Sep 27, 2011 23:03

C = Comment
L = Log
P = Phone Call/IC Contact



Sept 02: C: Syrena
- Entrance. Definitely a mermaid, but not one of Arthur's Atlantian. Most likely not from his world - but needs further confirmation.
Sept 03: L: Kevin Ford
- Arresting him for the crime during riots. His mutation is danger - what are Frost and Xavier doing, not teaching him how to switch it off?
Sept 04: L: Khisanth
- Meeting a dragon. An actual dragon. A fucking dragon. Yeah, okay. Keep an eye out, especially since the dragon might be dangerous- and where did she go, after this?
Sept 04: L: Mary Winchester
- Entrance. She's definitely trained before - what's her connection to the people here?
Sept 05: C: Mary Winchester
- 'No demons, no angels', huh? From a new world - possibilities of people from her world dropping in? Watch further if needed.
Sept 05: C/L: Cassandra Cain
- New disguise. Showing her the new Cave. Batgirl has been passed onto Stephanie, and now Cassandra is Black Bat. God, has he missed this girl.
Sept 05: C/L: Damian Wayne
- Damian's re-entrance - he doesn't remember his last visit, and might be from an earlier timeline. Re-acquainting him to the current situation.
Sept 10: C: Damian Wayne
- Giving him information about the Core.
Sept 10: C: Re-l Mayer
- Regarding the stolen car tires and the murder of Himawari Kunogi. See this news post about both.
Sept 10: P: Clark Kent
- Trawling him for information about the Kunogi murder, then it leads to a sharing session about Jason. Always fun.
Sept 11: L: Jason Todd
- Insecurity over the children coming in. Confrontation about stolen car tires. Jason is invited to the Cave.
Sept 11: C: Aslan
- As always, he is calming.
Sept 13: C: Himawari Kunogi
- Probability manipulation abilities. Speaking to the victim of the crime - rather surreal. 'Sylar' identified.
Sept 14: C: Richard B. Riddick
- Another entrance. Talk of 'other worlds'?
Sept 15: P: Cassandra Cain
- Reveal of the children's identities to Clark Kent. Or Cass's, at least.
Sept 16: C: Stephanie Brown
- Entrance. Obsession over Tim and the Robin costume makes the timeline clear. Leave it to Black Bat to supervise over her; also urge her to return to 'Spoiler' due to Carrie's claim on the Robin title.
Sept 15: C: Sherlock Holmes
- Well shit. One of the letters were found. At least it was the Joker's. Holmes's odd sociopathic tendency is coming back again.
Sept 17: C/L: Dick Grayson
- Robin. He's Robin. Of all the timelines he could have been Pulled from, it was Robin. Much explanation goes here.
Sept 18: C: Talia al Ghul | Jason Todd
- This is not an auspicious beginning. Jason is most likely living with her. For god's sake, Core!
Sept 18: P: Clark Kent
- Warning Clark about Talia and updating him regarding the Jason situation. Why on Earth is Clark now Jason's other parent?
Sept 18: L: Eric Northman
- Matches Malone was forcefed a drug. Went crazy. Drank Eric's blood. Nearly was turned into a vampire. In summary: Eric Northman knows that Matches Malone is Batman.
Sept 19: C: Sylar
- Talk like a Pirate Day, and the murderer shows himself. Great.
Sept 20: C: Luna Lovegood
- Interesting theories. No method, though.
Sept 20: C: Michael
- More angels from Chuck's world. Perhaps that theory about the Core might be more correct than he had thought. Really, are there no mortals from that world other than Sam and Mary and Chuck?
Sept 22: C: Chuck Shurley
- Lasers in his wheelchair. Really. News post is here.
Sept 23: P/L: Re-l Mayer
- Re-l requests for hand-to-hand training. Bruce obliges. He also has a portable sunlight-emitting torch.
Sept 24: C: John Watson
- Purgatory. Drugs in Purgatory, and John Watson affected, of all people. The drugs are spreading out, definitely. Time to increase the amount of time he spends as Matches.


Sept 26: C/L: Peter Petrelli | Sherlock Holmes | Carrie Kelley
- Carrie's dead by Sylar's hands. Sylar's dead by Peter's. Batman screams for vengeance.
Sept 26: P: Jack Kelly
- An annoyance to offer comfort, but Batman wants only vengeance.


Oct 1: C: Godric
- A brief distraction.
Oct 1: P: Carrie Kelley
- Carrie's return. Bruce's anger is, however, not appeased.
Oct 4: C: Jason Todd
- A disappointment, especially at this point in time.
Oct 4: L: Khisanth | Clark Kent
- Another brief distraction, resulting in the destruction of the docks, as shown in the news here.
Oct 6: C: Cassandra Cain
- Stephanie disappears. It might be a good thing.

Oct 7: L: Sylar
- First confrontation. It did not end well for Batman. In fact, it kills him.

Oct 7th - 21st: BATMAN IS DEAD

Oct 7: EMP Aftermath
- Many people, but relevant in Godric and Eric.
Oct 7: Funeral for the Batman
- Clark Kent, Aslan, Cassandra Cain, Re-l Mayer, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd.
Oct 7: Announcement
- As posted by Clark Kent, and commented by many people. Especially relevant are the messages to the Robins.
Oct 8: The Morning After
- Clark Kent, Lois Lane
Oct 8: News report
- EMP. Joker ostensibly 'commits suicide'. Predictive art conspiracy. Sherlock Holmes takes care of the Xaylein producer.
Oct 8: Joker's suicide
- Not really belieable, is it?
Oct 9: Re-l's Promotion
- Confirmation from an official source of Batman's death.
Oct 9: Zulfiqar's introduction
- Suspicious, especially as there are no other Newcomers heading in and the Joker recently 'commited suicide'. He needs to be closely watched.
Oct 9: Damian confronts Himawari
- Now all the Batkids are heading out to look for information.
Oct 11: Dick and Damian try to follow Batdad's instructions
- Continued here. These two are adorable.
Oct 12: Jason confronts Peter Petrelli
- It's like an army.
Oct 12: Backup Sirens Installed
- Oh look, efficiency.
Oct 13: Missionsworth Expedition Underfoot
- DREAMS PLOT BEGINNING, especially after this news post on Oct 15.
Oct 14: Creator of Xaylein Drug Found
- So there's that, then.
Oct 15: Jason stabs Re-l
- Thanks, kiddo.
Oct 15: Zulfiqar moving around the Port
- He meets with Cass. Get information from her later.
Oct 15: Sylar prancing in the cape
- A form of taunting - he seems to be fond of those. Keep an eye on everyone who replies and accost all of them for information.
Oct 18: Jason and Onyx working together
- Jason what are you doing.


Oct 21: L: Clark Kent
- Bruce returns in the midst of a series of nightmares, the most recognisable of which is Clark's. He calls out for him, and they have a- reunion.
Oct 21-22: L: Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Carrie Kelley, Aslan and Elaine Belloc
- After calming down, Batman goes to have a proper reunion with his children and the two Gods who look over him.
Oct 22: L: Peter Petrelli
- Finding information for Sylar's collar
Oct 24: C: Joker
- Investigating about this 'Zulfiqar', especially when he leads a small army against Sylar, as in here (October 28th).


Nov 1: P: Eric Northman
- Batman, in the guise of Matches Malone, goes to visit Eric Northman for a favour.
Nov 1: L: Sylar, Re-l Mayer
- The conclusion of the Sylar plot. Sylar is defeated with the help of Eric's blood, and Bruce calls Re-l in to arrest him. This is also the site of their reunion. Re-l throws Batman off the roof.


Sept 01: P/L: Elaine Belloc
- Part of the sakura plot. The rest of the details here and in this log
Sept 02: C: Claire Stanfield
- Finding pieces of the letters he wrote during the sakura plot.
Sept 03: C: Anastasia (Anya)
- Entrance. Usual welcomes.
Sept 04: C: Tony Stark
- A new invention: portable Darkness-filtration. New company? Keep an eye out on, especially with Stark's ties to Magneto.
Sept 04: C: Claude Faustus
- Interesting demon; interesting reaction. Especially those goddamn spiders.
Sept 05: C: Crowley
- Self-proclaimed King of Hell. Ties to Chuck's world and that Lucifer? Investigate further if needed.
Sept 05: C: Clark Kent | Lois Lane
- Hijacking Clark because he keeps talking about Bruce. First instance of public 'flirting' for quite some time. Ends up with flowers being sent to his desk: see below.
Sept 07: C: Onyx
- Looking for a roommate. Unusually well-settled Newcomer, isn't she? Keep a watch on.
Sept 07: C: Raul Creed
- Pitched the idea of a charity drive to Creed, and invited into the NPP Political Party talks. Success. Now to balance this quasi-alliance with SERO with this...
Sept 08: P: Clark Kent
- Singing flowers. Are you serious, Kent. At least it establishes Bruce Wayne's foppish, silly image.
Sept 10: C: Damian Wayne
- Official re-entrance. Resettling the position and presence of 'Damian Wayne'. Going pretty well, especially if Damian comes to the police office pretty often - he would be a good spy.
Sept 10: C: Jack Kelly
- Suddenly, inexplicably blinded. A spell? A curse? Look further into it. For now, build him sonar equipment so he is not entirely helpless.
Sept 12: C: Adam Young
- 'Dad' is gone, at the same time Lucifer disappears. Can't be; should be a coincidence. Need proper records with regards to Newcomer comings and goings. Child is interesting - from England?
Sept 12: P: Jason Todd
- Jason filed the papers. Start a plan to make this plausible publicly.
Sept 14: C: Clark Kent
- Mostly just teasing him. Post is definitely with regards to Jason.
Sept 17: C: Black Jack
- Idiocy in Port. Nothing new.
Sept 17: C: Alastor Moody
- Interesting eye. 'Magical'? Seems to have a close link to Malfoy, who in turn knows Sirius Black. Obsession over 'vigilance', which is rather ironic when said to Batman.
Sept 17: P: Jack Kelly
- Fixed up the sonar for him, and received thanks. No need yet to tell Carrie to take out the things.
Sept 18: C: Diego Armando
- Drugs, perhaps? Definitely cool in a crisis. Need more information about what is happening in the background.
Sept 19: C: Jim T. Kirk
- Well. Hi, Star Trek. More and more 'fictional' characters that exist as fiction itself in our world. He needs to work on that multiversal theory again.
Sept 21: C: Draco Malfoy
- Relationship with Sirius Black. Likely to have magic. Watch over in case his magics become harmful or useful.


Oct 10th - Nov 4th: BRUCE WAYNE 'PORTED OUT'

Oct 10: seven; voice
- Automated message sent to the network three days after Batman's heart stops beating. All replies answered by Clark Kent.

Oct 16: Lee Chaolan recruits for Violet Systems
- Notice Dick Grayson and Tim Drake's responses. Follow up.

log, sirenspull

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