid’s wand was never far from his sight. Luke leaned to the side and grabbed it and although it was unaware to him at the time, he nonverbally cast a spell and in a matter of seconds there was a small bottle of lube in his hands.

Reid now propped himself onto his elbows and he lifted his hips. Luke dropped the unopened bottle and reached forward, finally removing Reid’s boxer-briefs. Luke tossed them off to the side along with the rest of their clothes and Reid couldn’t help himself as he idly started barely touching himself. He had half expected Luke to bat his hands away, but instead Luke just watched and after only a minute he started touching himself as well.

Reid eventually tilted his head back, as he was so turned on that even though he was just touching himself, he thought he was going to lose it. While Reid wasn’t paying attention, Luke reached for the lube and he popped the top off.

Luke squeezed just the right amount onto his hand before he pushed Reid’s hand off his own cock. Luke took his hand and he generously coated Reid’s hard cock. Reid let out a sudden gasp at the unexpected cold gel. Luke moved his hand up and down Reid’s cock, heating him up a bit.

Reid moaned as Luke coated him perfectly. It was so simple but it felt like a million things all at once. As Reid was lost in his own bliss, Luke started to move around, never giving up on Reid’s cock.

Reid’s eyes were squeezed shut, but he opened them as he felt Luke’s lips on his.

Reid had to break the kiss to let out a moan as Luke expertly lowered himself on top of his cock. His eyes tried hard to stay open as he watched Luke mouth open wider the more he lowered himself.

Luke, feeling the initial burn, lifted himself back up, before lowering himself again. The three days apart had really tightened him up and Reid felt so huge that he had to reenter again. His eyes were shut tight as he finally was able to lower himself fully. He moved his hips, trying to create more space. Reid lifted his head just a bit and he took one of his hands that had been digging into Luke’s side and he brought Luke’s head closer to his and he barely kissed the blond, as he let Luke get situated on top of him.

He felt Luke’s body relax as he deepened the kiss. Luke remained pressed fully on top of him, his own cock pressing hard into his stomach. Luke, who’s hands had been placed firmly on either side of Reid, moved so that they were cupping his face.

Luke started to move on top at the perfect pace and Reid was left to get lost in all the movement. He let his hand be tangled in Luke’s hair while his other hand acted as a guide for Luke to work off of.

There were moments when Luke would have to break the kiss, and his lips would fall close to Reid’s ears and Luke would let out the sexiest of pants and gasps as he tried to catch his breath.

During those moments, Reid would let his hand that had been tangled in Luke’s hair, run along the side of his skin and he could feel Luke’s abs contract on top of his.

Luke was in command of the speed and there were times when Luke was moving fast and quick, allowing the bed to shake beneath them, and there were times where Reid was fully inside Reid and they would just kiss.

Every second felt like minutes, every minute felt like hours, and every hour felt like days.

Time was lost.

There would be moments when Luke would give up control, push himself up onto his knees for a few minutes and allow Reid to thrust hard and fast. It was in those moments when a slur of curse words and incoherent declarations of love would come out. And then things would slow down and the kissing would continue and Luke would just move at a snails pace.

There wasn’t a moment that was about just trying to get the other one off. It was only about being together.

Luke gathered some strength and he pushed himself up so that he was almost sitting straight up. Reid’s hands were back on either side of his hips and he continued to just barely move.

The pleasure was immeasurable and every touch that Reid graced on Luke’s body felt as if he was going to explode from the inside out.

Reid let one of his hands go off Luke’s hips and he let it move across his glistening abdomen before slowly taking a hold on Luke’s cock. Luke leaned his head back at Reid started to slowly slide his hand up and down at the same pace as Luke was moving.

Luke’s mouth was agape as hard as he tried to look at Reid, he couldn’t keep his eyes open.

Reid had just barely started to rub circled over the head of his cock with his thumb and Luke could feel his body start to tighten even more around Reid’s cock. Reid started to add small thrusts to Luke’s movements and through all the combination of touching and thrusting and the staggered breathing, Luke felt himself jolt forward as he came on Reid’s hand and stomach.

Luke’s body felt heavy and as his felt his body contract on Reid he could sense that the Slytherin was about to release as well.

Luke couldn’t keep himself up in the position he was in, so he leaned back down, and Reid placed his hands back on Luke’s hips and dug into his sides as he gave a couple more thrusts before he came.

Luke mustered some strength to kiss Reid and in the process he rolled them onto their sides. In the process Reid pulled out, but now, neither one of them had to support themselves. They could just let their bodies wind down form their ridiculous high and just concentrate on kissing.

After another marathon of kissing and touching, they finally parted from each other.

Luke brushed his sweaty bangs out of his eyes and he looked at Reid who looked happy and content.

“Brilliant.” Luke barely got out, his voice hoarse and sore.

“That was bloody fantastic.” Reid said, as he reached forward to get the rest of Luke’s bangs out of his eyes.

“I felt the love potion in the beginning but it wore off kind of fast.”

“Of course it did. You only felt it because we were apart, but when we got together there was nothing for it to work off. It doesn’t really have that much affect when you’re taking it with the person you’re in love with.”

“Was there even a point?” Luke laughed

“How intense were those hours apart? I don’t know about you but I was practically bursting out of my chair. Like, I mean I love you and all, but I’ve never felt like that before.”

“I pretty much tried to stalk you between classes. Like as I was saying some of the things I was saying, I knew it was ridiculous, but I couldn’t stop myself from saying it.”

“It was fun. And when I saw you in the hall.”

“Oh my god, that first kiss, I thought I was going to lose it right there.”

“You have no idea; I almost took your pants off right there.”

“God Reid you are such a…”

“Such a guy?”

Luke laughed as he leaned in to kiss him. Reid accepted the kiss. He loved when Luke couldn’t stop laughing just because they were kissing. It was the cutest thing in the entire world.

“So are you enjoying all the gossip?” Luke said as he pulled away from Reid.


“You’re such a liar.”

“Why would I lie? It’s about you and me, that’s the only kind of gossip I like.”

Luke blushed and Reid smiled at a bashful Luke.

“What I hate is that Katie will not shut up about it.”

“I thought you told me she knew.”

“She knew, but I never confirmed. Now she’s all like, ‘you guys should go on a double date with me and Chris.’” Reid scoffed

“Why do you scoff? That sounds fun. I like Katie.”

“You’ve never even met her.”

“So? I can already tell I like her.”

“Fine you can have her.”

“Reid, she’s your best friend.”

“Not by choice.”

“You’re terrible.”

“You love me.”

“Not by choice.”

“Shut up.” Reid said as he grabbed Luke and moved so he was now on top of him. He kissed him deeply and Luke put up zero fight giving into the kiss almost immediately.

“Happy Valentine’s Day Luke.” Reid said into Luke’s lips, before silencing him with a kiss, not letting him respond.

When exhaustion finally took over their bodies after hours of celebrating, Luke quickly fell asleep, his head resting on the corner of Reid’s shoulder and Reid’s arm draped around his side.

In the morning, it would be the first time that Luke wouldn’t have to leave.

crossover, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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