Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Future Cas: The Long Road Back: (23/28)

Oct 20, 2011 08:21

my wonderful beta weslyn didn't get a chance to give this chapter one last look over, as I was in a hurry to post so you guys didn't have to wait until I got back from vacation, so any errors/bad writing are entirely my fault.

Title: The Long Road Back
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 23/28
Warnings: gore,language,violence, drug use, slash
Spoilers: only up to 5 X 4 (but you'll see me draw from information we found out later)
Characters/Pairings: focus on Dean/Future Cas but also Risa, Chuck, OC's, LuciferSam, and future Dean.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine and I don't own anything but a few OC's and the errors.
Summary: AU 5 X 04 The End fic. In many ways this will be a fix it story (but not in all ways). Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.
A/N: This fic has been consuming my brain in a good way. I really wanted to play around in this world, i love apocalyptic type settings, and i thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy during the hiatus. This story is going to have action,violence, and some death but the focus of this fic will be a slowly evolving love story in the middle of a world gone to hell between a certain hunter and a certain fallen angel. If you have a problem with that, don't read it.
Word count: 2537 (60,000 total)

Chapter One Chapter Eight Chapter 15 Chapter 22
Chapter Two Chapter Nine Chapter 16
Chapter Three Chapter Ten Chapter 17
Chapter Four Chapter Eleven Chapter 18
Chapter Five Chapter Twelve Chapter 19
Chapter Six Chapter Thirteen Chapter 20
Chapter Seven Chapter Fourteen Chapter 21

Somewhere near Sterling Colorado

They’d arrived in the backwater town about thirty minutes ago. If you looked up the definition of a picturesque small town you’d find an image of this place prior to mother nature bitch slapping it a few times, staring up at you. White picket fences weathered by storms and time, paved driveways covered in leaves and branches, houses so cute behind all the over-grown grass it made Dean want to gag. It was not his type of place. It was too Mr. Rogers -especially for a post-apocalyptic world.

Where were the monsters? Where was the bloody, rampant destruction? Had the Croats just overlooked this place in their rampaging?

Dean glanced down for the tenth time at the piece of paper Chuck had scrawled the street name, and address on as he drove through the town for the third time.

“Wait,” Cas blurted, his tone hopeful.

Dean hit the break, which was almost unnecessary as they were doing a whopping ten miles an hour.

Dean looked from right to left seeing nothing but one downed tree lying halfway on the road, and a whole lot of green. “You see something?”

Cas hopped out of the car and walked to the edge of the street, stopping when he reached a giant bush, with vines growing up out of it. He stood on his tip toes and reached up, yanking at the vines. A rusty, faded green sign became visible. It read: Zoar.

“Well fuck me sideways,” Dean shook his head. “Guess we found our missing street,” he mumbled to himself.

Cas turned, grinning from ear to ear, and got back inside.

“Aren’t you just my little blood hound today,” Dean resisted the urge to reach out and ruffle Cas’s hair. He had to keep some of his bad ass image intact.

Cas snorted. “Shut up and drive Winchester.”

Dean chuckled and turned onto the narrow, dirt road that was overgrown with more of those vines and covered in leaves.

The road was surrounded by trees on all sides, creating a canopy effect overhead. He was beginning to think that no one actually lived back here when a small, ranch style house came into view. The street dead ended a few feet past the driveway.

Dean stopped in front of the mailbox, he leaned out the window, and wiped a thick layer of dirt off it.

126 Zoar.

He turned towards Cas. “This is it.”

Cas nodded while Dean turned into the driveway, the car bouncing as they hit a few potholes.

Dean parked in front of Steven Bard’s home.

He leaned his head out the window and sniffed, the place even smelled clean. He’d gotten used to a certain level of death in the air, hell he’d come to expect it. On the way here, Dean had seen plenty of corpses littering the roads and yards, but here - nothing. Not one freaking dead body. Not one freaking Croat.

They’d entered the twilight zone and Dean was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Cas glanced over at him, his expression was filled with a mixture of wonder, anxiety, and skepticism.

“You feeling like this place is a little too Pleasantville, or is it just me?” Dean groused.

Cas chuckled softly. “It‘s not just you.”

Dean stared at the house that lay before them. It was tan, with faded red trim, the paint was peeling and chipping in spots and a small brown shed sat to the right of it. A rusty old blue ford pickup truck had been laid to rest in the driveway.

They got out, and Dean actually heard birds singing. He looked at Cas who was staring into the woods that surrounded the home, his face curious.

“If a fluffy bunny hops out of those woods, I’m out of here,” Dean quipped, pointing at the woods.

Cas turned towards him, his lips twitching. “You ready?”

“Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Dean started towards the front door.

Their feet crunched on the gravel and grass as they walked.

Dean stepped onto the porch, met Cas’s worried eyes and mouthed, “One. Two. Three. Now.”

They pushed open the door and went inside, weapons drawn. Dean took point, Cas covered the rear. The place smelled musty, but there was still no sign of death.

It was still daylight outside; some light made it inside, but it was just dim enough to make the atmosphere satisfyingly more creepy. The windows had been covered in a thick layer of dust and grime, along with everything else in the house. Dean pulled a flashlight out of his back pocket and turned it on. The beam cut through the dim room, revealing that Dean and Cas were its first occupants in years.

“Huh,” Dean mused quietly, “not really what I was expecting, but let’s do a sweep and make damn sure this place is as empty as it seems.”

Cas nodded his agreement, and they split up. Dean checked the office to his right; then headed deeper into the house and scanned the walls, floors, and windows for any sign of use or tampering. Nothing caught his eye. However, the lack of ransacking, warding sigils, or weaponry - anything to indicate a hunter had lived here had him thinking that Chuck might have given them bad directions. That or this whole thing had been a wild goose chase all along.

Five minutes later Dean was satisfied no one had been in here for years. They had left a trail of footprints on the floor wherever they’d stepped. This place made any of the abandoned homes he’d ever squatted in before look like a palace.

He met Cas back where they started; now it was time for the fun part.

“Let’s start looking for those books,” Dean headed straight for the study near the front of the house. Cas followed.

He’d noticed a lot of cabinets, a bookshelf, and a promising looking desk on their first run through. It seemed like a good place to start. They started rooting through everything.

As they searched, Dean asked Cas something that had been nibbling on the back of his mind whenever it wasn’t consumed by the rest of the insanity they’d been dealing with. “Cas, when you sent me back in time to show me what had been done to Sam, you told me that I couldn’t have changed anything. It was destiny. So what about me being trapped here? I mean, obviously I didn’t get trapped here or future me wouldn’t have existed. How the hell does that work?”

Cas turned towards Dean, closing a small chest he’d been searching, and nibbled on his bottom lip for a few seconds before blurting, “I have no idea.”

“That’s all you’ve got? No theories?” Dean knelt down and started going through the wooden desk.

Cas laughed. “I used to believe that destiny couldn’t be changed, Dean. When I told you that, it was the truth as far as I knew it. It might still be. But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from life, it’s that I don’t know much at all,” Cas crossed his arms over his chest. “I wasn’t told a lot. It could have just been a lie one of the archangels told us lesser soldiers to keep us in line. Or maybe being stuck here is your destiny.”

“I hate time travel,” Dean grunted while dumping out a draw from the desk. Pencils, pens, and a roll of duct tape tumbled out onto the floor. “It makes my brain hurt.”

Dean could see Cas fighting a smile before he stood and started pulling an empty bookshelf away from the wall and start knocking on it, searching for a hidden room.


Cas shook his head. They finished with that room then headed towards the bedroom. Cas froze halfway there, tilted his head, then blinked and started forwards again.

“What the hell was that?” Dean asked, touching Cas’s forearm.

Cas shrugged. “Just me getting paranoid.”

“You sure?” Dean pressed.

Cas stilled, closed his eyes, and nodded once quickly. “There’s nothing.”

Dean sighed, then gestured for Cas to lead the way. He’d been hoping Cas’s spider-sense might have been tingling. It would have meant they were onto something - he ignored the disappointment pressing into his chest and followed Cas into the bedroom.

This place was bugging Dean. He knew hunters were good at keeping their secrets hidden but this place didn’t feel right. It was lacking anything ‘hunter-esque’. No weapons, no gear, no sign of notes or research on how to kill the various things that go bump in the night.

The place honestly felt staged - fake. As if someone had set this up just for them - he knew that sounded like borderline crazy-talk, but the thought refused to leave his mind.

Dean stopped at the side of the bed, crouched down and lifted the covers, coughing when dust flooded his nostrils.

He heard Cas open the closet door and start rummaging.

Dean found more dirt, a few spiders, and a whole lot of nothing under the bed. He stood, and started to head towards the hutch in the corner of the room when he noticed Cas had turned around and was watching him with nervous eyes.

Dean chortled. “If you‘ve got something else on your mind Cas, just spill it.”

Cas licked his lips and sighed. “There is someone who could have done all this.” Cas blue eyes burned into Dean’s. “Someone who is powerful enough to shield me and the rest of the camp from Lucifer’s sight. Powerful enough to keep you here despite it going against all I knew to be true.”

Cas waited, his body tense.

“You’re talking about God,” Dean almost hissed. His fingers clenched into fists.

Cas nodded slowly.

“The same God who let all this happen. The same God who never gave a shit about anything that happened to any of us. The same God who stood by and let the Devil turn Sam into a sock puppet. That the God you’re talking about?” his voice was hard and riddled with resentment.

Cas swallowed, his face went blank. “Forget it. You’re right,” Cas went back to tearing up the closet.

Dean leaned his head back and took a deep breath. You‘re being a dick again. It wasn’t even Cas he was mad at. “Sorry, it’s been a bad year.”

Cas turned, his expression was a mixture of surprise and relief. He tilted his head slightly and gave Dean a soft smile. “I know the feeling.” Cas shook his head gently. “It doesn’t matter anyway, whatever the reasons, you’re here now. Let’s just finish up and get the hell out of dodge.”

“Best idea I’ve heard all day.”

They finished up in the bedroom and started towards the living room. Cas froze again and reached out, digging his fingers into Dean’s bicep. “I was wrong…there is something here. A sensation.”

“Sensation?” Dean repeated, his heart jumped.

“A strange energy. Something I’ve felt before, but it‘s been,” Cas blew out an astonished breath, eyes wide, “a while.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” Dean felt his skin erupt with goose bumps - in Cas’s long life it was hard to tell what a while meant.

“I’m not sure if it’s good or bad. It just is.” Cas closed his eyes and became very still.

“Cas,” Dean said as he stepped closer.

“Give me a minute. I’m trying to figure out where it’s coming from.”

Dean fell silent.

After several minutes, Cas’s eyes flew open and he started walking forward; his gaze zeroed in on a ratty old couch. “Help me with this.”

Dean watched as Cas started pulling on the sofa, he jogged over, and took the other end. They dragged it about five feet before Cas let go and knelt where it had been sitting. He knocked on the floor; it was hollow. Cas looked up at him. “I think there’s a basement under here.”

“Well shit,” Dean blurted as he knelt down next to Cas and they searched for a way down.

“This is odd. There has to be a way inside,” Cas said after several minutes of searching for a trap door, loose floor board - anything that would be helpful.

“Everything about this is odd,” Dean agreed. “Screw this. We’ve got tools out in the truck. I say we make our own door, right through this damn floor.”

Cas smiled. “Of course you do.”

“You saying I make a habit out of breaking things?” Dean tried for offended.

Cas just kept right on smiling.


“Home sweet hole,” Dean panted as he broke through the wooden planks.

Cas coughed, swatting futilely at he clouds of dust that filled the air. “Lovely,” he sputtered.

Dean hacked a few times of his own, then pointed his flashlight downward. There was a six foot drop down into a very dark, very empty room. Dean angled his head to get a better view, shining his light all over. It was a half basement; only there weren’t any stairs to get in or out. Almost as if someone had made a room they never planned to enter.

“Who the hell builds another room under their house, with no way in or out, then just seals it up?”

“Someone with something to hide,” Cas deadpanned.

“Let’s find out,” Dean said, then dropped down. He drew his gun the moment his feet hit the ground and scanned the room for any surprises.

Nothing came out to play.

The slight twinge in his knee made him extra grateful Molly had insisted he keep it wrapped up for their little trip.

He heard Cas make an annoyed huff, several seconds later, he dropped down as well. “Warn me before you do something like that. For all you knew there could have been something waiting down here that would have loved to have you for dinner.”

“You worry too much, Cas.”

Cas shone his flashlight at Dean’s chest. “You’re joking. Right?” Cas shook his head. “Nevermind,” he said, and started centering himself. “Do you feel that?”

“Feel what?” Dean’s grip tightened around his handgun.

“I don’t know. It’s that same sensation, but stronger. There’s something here,” Cas’s voice sounded unfocused; his attention on something Dean couldn‘t detect. He started to search the room eyes half-closed, hand out-stretched.

Dean stayed close to Cas’s heels, mirroring his movements. Cas walked over to a wall, cocked his head, then used his foot to nudge something. “I think it’s here.”

“I don’t see anything but dirt and wood,” Dean said squinting at the area Cas was standing near.

Cas bent down, and started pushing on the wall. Dean heard a popping sound. He watched as Cas’s fingers found a loose board and yanked it off.

Cas leaned his head down towards the opening he’d made. “What the hel-”

The air crackled with energy; Dean’s skin crawled. He glanced down, and for one insane second, thought he was covered in ants.

Dean watched in horror as a beam of light erupted from the opening smashing into Cas, sending him flying across the room. He slammed into the far wall, and started screaming.

Next Chapter

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Comments are always loved and adored, how else will I know if anyone is reading/enjoying this :)

fic: the long road back, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, supernatural, genre: slash

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