Oh goodness gracious. This really has to stop. Flaking out on LJ posting, I mean! I've thought about doing it a lot, recently, but I was just reading some of my old entries and felt the need. Theraputic, Sarah! Do the thing
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Oh my gosh. Hello. Hi. HI. I cannot believe it has been so long since I've updated. I feel awful! Awful because I've been so out of the loop, and awful because coming here and unloading is some of the best stress relief there is. In my defense, this past year has been pretty freaking terrible and my depression disallowed me from doing anything
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You know who Sarah is? Sarah is the person whom everyone unloads their shit on, who lends an ear and will nod in all the right places and give advice and be as helpful as possible. That's who I am. I feel like that's all I'm known for
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Job hunting has turned into an lol-worthy affair. Apple has now turned me down - twice. I had two interviews for one store, got a "thanks but no thanks" email, and then a few days later got a call from their HR saying they had an opening at another store and would I like an interview there. So I went to two more interviews and
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I check LJ almost every day. So why can't I make myself update? I don't knoooow. Maybe because so much crap keeps piling up, so many events and feelings happen that becomes just too much to explain or dealt with. I will try better
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