Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Future Cas: The Long Road Back (10/28)

Jul 11, 2011 15:37

For this chapter note the warnings. I've added Gore.

Special thank you to weslyn For helping me a lot on understanding addiction, and for being an awesome beta.

Title: The Long Road Back
Author: Nicole
Rating: R (maybe NC-17 later to be safe)
Chapters: 10/28 (i'm still doing a lot of editing so this might change a bit)
Warnings: gore,language,violence, drug use, eventual slash
Spoilers: only up to 5 X 4 (but you'll see me draw from information we found out later)
Characters/Pairings: focus on Dean/Future Cas but also Risa, Chuck, OC's, LuciferSam, and future Dean.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine and I don't own anything but the errors.
Summary: AU 5 X 04 The End fic. In many ways this will be a fix it story (but not in all ways). Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.
A/N: This fic has been consuming my brain in a good way. I really wanted to play around in this world, i love apocalyptic type settings, and i thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy during the hiatus. This story is going to have action,violence, and some death but the focus of this fic will be a slowly evolving love story in the middle of a world gone to hell between a certain hunter and a certain fallen angel. If you have a problem with that, don't read it.
Word count: 2,661 (44,000 total)

Chapter One Chapter Eight
Chapter Two Chapter Nine
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

The second they walked through the doors Dean’s senses were assaulted with horrors from every angle. There was blood everywhere-splattered on the walls, countertops, hell even the ceiling had some. Corpses in various stages of decay littered the ground, some had their arms outstretched, begging for help that never came.

Then there was the smell.

The place reeked of rotting flesh, a smell he was all too familiar with. Dean’s eyes burned, and he stifled a gag. Cas wasn’t so lucky - he threw up all over the floor. Dean felt a pang of guilt as he was forcibly reminded that Cas was possibly still off from his near over-dose, and that he’d made it worse by throwing away his pills.

Dean tensed, praying the sounds of his friend heaving wouldn’t draw any unwanted attention.

None came.

His eyes darted to Risa and Mark in a silent question. They were both a bit too pale as they shook their heads, telling him, they too, had heard nothing.

Dean nodded and turned his attention back toward Cas. “You okay man?” Dean whispered.

Castiel wiped his mouth on the back of his shirt sleeve and grimaced. “Yeah. I’m fucking wonderful.”

Dean swallowed back his own nausea. “Let’s get this over with. This sucks giant monkey balls .”

They split up. Cas and Dean went right, towards the food. Risa and Mark veered left, towards the toiletries and clothing.

As they walked Dean tried not to notice the rotting carcasses strewn all over the floor, some were even draped over fixtures. His gaze kept flickering to their faces, locked in expressions of absolute terror, these people had died badly.

“Did they decide to have a town meeting in this place?” Dean hissed, his nerves frayed. The bodies, the smell, the signs of suffering were all suffocating. It made him cringe at the thought of eating anything that came from a place so saturated in death.

“They were probably trying to hide from the Croats. When the military quarantined the larger cities, a lot of people were trapped inside.” Cas sounded tired as they veered down a promising isle.

“That’s lovely,” Dean growled as he grabbed a box of Coco Puffs Cereal.

“What are you doing?” Cas asked.

Dean tossed several boxes into his duffle. “Shopping.”

Cas shook his head. “You know that’s going to taste like shit right? Assuming it isn’t infested with bugs.”

Dean ripped open a box and popped a few in his mouth. Cas was right, but he plastered a big ole grin on this face. “Stale chocolaty goodness is better than none at all.”

Cas grabbed an armful of powdered milk and tossed it in his bag. “Guess you’ll need some milk to go with that.”

“Now you’re talking.” Dean emptied the shelves of anything that might still be edible. Honey, sugar, and salt- those were good staples. Dean felt a surge of gratitude for his dad’s survival training.

They headed down another row as Dean tightened the belt he’d had to borrow from a guy named Dave. “Times like these really make me wish I’d learned how to sew.”

“Getting the urge for a new pair of pants?” Cas asked while examining a box of spaghetti.

“It’s either that, or I pack on a few pounds.”

“Risa and Mark are on clothing detail.” Cas stepped up onto one of the racks, and grabbed some boxes off the top shelf.

“I hope they get me something pretty.” Dean bent down and found some more honey, he bagged it.

“Jackpot.” Cas exclaimed after opening one of the boxes.

“Please tell me it’s chocolate.”

“Better.” He reached inside and pulled out a bag of rice. “It never goes bad.”

Dean groaned, but helped Cas load them all into the bag.

They continued their quick, efficient, sweep up and down each isle. When their bags were filled, they carried them back out to the car, and tossed them inside. Each grabbing two more empty ones.

All the while, they knew a hoard of angry Croats could overwhelm them.

They passed the others on their way back in and exchanged tense nods. Then continued their raid.

That’s when they caught their first real break. Water. Tons of it, preserved in plastic bottles and all theirs for the taking. Dean smirked ironically to himself - he used to think bottled water was an idiotic idea.

Their second break came in the form of powdered eggs. “I love this shit.” Cas smiled and started piling it into his bag.

Dean found a box of Spam with a corpse’s arm over top of it. The poor bastard had probably been trying to do the same thing they were. Dean used his sword to fish out the box and then dumped all the canned meat into his bag.

Within an hour they’d searched the place top to bottom. No sign of trouble. Just a lot of broken glass, and some old blood stains to avoid.

“I think that’s about it.” Risa wiped her forehead and tossed another bag into their trunk.

“How’d we do?” Dean asked. “As far as raids go, was this a good one?”

“Amazingly good,” Mark blurted. “Usually, you’re lucky if you find a fraction of what we did in one place. Somebody must like us today.”

“We still need medical supplies,” Cas offered. “That should be our next stop.” He leaned against the door, and took a drink of water, then handed the bottle to Dean. “It tastes like plastic,” he muttered.

Dean couldn‘t bring himself to care as he took a sip. “How far?”

“Not too bad. About ten minutes.”

“Deeper into the city,” Risa murmured.

“There is that,” Cas agreed.

“Let’s get this over with,” Mark sighed. “If we do this right, we can be in and out before dark, and home for dinner tomorrow.”

They double-checked to make sure everything was secured, and then started forward again.


Things were going too well, too smooth, and it was making Castiel nervous. He couldn’t shake this nagging feeling that something was coming. It was probably nothing. Not having any mood altering drugs in his system was making him paranoid. Moreover, the pounding headache he’d developed wasn’t helping.

Worst time ever for a Goddamn intervention.

Cas had his window down, and was searching the roads and buildings around them for any sign of movement. His gun was locked and loaded. His eyes darted around constantly, taking in everything. Dean was keeping up their slow, steady pace. Trying to make as little noise as possible. It seemed to be working.

As he looked down a side street, he heard Dean curse.

Cas’s heart crashed into his already queasy stomach. He spun. “What?”

“Look for yourself.” Dean pointed straight ahead.

In the middle of the road was a long, metal wall about four feet tall. There were bodies littered all over the area, some Croats, some soldiers. It was obviously the military‘s. They’d probably been using it as a barrier between them and the monsters. The road was narrow and the damn thing stretched all the way across. There was no way they could move it or drive around it.

“Well,” Cas huffed, “that’s new.”

“Looks like we’re walking from here,” Dean groaned.

“Yes. It does.” Cas reached into the back and grabbed a few extra clips, which they also needed more of, but that was nothing new. He put one in his back pocket, and handed the other to Dean, who nodded and did the same. Cas patted his leg, felt the machete there, and allowed himself to take a small amount of comfort from the feel of it. He stepped out into hell wishing Dean hadn’t thrown that valium out the window. It would have come in handy.

They all remained completely silent as they stepped over mutilated corpses. Cas avoided looking at their faces. He’d seen enough death to last him a lifetime.

When they cleared the battlefield, walking got a bit easier.

Cas felt his pulse quicken at the sight of the CVS logo. His skin practically twitched at the thought of getting another fix. He was disgusted with himself, but that didn’t change the fact that he needed what was inside those doors to be at his best. Just a little more, then I can quit when this madness is over.

They entered through a door, without any glass remaining, and started searching. They only communicated with well-practiced gestures and hang signals. They worked together, grabbing any bandages, toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide, and pain killers they could find. Then they climbed over the desk and entered the pharmacy. There wasn’t much left there. They did manage to find some antibiotics, not as much as he’d hoped, but it was something.

That naughty voice in the back of his mind told him to go look for some amphetamines, valium, or anything that could make this easier.

Then Dean was there in his face raising an eyebrow in a silent question.

“I’m fine,” he mouthed. Dean didn’t look convinced, but handed him some ibuprofen anyway.

Cas took it and swallowed a few gratefully despite the longing for something stronger.

Focus on staying alive, idiot! Cas screamed silently at himself. He couldn’t stop his gaze from focusing on bottle after bottle of drugs he knew would make things seem better. Maybe he could just take a few bottles back for the good of the camp.

Cas started to reach for the bottle closest to him when he heard it. His hand froze. The sound of glass being crunched under feet. It was soft, distant, but getting louder.

Dean appeared next to him. “You hear that?” he asked.

Cas jerked his outstretched arm to his side and whispered. “Yeah. We need to move now.”

They each flung a pack over their shoulder, and then slowly stepped outside. At first Cas couldn’t see anything, but that steady sound of approach continued.

“Where the fuck is it coming from?” Mark snapped.

“That way.” Dean pointed in the direction of their way out.

Risa saw the first shuffling form, start to emerge from an alley not too far from them. “We need to try and sneak around them,” she breathed.

The Croats heads turned, their dead eyes zeroed in on them, you could see their one-track brains clicking into gear: Kill. Kill. Kill. They started forward.

Before Cas could even blink, Dean grabbed his arm and they started running. The others were right on their heels.

Cas leapt over a fallen trash can, and kept running. He kept glancing back to make sure the others were still moving. They were. Dean spun as one Croat got dangerously close. He fired - its head exploded while its body crumpled to the ground, causing a few others to trip. They weren’t down for long.

Cas heard Risa yelp; one of them had grabbed the backpack she was carrying and she was forced to drop it. Another was closing in on her from the side. Cas aimed and blew out its right knee. The creature fell down howling in rage.

“We’re almost there,” Dean urged. “Keep going!”

Cas willed his legs to keep moving while he weaved around several large pieces of rubble. The barrier came into view. Another surge of adrenaline kicked in, and somehow he ran faster.

Someone fired another shot. Cas heard a snarl, as another one went down.

They reached the field of bodies. Each still struggling to run while avoiding all the corpses.

Cas hit the barrier first, he flung his heavy pack full of supplies over it. Mark and Risa were right behind him, they climbed over moments later. Cas felt his heart ease at the sight of them within safety’s reach.

Dean. Where was Dean? Cas heard gunfire - he must have fallen back to cover their escape.

Risa and Mark stared at him, waiting.

“Go!” Cas shouted, snapping out of his worry. “No matter what, someone has to make it back with those supplies.”

They looked torn, but they each grabbed a bag and took off towards the vehicles.

Cas glanced back to check on Dean, who screamed: “What are you doing? Keep going!“ Dean fired off another shot, but there more Croats than Dean had bullets. “Don’t wait for me-go, Cas.”

An image of Bobby’s face flashed in front of Cas’s eyes. The memories those words brought back- almost paralyzed him. He’d never wanted to hear such words again-they rang in his head like a death omen.

Then he saw one of the “dead” bodies reach out and attempt to grab his friends ankle. Cas watched in frozen panic as Dean attempted to catch his balance, but the pack’s weight had him crashing to the ground. He landed with a grunt a few feet away from, Cas.

“Son of a bitch.” Dean aimed his gun at the nearest Croat and fired. It went down.

Cas had started moving a horrified second after Dean hit the ground. Cas fired at another one -but more were coming. The noise had drawn them. He could see them spilling out of the alleys further down.

“CAS, GO NOW!” Dean roared. He started to stand, his leg seemed to give out, and he sank back down.

Cas knew he only had a few minutes before they were overwhelmed.

He reached down, slung Dean’s arm over his shoulder, and hefted him up. Dean gritted his teeth, and put his weight on his good leg. “Cas, Goddammit.”

“Shut up and move,” Cas puffed, as he half dragged Dean towards the wall.

He did. They reached the obstacle and he started helping Dean over. Cas could hear the sound of the mob of Croats that were almost upon them.

As he shoved Dean over Cas knew he probably wouldn‘t be joining his friend. Dean landed on the other side with a grunt and looked up. Cas saw the horror reflected in his friends eyes, as he realized what was about to happen. Dean screamed his name.

Cas whipped his gun around and fired, hitting the closest one square in the jaw. Another came at his left, and he swung with everything he had at the side of its skull with the butt of his rifle. The better part of the mob was nearing. He picked off another that had gotten within twenty feet, then spun when he felt something grab his shoulder. A shot rang out as he spun to face his attacker. The Croat that had been about to tear his throat out had been shot in the head.

Cas turned to find that Risa and Mark hadn’t left after all.

“Cas, are you waiting for an invitation? Get the fuck over here now!” Dean screamed. That got him moving.

Dean was leaning on the wall, holding his hand out. Cas took it and scrambled over the top, while Mark and Risa fired into the crowd, shooting any that tried to climb over. The barrier was keeping them alive. The Croats couldn’t overwhelm them, because they couldn’t get over that damn man made wall fast enough. It was allowing Mark and Risa time to pick them off one by one.

“Get Dean to the truck, once he’s in honk the horn,” Risa yelled. “Then we’ll follow.”

Cas wrapped Dean’s arm around his waist and hauled him forward. His friend was limping badly, but he was moving.

When they reached the truck, he flung the door open, and helped Dean inside. He raced over and hopped into the driver’s seat, his hand slamming against the horn.

He saw Risa and Mark stop firing, then turn and haul ass.

Cas started the engine and floored it.

Mark and Risa did the same.

Cas watched as the creatures got smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror.

They hit the highway that led them away from the city, only then did Cas really breathe again.

“Well,” Dean said. “That was fun.”

Next Chapter

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fic: the long road back, genre: au, supernatural, dean/cas, genre: slash

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