Who: Siren's Port
When: The night of Thursday, October 20th into the morning of Friday, October 21st.
Where: In the mind, in the dreams, in the unconscious of the sleepers.
Summary: The final night.
Warnings: These dreams may be considered not safe for work, with violence, gore, death, underlying sexual themes and other mentions of graphic nature.
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The word was on his lips when he woke, a mantra, a shout - his mother's name - and Clark rose from his sleep, his fingers so deep in the mattress that they had ripped holes even through the dense fabric. Leaning forward he concentrated on stilling the thundering of his heart, closing his eyes tightly.
Dreams--he'd slept more tonight than he had any day previously, the toll of the days a weight bearing down on him. The dream... His own, and then others. Other dreams. The pearls, the bells, the blood on his hands.
Mother. Mothers and more mothers, many of them dead. His own, and the woman lying in the dark, his hands on her face, the woman on the throne. Mother. Overwhelming. It was all just too much ( ... )
And he would place his hand reassuringly, just for a moment, on his shoulder, and everything would be alright. Somehow he would find the strength to continue.
But that hadn't been a whisper from a ghost, from the past, that was real. It was a real voice, the echo of it still on his eardrums, and Clark focused, listening harder, listening to...listening to a heartbeat. A heartbeat. Bruce's heartbeat, distinct and unique and racing.
AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveThe city was a blur around him, or perhaps he was a blur. A newspaper stand was disturbed by his passing, and the owner hurled abuse at him even though the sound of his shouts wouldn't catch up until long after Clark had reached the ( ... )
But when he spoke, Clark drew his eyes around, looked at the man standing inches before him, and felt relief sink over him. He was back; frantic and shattered looking, his voice rough, but alive. Bruce grabbed him, and the jumbled words swept together into a picture.
He'd dreamt.
"You come back from the dead and the first thing you think to do is grill me? You really are--" Anything more he might say caught in his throat, and still ignoring him, Clark swung forward - down - all at once, wrapping his arms around Bruce and half lifting him off the ground as he hugged him. He closed his eyes tight, pressed his face into his neck, and just squeezed.
So much loss, but this was real. He was alive, and by god his questions didn't matter; they ( ... )
Too many words for an impossibly complicated situation. He almost didn't hear himself speak past the first few, so instead he shifted, lifted Bruce clean off his feet and carried him - fully expecting him to fight it - from the cold stairwell all the way to the cot in the next room; the same one he'd laid him down in as a child.
"Stay there and stay still for a second." X-ray vision. His eyes scanned Bruce for a few moments, then he crouched down beside the bed.
"Your arm was broken when I found you." I found you. He looked back up, anxious for a moment, then quickly away again. "It seems to be healed now, but... You were dead, weren't you? All this time ( ... )
He had to snap out of this. There were words. Answers to his questions. Bruce let himself sink into the cot, looking at Clark with dull, blank eyes. He blinked once, twice- sucked in a breath and concentrated just as Clark mentioned that he found his body. With a broken arm. It was Clark who had found his body, who had- made sure that he didn't return as a Darkness monster as Carrie had. It was Clark who had found his body after he had made such a mistake. When he had underestimated Sylar and died for it- did he die, really? Even if there was a body, he still breathed now. He still lived. His heart was roaring too loudly in his ears for him to not be living. For him to be dead- he couldn't ( ... )
But he couldn't. He could barely breathe right, and every single time his heart thumb against his head he could feel his temple slicing open again, the blood spilling out. He was surprised - and oddly grateful - that that part wasn't part of the dream. It wasn't something he would have ever shared with anyone; nor would he subject anyone else to that experience, second-hand or not ( ... )
He breathed in the man's hair, let his eyes flutter closed, let his shoulders fall from the stoic straightness that he'd bourne for the last fortnight, and just held him, because it was all he could do to make it better ( ... )
Coffee mug in his hand. Reheated coffee. Bruce stared at it for a long moment. He could remember that he had a ton of reasons to not drink coffee, starting with the possibility of addiction and ending with his hatred of depending on anyone, much less anything. He wouldn't allow himself to use caffeine to keep himself awake and alert when he should be able to use his own willpower to the same effect ( ... )
He would regret it if it wasn't a necessity. Bruce looked at him for a long moment more before he sighed quietly, an exhale that was barely enough to move the air in front of him- it was so light. He rubbed slightly at his eyes, and he knew that he had made a mistake. He was too rash, too impulsive, rushing in the moment the Port told him Sylar was alive again. But ( ... )
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