Thank goodness you had the proofreading job to fall back on! And if you hate office work, there's no point in staying there and being sucked into a depressing job that you'll end up hating - take it from me who did it for 10 years.
Of course now that I'm retired medically, I'm stuck at home with nothing to do and bored shitless, so there is that.
Hopefully things will pick up and go the way that you want them to. But YAY NYC!!!! :D
Yes, exactly. It's two for two, really; I had that awful, awful law office job too, but both of those were basic admin positions. So, idk. Maybe somewhere down the road I could actually find an office job that ISN'T just data entry and scanning and answering phones? We shall see, I guess.
The job situation may not be al you hoped, but every time you tweet pics and I see the joy on your face, I know you're where you're meant to be. Keep on keeping on Sarah. ♥
I was trying to be a big girl about it and not complain, but omg it suuuucked. I was so hoping it would be the thing I wanted to do. ;___; But I am very VERY happy about having this to fall back on and actually enjoy, for sure!
Comments 18
Of course now that I'm retired medically, I'm stuck at home with nothing to do and bored shitless, so there is that.
Hopefully things will pick up and go the way that you want them to. But YAY NYC!!!! :D
Good luck with the freelancing, that sounds way more fun! Plus, NEW YORK.
NEW YORK INDEED! I hear you sometimes make trips down here. Can I bribe you with alcohol and Cards Against Humanity to come and visit? ;)
Also, will you be in Vegas for Wincon?
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