Bed Time

Aug 06, 2008 16:37

Title:  Bed Time
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Pairing: Mohinder/Elle
Spoilers: Maybe some for season two, but not really
Warnings:  Fluff
Summary:  Mohinder and Elle find themselves in rather close proximity
A/N:  Written for the WAFFathon.  My very first het fic.  I was reluctant to post it here cos I thought it sucked, but then
aurilly said 'please,' so of course I had to!

“Oh you’re kidding me, right?”

“I’m sorry sir, but there is only one room left. It does have a double bed. The choice is simple - take it or leave it.”

Mohinder sighed, and stared at Elle, who was picking paint off the wall as she waited.

“Is there not even a twin room? Really?”

“Sir, I’ve just told you. One double room. That’s all we have.

“What’s the problem, cutey-pie?” said Elle, walking over to the desk.

“There’s only one room. With one double bed. We’re going to have to go somewhere else.”

“What’s the matter, doc? You gone all shy on me? We’ll take it,” she said to the receptionist. Mohinder sighed again.

Elle took the keys, and led them down the murky hallway to the room. She opened the door and turned on the light inside, to reveal a burnt orange room, with décor stuck in the 1960s. “Classy!” she exclaimed, while Mohinder heaved their two suitcases inside.

“Ok, you can have the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor. It’ll be fine.”

“Wooo cable! We can watch pornos!” Elle exclaimed.

“Elle, you’re not listening. I said you take the bed, and I’ll sleep on the floor. Just don’t step on me in the night, ok?”

Elle walked up to him, and leant in close. “Nonsense doc. You’re in the bed with me. I promise no funny business, not unless you want to, that is?”

Mohinder smirked. “I hardly think that’s professional. What would your father say?”

“He’d be pretty annoyed. He’d probably kill you. But he’s not here. Which is why we get to watch all the cable porn we like, and stay up as late as we want. It’s win win.” She turned on the TV, and proceeded to flick through the channels.

“We can’t stay up late. We have a job to do in the morning. The Haitian’s around here somewhere, and we need our wits about us if we are ever going to capture him. Which means” he grabbed the remote control, and flicked of the TV before throwing into a corner, “we need a good night’s rest. Now, get ready for bed.”

“Whatever you say.” Elle started to unbutton her shirt, letting it fall from her shoulders so she just stood in her bra and trousers.

“Elle!” exclaimed Mohinder. “Do that in the bathroom, please! Have some dignity.”

Elle made a pug face, before walking into the bathroom. She came out again in an instant, in just her bra and knickers.

“Where are your nightclothes?”

“Forgot ‘em” she said simply.

Mohinder let out an exasperated sigh, before turning off the light to strip down to his boxers.   Once his clothes were off, he slid under the bed clothes, which smelt strangely musty. He dared not look beneath the covers, fearing what stains he may find there. He shivered at the thought, before pulling the bedclothes over his head. He felt Elle slide in beside him, kicking her legs against the tired mattress, before settling down.

Mohinder was aware of a dim light, which gradually got brighter. He opened his eyes to see Elle fingering a ball of electricity, throwing it from one hand to the other.

“What are you doing?” he mumbled, slightly irritated.

“I… don’t like the dark” Elle said quietly. “I need a bit of light otherwise I can’t sleep.”

“Why ever not?”

“ I… don’t know. Bad things happen in the dark, I guess. I always need a little light. I’m sorry.”

Mohinder rose onto his elbow, and looked at Elle, bathed in the blue light she was producing from her hands. Her face looked serious, and ever so slightly vulnerable. “That’s ok” he said. “We’ll put the table lamp on. You should have said something before.”

“Didn’t want to seem silly.”

“You’re not silly. It’s perfectly natural to have fear. It’s human instinct.” He turned over, and switched on the bedside light.

“So what’s your fear?” she said.

Mohinder was taken aback. He hesitated a little, not wanting to reveal it. As he looked at Elle, he saw she stared at him with earnest eyes. Maybe it was good to be vulnerable once in a while.

“Being alone” he said.

“Being alone?” she repeated.

Mohinder fingered the hem of the bed sheet. “I’ve always hated it. I know I come across as being quite independent, but my biggest fear is going through life without anybody. Without someone to talk to, to bounce ideas off, to hold when things get tough… to crawl into bed with at night. That’s my biggest fear. Sometimes I think I come across as being so aloof, I tend to push people away.”

He lay back. There was silence in the room, the only noise being the slow drip of the tap from the bathroom. He opened his eyes, to find Elle’s face next to his. She was smiling.

“It’s not gonna happen, doc. Seriously. I mean, for one thing, you’re hot. Secondly, you’ve got brains, and thirdly…. You have a kick-ass sidekick.” She smiled. Mohinder laughed gently.

“Well, when you put it like that, who wouldn’t want me?”

“Damn right.” She smiled, but then he face fell as she looked down.  “Me, on the other hand… who’d want me?”

“What on earth do you mean?”

“Oh let’s face it. Sociopath, slightly screwy, too wrapped up in what Daddy thinks of her, no experience of the world whatsoever…. Yeah, great catch for someone.” She smiled sadly, not looking Mohinder in the eyes.

Mohinder moved up once more. “I think you’d be a great catch for someone. You’re very pretty, funny, and underneath everything, I think you have a heart of gold.”

“Really? You really think that?”

“Absolutely. I think a person would be mad if they didn’t want you.”

He leant up, and caught her mouth. They kissed slowly and gently, before Mohinder buried his hand in her hair and pulled her head back. Their tongues entwined, searching out each other’s mouth. Mohinder moved himself up, and straddled Elle, not breaking the kiss until he had to breathe. As she panted, he kissed down her neck, undoing her bra with one hand before taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking, pulling and twisting at the other one with his fingers. Elle moaned, gooseflesh covering her whole body as Mohinder continued to work his way down to her navel, tonguing it as she moaned above him. He pulled down her panties, seeking out the sensitive nub and licking, causing Elle to arch up and whimper.

Sparks of electricity flitted around the room as she couldn’t control herself, one accidentally zapping Mohinder on the forehead. He stopped what he was doing and flung the bedclothes off, staring at her. “What was that for?”

“Oh god, sorry. Sorry but please, don’t stop” she moaned. Mohinder chuckled, and resumed licking. As he felt her get close, he nibbled at her clitoris, sending waves of ecstasy up her spine. Elle came with a cry, sparks flying around the room as she desperately tried to avoid hitting Mohinder.

He pulled her panties up, and moved up to kiss her deeply again. “A great catch” he murmured into her lips.

Elle smiled as she ran her fingers tiredly through his hair. “So I guess we’ll need to go to sleep now?”

“Yes. We need to be fresh in the morning” said Mohinder, lazily kissing her arm.

“Yes. You especially” she said, a bright glint in her eyes.

“And why’s that?”

“Cos Daddy’s going to kill you now. You violated his little girl.”

Mohinder chuckled. “I’m willing to take him on.”

“And I’ll help. Provided…”

“Provided what?”

“You violate me again in the morning.”

“It’s a deal,” Mohinder laughed, before snuggling up close and dropping off to sleep.

fanfic, rating: nc-17

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