mod!post, fic awards

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  • Voting reminder/Heroes Anon Rare Pairs Meme

    cruiscin_lan wrote in heroes_het_fic May 30, 2009 12:47

    Hey guys,

    Just a reminder that voting is still up for the Heroes Het Fic Awards. Also, the deadline for Feedback Frenzy tables has been extended until voting closes, so it's not too late to jump on that bandwagon. heroes_exchange also had Feedback Frenzy, and it went well, so give it a try ( Read more... )

    mod!post, fic awards

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  • Section Three: Best Characterization

    psycho_llama wrote in heroes_het_fic Jun 19, 2009 08:44

    Here are the nominees for all the section three categories. Please vote via comments to this post.

    EDIT: Voting is now closed. Thank you for your participation. Winners will be announced soon.

    cut for massive length! )

    mod!post, fic awards

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