Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Future Cas: The Long Road Back (19/28)

Aug 25, 2011 08:41

Note the rating change for this chapter, the majority of this fic is rated R, but this and one other chapter do require an NC-17 rating, if that bothers you don't worry, just skip the first section of this chapter, scroll down to the first set of asterisk's and you'll be good.

Special thanks to my beta weslyn who as always helps me make each chapter as good as it can be.

Title: The Long Road Back
Author: nicole9514
Rating: NC -17 this chapter (most of the fic is rated R)
Chapters: 19/28
Warnings: gore,language,violence, drug use, slash
Spoilers: only up to 5 X 4 (but you'll see me draw from information we found out later)
Characters/Pairings: focus on Dean/Future Cas but also Risa, Chuck, OC's, LuciferSam, and future Dean.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine and I don't own anything but a few OC's and the errors.
Summary: AU 5 X 04 The End fic. In many ways this will be a fix it story (but not in all ways). Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.
A/N: This fic has been consuming my brain in a good way. I really wanted to play around in this world, i love apocalyptic type settings, and i thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy during the hiatus. This story is going to have action,violence, and some death but the focus of this fic will be a slowly evolving love story in the middle of a world gone to hell between a certain hunter and a certain fallen angel. If you have a problem with that, don't read it.
Word count: 4543 (60,000 total)

Chapter One Chapter Eight Chapter 15
Chapter Two Chapter Nine Chapter 16
Chapter Three Chapter Ten Chapter 17
Chapter Four Chapter Eleven Chapter 18
Chapter Five Chapter Twelve
Chapter Six Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Seven Chapter Fourteen

Dean had barely taken two steps inside the cabin before Cas pushed him against the nearest wall. Cas leaned in, no hesitation, and crushed their lips together. Dean felt the warmth of Cas’s fingers as they slipped under his shirt, traveled along his abdomen; a thumb brushed across his nipple and back again - teasing. Dean gripped Cas’s hips and pulled him closer. Cas’s firm dick pressed against him; Dean growled and deepened the kiss with demanding licks of his tongue. Cas responded in kind, soft sounds coming from his throat.

Cas’s hands traveled down below his waist, rubbing and cupping him through his jeans. Dean moaned, Cas started to slowly work the zipper down.

All Dean could think was now, now, now.

Dean groaned with relief as his pants fell around his ankles.

Which wasn’t fair, Dean thought dimly, Cas had way too much clothing on.

Dean gasped as Cas took him in his hand. He moaned, then ran his teeth gently along the side Cas’s neck. When he felt Cas’s racing carotid pulse beneath his mouth, he teased it with his tongue. Dean grabbed the hem of Castiel’s shirt and tugged. Cas backed up just enough to help Dean, then he was back on him, hands seeking skin like he couldn’t get enough. His hand traveled lower, cupping Dean’s balls. Lightly fondling at first; when Dean shuddered jerking upward for more contact, he squeezed gently.

“Jesus, Cas.”

Cas chuckled.

Dean stepped out of his pants, then started guiding toward his bed. When the back of Cas’s legs bumped up against the mattress, he laid down, pulling Dean on top of him.

As soon as they hit the bed, reality broke through his haze of desire. Holy shit, what am I doing? He paused and took a good look at Cas. He was tenting in his pants, his lips were slightly parted, his skin flushed, his breathing heavy - he looked good. He, damn. Dean felt his pulse pick up, unsure.

Cas seemed to know. “You okay? We can slow down,” he whispered. His eyes burned with need, but his voice was full of patience and understanding, and maybe just a little regret. Dean felt himself relax.

This was Cas.

“I’m better than okay,” he grinned and yanked off his angel’s pants.

Cas laughed as he threw them on the floor.

Dean pulled Cas’s underwear off next, and tossed them somewhere out of the way.

Dean pulled off his own and straddled Cas. He started gently biting his nipples, his tongue brushing against them as they hardened. Cas legs wrapped around him, and his hands squeezed Dean’s butt, pulling them more tightly together.

“You‘re still wearing a shirt,” Cas said, while running his fingers up and down Dean’s back.

Dean yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it off to the side, not really caring where it went. He was too fixated on the man underneath him. Cas’s body was all lean muscle, his fingers long and elegant - Cas was perfect. There was no other way to put it. “You’re fucking hot, you know that?” Dean growled, his fingers massaging Cas’s chest, wandering down to his abdomen, savoring the feel of his smooth skin over toned muscle.

Something vulnerable crossed over Cas’s face; his eyes asking a silent “really?”

You’d think with all the tail Cas had gotten he’d have realized he wasn’t hurting in the looks department. It served as a reminder to Dean of all the invisible scars Cas was still carrying. It was time to start remedying that.

Dean ran his hands over Cas’s face, then kissed him tenderly on the chin, the nose, and finally his lips. “Smoking hot,” he whispered.

Cas hummed a wordless praise as he returned Dean’s touches. He groaned, as Dean grasped his cock and started jerking him off. He smiled as he watched Cas moan and gasp under his touch. His breaths came faster, his moans became more frantic - Dean enjoyed watching Cas come undone underneath him.

“Dean,” Cas panted, taking Dean’s hand, guiding it away from his shaft. “At this rate you’ll,” Cas swallowed, breathless. Dean liked that to. “I want to…”Cas trailed off, unsure, silently asking if Dean would mind if he led. Dean felt his face heat up - he was no virgin, but he was beginning to realize he was out of his depth.

Dean nodded once.

Cas smiled up at him, obviously pleased with Dean‘s answer. In one fluid motion Cas brought his right knee up, pressing it against Dean‘s chest, his foot hooked around his hip, and his body twisted making some space between them. His left leg pushed into Dean‘s thigh. Dean knew what Cas was up to; he was quite familiar with the martial arts move sweep to mount, but he didn’t resist- he was curious where this might lead. Cas made a scissor- like motion with his legs, they rolled, and Dean ended up on the bottom.

Cas stared down at him for a few heartbeats, his eyes sliding up and down Dean’s body, his expression hungry. Cas leaned down, dark eyes fixated on Dean’s, making sure he watched as he took him into his mouth.

For once Dean didn’t mind not being in charge. It was somehow unsettling and sexy all at once.

Dean‘s hands burrowed in Cas’s hair as he bucked in pleasure. His hips started undulating, following Cas’s movements. Dean watched as Cas started slow, only bringing him halfway inside, then he would take all of him for several amazing heartbeats, then back to halfway.

It was making Dean insane.

Dean had to close his eyes to keep it from being over to soon.

“Cas,” he heard himself pant.

Cas ran his hands down Dean’s thighs. Dean shuddered with pleasure. Cas’s tongue ran over the head of his dick, tasting him. Dean groaned and basked in the fire building within him.

Cas then proved he was a freaking genius when he tightened his lips around Dean’s head, popping it in and out. Dean gasped, panted, and his fingers dug into the blanket beneath him. Dean’s moans got louder and louder until, with one final cry, he came into Cas’s warm, talented mouth.

“Holy shit,” Dean gasped while pulling Cas back on top of him.

Cas looked a bit smug. Dean didn’t mind.

Dean rolled them over, taking his turn on top and kissed Cas deeply. Cas tasted like him; a ripple of excitement traveled along his spine.

“I guess it‘s my turn now,” Dean grinned while he pressed his abdomen against Cas’s dick, savoring the eager look on Cas’s face.

“Please,” Cas gasped as he lifted his hips, thrusting his erection more deeply against Dean.

Dean took his time sliding back, he almost laughed when Cas immediately opened his legs the second he was in position.

It seemed Cas was more than ready.

The question was, was he? He wanted to return the favor, but he felt like a teenager again, going down on his first girlfriend. What if he didn’t like it? What if he didn’t do it right - and Cas didn’t like it? Dean took a deep breath, his eyes met Cas’s warm, dilated, blue eyes. Cas gave him a soft smile, his expression one of patience again.

Cas wouldn’t be pissed if he didn’t suck him; Dean decided to start with more familiar ground.

His hand grasped Cas’s cock and he started slowly, jerking him off again.

Cas started panting and moaning again.

Dean felt a bit bolder.

He used his tongue to lick the tip of Cas’s smooth cock, taking a small taste of precome. It was salty, but not unpleasant. Cas shuddered, his hips rose a bit.

Dean smiled and felt his confidence surge.

He took Cas in his mouth, bringing him in a few inches.

Cas whimpered his name, his tone husky and encouraging at the same time.

Dean had never been one to shy away from a challenge.

He knew he didn’t know what he was doing, but hell, practice makes perfect.

He took Cas in his mouth and focused on finding a steady rhythm. It was a bit messy at first, but after several minutes, Dean got more comfortable.

He remembered how good it had felt when Cas had sucked all of him; he tried that.

Cas made a sound that sent chills down Dean’s spine.

He ran his hands over Cas’s firm thighs while he sucked him. Cas trembled.

Dean smiled, pulling back slightly, using his tongue to trace a path around the head of Cas’s dick before falling back into a steady rhythm.

He could hear Cas’s breathing turning into desperate panting, could feel his muscles tensing in his legs and ass.

“Dean, I’m almost there,” Cas was warning him, letting him know in case he wanted to pull back.

Dean hesitated for a second, before he realized he didn’t want to stop. Hell, he’d worked up the nerve to give a dude a blow-job, he might as well get the full experience.

He answered Cas’s unspoken question by speeding up.

The last thing Dean heard before the former angel climaxed was Cas screaming his name.


Castiel couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t care that the world was shit. He didn’t care that he’d lost his grace. All he cared about was the feel of Dean curled up around him.

Cas could feel Dean’s heart against his back, his breath tickling his hair, his fingers tracing a path up and down his arm.

“We probably should get up,” Dean whispered, then brushed his lips up against Cas’s ear.

“Yeah,” Cas rolled over, draping one leg over Dean’s hip. “We should.”

He searched Dean’s face for anything that resembled regret or uncertainty. There was none. He looked happy, peaceful even. It was an expression Cas couldn’t remember ever seeing Dean wear. Sure he’d seen him smile before, but not like this. No one had ever looked at Castiel like this. Not any of the women he’d shared a bed with, not any of his angel brothers or sisters- no one had made him feel so unique.

Dean put his forehead against Cas’s and breathed in deeply.

Cas slid his arms around Dean’s waist, and debated if he should say what he was feeling. “I don’t want you to think I regret anything that’s happened since you arrived.”

Dean angled his head back so he could meet Cas’s gaze, he stiffened slightly, but his expression remained calm, perhaps even a bit curious.

“You being sent to this place and time was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, to everyone. You should know that,” he fell silent and waited, hoping that wasn’t too much.

Dean leaned in and kissed Cas softly for several moments then whispered. “I’m just hoping I don’t screw this up.” He grinned, but there was something else lingering behind his eyes.

Cas felt a warmth spread through him all the way down to his toes. “We really should get up. People might start to wonder where we are.”

Dean groaned.

Cas just smiled. They’d wasted half the day already; it was amazing how fast time moved when you were enjoying yourself.

He untangled his limbs from Dean’s, then stretched, and sat up. He took in the room. Their clothes were everywhere; somehow, they’d even knocked down a few candles.

Dean sat up. “Damn.”

“Yeah,” Cas agreed.

Cas swung his legs over the edge and stood up. He went on a scavenger hunt for his underwear which he found hiding by the edge of the bed. Cas bent down to pick them up and heard Dean sigh happily.

Cas stood, his boxers dangling from his hand and found Dean staring at him, a sexy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Don’t mind me,” he drawled, giving Cas a lingering once-over.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Cas smirked, ducking his head to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks as he pulled his underwear on. He started rooting for his pants. He found them tucked underneath the bed, he could feel Dean’s eyes following him as he picked them up. Cas pulled his pants on and allowed himself another good, long look at the hunter. He was sprawled across the bed, still completely naked, looking very satisfied. Cas was having a hard time resisting the impulse to climb right back in that bed.

At this rate, they’d never leave the damn cabin.

Cas decided it was time to get Dean out of bed by force if necessary. He picked up Dean’s shirt, rolled it into a ball and flung it right at Dean’s head. Dean ducked, rolled off the bed, and charged him. Cas made a half-assed attempt to get away. Dean grabbed him around the waist, hefted him over his shoulder, slapped his ass, then carried him into his bedroom.

Cas hadn’t laughed this hard - ever. Except maybe on laundry day, the thought only made him crack up more.

Dean tossed him onto the bed, and straddled him. Well, at least I got him out of one bed. “I guess your leg is all better,” Cas managed.

Dean simply smiled then started grinding his hips against Cas. The former angel stopped laughing.

He felt himself start to heat up again. They were definitely not leaving this cabin.

Dean bent down and caressed Cas’s mouth with his, after a few moments, he gently bit his bottom lip. Cas couldn’t stop the moan that escaped. Dean went back to caressing, then another nip followed, all the while his hips kept working their magic. Cas could feel the heat building, his breathing quickened. This was never going to get old.

Dean stopped and sat up. “Did you hear that?”

Cas froze. Footsteps. Someone was inside.

“Cas. Dean. Are you in here?”

“Son of a bitch,” Dean groaned. “Cas, you really need to get a freaking door.”

“I‘m beginning to realize that.” Cas couldn‘t help feeling a little annoyed at the intruder, but at least he was partially dressed- Dean on the other hand. “You stay here.” Cas stood up, trying to calm his racing pulse and conceal his erection.

Cas stepped out of the bedroom. Risa was standing in the middle of the main living area, her eyes wide, as she took in the room. “We’re here,” Cas said with a smile.

“Umm, hi. I was just coming to check on you guys. You were supposed to meet us twenty minutes ago.”

Cas’s brain took a few seconds to kick into gear. “The card game,” he groaned. “I’m sorry we…were busy.”

“I’m starting to see that,” Risa smiled awkwardly.

“Give us five minutes and we’ll be there.” Cas heard Dean laughing in the background.

“Are you sure?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow. It felt as if she were asking wouldn’t you rather stay?

“Yeah, we just need to…clean up a bit.”

Dean’s laughter was turning into a roar.

Cas struggled to keep his face impassive, he could feel those first flickers of embarrassment threatening. This was going to be one hell of a card game.

“Okay,” she took one last look at the mess, then turned and walked out.

Cas peeked into the bedroom. Dean was trying to keep a straight face when he said. “Guess we’re not keeping this a secret.”

Considering Chuck had caught them making out, it was probably a moot point, but Cas couldn’t keep himself from asking, “You’re okay with that?”

Dean stopped smiling. “I’m not ashamed, Cas.”

Cas felt any remaining worries about their newly explored territory melt away. “Good. Now get some damn clothes on before we end up being even later.”


They both sat down at the table where Molly, Mark, Chuck, and Risa were already seated. Dean nodded at everyone. He noticed Cas doing the same. After about ten seconds of oppressive silence Dean blurted, “Yes. Me and Cas had amazing sex today. Anyone got a problem with that?”

Dean glared daggers at each of them, daring them to give him shit.

Mark muttered, “It’s about damn time.”

The group all shared knowing glances.

Dean allowed that as he reached for the deck of cards.

He could feel Cas smiling next to him.


Dean woke up lying in an empty field of grass. There was a thick, soupy fog that hung in the air. He shivered while he slowly stood up.

“What the hell?” Dean said struggling to see anything. Every now and then, he thought he caught a glimpse of something moving in the fog, but then it would vanish.

This didn’t make any sense. Dean thought back to the last thing he remembered. There was a card game, which he’d won two candy bars, and a pack of gum. He and Cas had gone home, ate dinner, then they’d both been exhausted, so they’d gotten ready for bed. They ‘d decided to start sharing Cas’s bedroom because that room actually had a door. They’d crashed.

Then he’d woken up here, wherever here was. Dean had a feeling he wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

“Should I click my heels together?” he shouted into the nothingness. “Whoever’s there, I’m getting tired of waiting, so why don’t you come on out!”

“Hello, Dean.”

Dean felt like someone had slapped him in the face. That voice.

Out of the fog walked someone who looked like Sam, but didn’t move like him, didn’t speak like him, and most of all wasn’t his brother.

“It’s good to see you. You’re a hard one to get in touch with. I was expecting to meet you sooner.”

He was wearing a white suit, and he emerged out of the fog like he was stepping down from a throne. His head was tilted just a bit and he wore a cryptic smile.

The bile rose in Dean’s throat. “I’m dreaming, aren’t I?”

“Yes.” He stepped closer, Dean reached for the knife he normally kept in his back pocket, then remembered this wasn’t real. Satan’s smile widened. “I’m not going to hurt you, Dean.”

Says the spider to the fly. Dean fought down the urge to take a step back, then forced himself to make eye contact with the devil. “What do you want?”

Lucifer shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “To help you.”

“Help me? The only way you can help me is to get the hell out of my brother, you arrogant prick!”

His expression changed to one of hurt. Dean‘s temper flared. “Your brother invited me in, it was his choice.”

“I’ll bet. I’m sure you didn’t spend every second manipulating him, lying to him, and making him feel like he didn’t have any other option,” Dean snarled.

“I may have visited him on several occasions, just like this. I assure you, this was meant to be, Dean. It had to be Sam. There was no one else,” Lucifer replied.

“We’ll see about that.”

The devil’s face took on an expression of pity. “Dean. Your brother, he’s barely even here anymore. He went silent long ago; he crawled into the back of his mind, and never emerged. There is nothing left of Sam to save.”

Dean felt his eyes prickle, but he would not cry. Not in front of this son of a bitch. He wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “I don’t believe you.”

“It doesn’t matter. That’s not why I’m here.”

“Then why don’t you get to the freaking point? I’ve almost met my quota of crazy for the day.”

The devil chuckled. “I do like you, Dean." He breathed in deeply; his grin softened. “You smell of little Castiel. You’re obviously fond of him; he and I are much alike - I don’t understand why you have such hate for me, while you embrace him.”

Dean recoiled. “Fuck you.”

Lucifer pointed at his own chest and said, his voice dripping with sincerity, “I am not evil, only misunderstood.”

“I don‘t give a flying fuck about the sob story you’ve crafted to make yourself look like a victim,” Dean spat. “And don‘t you ever compare yourself to Cas.”

Lucifer shook his head softly, but steered the conversation in a new direction. “He’s the reason I’ve had so much trouble reaching you. Those markings he branded you with, they are quite a nuisance.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” Dean managed to make his voice smug, despite the terror that was rippling though him.

Lucifer‘s eyes became admiring. “Cas is very clever, as are many of my brothers and sisters. Perhaps you’ve had the pleasure of meeting another of them during your stay here?” The question was casual, but Dean felt his heart jump.

“According to Cas, they all left,” Dean said pointedly, his tone making it clear he knew Lucifer should be aware of that fact.

Lucifer shrugged, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a single red rose, he brought it to his nose and closed his eyes. “Have you had any new arrivals at your camp? ”

What the fuck? Dean plastered on his best poker face. “Maybe, what‘s it to you?”

Satan sighed. “I‘m only trying to help you, but someone is preventing me from doing so,” he paused, his eyes gentle, sincere - it made Dean want to puke. “Someone is preventing me from sending you back to your time.”

You have got to be kidding me. Dean felt sick, this ass really knew just how to push his buttons.

“I can do it, you know, I can send you back,” Lucifer’s tone was calm, but his eyes were too steady. The emotion that had been in them before was muted, it made Dean‘s hackles rise. The bastard was up to something. Could he know about their plan to try and exorcise him from Sam’s body? Dean felt his stomach churn; that would make this creepy visit make more sense. There was no way the devil just woke up one morning and decided to do him a solid. He had to want something more than he was letting on.

“And what‘ll that cost me? Dean spat, hoping to lure out more information.

“Nothing.” His expression melted into one of compassion as he added, “But I would like to speak to my little brother, first.”

Weird - he knew Cas was with him, couldn’t he just locate the camp through him? Show up at the foot of Dean’s bed and either kill him or send him blasting through the space time continuum.

Unless, he couldn’t.

Maybe Cas was shielding them from his sight somehow? But Cas was sapped of all of his angel mojo. Was he strong enough to block out the devil? Dean brushed the matter aside, he’d deal with it later.

It was still possible he was fishing for information in a very roundabout way about their plan to save Sam. If he wanted to stop them, he’d need to find them, and if Cas was preventing him from doing that - he’d need to address that problem.

Dean felt his stomach twist. Maybe this was all about Cas. Maybe he wanted to recruit him, or get him out of the way? Dean knew he was missing something, hopefully Cas could clear that up for him later.

The only thing he was certain of was that the devil knew that offering to send him home was the answer to all of Dean’s problems, laid out on a silver platter.

It was the perfect bait to use against him - and the perfect distraction to keep him from trying to see between the lines.

The devil didn’t know him very well if he thought for one second he was going to give away their location and sell all of those people down the river like his predecessor had been willing to. Hell, this entire shit storm had started because Sam had listened to this joker, because he’d known just what to say to get him to say ‘yes‘.

This was no different. No matter what his game was, the devil was trying to play him like a fiddle. Fuck that.

“No thanks. I’m done making deals with demons,” Dean spat out surprised by how easy it was to toss away his last shot to make it back to his own time.

And maybe there’s a small part of you that doesn’t want to leave, Cas, the thought surfaced and for once Dean didn’t bother to argue with his sub-conscience. It wasn’t worth it anymore; the thing had a mind of its own.

Satan finally lost his composure. “I am no demon,” he hissed his eyes almost glowing with spite.

“Exactly chump, which means there’s no deal you couldn’t break. You’re asking me to trust you, and that’s never gonna happen, so why don’t you just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of because I’m not buying what you’re selling,” Dean smirked. “To me you‘re just another scumbag I need to toss out with the trash,” Dean bit out, his gaze steady, his posture confident.

Lucifer took a step towards him, his expression frustrated.

Dean felt something pull at him, warmth spreading out from his heart.

The Devil’s eyes widened slightly as he froze. “So very clever,” he murmured.

Dean felt it again. He saw a flicker of blue eyes, felt the pressure of someone’s hands on his chest, then he was back in the fog.

“Cas,” Dean whispered. He closed his eyes and focused. There was a very faint, very familiar voice calling his name.

“It looks like I’ll have to cut this visit short.”

“Too bad, and I was having so much fun.” Dean packed as much bravado as he could into those words.

The devil just smiled again, full of arrogance. “My offer still stands.”

“Not interested.”

Lucifer tossed the rose at Dean’s feet. “I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

“Count on it,” Dean shot back.

Then the feeling of warmth and love enveloped his senses.

He felt the mattress underneath him, heard Cas repeating his full name over and over again, his tone was one of conviction. He could feel Cas’s hands over his heart. Dean opened his eyes, and Cas’s face was only inches from his, sweat coated his skin, his eyes were wide, unblinking.

“I’m awake,” Dean gasped.

Cas blinked, he seemed to be coming out of some sort of trance, then he collapsed against Dean’s chest.

“Ouch,” Dean grunted. He gently rolled Cas off him.

“Cas.” He could hear him breathing in and out. His shirt was soaked with perspiration, his body limp. Whatever the hell he’d been doing had wiped him out.

Dean, on the other hand, felt fine, slightly lightheaded, but it was fading fast. He checked Cas’s pulse, a little rapid, but nothing to panic over. Dean ran his fingers through his lover’s wet hair and whispered, “Thanks for having my back, Cas. Now hurry and wake up so I can yell at you for being such a freaking idiot.”

He sat up, slid Castiel into his lap, letting his head rest against his thigh. Dean rested his hands across Cas’s chest, then settled in for a long night. There was no way in hell he was getting any more sleep tonight.

Next Chapter

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fic: the long road back, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, supernatural, genre: slash

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