(no subject)

Dec 28, 2015 23:11

Oh goodness gracious. This really has to stop. Flaking out on LJ posting, I mean! I've thought about doing it a lot, recently, but I was just reading some of my old entries and felt the need. Theraputic, Sarah! Do the thing!

In re-reading my old posts, it's struck me again how INCREDIBLY important having a stable job is for me. Like, all of my entries are job-centered. Honest to God, I would not wish what I went through in NYC on anyone. And speaking of jobs, lets talk about the one that I still have from earlier posts! Almost a full year in this position, and it's not Starbucks! Amazing! And, let me be real, I am goddamn AMAZING at my job. I mean it. My official title is "Talent Coordinator" and, as you would imagine, I coordinate talents. I manage a very detailed calendar and coordinate internally with my team, the voice talents, and clients. It's very very stressful at times, but a challenge, and I like a challenge. We recently had our company Christmas party, and I was awarded the "nulli secundus" award (second to none.) Essentially, I've been with the company for less than a year, and I've done such a damn good job that they recognized it in front of the entire company, with a huge gift basket and an etched glass award to boot. I don't mean to sound so conceited, but I work HARD and am meticulous to the point of being obsessive, so I don't mind if I pat myself on the back. It's just nice to work somewhere where I feel useful and can actually make a difference.

Life is life. Still living with my parents, and wouldn't you know - my sister just experienced the same thing I went through last year. She was unable to find a good, steady job, so she had to move out of Florida and come home. So now it's four 26+ adults living in the same household... we've had to make boundries, lol. It's all good though. No explosive fights yet.

Let's see... 2015 was not bad at all for me. Quite good, actually. Steady job, way more money than I've EVER made, family very close by, some good trips... not bad. 2016 will be interesting. I've already got a flight booked to Iceland (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in May. This is my dream trip and I am SO excited. There's also a very good possibility that I may be moving back up to NYC? I've got my foot in the door and very very good connections with a large company there. I've even already had an informal interview. But. We'll see! I'm not going to push anything this time around. Once bitten, twice shy.

Anywho... past my bedtime! Next time, I'll check in sooner. <3
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