Heroes ficlet: Faith (Claire-POV) PG

Dec 05, 2006 15:30

TITLE: Faith
AUTHOR: Mnemosyne

Disclaimer: Not mine!
SUMMARY: Claire is confronted by shaken faith.
CHARACTERS: Claire, Peter, with Paire undertones
SPOILERS: HUGE spoilers through 1x11, "Fallout"
Good gracious, "Fallout" was good. I mean really, REALLY good. I haven't been THAT riveted by an episode of anything in a long time. Naturally it gave me about a million and one plot bunnies that I'm never going to get a chance to write, but this one kicked me in the shin and demanded to be put on paper. So voila! I present Claire-angst, inspired by the final scenes of "Fallout." It's hardly more than a drabble, but it does everything I wanted it to do. :) Enjoy!

It doesn't escape her notice that she is one of the few running towards him. There's something prophetic in that, but she doesn't know what and she doesn't question it. It's easier just to run, feet skimming over the pavement. She's wearing her cheerleader outfit, and that's how she knows this is a dream, because she knows for a fact that she will never willingly wear that uniform again.

Peter steps in front of her, eyes questioning, and she comes to a stop an arm's length away. For a moment there's only them, and the skeletal bones of New York are nothing but shadows in the periphery. Her eyes drift to his feet, then back to his face, and there's something heartbreakingly beautiful about the way he starts to burn. It's a glow at first; a bright yellow-white nimbus that outlines his hands, and judging by his face, he doesn't even know it's happening.

She doesn't know what to do.

This was her destiny; to save the world. And now she stands here and watches him sublimate to flame, and she doesn't know what to DO.

His attention is diverted, distracted by a man and woman on the street behind him, and the loss of his gaze is like a physical weight lifted from her lungs. "I'm sorry," she feels herself say, though she hears nothing. Tears are in her eyes, and the confusion on his face is almost too much to bear.

He's always had such faith in her; in THEM; this power that's chosen them to save the future. She's admired that about him since the first time they met; this unwavering faith that everything will be all right. Claire hasn't had much faith in anything since her father tried to take her yesterdays away. But Peter... she's always managed to have faith in Peter.

Until now. She just can't figure out how this can possibly turn out all right.

She feels like a traitor.

Peter fell five stories and died for her, never knowing that he'd come back to life.

Claire knows she's indestructible. She knows this is a dream. But as his flesh turns fire orange, she turns her back and runs.


xposted to literarylemming, paire_love, heroes_claire, and heroes_fic

fanfic: heroes, fanfic

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