Ficlet: Elle (Doesn't) - Heroes

Sep 23, 2008 00:52

Pairing: Elle/Bennet
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
Spoilers: to 3x01/02
Summary: Elle doesn't need this.

Elle doesn't seduce Bennet.

It wouldn't have worked. Another inmate, another dangerous individual, she would have tried. She likes the power it gives her, likes knowing that it doesn't matter. That they can't touch her, where it really counts.

Besides, he'd be too controlled. She'd never be able to get inside his head. He'd be the one in control; she wouldn't be able to touch him where it counts, either.


Elle doesn't play on Bennet's love for his family.

She can tell he's worried. Frustrated, by the enclosing walls. He never lets that frustration show; always cool, always collected. His eyes are abstract, gaze through the walls rather than at them. She feels like he has a plan. She wonders if she should make sure he's never in a position to implement it.


Elle doesn't abuse Bennet.

He doesn't respond, and it isn't sporting. He doesn't have a power, like the rest of them. Dangerous, all the same, of course, but he has a strange vulnerability because of it. An automatic weakness he has to overcome.

The first time she shocks him, in the cell, he grits his teeth. Sends her a look of disapproval, and it makes her heart sink in her chest.


Elle doesn't apologize.

But she apologizes to him, the next day, and the way he responds, the little inhale, the twitch of his eyes away from hers, that tells her something. It tells her the way to control him.


Elle doesn't fear.

But she fears what her father might have done to her, when she was young. What she might not remember.


Elle doesn't listen, when her father tells her to leave Bennet alone.

The security cameras aren't hard to disable, and Bennet doesn't seem so very against her presence in his cell.


Elle doesn't need this.

Want, yes; need, no. Sex is fun, sure. Especially when it means breaking one of the prisoners.

But she doesn't need it. She doesn't crave skin-to-skin contact - she doesn't wish, desperately, hopelessly, for someone who can make her lose control and stay safe.


Elle doesn't go into that cell with her intentions clear, her goals set.

She goes in conflicted, unhappy, in turmoil, and she recognizes the same emotions in Bennet's eyes. Buried deep, but definitely there.


Elle doesn't forget caution.

The security cameras are disabled, when she and Bennet kiss the first time. Doesn't come from either one of them, but both, at the same time, a well of need drawing them so close it's impossible to separate.

His mouth is hungry on hers, but restrained, too restrained, so she climbs on top of him, shoves him back against the wall - breaks his restraint, so she knows he wants as much as she does.


Elle doesn't believe that she's truly capable of emotional attachment.

Still, though, Bennet is hot and hard and a little on the edge of painful inside her, but it feels good, like he's not just touching her physically, like he's slipped in too far and not far enough.

There's a touch of urgency, because they could still be caught - the cells aren't private. But she drags out the moment, until his fingers close on her hips, and he can't - quite - breathe properly.


Elle doesn't love.

Maybe not even her father.

But she does trust.


When Bennet catches the gun, mid-air, Elle knows they would have been fantastic partners.

Might still be, someday.

heroes: elle/bennet, ficlet, het, heroes

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