FIC: The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her...

Oct 25, 2008 18:34

Title: The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her...
Characters/Pairings: Elle/Haitian
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or any of its characters.
Word count: 801
A/N: Written for perdiccas's Heroes Anonymous Kink Meme II
Prompt:Elle/Haitian: After years of working together, it was actually love. Heart-breaking memory wipe at the end.

Like her, he'd been with the company since he was young. They'd practically grown up together - he was a few years older, but she was friendly and spunky and made him her playmate anyway. At first she'd make him play with dolls or stuffed animals with her; he'd simply hold them as she narrated. All his life he'd only known French and Creole; it was her constant chattering that taught him English.

Still, he never spoke it - he never spoke at all until they started bringing him to her, commanding him to place his hands on her head and use his power to make her memories disappear. At times like this she'd be pale and weak, eyes averted hatefully away from her father, who stood stoically beside her hospital gurney. Sometimes she'd be catatonic, almost comatose, her breathing shallow and her eyelids fluttering. Her soft blond hair would cling to her temples - whether she was sweating or whether they had soaked her for some reason, the boy couldn't tell. When he saw her like this, he placed his hands on her head and leaned forward, whispering so low into her ear that only she could discern his words, if she was listening. Whether or not she was didn't matter, because in just a moment her memory of his words would disappear, along with the memories of her father's and the company's cruelty.

In a day or two she'd be back on her feet, full of life and energy, looking for a playmate to torture. Thanks in part to her father's experiments, she was learning to control her power effectively, and the Haitian became her favorite target. Still, knowing what she had to go through, he never once complained, taking years of her abuse in silence. Besides, while he had come to the company knowing only how to erase memories, it was Elle who helped him learn that he could suppress other people's powers as well.

Then they promoted him, gave him a partner, and sent him out on missions. Elle missed him without knowing why. As the Haitian and his partner, Noah Bennet, sought out and captured dangerous criminals and locked them away, Elle was pestering her father about a possible promotion for herself.

Then came Peter Petrelli.

When he first came in, the Haitian stood stoically behind the couch, watching as Elle stroked and prodded Peter, unable to explain the rising sense of jealousy he felt at seeing her make someone else her toy. While he maintained perfect composure, he could have sworn he caught a glint in her eye as she glanced his way.

It took him weeks to come up with the courage. She'd come down the hall with an extra spring in her step - Peter Petrelli had kissed her. The Haitian didn't know this, but took her by her shoulders and pushed her against the wall.

"I... what...?" she muttered briefly before he pressed his lips to hers.

She couldn't quite name the feeling she had for him, but he knew what his was for her - love. Together they ducked into a storage closet, away from the prying view of cameras and Daddy, and he expressed his love for her slowly. Her angelic hair clung once again to her temples, and as he brushed it away he whispered wonderful things to her in three languages. She didn't know why his voice sounded so familiar to her. She had never been treated so gently - not by Daddy, not by Peter, not by Adam Munroe - and to her surprise, she liked it better this way.

The Haitian massaged her shoulders, ran his hands along her back, cupping the curve of her buttocks as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling herself upward to meet his kisses. Slowly he undressed her, and she him, until they were lying on a pile of their wrinkled clothing. He sucked on her nipples, he slid a hand down towards her clit, and she arched her back and sighed softly. She started playing with his ears, caressing them gently, and for some reason that turned him on even more. He kissed her between her breasts, along her clavicles, back up her shoulders and neck. She was practically purring with pleasure by the time he finally entered her, rocking back and forth slowly - the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

He was dressed again before she was, and he embraced her from behind as she buttoned up her blouse. The alarm outside sounded, a piercing wail, the flashing light visible beneath the threshold door. An escape.

"Oh shit," Elle tried springing to her feet, but the Haitian held her more tightly.

"Wait, just one moment more," he whispered. The Haitian sighed as placed his hands on her head one more time.

character: the haitian, character: noah bennet, fanfiction, character: elle bishop, character: peter petrelli, pairing: elle/haitian, rating: nc-17

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