Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Future Cas: The Long Road Back: (24/28)

Nov 03, 2011 18:03

special thank you to my beta weslyn, who as always, helped me to make this chapter as good as it can be.

Title: The Long Road Back
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 24/28
Warnings: gore,language,violence, drug use, slash
Spoilers: only up to 5 X 4 (but you'll see me draw from information we found out later)
Characters/Pairings: focus on Dean/Future Cas but also Risa, Chuck, OC's, LuciferSam, and future Dean.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine and I don't own anything but a few OC's and the errors.
Summary: AU 5 X 04 The End fic. In many ways this will be a fix it story (but not in all ways). Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.
A/N: This fic has been consuming my brain in a good way. I really wanted to play around in this world, i love apocalyptic type settings, and i thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy during the hiatus. This story is going to have action,violence, and some death but the focus of this fic will be a slowly evolving love story in the middle of a world gone to hell between a certain hunter and a certain fallen angel. If you have a problem with that, don't read it.
Word count: 2636 (60,000 total)

Chapter One Chapter Eight Chapter 15 Chapter 22
Chapter Two Chapter Nine Chapter 16 Chapter 23
Chapter Three Chapter Ten Chapter 17
Chapter Four Chapter Eleven Chapter 18
Chapter Five Chapter Twelve Chapter 19
Chapter Six Chapter Thirteen Chapter 20
Chapter Seven Chapter Fourteen Chapter 21

The light went out as Dean ran towards Cas, his heart in his throat. Cas had fallen to the ground, he’d stopped screaming, but he wasn’t moving. Dean fell down at his side, feeling his neck, and praying he’d find a pulse.

There was a moan. Followed by, “Ouch.”

“What the hell just happened?” Dean put his hand on Cas’s face, his skin was coated with sweat, and burning with fever.

“Not sure.” Cas was breathing hard. His face was still scrunched up in pain.

“Don’t worry about it right now. Just catch your breath.” Dean looked over to where the object in question was hiding. There was a dim, yellow light visible through the opening. He started to stand, Cas’s arm shot out, his hand locked around Dean’s wrist.

“No, don…,” Cas cried weakly, then his eyelids fluttered, and his head lolled to the side. Dean double-checked his pulse; he could still feel it beating beneath his fingertips.

He knew Cas didn’t want him to go over there, but someone had to do it. Since Cas was taking a power nap at the moment that left Dean with only one option - getting a closer look.

Dean took a deep breath, stood, and picked up a piece of wood that had fallen inside when they’d made a hole in the floor. Cas had gotten close to the thing, maybe even touched it, that might have been what triggered the attack.

He walked a bit closer, took aim, and tossed it at the hole. The wood smacked against the opening, bounced off the wall, and clattered to the floor.

The genie remained in the bottle.

It was possible it only reacted to people.

There weren’t any tests he could do for that. Dean strode over, ignoring the fear coiling in his belly, and knelt down in front of the opening.

When he wasn’t blinded by the light, he peered inside, angling his head, and got his first look at what had put the whammy on Cas.

A glowing golden orb was nestled in the dirt, it had strange writing etched all around it. There was something familiar about a few of the markings, but he couldn’t place it.

Dean used his flashlight to poke it a few times. The orb rolled onto its side, and didn’t do much else.

Screw it.

Dean reached in, grabbed it, body tensing as he pulled it out, still waiting for it to wake up and bitch slap him.

When it remained quiet, Dean lifted the object up close to his face, scrutinizing it - the item was the size and shape of a baseball, and it was warm to the touch. He might not have Cas’s enhanced senses, but even Dean could tell this thing was practically humming with power. It had the hairs on his arm stretching towards it - as if even they were in awe.

It didn’t hurt him though. It didn’t do anything but sit in his palm as he examined it.

He stood up.

There was a groan from across the room. Dean glanced back, Cas’s eyes were open and he was glaring at Dean with the force of a hurricane.

Cas sat up, and leaned his head back against the wall. “Apparently you missed me flying across the room.” His glare had softened, his expression clouded with worry.

“I’m fine.” Dean gestured at himself. “No need to get your panties in a bunch.”

Cas shook his head gingerly. “Maybe it’s out of juice?”

Dean sighed and held the object up so Cas could get a good look at it “I doubt that, this baby seems pretty alive to me.”

Cas shot him one last half-hearted glare, then sighed, and got to his feet. He leaned against the wall for a second, then took a few steps closer. His head tilted, gaze wary, his arm reached out, fingers stretching.

Dean held his position several feet away, watching.

Cas’s hand dropped back to his side moments later and he started to come closer, his eyes never leaving the small, glowing ball.

“You sure about this?” he asked as Cas slowly inched closer.

“No, but I need to see it.” Cas stopped when he was within arm’s length, eyes studying it. “I got the impression it was searching me earlier - I don’t believe it will happen again.”

“Searching you?”

“Yes,” Cas’s tone was distracted, his eyes crinkled, his mouth partially open. “Perhaps it sensed I’m not entirely human.”

Dean was about to respond, but Cas cut him off with, “that’s Enochian,” and reached out before Dean could protest, snatching it with the speed of a cheetah. Freaking former angels with ridiculous reflexes.

Dean grimaced, waiting for the thing to toss Cas across the room, or explode.

Nothing happened.

If Cas was aware of Dean’s worry, he didn’t show it. The former angel was completely absorbed with rolling the object around on his palm. The orb bathed his face in yellow light as he examined all the writing. His eyes seemed to get wider and wider as he read. His face taking on an expression of pure awe.

Dean wasn’t sure if he should be excited or terrified. It was hard, but he kept his mouth shut and waited for Cas to finish.

“I think I have an idea what this thing is, Dean,” he whispered, his tone almost reverent.

“Care to enlighten the masses?”

“I think this is a relic of the host.” His long fingers drummed on the item. “If I‘m right this could be the Akashic Archive.”

“Dumb boyfriend here, remember. Keep it simple,” Dean teased, realizing what he’d blurted moments later, but not caring.

Cas looked at him. In the light emanating from the softly glowing orb, Dean saw small, almost shy, smile crossed his face. It was freaking adorable. Dean had never been so glad he had the tendency to forget to think before speaking.

Cas coughed, then continued. “I think this object is from heaven.”

“Seriously?” Dean felt a surge of surprise, from what he understood heaven had tossed them to the wolves long ago. He felt suspicion snake up his spine and leave a bad taste in his mouth. This felt a little too convenient.

Cas continued speaking, either ignoring or unaware of Dean‘s skepticism. “It could have been locked in one of the many…” Cas trailed off, tilted his head, searching for the correct word. Cas exhaled and settled on, “Vaults.” Cas shrugged his shoulders and tapped his chin with his index finger. “I have no idea how a hunter would have gotten his hands on it. It makes no sense.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Dean wanted to toss that thing back into that freaking hole. He didn’t trust it. “Maybe this is Lucifer having fun with us - or some other angel who got bored counting clouds.”

Cas sighed, his expression torn. “No - I don‘t think so,” Cas bit his bottom lip, “listen to this.”

Dean nodded stiffly.

“The exact translation says: The living light of Metatron."

Dean snorted. “What the hell is a Metatron? Sounds like a freaking robot.”

Cas pursed his lips. “No, he’s not a robot,” he said, his mouth twitching into the barest hint of a smile. “Metatron is an archangel Dean. A legend - he vanished around the same time God did.” Cas’s eyes got wider, he started speaking faster, his tone excited. “He was more powerful than Lucifer - second only to God. He was an enforcer, when angels needed to be brought back to heaven for,” Cas swallowed his eyes darkening momentarily, “re-education, he was the one who brought them home.”

Dean tried to process that; his brain seemed to have stalled. Or maybe he was too afraid of that surge of hope swelling inside of him. This was way too freaking easy - it was never this easy. This had to be a trick. “Are you saying some boss-archangel is gonna drag Lucy back to heaven?”

Cas’s eyes were wide, his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, his hand reached out and lightly brushed Dean’s. “No, I doubt that, but it might put him in his place, and out of your brother.”

“You really think that’s possible?” Dean could feel his desire to hope mix with his knowledge that the universe hated him, and would never throw him an assist like this without there being strings attached.

“Remember I told you I felt it was searching me?”

Dean nodded.

“Perhaps it sensed what’s left of my mojo and attacked, but realized I was no longer strong enough, or angelic enough, to handle the full strength of its power, so it threw me, but other than that, left me unharmed.”

“Which would also explain why it left me alone.” Dean could feel his heart thumping faster.

“You’re completely human,” Cas replied, “Dean, I think this is real. I sensed…it‘s hard to put into words, but this is definitely the property of a very powerful presence. And I know how Lucifer feels, it wasn‘t him,” he went quiet, letting Dean soak that up.

Dean inhaled through his nose. “I need a minute to process; why don’t we get out of this pit?”

Cas nodded, slipping the orb into his pocket.

Dean started towards the opening they’d made, stopping underneath it.

Cas stood beside him.

Dean interlaced his fingers and knelt down. Cas put one hand on his shoulder, and one foot on his hands, and Dean boosted him up. Dean watched as Cas climbed out then turned, leaned down and offered his hand. His grip was firm and steady as he hauled Dean out.

It seemed Cas really was bouncing back from his encounter with the ball of Robo-Angel at an impressive rate.

As soon as they were both out and standing, Dean started pacing. He still had many doubts - but damn, he wanted this to be true. “I still don’t get what it’s doing here.”

Dean glanced at Cas who had remained silent, his expression calm, patient as he waited for Dean to make his decision. Dean knew Cas thought God had a hand in this - and he hated to even consider it, but how else would this freaking thing have gotten here?

Dean suddenly realized he didn’t give a shit.

Cas said he thought it was legit, that was good enough for him.

“Well, I guess if there’s a chance in hell that this thing could actually save Sam, we have to take it.”

Cas nodded and smiled gently, letting his fingers rest on Dean’s wrist. Dean got the feeling Cas had known what decision he’d make even before he had.

Dean grinned. “I take it that ball doesn’t come with an instruction manual?”

“No - but my best guess, we need to get Lucifer pretty damn close to it.”

“Won’t he sense it like you did?” Dean wondered.

Cas rubbed his chin. “Yes, but we might be able to use that to our advantage. He implied someone was blocking the camp.”

“Right…?” Dean wasn’t sure where Cas was going with this.

“Well, maybe it wasn’t a someone after all.”

Dean felt his stomach twist with anticipation.

“Tell him you found out what was doing it.” Cas lifted his eyebrows, and flashed Dean a little smirk. “Then give it to him.”

Dean chuckled. “I like the way your mind works, Cas.”

Cas winked at him. “I have my moments, but we still have to make it believable. He’s not going to buy that we just decided to offer this to him out of the goodness of our hearts.”

Dean mulled this over - his brain going over his last meeting with Lucifer. The devil had given him a legitimate excuse to contact him, he could use that to lure the dick to them. “I guess it’s time for me to make a collect phone call to Satan himself.” Dean shoved his worry back down, and summoned a cocky grin. “And tell him I want to make a deal.”

“I thought you might say that.” Cas rolled the orb around in between his hands.

“You know this is extremely reckless, right?” Dean teased.

Cas let out a short bark of laughter. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”


They stepped out of the house, and walked back to the truck.

“You want to do this here?” Cas asked him, leaning against the side of the car, his hand resting on the pocket that contained the orb.

Dean shrugged and almost blurted: It’s as good a place as any to be eviscerated by Satan. Somehow he didn’t think Cas would appreciate that; he bit his tongue. Every now and then he managed to rein his mouth in. Instead he nodded and replied, “There‘s no point in waiting, either this is going to work, or it isn‘t.”

Cas nodded stiffly once, his eyes worried.

“And he’d know I wouldn’t summon him anywhere near the camp; I think this will look less suspicious if we’re out in the middle of nowhere.”

“I agree,” Cas replied, his palms rubbing on his jeans.

Dean stepped into Cas’s personal space, almost touching. “Cas, you don’t have to be here for this.”

His eyes flashed with something dangerous. “Don’t you dare try that on me.” He walked forward, forcing Dean to back up a step. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Dean smiled, it caught Cas by surprise. He blinked, and his expression softened.

For the first time in Dean’s life he believed someone when they said that. “Yeah. I know. I just had to give you the option.” Then he pulled the colt out of his pocket and stared down at it, knowing if this Metatron relic failed to deliver, he’d be forced to use it.

“Dean?” Cas asked softly, his voice full of meaning.

Dean met his blue eyes, and trailed back to the gun in his hands.

Cas held his hand out, and Dean knew he was offering to take the burden for him; he didn’t want Dean to have to make the choice.

Dean licked his lips and felt his heart twist.

He thought about all the weight Cas was already carrying; the death of Bizarro Dean, his drug addiction, the loss of Bobby, and the loss of his grace.

He didn’t need anything else weighing him down, yet he offered this without hesitation.

Dean reached out and stroked Cas’s cheek with his thumb. “I got this one, Cas.”

Cas gave him a soul-searching look, smiled sadly, then nodded.

Cas always understood.

Dean cleared his throat and put the colt back in his jacket. “So is there a trick to this summoning Lucifer business?”

Cas shook his head. “Nope. If you pray to him, he will hear you.”

“Alrighty then.” Dean bowed his head, closed his eyes, and whispered, “Lucifer. This is Dean Winchester. I’m ready to make a deal, you piece of shit.”

“That was eloquent,” Cas muttered.

Dean almost smiled as he lifted his head; Cas was standing next to him, eyes searching.

Dean did the same; scanning the front of the house, the shed, and the woods that surrounded them.


Ten minutes later Dean was getting tired of twiddling his thumbs.

“You think he didn’t get my invitation?” Dean asked, the sun was starting to set.

Cas sighed, shifting his weight. “Trust me. He got it.”

“Yes, I did.” The sound of Sam’s voice, in that superior tone, made Dean‘s skin crawl.

Dean turned; he felt Cas doing the same.

The Devil was in that same ridiculous white suit leaning against a tree near the edge of the forest. Lucifer smiled at him the way a lion looks at its prey. “I knew we’d meet again,” he practically purred.

Yep, this was a great plan.

Next Chapter

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fic: the long road back, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, supernatural, genre: slash

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