(no subject)

Oct 10, 2011 20:59

Who: askedtobe and under-thehood
When: Wednesday
Where: Starting off on some street somewhere idk and going wherever... they go.......
Summary: Jason jumps Peter and wants information. And uses violent means to get it.
Warnings: Lots of violence. LOTS OF IT.

[ Peter had finally decided it was time to foray outside of the apartment, at least for some other reason than to get to the HoA for training with Emma. Despite the fact that he hated being cooped up in his apartment 24/7 he still knew he deserved it, knew it wasn't exactly safe for anyone else in the Port anytime he chose to venture out into the big wild world.

Hands stuffed into his pockets, Peter kept his face ducked, practically curling into himself while he walked. Keeping at a quick pace, Peter kept on the lookout, making sure to skirt around people he didn't know, very nearly crossing the street to avoid run-in's with anyone. He knew he was being at least somewhat ridiculous, that he was gaining control of Sylar's ability. But it was slow going and endlessly frustrating and all Peter felt was scared of what he could do. Of what Sylar was going to do now that he was alive once again.

Most of all Peter didn't know what he was supposed to do, and all he felt was guilty. Because he couldn't fix this, couldn't send Sylar back home, and couldn't change himself back to the person he used to be. Sighing, he kept his attention focused on the sidewalk, just wanting to get back home as soon as possible. ]

jason todd, peter petrelli

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