Heroes Het Fic Awards - Nomination Post

Apr 27, 2009 21:51

Heroes Het Fanfiction Awards!!

NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Voting will begin early next week.

Please read the instructions all the way through before you make your nominations!

We can accept nominations as comments to this entry (which will be screened) or via email to heroes.het.fic@gmail.com. Emailed nominations should include the word "nomination" (or variations thereof) in the subject line; the body of the email also must contain your livejournal username or else will not be counted.

Nominations need to include the name of the fic, the author, and a usable link to the fic (for this reason, we cannot accept nominations for locked fics). You can copy this format to submit:





For example:

Category: Best Mr. Muggles Characterization




The nomination period will end on 10/05/2009, although this is flexible; please watch or friend the heroes_het_fic community for updates. EDIT: Nomination period extended.
NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Voting will begin early next week.

Here are a few more important points to consider before you begin nominating:

  • These are awards for het fics; each nominated fic needs to feature a het relationship (however, this relationship does not necessarily have to be romantic or sexual).

  • You can nominate the same fic for different categories.

  • Pairings in the "Best of Pairings" will get separate categories if at least five fics featuring the pairing are nominated; any pairing with fewer fics will be placed in a "rare pairings" category.

  • Characters in the "Best Characterization" categories will similarly have their own categories if at least five fics featuring the character are nominated; otherwise they will be placed in a "rare character" category.

  • Categories will be split according to rating if the amount of unique fics nominated in a category justifies it. Otherwise there will be no cap on the number of fics that can compete in a single category.

  • WIP fics are not eligible for any category except for "Best WIP fic".


    Any questions can be directed to the mods of heroes_het_fic, either myself or cruiscin_lan, or by emailing heroes.het.fic@gmail.com. We're more than happy to help!

    Section One: Best Overall

    Best Action/Adventure Fic
    Best Crack Fic
    Best Romance Fic
    Best PWP Fic
    Best Angst Fic
    Best Fluff Fic
    Best Drama Fic
    Best Dark Fic
    Best Non-Con Fic
    Best Crossover Fic
    Best AU Fic
    Best Death Fic
    Best Episode-Central Fic
    Best Epic Fic - best non-chaptered fic more than 10 000 words
    Best One-Shot Fic - best fic between 1000 and 10 000 words
    Best Petite Fic - best fic under 500 words
    Best Chapter Fic - best finished fic posted in chapters
    Best WIP (Work in Progress) Pic - best as-yet-unfinished fic

    One nomination per category

    Section Two: Best of Pairing

    One nomination per pairing

    One nomination per 2 male/1 female threesome

    One nomination per 2 female/1 male threesome

    Section Three: Best Characterizations

    One nomination per character

    As a final note, if anyone would like to volunteer their talents towards creating banners for the awards, please email heroes.het.fic@gmail.com and include "I'M AWESOME" in the subject line. We'd like to have banners for nominees as well as winners!

    Rules for voting will be posted once the nomination period is over.
  • mod!post, fic awards

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