Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Future Cas: The Long Road Back: (20/28)

Sep 13, 2011 16:59

Special thanks to my beta weslyn who as always helps me make each chapter as good as it can be.

Title: The Long Road Back
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 20/28
Warnings: gore,language,violence, drug use, slash
Spoilers: only up to 5 X 4 (but you'll see me draw from information we found out later)
Characters/Pairings: focus on Dean/Future Cas but also Risa, Chuck, OC's, LuciferSam, and future Dean.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine and I don't own anything but a few OC's and the errors.
Summary: AU 5 X 04 The End fic. In many ways this will be a fix it story (but not in all ways). Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.
A/N: This fic has been consuming my brain in a good way. I really wanted to play around in this world, i love apocalyptic type settings, and i thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy during the hiatus. This story is going to have action,violence, and some death but the focus of this fic will be a slowly evolving love story in the middle of a world gone to hell between a certain hunter and a certain fallen angel. If you have a problem with that, don't read it.
Word count: 2670 (60,000 total)

Chapter One Chapter Eight Chapter 15
Chapter Two Chapter Nine Chapter 16
Chapter Three Chapter Ten Chapter 17
Chapter Four Chapter Eleven Chapter 18
Chapter Five Chapter Twelve Chapter 19
Chapter Six Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Seven Chapter Fourteen

Castiel felt like someone had kicked him in the head a few hundred times. He didn’t want to open his eyes; the pain was going to get worse.

Some days it sucked being mostly human.

Everything hurt.

What am I laying on? Cas felt a warm pressure against his back and his head was resting against something soft, but firm.

He heard a cough, felt warm fingers play with the fabric of his t-shirt.

He was in Dean’s lap.

Despite the pain, Cas smiled a little.

Dean was okay.

“Cas, you awake?” Dean’s voice was terse, with a hint of worry.

“Sort of.” Wow. I sound terrible.

“I‘ve been trying to wake you for the last hour - you’ve been out for six,” Dean growled.

“Is that all?” Cas cleared his throat. “I feel like I could use at least six more.”

“Sorry-no can do,” Dean said, but he didn’t sound very apologetic. “Tell me what the hell happened.” Dean started to slide out from under him.

“Not before you get me some ibuprofen,” Cas blurted, trying to give himself a moment before Dean gave him the fifth degree; his brain was still full of cobwebs.

Dean grumbled something, but moved gingerly off the bed and left the room.

Cas clenched his fists and took ten deep breaths. He opened his eyes, pushing aside the throbbing in his temples and sensitivity to light. He focused instead on the sound of Dean’s heavy, annoyed footsteps returning.

“Your meds.” Dean slid the pills into his hand.

Cas’s hands shook as he popped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them dry.

Dean was staring down at him, his eyes impatient.

“Go ahead,” Cas said, his voice sounded marginally more normal.

“Right.” Dean sat down on the edge of the bed near his feet. “What did you do that nearly put you into a coma?”

“I connected with you,” he paused, trying to find the right way to explain what he‘d done. “With your mind,” Cas clarified, then sighed. “I didn’t think it would work.”

“How did you do that? I didn’t think you had the juice for that kind of thing anymore.” Dean’s eyes were tight, his voice strained.

“I don’t think it was that kind of thing. It only worked because of our bond.” Cas swallowed.

“Our what?” Dean blurted, confusion dampened the intensity of Dean’s expression. “You talking about the sex?” he asked while raising one eyebrow.

Cas hesitated, taking a deep breath. He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for not having mentioned this sooner; he had been using it to read Dean periodically. “No.” Cas leaned forward slightly. “All we’ve been through together.” Cas reached out and placed his hand on the handprint he’d left on Dean’s skin. “It formed a link between us.”

He watched as Dean took that in, his eyes became unfocused for a moment, and his face morphed into an expression that could only be described as well, that explains a lot. Cas figured he was thinking of all the times he’d been able to read him like a book. Not all of that was from the bond, but Dean probably didn’t want to hear that right now.

Dean abruptly nodded, his mouth hardened into a thin line. “How dangerous was it for you?” Dean’s voice held an edge.

You should have known you weren’t getting off the hook that easily.

“Let it go, Dean,” Cas said, his tone almost exasperated.

“I can’t.”

Dean’s face was hard and Cas could sense there was more he wanted to add, but for some reason Dean held back. “No more dangerous than anything else we’ve had to do lately,” Cas replied calmly when it was clear Dean wasn’t going to elaborate.

“Could you have died?” Dean pressed. His brow furrowed and a vein above his right temple kept twitching.

Cas closed his eyes, his head was pounding louder than ever. “No.”

“So it’s normal to go into a near coma after one of these little bond walks?”

Cas didn’t open his eyes. If he weren‘t so damn drained he might have smiled at Dean‘s term for what he‘d done. “For a human? Yes. When you’re human just about everything is exhausting.”

There were a few moments of silence; he could feel Dean’s worry and rage rolling around him. He heard Dean inhale several times, then mumble something unintelligible.

Cas opened his eyes.

Dean was glaring at him, his green eyes flickering between affection and anger. “Why’d you do it, Cas?”

Cas fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Because the Devil is bad news,” Cas said, making sure his tone made it clear Dean should realize this. “I think I was within my rights to worry he’d find a way to hurt you.” Cas stared Dean down.

Dean stared back. “He wasn’t interested in hurting me, Cas.”

Cas started to reply, but Dean‘s piercing gaze silenced him. “The devil offered to help me,” his tone was flat.

Cas puffed out a bit of air, almost hit his head on the back of the bed frame, and his fingers clenched around the blanket he was sitting on. “What?”

“Yep.” Dean’s face grew hard and his shoulders stiffened.

Cas felt his stomach sink; he wasn’t going to like this. “What kind of help was he offering?”

Dean hesitated, then said in a level voice, “He offered to send me back to my time.” His expression never wavered, but his eyes were riddled with warring emotions; none of which Cas could focus on at the moment.

Cas was too distracted by the fear that he might lose Dean after all.

Cas hadn’t even considered that Lucifer might be the answer Dean had been looking for; the thought sent his heart spiraling down into a blind panic. His headache woke back up with a vengeance. “Are you going to take him up on his offer?” he managed to keep his voice from shaking.

“No,” Dean almost snarled.

Cas swallowed, his chest felt heavy, his skin broke out in a cold sweat. “There is a chance he could actually do it, Dean. He’s more powerful than Zachariah,” the words tasted toxic as he forced them out. He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but he wanted to hide this from Dean even less. No matter how much Cas wanted Dean to stay, he would never hold back anything to keep him here, but accepting Lucifer’s help was not an option.

“How much of a chance?”

Cas felt his chest tighten. “With how long it’s been now - small.”

“Define small,” Dean prodded.

Cas sighed and felt his skin prickle. He didn’t want Dean even considering this. He knew how Lucifer worked; taking him up on his offer would not end well for Dean. Either Lucifer would screw him over or sending Dean back would work against him and benefit the Devil in some unforeseeable way. “It’s not an exact science, Dean. All I know is that it’s a possibility.”

Dean nodded slowly, his eyes intense. “Yeah. I guess it’s too bad I think he’s full of shit.”

Cas felt relief flow over him.

“It’s not that that I wouldn’t love to take the short and easy route for once; but this whole encounter with Lucifer isn’t sitting right with me.” Dean licked his lips. “I think he was baiting me. Dangling a way back was his way of trying to distract me from figuring out his true motives. I don’t think he intends to send me anywhere but six feet under. I’m done letting that douche play us for fools,” Dean growled, his jaw tense.

Cas had never been so happy to have Dean echo his thoughts. “I think you’re absolutely right.”

“There‘s more,” Dean continued, his green eyes sparked with determination.

Cas leaned forward slightly. “Tell me,” he whispered.

“He asked me if we’ve had any new arrivals or if I’d met any other angels.”

Cas cocked his head. “That’s interesting.” Cas rested his hand on his chin. “Why would he think that?”

Dean shrugged. “My best guess - he can’t find us. I got the impression that someone was blocking him.” Dean paused. “Wouldn‘t be you by any chance?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

Cas laughed. “Lucifer is an archangel. I doubt I could have done it before I lost my grace; now it would be like trying to blow out the sun with a fan.”

“I’ll take that as definite no then,” Dean quipped and rubbed at his jaw. “Who, then?”

Cas rubbed his palms on his thighs and inhaled quietly through his nose. There was one possibility, one he had no intention of raising at the moment. Dean would probably not appreciate his theory. Hell, Cas wasn’t sure he had enough faith left to embrace it, himself. All he said was, “It would have to be someone very powerful to keep this entire area hidden.”

“Could there be another angel living among us? Hiding in plain sight?”

Cas crossed his arms across his chest. “If there is, I can’t sense them, but if they were powerful enough to screw with Lucifer, then they‘d be powerful enough to keep me in the dark. ”

Dean groaned. “I freaking hate angels,” his eyes widened, “present company excluded, of course.”

Cas chuckled. “I’m not an angel anymore, Dean. I think we‘ve established that.”

“Yeah. You’re better than them,” Dean blurted, his tone matter of fact, but it still woke up those silly juvenile butterflies in Cas‘s stomach.

“There’s something else I want to run by you,” Dean continued. “You think he might be onto our plan to banish him? Could all his posturing have been a front to try and find out what we’re up to? Dean leaned forward slightly. “After he offered to send me home, he mentioned wanting to talk to you; he might have been hoping you’d sympathize with him - let something slip.”

Cas‘s heart jumped in his chest. “I would nev-”

Dean held up a hand. “I know that.” His eyes were sincere, his tone held no doubt. “I’m just thinking out loud.”

Cas relaxed and mulled Dean‘s theory over. Could Lucifer honestly believe he’d be so desperate for angelic contact that he’d betray his friends? That he’d betray Dean. Arrogant dick.

“Earth to Cas,” Dean’s playful tone caught his attention. “Did you hear what I just said, Feathers?”

Cas narrowed his eyes at Dean’s newest nickname for him; even though he secretly loved it. “Sorry gimpy, could you repeat the question?”

Dean’s gaze automatically drifted to his now healed leg. “Cute,” Dean huffed, shook his head, and tried not to smile as he met Cas’s eyes. “I said, I think the devil’s little inquisition last night may have been a good thing. If something has him worried enough to prance around in my dreams - this trip might not be the big waste of time I thought it was.” Cas could hear the excitement in Dean’s voice. It was infectious. “We might actually be onto something here.”

Cas leaned forward, his heart beat faster. “We made the devil blink.”

“Exactly,” Dean smiled. “You feel up to a road trip?”


Dean paid a visit to the infirmary. Cas was insistent and Dean wanted to stay on Molly’s good side.

The infirmary wasn’t much to look at, but Molly had done the best she could with what she had. On the outside, the small shack looked rundown and dirty, but on the inside, everything had been scrubbed so clean, Dean would have felt safe eating off the floor.

Dean glanced at the door hoping to see Cas standing in it He’d said he’d meet him here after dropping off the sewing kit he’d borrowed from Risa. When you got a hole in your socks you couldn’t just run into the nearest store to pick up new ones up anymore. Dean hadn’t wanted him to go, but he’d bit his tongue, knowing Cas wouldn’t appreciate his protective nature in this case. He didn’t like the idea of him being out of eyeshot so soon after Cas had lost his mind and decided to take on the devil. Cas was still too pale, and his step didn’t have nearly enough bounce in it for Dean’s taste.

“You ready?” Molly’s pleasant voice asked.

Dean tore his gaze from the empty doorway, gave her a quick smile, and hopped up on the small, but sturdy table that was in the center of the room. Along the walls were shelves and another long, thin bench where she kept all her supplies. Gauze, water, hydrogen peroxide, band-aids, various medications and surgical tools surrounded them. Dean’s gaze fell on a large serrated blade that he was almost positive was a bone saw and prayed he never had to have that thing near any of his appendages. He cringed; Molly raised an eyebrow as she came to a stop in front of him.

“Worried I might have to follow through on one of my threats?” her tone was friendly, her eyes warm.

“You know,” Dean lifted his legs onto the table and scooted back to give Molly easier access to him, “you aren’t nearly as scary as you think you are,” he made his voice as macho as possible even though he knew it would roll off of Molly like a gentle breeze.

She snorted while hiking his pants up over his knee. “You just keep telling yourself that.”

Dean wasn’t stupid enough to argue while she was probing his knee. Her hands were gentle; she pushed on different spots around his knee and ankle, asking periodically if anything was tender.

Nothing was.

“Any pain when you’re walking?”

Dean shook his head.

Molly lips twitched. “Any problems doing strenuous activity?”

Dean suppressed a groan, and flashed her a cheeky grin instead. “None whatsoever.”

Molly didn’t bother trying to hide the smug smile that erupted on her face. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“You done feeling me up yet?” Dean quipped.

She laughed. “Yeah. I’m done.”

“Good,” Dean started to get off the table. Molly put her hand up, stopping him.

“I still think it would be a good idea to keep it wrapped up for a few more days, especially with the outing you and Cas have planned. And if you get any more pain, don’t play the guy card and ignore it. Come to me immediately.”

“Fine,” Dean grumbled.

She smiled. “I’m really happy for you and Cas. He’s one of the few good ones left nowadays.” Molly’s eyes darkened. “But you should know,“ her gaze drifted to a shelf full of medications and a box of hypodermic needles, then back to him, “I can kill a man six different ways without spilling blood.”

Dean blinked - she didn’t. Molly was either one hell of poker player or she was telling the truth. He managed to keep his face impassive while he struggled to come up with a witty retort.

“Is he giving you any trouble, Molly?” Cas’s warm voice broke the standoff.

“Nah,” she stepped back from the table, gesturing for Dean to get up.

He did.

Dean noticed Molly giving Cas a not so subtle "I’m so happy for you” grin, then flashing him a quick thumbs up before she turned back to Dean, patting him on the shoulder as she passed.

Dean didn’t flinch even though in the back of his mind he was realizing Molly could probably kill him and make it look like an accident. She’d be damn good at cleaning up any evidence.

He watched her sterilize the table he’d been sitting on and smiled. Anyone who cared that much about Cas was alright in his book.

Dean thanked her and walked over to Cas who looked content, with a dash of fatigue tossed in. Considering how he‘d saved his ass last night, Dean couldn’t complain.

“You ready?”

Dean leaned in and planted a gentle, but lingering kiss on Cas’s soft lips. “I’m always ready.”

Next Chapter

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fic: the long road back, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, supernatural, genre: slash

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