Nominees List for the Heroes Het Fic Awards

May 02, 2009 10:15

Here are the fics that have thus far been nominated for the Heroes Het Fic Awards.

Nominations post is here.

Best Overall

Best Action/Adventure Fic
12 Months of Sylar and Elle by faded_facade
Find Me by missaliceblue
Four Different Crayons by word_play_sam
Fugitives by L.O.T.S.
Getting There by missbreese
Out of Time by cameroncrazed
This Time by boombangbing
Your Mama Wears Combat Boots by kathrynthegr8

Best Angst Fic
Angels and Demons by dana_serenity
The Anunciation by albion1919
Down the Rabbit Hole by 1297
Another Kind of Cage by bellonablack
A Rope and a Knife by sinemoras09
Beyond Repair by cruiscin_lan
Blood and Rust by millylicious
Dream by jaune_chat
The Elegy Season by andbless-mybaby
Flesh and Blood by missaliceblue
The Geography of Grief by sinemoras09
Gabriel Gray's Rules of Parenting by cruiscin_lan
The Hollow Men by blackout_girl
Sylar: "I love you." Elle: "I know." by dragynflies
In Darkness by ladywilde80
The Last Thing He Wanted to Do Was Hurt Her by cruiscin_lan
lullaby by kathrynthegr8
Method Acting by stainofmylove
Never Too Late by dana_serenity
til death by kathrynthegr8
Your Bruise by superkappa

Best AU Fic
The Bait of Sin by ridley1013
Blue Gray Sky by faded_facades
Control by boombangbing
Emergency by Nikki1
Find Me by missaliceblue
First Christmas by raitheemohugger
Kept Woman by albion1919
Last Call by stainofmylove
Memento by theendofalice
Nothing Is Taking Me Down by acinogan
Runaways by Selena
This Time by boombangbing
Tough Cookie by do_you_like_pie
Uncles for Dummies by boonies
Wanted by missaliceblue

Best Chapter Fic
Angel of Death by mrstater
A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
Convent by albion1919
Country Feedback by stainofmylove
Do You Trust Me? by osbourne20 (Link goes to osbourne20's masterlist, as there is no way to link all parts at once)
Dust of Ages by sinverguenza
Facing Demons by holycitygirl
Finding Eden by sinemoras09
I'm Going to Stop Pretending by sinverguenza
Le Tourbillon De La Vie by visiblemarket
Lifetime Commitment by cadesama
The Mirror Only Shows One Side by dana_serenity
Nothing is Taking Me Down by acinogan
Of Bishops and Knights by dragynflies
Partial Eclipse by rtwofan
Vapour Trail by stainofmylove
Yielding to Temptation by ridley1013

Best Crack Fic
Couples Therapy by bellonablack
Don't Want to Set the World on Fire by stefichan
Interwed Understanding by josiefier
Just One of Those Things by cadesama
Losers Never Really Lose by quirkysmuse
Out of My Mind by caitlinlaurie
The Phone Call by literarylemming
Untitled by eeyore9990
What They Wish They Never Knew by razycrandomgirl

Best Crossover Fic
Girl in the Mirror by wily_one24[Heroes/Veronica Mars] (link goes to Chapter 1)
Impressions by ever_obsessed [Heroes/Moonlight]
Like Spinning Plates by hariboo_smirks and little_giddy [Heroes/...Terminator? Sarah Connor Chronicles? I don't even know.]
Not Broken by hymenchan [Heroes/Harry Potter]
Puzzle Pieces by 12_12_12 [Heroes/Lost]
Snarky Nicknames by ladywilde80 [Heroes/Lost]
Who Do You Think You Are? by cruiscin-lan [Heroes/Veronica Mars]

Best Dark Fic
Awake by tokenblkgirl
Cell by sinemoras09
The Child's Shadow Stretched Out by technosage
Cry by sinemoras09
Dream Variations by stainofmylove
The Good Kind by ygrawn
Haunted by razycrandomgirl
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose by stainofmylove
Heaven Adores You by stainofmylove
In Every Way that Matters by fifmeister
In the House of Flies by ever_obsessed
Just Another Day on the Job by dela26
Please Dad by mydnight_dreams
Revenge by dragynflies
til death by kathrynthegr8
Trojan Horse by bellonablack
Untitled by bellonablack
With Those who Favor Fire by andbless-mybaby
Your Daddy's Son by dragynflies

Best Death Fic
Find Me by missaliceblue
Grow Up and Blow Away by mickey_dear
Heart of Gold by bellonablack
Hunter, Prey by fifmeister
Last Laugh by gothamknights
Rage Against the Dying by liz_will_ow
Revenge by dragynflies
A Short History of Almost Something by superkappa
So Many Foolish Moments by azuraangel05
Sylar fought the law and the law won by osbourne20

Best Drama Fic
A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
Car by mydnight_dreams
Distortion by dragynflies
Inevitable by thepandorarose
it's not forever, it's just tonight by kathrynthegr8
Lay Down Your Heart by faded_facades
Letters from a Serial Killer by fifmeister
Rescue Me by faded_facade
Run by osbourne20
The Sky is Dark Now by missaliceblue
with those who favor fire by andbless-mybaby
Your Bruise by superkappa

Best Epic Fic
Alter States by radiocakes
Dust of Ages by sinverguenza
Finding Eden by sinemoras09
Happiness Is Just a Gash Away by boombangbing
Lifetime Commitment by cadesama
Redemption by fiorediloto

Best Episode-Central Fic
Bullets and Blood by erikssiren
Four Nights in Arizona by anr
Shared Sparks by speccygeekgrrl
Three Mothers Noah Gray Never Had (and One He Did) by boonies
Untitled by dragynflies
Untitled by 47-trek-47

Best Fluff Fic
The Airing of Grievances by cameroncrazed
Auld Lang Syne by aurilly
Bed Time by carmexgirl
Five Things Elle and Sylar Never Got to Do by ashesfor_trees
Mediator by boonies
New Year's Eve by sinemoras09
Petrelli Party Like No Other by mydnight_dreams
Pet Warfare by bellonablack
Postcards from Home by aurilly
We Can Work It Out by cidercupcakes

Best Non-Con/Dub-Con Fic
Cry by sinemoras09
Forget by cerebel
Invisible Strings by boombangbing
The Meaning of Power by artemis_rain
meet me in the dark by trysts
Midnight Show by osbourne20
perfect just like me by andbless_mybaby
Please Dad by mydnight-dreams
Power by 47-trek-47
Subterfuge by albion1919 - non-con is in chapter 4

Best One-Shot Fic
All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl
Annapolis, 1989 by cruiscin_lan
Another Kind of Cage by bellonablack
Cafes and Castles by aurilly
Choo Choo, Baby, Choo Choo by cameroncrazed
Complicated by fifmeister
Damage by shimmeree
Exchange by anansie_s
Family Matters by GoldSeven
Indian Burn by cruiscin_lan
Initiation by boonies
The Life and Lies of Jacob Brown by toestastegood
lullaby by kathrynthegr8
One Serial Killer to Another by ashesfor_trees
Painless by perilouspolly
Throwing Stones by sellthelie
Watch As the Sky Closes In by missaliceblue

Best Petite Fic
Bliss by shimmeree
Candle by sinemoras09
Close by mrstater
Easy to Love by sweetbelle07
Faith in Science by stainofmylove
If You Think That I Could Be Forgiven by stainofmylove
Illumination in Unnatural Light by boombangbing
Messy Emotion by insanityclings
Parasite, Paramour by thespottedzebra
Seventy Times Seven by superkappa
Untitled by holycitygirl
Yellow Bird by sinemoras09
You and Me Song by brighteyed_jill

Best PWP Fic
A Little Too Hot by bellonablack
Beautiful Disaster by jd_nomad
Conjugal Visit by quirkysmuse
Crazy Blind Faith by perdiccas
Dinner Date by superkappa
Electrified, Times Seven by cruiscin_lan
Exchange by anansie_s
Find Me Guilty by razycrandomgirl
First Names and Formalities by sarahetc
For You/For Me by perdiccas
In the House of Flies by ever_obsessed
Kinky Little Games We Play by dragynflies
Meet Me in the Dark by trysts
Not Those Kind of People by cruiscin_lan
Perfect by sweetbelle07
Pretend by albion1919
Questionable Intentions by toestastegood
Shields and Leashes by albion1919
Sparks by clearillusion
The Sugar Never Helps by andbless_mybaby
Wanted by sinverguenza

Best Romance Fic
Complicated by fifmeister
Eighteen Candles by boombangbing
Letters to My Uncle by lit_chick08
The Melancholy Heart by thepandorarose
New Kind of Normal by jaune_chat
The Outside World by razycrandomgirl
Paternal Instinct by mrstater
Periodic 36 by augrah
Thirteen by hazelnutcoffee
Tis the Season by osbourne20
To Turn Back Time by mrstater
Uncles for Dummies by boonies
When the World Smells of Vanilla by quirkysmuse

Best WIP Fic
Always by ulaylablue
Angel with a Broken Watch by cruiscin_lan
Being Jess Mariano by Nikki1
Cross My Heart by cruiscin_lan
Developing Addiction by holycitygirl
Dirty Things by boonies
Electric Firefly by dela26
Letters to My Niece by lit_chick08
Mr. & Mrs. Gray by ulaylablue
Scourge by rtwofan
Swapped by dragynflies
Unwanted by dragynflies

Best of Pairings

Dream by jaune_chat
Face-Making by ryuutchi
Methuselah, I by TheGrynne
Rumpelstiltskin by phoenixgfawkes
One of Us by katers007

Best Adam/Elle
Cafes and Castles by aurilly
Epitome of Discretion by katers007
Hello, Hello by tju_tju_tju_tju
Love Is by brighteyed_jill
On Your Knees by aurilly
Playthings by Lirazel
  • The Prison Within by force_oblique
    You Can't Keep Faking (That You Don't Feel This Anymore) by stainofmylove

    Best Adam/Monica *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Living a Lie by jaune_chat
    Two AM Crime Watch by babylon_pride

    Best Ando/Daphne *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Illumination in Unnatural Light by boombangbing
    Motorcycle Diaries by boombangbing
    Pit Stop by aurilly
    Sweet Escape by mydnight_dreams

    Best Arthur/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
    Duplicity by thepandorarose
    Flesh & Blood by thepandorarose

    Best Charles/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl
    Coyote Sands Was Made for Lovers by lit_chick08

    Best Daniel/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Inevitable by thepandorarose
    Pentimento by Moxie-Proxie

    Best Haitian/Elle *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Electrified, Times Seven by cruiscin_lan
    Hey, Juliet by speccygeekgrrl

    Best Hiro/Claire *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Cobwebs in the Dark by missaliceblue
    One More Day by cold_queen_5

    Best Kaito/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose

    Best Knox/Claire *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Death Drive by ever_obsessed
    Grieve for a Moment by toestastegood

    Best Luke/Elle *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Crazy Blind Faith by perdiccas

    Best Matt/Audrey *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Coffee and Donuts by kethni
    The Growing Frustrations of Officer Parkman by GoldSeven

    Best Matt/Daphne *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Ceding the Inevitable by alicebluegown16
    New Kind of Normal by jaune_chat
    Take It Slow by boudecia7
    What Love Is by tiptoe39

    Best Mohinder/Claire
    Catalyst by stolen_kisses87
    First Breath by shimmeree
    In Darkness by ladywilde80
    The Dying Season by ladyanne525
    Nascent by kenzimone
    Welcoming the Burn by kenzimone

    Best Mohinder/Eden *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Can't Resist the Day by jetaimerai
    Forget by cerebel
    Guardian Angel by Drifting.Through.Black

    Best Mohinder/Elle
    A Rude Awakening by aurilly
    like the angel heaven let me think was you by electricxtears
    Multitalented by radiocakes
    Postcards from Home by aurilly
    Recovering from the Shock by cruiscin_lan
    Rough, Isn't It? by cruiscin_lan
    Science On Your Mind by cruiscin_lan

    Best Mohinder/Monica *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    In Reverse by toestastegood

    Best Nathan/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Power by 47-trek-47

    Best Nathan/Claire
    Daughter by kathrynthegr8
    Down the Rabbit Hole by 1297
    Pieces by commen-sense
    Precautionary Measures by ridley1013
    Undone by 1297
    Untitled by 47-trek-47

    Best Nathan/Daphne *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    The Falcon and the Cheetah by boombangbing

    Best Nathan/Elle *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Gilded Cage by boombangbing
    Morning After by boombangbing

    Best Nathan/Heidi *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Almost Here by ilikethequiet

    Best Nathan/Meredith
    An Expected Life by hariboo-smirks
    Annapolis, 1989 by cruiscin_lan
    Five Scenes From Another Life by yo_mawari
    Midland Carousel by saestina
    When Memory Burns by wildsky

    Best Noah/Claire
    Beyond the Expected by augrah
    lullaby by kathrynthegr8
    School Nights by wily_one24
    When Things Change by mydnight_dreams
    Yielding to Temptation by ridley1013

    Best Noah/Elle
    Afterglow Fading by josiefier
    Good Father by cruiscin_lan
    R&R by holycitygirl
    The Roads We Have to Walk by holycitygirl
    Scraps by mint_amaretto
    Sent by teamba
    Vegas Double by josiefier

    Best Noah/Sandra
    A Good Occasion for Champagne by cruiscin_lan
    Five Things by visiblemarket
    The Little Things by indyhat
    Make it Work by speccygeekgrrl
    Something Eternal by force_oblique

    Best Peter/Claire
    Battle to the Inevitable by commen-sense
    Dust of Ages by sinverguenza
    Faith by literarylemming
    Impasse (Blank Canvas Remix) by dramaphile
    Lifetime Commitment by cadesama
    Long Wait Till Judgement by Marble Rose
    Nascent by svilleficrecs
    Trinity by Idareu2loveme
    Ugly Love by missaliceblue
    With Rain In My Shoes by boombangbing

    Peter/Candice *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Nothing Left to Live For by airspaniel

    Peter/Daphne *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Quickie by cadesama

    Best Peter/Elle
    Breaking by avaserenity
    Diversion by faded_facade
    Exchange by anansie_s
    I Was Made to Love Magic by stainofmylove
    We Can Play Pretend by wings4music

    Best Peter/Sandra*needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Untitled by joulupuuro

    Best Sylar/Angela *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    She is Benediction by eleanorb

    Best Sylar/Candice *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Eris Laughed by vibishan
    Heads I Win, Tails You Lose by stainofmylove
    The Sugar Never Helps by andbless-mybaby

    Best Sylar/Claire
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by holycitygirl
    Damage by shimmeree
    It Happened One Night by ladyanne525
    Merrily, Merrily Series by cameroncrazed
    Painless by perilouspolly
    Spring (Verb, Intransitive) by cruiscin_lan
    The Sugar Never Helps by andbless_mybaby
    With Those Who Favor Fire by andbless_mybaby

    Best Sylar/Eden
    Bag and Tag by albion1919
    Discovering Eden by Squeeka_Cuomo
    Falling by sinemoras09
    Good Enough by sinemoras09
    Subterfuge by albion1919

    Best Sylar/Elle
    Angel of Death by mrstater
    Conjugal Visit by quirkysmuse
    Country Feedback by stainofmylove
    Family Memories by bellonablack
    Five Finger Kiss by stainofmylove
    Five Things Elle and Sylar Never Got to Do by ashesfor_trees
    The Five Times Sylar and Elle Killed and One Time They Didn't by sarahetc
    Grow Up and Blow Away by mickey_dear
    I Sing the Body by saathi1013
    Lay Down Your Heart by faded_facades
    Love, Hate, Love by thewatchmaker
    On the Fine Line of Love and Hate by blackout_girl
    Vapour Trail by stainofmylove

    Best Sylar/Heidi *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Erase by fifmeister
    Illusions by pheonixgfawkes

    Best Sylar/Maya *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Certain Dark Things by andbless_mybaby
    Kept Woman by albion1919
    No Time for Goodbyes by razycrandomgirl

    Best Threesome (2f, 1m) *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Pairings
    Three Times the Fun by jaune_chat

    Best Threesome (2m, 1f)
    Healing by 47_trek_47
    Here Endeth the Lesson by cameroncrazed
    I Know Very Well How I Got My Name by stainofmylove
    It's Not Cheating if You Change the Rules by speccygeekgrrl
    Kinky Little Games We Play by dragynflies
    Preserving the Bloodline by brighteyed_jill
    Restoration by 1297
    Silent and Starving by cidercupcakes
    Spotted! by boonies
    Sub Rosa by eowyn-girl
    Teaching by faded_facade
    Untitled - threesome, Elle in the middle by dragynflies
    Winter in Elysium by saestina
    You and Me and Him by mystery_sock

    Best Characterization

    Best Adam Characterization
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
    An Unexpected Guest by sinemoras09
    Cafes and Castles by aurilly
    Hello, Hello by tju_tju_tju_tju
    A Little Dignitie Now by the-grynne
    justification by lilies_pad
    Tent by sinemoras09

    Best Angela Characterization
    All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
    Coyote Sands Was Made for Lovers by lit_chick08
    Dream by jaune_chat
    Duplicity by thepandorarose
    Flesh & Blood by thepandorarose
    Her Failure by commen-sense
    One of Us by katers007
    Optima Mater by Selena
    Playing Favorites by cadesama
    Power by 47_trek_47
    Thoughts From a Bench by Fabulous Georgina

    Best Arthur Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Nostalgia by thepandorarose

    Best Audrey Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Coffee and Donuts by kethni
    Comeuppance by fifmeister

    Best Bob Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    All Along the Watchtower by speccygeekgrrl

    Best Charles Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose

    Best Claire Characterization
    Between a Rock and a Hard Place by crashgirl82
    it's not forever, it's just tonight by kathrynthegr8
    Death Drive by ever_obsessed
    Face in the Crowd by saestina
    Faith by literarylemming
    Lullaby by kathrynthegr8
    Mirror Image by
    Watch As the Sky Closes In by missaliceblue

    Best Claude Characterization
    A Capable Woman by thepandorarose
    Conversations with Invisible People by artemis_rain
    Frost by sinemoras09
    Le Tourbillon de la Vie by visiblemarket
    One of Them by lady1raven
    A Robin Sings at Midnight by c_qinn

    Best Daphne Characterization
    Ceding the Inevitable by alicebluegown16
    Collectors by barhaven
    Illumination in Unnatural Light by boombangbing
    Motorcycle Diaries by boombangbing
    Quickie by cadesama
    Ruling in Hell by kethni

    Best Eden Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Bag and Tag by albion1919
    Falling by sinemoras09
    Forget by cerebel
    The Complete Sexual History of Eden McCain by sinemoras09

    Best Elle Characterization
    Electrocatalysis by 12_12_12
    Got a Wolf to Keep Her Warm by unreckless
    I Sing the Body by saathi1013
    In the Sun by aurilly
    Nine Thoughts Elle Bishop Has About Touching by superkappa
    Of Bishops and Knights by dragynflies
    Scraps by mint-amaretto
    Vapour Trail by stainofmylove
    You Know That I Forget Nothing by stainofmylove

    Best Heidi Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    In Every Way That Matters by fifmeister
    The Lost Ones by starvinbohemian
    Who I Am Without You by GoldSeven

    Best Knox Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Death Drive by ever_obsessed

    Best Linderman Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Inevitable by thepandorarose
    The Melancholy Heart by thepandorarose
    Preserving the Bloodline by brighteyed_jill
    Variations on a Theme: Angela Petrelli by martinigirl

    Best Luke Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Crazy Blind Faith by perdiccas
    Getting There by missbreese
    Here Endeth the Lesson by cameroncrazed
    I Am the Highway by kathrynthegr8

    Best Lyle Characterization
    Just One of Those Things by cadesama
    Left Behind by squills
    Ordinary Boy by saestina
    Secrets and Lies by aurilly
    "What do you go home to?" by arenotvalid

    Best Matt Characterization
    Coffee and Donuts by kethni
    The Growing Frustrations of Officer Parkman by GoldSeven

    Best Maya Characterization*needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    And at the Hour of Death by smithsbabe65
    Jinxed by albion1919
    Tear Bottles. by albion1919

    Best Meredith Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Annapolis, 1989 by cruiscin_lan
    Folly by Selena
    Midland Carousel by saestina

    Best Mohinder Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Company Girls by Selena
    One of Us (Step Right Up) by monimala
    Postcards from Home by aurilly

    Best Molly Characterization
    Dreaming by Selena
    Five Games Sylar Never Played: Hide and Seek by sameoldhope
    Go Back to Sleep by razycrandomgirl
    The Good Kind by ygrawn
    Postcards from Home by aurilly

    Best Monica Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    Awake by tokenblkgirl
    In Reverse by toestastegood
    Living a Lie by jaune_chat
    Somewhere in the Sands by monimala

  • Best Monty Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    The Lost Ones by starvinbohemian

    Best Nathan Characterization
    Daughter by kathrynthegr8
    Duplicity by thepandorarose
    Lies and Apple Pie by 1297
    Midland Carousel by saestina
    Stupid Decisions, Complicated Consequences by Nikki1
    Untitled (takes place during Asylum) by 47_trek_47

    Best Niki Characterization
    Fugue State by brighteyed_jill

    Best Noah Characterization
    The Bait of Sin by ridley1013
    Elle (Doesn't) by cerebel
    Family Matters by GoldSeven
    Good Father by cruiscin-lan
    Namesake by fifmeister
    Periodic 36 by augrah
    Pizza, a Watch, and Defying Protocol by teamba
    When Things Change by mydnight_dreams

    Best Peter Characterization
    An Unexpected Guest by sinemoras09
    Lifetime Commitment by cadesama
    Little Pitchers by Nikki1
    Look Up (Fireworks) by sinverguenza
    O Negative by taxidryer
    Regret by eowyn-girl
    Trinity by Idareu2loveme
    You and Me and Him by mystery_sock

  • Best Simon Characterization *needs more nominations or these fics will end up in Rare Characters
    The Lost Ones by starvinbohemian

    Best Sylar Characterization
    Blonde Burns Black by radiocakes
    Enter Sandman by thewatchmaker
    The Five Blind Dates of Gabriel Gray by razycrandomgirl
    Five Fantasies Sylar Pretends He's Never Had by ipsilonx
    I Am What You Cannot Be by ipsilonx
    Inlaqueo by fifmeister
    Mirror Image by
    The Sugar Never Helps by andbless_mybaby
    Untitled by bellonablack

  • mod!post, fic awards

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